Exemple #1
def main_ocean_wave():

    if os.path.exists(outfile + "_ocean_wave_mask.png"):

    imgsrc = kalgorithm.imgRead(repairfile).astype(np.float32)
    sky = kalgorithm.imgRead(skyfile).astype(np.float32)

    masksrc = kalgorithm.bgr2gray(kalgorithm.imgRead(repairmaskfile))

    vline = findvline()

    fisher_girl_mask = 255 - kalgorithm.bgr2gray(
        kalgorithm.imgRead(outfile + "_fisher_girl_mask.png"))

    # 背景减去 渔女,剩下 海平面。
    outv = masksrc - masksrc * (fisher_girl_mask / 255.0)

    outv[:vline, ...] = 0
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile + "_ocean_wave_mask.png", outv)

    outv[:vline, ...] = 255
    outv[vline:, ...] = 0
    outv = outv.astype(np.float32)
         ...] = outv[:vline, ...] * (1 -
                                     (fisher_girl_mask[:vline, ...] / 255.0))
    outv = np.clip(outv, 0, 255)
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile + "_sky_mask.png", outv)
Exemple #2
def main_replace_sky():
    mask_fishergirl = outfile + "_fisher_girl_mask.png"
    mask_sea = outfile + "_ocean_wave_mask.png"
    mask_sky = outfile + "_sky_mask.png"

    imgsrc = kalgorithm.imgRead(repairfile).astype(np.float32)
    sky = kalgorithm.imgRead(skyfile).astype(np.float32)
    mask_sky = kalgorithm.imgRead(mask_sky).astype(np.float32)
    mask_sky = kalgorithm.meanFilter(mask_sky)  # 均值滤波,接头处就不生硬了。

    sky = kalgorithm.blInterpolate(sky, 0.33333333334, 0.33333333334)
    print("imgsrc", imgsrc.shape, "sky",
          sky.shape)  # (744, 1100, 3) (618, 1100, 3)
    print("mask_sky", mask_sky.shape)  # (744, 1100, 3)

    newsky = np.zeros((mask_sky.shape[0], mask_sky.shape[1], sky.shape[2]),
    newsky[:, :] = 0
    newsky[:sky.shape[0], :sky.shape[1]] = sky
    print("newsky", newsky.shape)  # 搞成一样大,才可以做乘法,合成图片。

    mask_sky = mask_sky / 255
    print(newsky.shape, mask_sky.shape, imgsrc.shape)
    finalimage = newsky * mask_sky + imgsrc * (1 - mask_sky)

    kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile + "_sky_cloud.png", finalimage)
def main():
    inputfile  = r"./input_images/phase2/phase2_broken.jpg"
    imgsrc = kalgorithm.imgRead(inputfile)

    outputfile  = r"./output_images/phase2/phase2_broken_sharpen_spatial.jpg"
    img = kalgorithm.sharpenImage3d(imgsrc.copy())
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outputfile, img)
Exemple #4
def main_fisher_girl_mask():

    if os.path.exists(outfile + "_fisher_girl_mask.png"):

    imgsrc = kalgorithm.imgRead(repairfile).astype(np.float32)
    sky = kalgorithm.imgRead(skyfile).astype(np.float32)

    # 使用色彩追踪和形态学运算得到图像中感兴趣区域
    # RGB > HSV
    mask = BGR2HSV(imgsrc)

    # color tracking
    mask = get_mask(mask)

    # masking
    out = masking(imgsrc, mask)  # 把太黑的一起识别出来,认为是陆地。主要识别小岛。
    out = kalgorithm.bgr2gray(out)
    mask = kalgorithm.thresholdOtsuBinarization(out).astype(np.float32) / 255

    # closing,移除部分毛刺
    mask = Morphology_Closing(mask, time=1)  # 更多白区域,移除小黑点。

    # opening,域女再变肥一点。
    mask = Erode(mask, erodeTime=1)

    # masking
    out = masking(imgsrc, mask)

    kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile + "_fisher_girl.png", out)  # 把海岛准确识别出来了。
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile + "_fisher_girl_mask.png", mask * 255)
Exemple #5
def encode(srcInputFile, waterMarkFile, dstOutputFile):
    srcimg = kalgorithm.imgRead(srcInputFile)
    watermark = blInterpolate(kalgorithm.imgRead(waterMarkFile), 2, 2)

    watermark = bgr2gray(watermark).astype(np.float)
    watermark = 255 - watermark
    watermark = thresholdOtsuBinarization(watermark)


    WH, WW = watermark.shape
    IMGH, IMGW, IMGC = srcimg.shape

    srcimg = srcimg // 4 * 4

    for y in range(WH):
        for x in range(WW):
            #print(srcimg[y, x])
            if watermark[y, x]:
                srcimg[y, x, 0] = srcimg[y, x, 0] | 0x2
                srcimg[y, x, 1] = srcimg[y, x, 1] | 0x2
                srcimg[y, x, 2] = srcimg[y, x, 2] | 0x2

    kalgorithm.imgSave(dstOutputFile, srcimg)
    cv2.imwrite(dstOutputFile, srcimg, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 100])
Exemple #6
def main():
    inputfile = r"./input_images/phase2/phase2_broken.jpg"
    outputfile = r"./output_images/phase2/phase2_sharpen_frequency_gaussian.jpg"
    img = cv2.imread(inputfile)
    newimg = kalgorithm.gaussianHighFrequencyFilterImage(img)
    # https://blog.csdn.net/qq_30815237/article/details/98655630
    #newimg = kalgorithm.histEqualization(newimg) # 高频滤波后一般都要直方图均衡一下
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outputfile, newimg)
def main():
    inputfile  = r"./input_images/phase2/phase2_broken.jpg"
    imgsrc = kalgorithm.imgRead(inputfile)
    kalgorithm.pltHistAndImage(imgsrc.astype(np.uint8), "phase2_broken.Original")

    img = kalgorithm.histEqualization(imgsrc.copy())
    outfile  = r"./output_images/phase2/phase2_broken_hist_equalization.jpg"
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile, img)
    kalgorithm.pltHistAndImage(img, "phase2_broken.histEqualization")

    img = kalgorithm.histManipulation(imgsrc.copy())
    outfile  = r"./output_images/phase2/phase2_broken_hist_manipulation.jpg"
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile, img)
    kalgorithm.pltHistAndImage(img, "phase2_broken.histManipulation")
Exemple #8
def mainfixfile():
    srcfile = "./output_images/phase2/phase2_broken_nn.jpg.png"
    dstfile = "./output_images/phase3/phase3_repair_original.png"
    imgsrc = None
    if not os.path.exists(dstfile):
        img = kalgorithm.imgRead(srcfile)
        H, W, C = img.shape
        img = kalgorithm.nnInterpolateRound(img, int(H / 3), int(W / 3))

        # 一上来就修复图片
        # kalgorithm.imgSave(dstfile, img)
        from phase2_broken_repair import mainfix
        imgsrc = mainfix(img, dstfile, 240, onlyeasy=True)
        imgsrc = kalgorithm.imgRead(dstfile).astype(np.float32)

    if not os.path.exists(dstfile + ".mask.png"):
        out = calculateMask(imgsrc)
        kalgorithm.imgSave(dstfile + ".mask.png", out)

    # 分离出水平线
    if not os.path.exists(repairmaskfile):
        out = kalgorithm.imgRead(dstfile + ".mask.png").astype(np.float32)
        out = kalgorithm.bgr2gray(out)
        out = morphologyErodeLine(out, 1, linelen=40)
        out = morphologyDilateLine(out, 1, linelen=40)
        kalgorithm.imgSave(dstfile + ".mask.line.png", out)

        # 根据水平线,矫正原图。
        angle = findAngle(out)  # 找到偏移角度。
        print("angle", angle)
        imgsrc = kalgorithm.imgRead(dstfile).astype(np.float32)

        imgsrc = kalgorithm.affineRotation(imgsrc, angle)
        # 修复边缘。
        while maskfill(imgsrc):

        kalgorithm.imgSave(repairfile, imgsrc)
        out = calculateMask(imgsrc)
        kalgorithm.imgSave(repairmaskfile, out)
        ## 计算海平面的那条线。准确分离。
        out = morphologyErodeLine(out, 1, linelen=40)
        out = morphologyDilateLine(out, 3, linelen=80)
        kalgorithm.imgSave(repairmaskfile + ".mask.line.png", out)
Exemple #9
def decode(dstOutputFile, recoverWaterMark):

    srcimg = kalgorithm.imgRead(dstOutputFile)

    #srcimg = srcimg % 4 / 3 * 255

    IMGH, IMGW, IMGC = srcimg.shape
    for y in range(IMGH):
        for x in range(IMGW):
            a, b, c = srcimg[y, x, 0], srcimg[y, x, 1], srcimg[y, x, 2]
            if (a % 4 in (2, 3)) and (b % 4 in (2, 3)) and (c % 4 in (2, 3)):
                srcimg[y, x] = 255
                srcimg[y, x] = 0

    #srcimg = blInterpolate(srcimg, 0.2, 0.2)
    kalgorithm.imgSave(recoverWaterMark, srcimg)
Exemple #10
def phase1_optional(inputImgPath: str, outImgPath: str):
    img = kalgorithm.imgRead(inputImgPath)
    img = 255 - img
    img = cropImage(img)  # 剪裁
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outImgPath + ".1.jpg", img)
    img = rotateImage(img)  # 旋转
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outImgPath + ".2.jpg", img)
    img = cropImage(img)  # 再剪裁
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outImgPath, img)
def mainfix(imgsrc, outputfile, threshold=250, onlyeasy=False, savemask=False):

    imggray = kalgorithm.bgr2gray(imgsrc).astype(np.uint8)
    imggray = kalgorithm.thresholdBinarization(imggray, threshold)
    if savemask:
        kalgorithm.imgSave(outputfile + ".mask.png", imggray)

    if not onlyeasy:
        mask = imggray.copy().astype(bool, copy=False)
        outimg = imgsrc.copy()
        pyheal.inpaint(outimg, mask, 5)
        kalgorithm.imgSave(outputfile + ".heal.png", outimg)

    # 根据 mask 对原图进行临近填充
    maskfill(imggray, imgsrc)
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outputfile, imgsrc)
    return imgsrc
Exemple #12
def main():
    inputfile = r"./input_images/phase2/phase2_broken.jpg"
    imgsrc = kalgorithm.imgRead(inputfile)

    # 均值滤波器
    meanFilterOutput = r"./output_images/phase2/phase2_broken_mean_filter.jpg"
    img = kalgorithm.meanFilter(imgsrc.copy(), ksize=5)
    kalgorithm.imgSave(meanFilterOutput, img)

    # 中值滤波
    medianFilterOutput = r"./output_images/phase2/phase2_broken_median_filter.jpg"
    img = kalgorithm.medianFilter(imgsrc.copy(), ksize=5)
    kalgorithm.imgSave(medianFilterOutput, img)

    # 高斯滤波
    gaussianFilterOutput = r"./output_images/phase2/phase2_broken_gaussian_filter.jpg"
    img = kalgorithm.gaussianFilter(imgsrc.copy(), ksize=5)
    kalgorithm.imgSave(gaussianFilterOutput, img)
def maintask(xcode):
    # 在前面结果的基础上,继续工作。
    prefile = r"./output_images/phase3/phase3_sky.jpg_sky_cloud.png"
    imgsrc = kalgorithm.imgRead(prefile).astype(np.float32)

    mask_fishergirl = inputfile + "_fisher_girl_mask.png"
    mask_sea = inputfile + "_ocean_wave_mask.png"
    mask_sky = inputfile + "_sky_mask.png"

    sky = kalgorithm.imgRead(skyfile).astype(np.float32)
    mask_sea = kalgorithm.imgRead(mask_sea).astype(np.float32)

    sky = kalgorithm.blInterpolate(sky, 0.33333333334, 0.33333333334)

    # 做一个天空的镜像
    skydst = sky.copy()
    skyH, skyW, skyC = sky.shape
    for y in range(skyH):
        for x in range(skyW):
            skydst[y, x] = sky[skyH - 1 - y, skyW - 1 - x]
    sky = skydst

    print("imgsrc", imgsrc.shape, "sky",
          sky.shape)  # (744, 1100, 3) (618, 1100, 3)
    print("mask_sea", mask_sea.shape)  # (744, 1100, 3)

    # 把天空镜像搞成一样大,才可以做乘法。
    newsky = np.zeros((mask_sea.shape[0], mask_sea.shape[1], sky.shape[2]),
    newsky[:, :] = 0

    peak = findvline() + 1  # 前面算出来了这个分割位置
    print("peak", peak)
    newsky[peak:, :] = sky[:newsky.shape[0] - peak, :]
    print("newsky", newsky.shape)

    # 水面 云彩 倒影
    mask_sea[:peak, ...] = 0
    mask_sea = kalgorithm.bgr2gray(mask_sea)

    # 不要边缘(前面自己写的边缘修复算法存在些许缺陷)
    mask_sea[..., :5] = 0
    mask_sea[..., mask_sea.shape[1] - 5:] = 0

    # 海水搞大一点,倒影更明显一点。
    if not os.path.exists(outfile + "_mask_sea.png"):
        mask_sea = morphologyDilate(mask_sea, 1)  # 膨胀
        mask_sea = morphologyDilateLine(mask_sea, 2, linelen=3)  # 水平膨胀
        mask_sea = kalgorithm.meanFilter2D(mask_sea, K_size=7)  # 滤波
        mask_sea[:peak + 1, ...] = 0  # 膨胀后的边界清理
        mask_sea = kalgorithm.meanFilter2D(mask_sea)  # 滤波
        kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile + "_mask_sea.png", mask_sea)
    mask_sea = kalgorithm.imgRead(outfile + "_mask_sea.png").astype(
        np.float32) / 255

    print(imgsrc.shape, mask_sea.shape)
    outv = ((newsky * mask_sea * 0.35) +  # 下面部分,天空倒影
            (imgsrc * mask_sea * 0.4) +  # 下面部分,原图
            (imgsrc * (1 - mask_sea) * 0.8))  # 其他部分

    H, W, C = outv.shape
    GSIZE = H
    GaussianMask = gaussianMask(outv, dr=GSIZE / 4)
    if xcode:
        hsv = kalgorithm.bgr2hsv(outv)
        print("outv", outv.shape, outv[0, 0])

        for y in range(H):
            for x in range(W):
                hsv[y, x, 0] = xcode  #(35*2+hsv[y, x, 0])/3
                hsv[y, x, 2] = hsv[y, x, 2] * GaussianMask[y, x]
        outv = kalgorithm.hsv2bgr(hsv, outv)
        print("outv", outv.shape, outv[0, 0])

        for y in range(H):
            for x in range(W):
                outv[y, x, 2] = outv[y, x, 2] * GaussianMask[y, x]
                outv[y, x, 1] = outv[y, x, 1] * GaussianMask[y, x]
                outv[y, x, 0] = outv[y, x, 0] * GaussianMask[y, x]

    # 降低画面曝光度,伽马变换
    if True:  # 鱼女剪影
        imgsrc = imgsrc  #alg.gammaCorrection(imgsrc, g=0.5)
        print(imgsrc.shape, imgsrc[0, 0])
        hsv = kalgorithm.bgr2hsv(imgsrc)
        print(imgsrc.shape, imgsrc[0, 0])
        H, W, C = imgsrc.shape
        for y in range(H):
            for x in range(W):
                hsv[y, x, 2] = hsv[y, x, 2] / 3
        imgsrc = kalgorithm.hsv2bgr(hsv, imgsrc)

    # 渔女剪影效果
    # 背景调暗,渔女调整的更暗。
    outvgril = imgsrc  #alg.gammaCorrection(outv, g=0.3)

    mask_fishergirl = 255 - kalgorithm.imgRead(mask_fishergirl)
    mask_fishergirl = kalgorithm.meanFilter(mask_fishergirl)
    mask_fishergirl = mask_fishergirl.astype(np.float) / 255.
    outv = outv * (1 - mask_fishergirl) + outvgril * mask_fishergirl
    outv = np.clip(outv, 0, 255)

    # 对最终结果再微调。
    if True:
        pass  # 哎,算了,就这样吧。

    #cv2.putText(outv, "{}".format(xcode), (10, 40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
    #    1, (0, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
    if xcode:
        kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile + "_glod.png", outv)
        kalgorithm.imgSave(outfile, outv)
Exemple #14
def nnInterpolateProc(imgsrc, imgdst, scale):
    img = kalgorithm.nnInterpolate(imgsrc, scale, scale)
    kalgorithm.imgSave(imgdst, img)
Exemple #15
def phase1(inputImgPath: str, outImgPath: str):
    img = kalgorithm.imgRead(inputImgPath)
    img = 255 - img
    kalgorithm.imgSave(outImgPath, img)