def get_pop_data_array(timestep_array, high_goal, ability_id, command=None):
    pop_array = np.array([])
    for timestep in timestep_array:
        if timestep:
            high_input, _, pop_num = U.get_input(timestep)
            pop_label = -1
            if ability_id == C._A_TRAIN_PROBE:
                pop_label = 0
            elif ability_id == C._A_SMART_SCREEN:
                if command.target_screen_coord:
                    pos = command.target_screen_coord
                    if abs(pos.x - C.gas1_pos[0]) <= 1 and abs(pos.y - C.gas1_pos[1]) <= 1:
                        pop_label = 1
                        # print('gas_1')
                    if abs(pos.x - C.gas2_pos[0]) <= 1 and abs(pos.y - C.gas2_pos[1]) <= 1:
                        pop_label = 2
                        # print('gas_2')
            elif ability_id == C._A_TRAIN_ZEALOT:
                pop_label = 3
            elif ability_id == C._A_TRAIN_STALKER:
                pop_label = 4
            pop_input = np.concatenate([high_input, high_goal, pop_num], axis=0)
            pop_record = np.concatenate([pop_input, [pop_label]], axis=0)
            if pop_label >= 0:
                pop_array = np.append(pop_array, pop_record)
    return pop_array
def get_tech_data_array(timestep_array, high_goal, ability_id, command=None):
    tech_array = np.array([])
    for timestep in timestep_array:
        if timestep:
            high_input, tech_cost, _ = U.get_input(timestep)
            # tech_label = 0  # no_op
            if ability_id == C._A_BUILD_PYLON_S:
                tech_label = 0
            elif ability_id == C._A_BUILD_ASSIMILATOR_S:
                tech_label = 1
            elif ability_id == C._A_BUILD_GATEWAY_S:
                tech_label = 2
            elif ability_id == C._A_BUILD_CYBER_S:
                tech_label = 3
            elif ability_id == -1:
                tech_label = 4
            tech_input = np.concatenate([high_input, high_goal, tech_cost], axis=0)
            tech_record = np.concatenate([tech_input, [tech_label]], axis=0)
            if command:
                if command.target_screen_coord:
                    pos = command.target_screen_coord
                    tech_record = np.concatenate([tech_record, [pos.x, pos.y]], axis=0)
            tech_array = np.append(tech_array, tech_record)
    return tech_array
Exemple #3
 def get_the_input_right(self, obs):
     high_input, tech_cost, pop_num = U.get_input(obs)
     controller_input = np.concatenate([high_input, tech_cost, pop_num],
     return controller_input
Exemple #4
 def get_policy_input(self, obs):
     high_input, tech_cost, pop_num = U.get_input(obs)
     policy_input = np.concatenate([high_input, tech_cost, pop_num], axis=0)
     return policy_input
def run(replay_name, replay_version, difficulty, run_config, interface, net):
    replay_path = 'D:/sc2/multi_agent/init/data/replays/' + replay_name

    attack_ability_list = [C._A_ATTACK_ATTACK_MINIMAP_S, C._A_ATTACK_MINIMAP_S]
    all_ability_list = tech_ability_list + pop_ability_list + attack_ability_list

    replay_data = run_config.replay_data(replay_path)
    start_replay = sc_pb.RequestStartReplay(

    with run_config.start(full_screen=FLAGS.full_screen, game_version=replay_version) as controller:
        info = controller.replay_info(replay_data)
        print(" Replay info ".center(60, "-"))
        print("-" * 60)
        print(" Replay difficulty: ", difficulty)
        C.difficulty = difficulty

        frame_num = info.game_duration_loops
        step_num = frame_num // FLAGS.step_mul
        sub_goal_frames = getSubGoalFrame(frame_num, replay=replay_path, fps=FLAGS.fps)

        obs_array_count = FLAGS.obs_array_count
        obs_array = [None] * obs_array_count

        feature_layer = features.Features(controller.game_info())
        path = FLAGS.save_path

        high_data = np.array([])
        tech_data = np.array([])
        pop_data = np.array([])
        begin_attack = False
        for i in range(step_num):
            # to play the game in the normal speed
            obs = controller.observe()
            timestep = environment.TimeStep(step_type=None,
                                            observation=None, raw_observation=obs)
            high_goal = net.predict_high(timestep)
            # print('high_goal:', high_goal)

            obs_data = feature_layer.transform_obs(obs.observation)
            frame_idx = obs_data["game_loop"][0]
            subgoals = [1 if start <= frame_idx <= end else 0 for [start, end, subgoal] in sub_goal_frames]
            obs_array[int(i / 2) % obs_array_count] = timestep

            use_rule = True
            if use_rule:
                gateway_count = U.get_unit_num(timestep, C._GATEWAY_TYPE_INDEX)
                cyber_count = U.get_unit_num(timestep, C._CYBER_TYPE_INDEX)
                pylon_count = U.get_unit_num(timestep, C._PYLON_TYPE_INDEX)

                player_common = timestep.raw_observation.observation.player_common
                subgoals[0] = 0 if player_common.food_workers >= 22 else 1
                subgoals[1] = 1 if 1 <= gateway_count else 0
                subgoals[2] = 1 if player_common.army_count >= 10 else 0

                use_no_op = False
                if use_no_op:
                    build_wait = False
                    if gateway_count >= 4 and cyber_count >= 1 and pylon_count >= 8:
                        build_wait = True
                    if gateway_count >= 6 and pylon_count >= 10:
                        build_wait = True
                    if build_wait:
                        tech_record = get_tech_data_array(obs_array, np.array(subgoals), -1)
                        tech_data = np.append(tech_data, tech_record)

            for action in obs.actions:
                act_fl = action.action_feature_layer
                if act_fl.HasField("unit_command"):
                    high_input, tech_cost, pop_num = U.get_input(timestep, difficulty)
                    ability_id = act_fl.unit_command.ability_id
                    if ability_id in tech_ability_list:
                        # [showRawObs(timestep.raw_observation) for timestep in obs_array]
                        tech_record = get_tech_data_array(obs_array, np.array(subgoals), ability_id)
                        tech_data = np.append(tech_data, tech_record)
                    if ability_id in pop_ability_list:
                        pop_record = get_pop_data_array(obs_array, np.array(subgoals), ability_id, act_fl.unit_command)
                        pop_data = np.append(pop_data, pop_record)
                        # print('len of pop_data:', pop_data.shape)
                    if act_fl.unit_command.ability_id in attack_ability_list:
                        begin_attack = True

            print('subgoals:', subgoals)

            if FLAGS.save_data:
                record = np.zeros(C._SIZE_HIGH_NET_INPUT + C._SIZE_HIGH_NET_OUT)
                high_input, tech_cost, pop_num = U.get_input(timestep, difficulty)
                record[0:C._SIZE_HIGH_NET_INPUT] = high_input
                record[C._SIZE_HIGH_NET_INPUT:] = np.array(subgoals)
                high_data = np.append(high_data, record)

        if FLAGS.save_data:
            with open(path + "high.txt", 'ab') as f:
                np.savetxt(f, high_data.reshape(-1, C._SIZE_HIGH_NET_INPUT + C._SIZE_HIGH_NET_OUT))
            with open(path + "tech.txt", 'ab') as f:
                np.savetxt(f, tech_data.reshape(-1, 26 + 1))
            with open(path + "pop.txt", 'ab') as f:
                np.savetxt(f, pop_data.reshape(-1, 30 + 1))