Exemple #1


# Parameters
# Instrument
instrument = 'EUR_USD'
granularity = 'M15'
_from = '2010-01-01T00:00:00Z'
_to = '2018-01-01T00:00:00Z'
# Window Parameters
window = 10000
search_outcomes = window
# Import Candles
candles = get_candles(instrument, granularity, _from, _to)

# Main iteration sequence
# Call each window.  Transform and collect all results
results = []
outcomes = []
for i in range(window, candles.shape[0] - search_outcomes):
    # Prepare Data Slice for linearg regression and outcome
    closings = candles.loc[i - window:i, 'midclose'].values
    closings_outcomes = candles.loc[i:min(i +
                                          search_outcomes, candles.shape[0]),
    # Flatten midclose values
    closings_flat = horizontal_transform(closings)
    # Create channel on flat midclose (c1 and c5 are nothing right now)
Exemple #2
instrument = 'EUR_USD'
granularity = 'M1'
_from = '2014-07-17T00:00:00Z'
_to = '2014-08-19T00:00:00Z'
_end = pd.to_datetime(_to) + timedelta(hours=180)
_end = str(_end).replace(' ', 'T') + 'Z'

# Summary filters
perc_outside_channel = .15
channel_break_top = False
channel_break_bottom = False
channel_placement = False
outer_channel_break = False

# Import Candles
candles = get_candles(instrument, granularity, _from, _to)
candles_after = get_candles(instrument, granularity, _from, _end)
# Prepare Data Slice for linearg regression
start = 0
stop = 100000
closings = candles.loc[start:stop, 'midclose']

# Shift Data down to Zero.  Reset Index
closings = closings - closings.values[0]
closings_x = np.arange(closings.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1)
closings_long = np.arange(candles_after.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1)
# Calculate Line, slope and summary statistics through linear regression
regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
regr.fit(closings_x, closings)
line = regr.predict(closings_x)
Exemple #3
class Currencies(granularity, _from, _to, column='midclose'):
    The instruments and ratios are set right now.
    This function removes the currencies from ratios.
    def init(self, pair_names, pair_value):
        # Not doing anything with this yet.....
    def currency_df(pair_names, pair_values):
                each c urrency should be input as name like gbp_usd.  Order matters
                Should be as array of all time values wanted.    
                Each currency needs to have a link - and only one - to every other
                currency names currnecy values have to have same location in lists
                Def need to go through each step checking values
        # preliminary organization
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # set up pair dictionary
        pair_d = {}
        for i in range(len(pair_names)):
            pair_d[pair_names[i]] = pair_values[i]
        # Collect currency names to withdraw from ratios.  Alphabetize
        currency_collection = []
        for pn in pair_names:
            currency_collection += pn.split('_')
        currency_collection = list(set(currency_collection))
        currency_strings = pd.Series(currency_collection).sort_values().values    
        # Create currency dictionary.  This will be converted to df for return
        currency_d = {}
        for i in range(len(currency_collection)):
            currency_d[currency_collection[i]] = 0
        # Main iteration.
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        for currency in currency_d.keys():
            pairs_list = []
            for k in pair_d.keys():
                if currency in str(k):
            pairs_list = pd.Series(pairs_list).sort_values().values
            # Create Coefficient array.
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Create array to say weather to use the coefficeint or its inverse.
            inverse_array = []
            for pair in pairs_list:
                if pair.index(currency) == 0:
            inverse_array = np.array(inverse_array)
            # Get all pairs to use.  Sort them into alhebetical order.  
            pairs = np.empty((pairs_list.shape[0], pair_d[pairs_list[0]].shape[0]))
            for i in range(pairs_list.shape[0]):
                if inverse_array[i] == 1:
                    pairs[i] = pair_d[pairs_list[i]]
                    pairs[i] = 1 / pair_d[pairs_list[i]]
            # Calculate currency.  Use that to calculate the rest
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Calculate prime currency
            currency_value = 1 / (pairs.sum(axis=0) + 1)
            # Calculate all others based on above
            all_currencies = pairs * currency_value
            # insert currency back into matrix so all our togehter (alphabetically)
            insert_here = np.where(currency_strings == currency)[0][0]
            insert_here *= pair_d[pairs_list[0]].shape[0]
            all_currencies = np.insert(all_currencies, insert_here, currency_value)
            all_currencies = all_currencies.reshape(pairs_list.shape[0] + 1, -1)
            # Add to dictionary
            currency_d[currency] = all_currencies
        # Create DataFrame and return
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # instantiate size
        all_values = np.empty((pair_d[pairs_list[0]].shape[0] \
                               * currency_d[currency_strings[0]].shape[0], 
                              currency_d[currency_strings[0]].shape[0] ))
        # For each currency, reshape by column.  Put into alphabaetical order
        for i in range(currency_strings.shape[0]): 
            all_values[:, i] = currency_d[currency_strings[i]]\
                               .reshape(-1, 1, order='F').ravel()
        # Create df indexes.  Location might create some difficuly if not enter ok
        locations = np.repeat(np.arange(pair_d[pair_names[0]].shape[0]), 
        currency_index = np.tile(currency_strings, pair_d[pairs_list[0]].shape[0] )
        # Create Dataframe
        values = pd.DataFrame(all_values, 
                              index = [locations, currency_index ])
        return values
    instruments = {
                   'EUR_USD': [], 
                   'EUR_AUD': [], 
                   'EUR_CAD': [],
                   'AUD_USD': [], 
                   'AUD_CAD': [],
                   'USD_CAD': [],
                   'GBP_USD': [],
                   'EUR_GBP': [],
                   'GBP_AUD': [],
                   'GBP_CAD': [],
                   'GBP_NZD': [],
                   'AUD_NZD': [],
                   'EUR_NZD': [],
                   'NZD_CAD': [],
                   'NZD_USD': [],
    instrument_list = list(instruments.keys())
    # Call all instruments.  get column and timestamp as index
    for instrument in instrument_list:
         df = get_candles(instrument, granularity, _from, _to)[['timestamp', column]]
         df.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True, drop=True)
         instruments[instrument] = df
    # join all to one index to make sure times align.  Backfill missing
    for instrument in instrument_list[1:]:
        instruments[instrument_list[0]] = instruments[instrument_list[0]].join(instruments[instrument], lsuffix='.')
    instruments[instrument_list[0]].fillna(method='backfill', inplace=True)
    # Convert completed value set to unlabeled array in order of instrument_list
    pair_values = instruments[instrument_list[0]].T.values
    pair_names  = [x.lower() for x in instrument_list]   
    # Get names of currencies
    currencies = []
    for pn in pair_names:
        currencies += pn.split('_')
    currencies = list(set(currencies))
    currencies = pd.Series(currencies).sort_values().values 
    # Call Currency Matrix.
    currency_matrix  = currency_df(pair_names, pair_values)
    cur = currency_matrix.copy()    
    cur.index = cur.index.swaplevel(0,1)
    currency_set = cur.copy()
    # Just work with the Primaries
    primaries = pd.DataFrame()
    for col in cur.columns:
        primaries[col] = cur.loc[col, col]
    cur = primaries.copy()    
    # Create Ratios DataFrame (from pair_values and pair_names)
    ratios = pd.DataFrame(pair_values.T, columns=np.array(pair_names))
    # Create currency differernce dataframe
    curdiff = cur.rolling(window=2).apply(lambda x: x[1] - x[0])
    # Get index of values to drop
    filter_nas = cur[(pd.isna(curdiff) == True).sum(axis=1) > 0].index.values
    # Drop values and reindex
    for df in [ratios, cur, curdiff]:
        df.drop(filter_nas, inplace=True)
        df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    return {'currencies': cur,
           'currency_set': currency_set,
           'ratios': ratios,
           'currencies_delta': curdiff}
Exemple #4

# =============================================================================
# Call currency universe.  Multiprocessing Units.
# =============================================================================
if 0:       
    # Parameters    
    pair = 'EUR_USD'
    granularity = 'M1'
    _from = '2015-01-01T00:00:00Z'
    _to   = '2018-01-01T00:00:00Z'
    # Get Candles
    candles = get_candles(pair, granularity, _from, _to)
    ratio = candles['midclose']

# =============================================================================
# Get Outcomes
# =============================================================================
if 0:     
    targets = np.arange(.0005, .01 , .0015).round(6)
    outcomes = get_outcomes_multi(ratio.values, targets)
    up = outcomes['up']
    down = outcomes['down']
    # Build Results DataFrame
    long = up < down
Exemple #5
def backfill_with_singular(currencies, granularity, _from, _to):
    def new_matrix(currencies, instrument_list, instrument_values):
        # Get Currency Universe
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        currency_values = dict.fromkeys(currencies)
        for curr in currencies:
            # Get a list of all instruments that contain the currency
            pairs_list = []
            for instrument in instrument_list:
                if curr in instrument.split('_'):
            pairs_list = np.array(pairs_list)

            # Create array to say whether to use the coefficeint or its inverse.
            inverse_array = []
            for pair in pairs_list:
                if pair.index(curr) == 0:
            inverse_array = np.array(inverse_array)

            # Get all pairs to use.  Sort them into alhebetical order.
            pairs = [
            ]  #np.empty((pairs_list.shape[0], pair_d[pairs_list[0]].shape[0]))
            for i in range(pairs_list.shape[0]):
                if inverse_array[i] == 1:
                    pairs.append(1 / float(instrument_values[pairs_list[i]]))
            pairs = np.array(pairs)
            # Calculate prime currency and set to currency_values
            currency_values[curr] = 1 / (pairs.sum(axis=0) + 1)
        return dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in currency_values.items())

    # Prepare Currencies and Instrument collections
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Get instrument List
    currencies = list(map(lambda x: x.upper(), currencies))
    instrument_list = []
    for mark in market:
        if mark.split('_')[0] in currencies:
            if mark.split('_')[1] in currencies:

    instruments = {}
    for instrument in instrument_list:
        df = get_candles(instrument, granularity, _from,
                         _to)[['timestamp', 'midclose']]
        df.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True, drop=True)
        instruments[instrument] = df

    # join all to one index to make sure times align.  Frontfill missing
    for instrument in instrument_list[1:]:
        instruments[instrument_list[0]] = instruments[instrument_list[0]]\
                                                how='outer', lsuffix='.')

    pair_values = instruments[instrument_list[0]]
    pair_values.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
    pair_values.fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True)
    pair_values.columns = instrument_list

    # Convert completed value set to unlabeled array in order of instrument_list
    close = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), currencies)))
    for row in pair_values.index:
        time_pairs = pair_values.loc[row].to_dict()
        cu = new_matrix(currencies, instrument_list, time_pairs)
        close.loc[row] = cu

    return close, pair_values