Exemple #1
 def read_image_data(self):
     if self.imdtype == 'not_implemented':
         raise AttributeError, "image data type: %s" % self.imdtype
     if ('packed' in self.imdtype):
         return  self.read_packed_complex()
     elif ('rgb' in self.imdtype):
         return self.read_rgb()
         data = binIO.read_data_array(self.filename, self.imbytes,
                                self.byte_offset, self.imdtype)
         imsize = self.imsize.tolist()
         if self.order == 'F':
             if self.record_by == 'spectrum':
                 swapelem(imsize, 0, 1)
                 data = data.reshape(imsize, order = self.order)
                 data = np.swapaxes(data, 0, 1).copy()
             elif self.record_by == 'image':
                 data = data.reshape(imsize, order = 'C')
         elif self.order == 'C':
             if self.record_by == 'spectrum':
                 data = data.reshape(np.roll(self.imsize,1), order = self.order)
                 data = np.rollaxis(data, 0, self.dim).copy()
             elif self.record_by == 'image':
                 data = data.reshape(self.imsize, order = self.order)                    
         return data
 def read_rgb(self):
     self.imsize = list(self.imsize)
     self.imsize = tuple(self.imsize)
     data = binIO.read_data_array(self.filename, self.imbytes, self.byte_offset)
     data = data.reshape(self.imsize, order="C")  # (B, G, R, A)
     if self.imdtype == "rgb":
         data = data[:, :, -2::-1]  # (R, G, B)
         self.mode += "rgb_"
         self.imsize = list(self.imsize)
         self.imsize[-1] = self.imsize[-1] - 1
         self.imsize = tuple(self.imsize)
     elif self.imdtype == "argb":
         data = np.concatenate((data[:, :, -2::-1], data[:, :, -1:]), axis=2)  # (R, G, B, A)
         self.mode += "rgba_"
     return data
Exemple #3
 def read_rgb(self):
     self.imsize = list(self.imsize)
     self.imsize = tuple(self.imsize)
     data = binIO.read_data_array(self.filename, self.imbytes,
     data = data.reshape(self.imsize, order='C') # (B, G, R, A)
     if self.imdtype == 'rgb':
         data = data[:, :, -2::-1] # (R, G, B)
         self.mode += 'rgb_'
         self.imsize = list(self.imsize)
         self.imsize[-1] = self.imsize[-1] - 1
         self.imsize = tuple(self.imsize)
     elif self.imdtype == 'argb':
         data = np.concatenate((data[:, :, -2::-1], data[:, :, -1:]),
                               axis=2) # (R, G, B, A)
         self.mode += 'rgba_'
     return data
 def read_image_data(self):
     if self.imdtype == "not_implemented":
         raise AttributeError, "image data type: %s" % self.imdtype
     if "packed" in self.imdtype:
         return self.read_packed_complex()
     elif "rgb" in self.imdtype:
         return self.read_rgb()
         data = binIO.read_data_array(self.filename, self.imbytes, self.byte_offset, self.imdtype)
         imsize = self.imsize.tolist()
         if self.order == "F":
             if self.record_by == "spectrum":
                 swapelem(imsize, 0, 1)
                 data = data.reshape(imsize, order=self.order)
                 data = np.swapaxes(data, 0, 1).copy()
             elif self.record_by == "image":
                 data = data.reshape(imsize, order="C")
         elif self.order == "C":
             if self.record_by == "spectrum":
                 data = data.reshape(np.roll(self.imsize, 1), order=self.order)
                 data = np.rollaxis(data, 0, self.dim).copy()
             elif self.record_by == "image":
                 data = data.reshape(self.imsize, order=self.order)
         return data
Exemple #5
    def read_packed_complex(self):
        if (self.imsize[0] != self.imsize[1]) or (len(self.imsize)>2):
            msg = "Packed complex format works only for a 2Nx2N image"
            msg += " -> width == height"
            print msg
            raise ImageModeError('FFT')
        # print "This image is likely a FFT and each pixel is a complex number"
        # print "You might want to display its complex norm"
        # print "with a logarithmic intensity scale: log(abs(IMAGE))"
        self.mode += 'FFT_'
        N = int(self.imsize[0] / 2)      # think about a 2Nx2N matrix
        # read all the bytes as 1D array of 4-Byte float
        tmpdata = binIO.read_data_array(self.filename, self.imbytes,
                                   self.byte_offset, 'float32')
        # create an empty 2Nx2N ndarray of complex
        data = np.zeros(self.imsize, 'complex64', 'C')
        # fill in the real values:
        data[N, 0] = tmpdata[0]
        data[0, 0] = tmpdata[1]
        data[N, N] = tmpdata[2*N**2] # Nyquist frequency
        data[0, N] = tmpdata[2*N**2+1] # Nyquist frequency
        # fill in the non-redundant complex values:
        # top right quarter, except 1st column
        for i in xrange(N): # this could be optimized
            start = 2 * i * N + 2
            stop = start + 2 * (N - 1) - 1
            step = 2
            realpart = tmpdata[start:stop:step]
            imagpart = tmpdata[start+1:stop+1:step]
            data[i, N+1:2*N] = realpart + imagpart * 1j
        # 1st column, bottom left quarter
        start = 2 * N
        stop = start + 2 * N * (N - 1) - 1
        step = 2 * N
        realpart = tmpdata[start:stop:step]
        imagpart = tmpdata[start+1:stop+1:step]
        data[N+1:2*N, 0] = realpart + imagpart * 1j
        # 1st row, bottom right quarter
        start = 2 * N**2 + 2
        stop = start + 2 * (N - 1) - 1
        step = 2
        realpart = tmpdata[start:stop:step]
        imagpart = tmpdata[start+1:stop+1:step]
        data[N, N+1:2*N] = realpart + imagpart * 1j
        # bottom right quarter, except 1st row
        start = stop + 1
        stop = start + 2 * N * (N - 1) - 1
        step = 2
        realpart = tmpdata[start:stop:step]
        imagpart = tmpdata[start+1:stop+1:step]
        complexdata = realpart + imagpart * 1j
        data[N+1:2*N, N:2*N] = complexdata.reshape(N-1, N)

        # fill in the empty pixels: A(i)(j) = A(2N-i)(2N-j)*
        # 1st row, top left quarter, except 1st element
        data[0, 1:N] = np.conjugate(data[0, -1:-N:-1])
        # 1st row, bottom left quarter, except 1st element
        data[N, 1:N] = np.conjugate(data[N, -1:-N:-1])
        # 1st column, top left quarter, except 1st element
        data[1:N, 0] = np.conjugate(data[-1:-N:-1, 0])
        # 1st column, top right quarter, except 1st element
        data[1:N, N] = np.conjugate(data[-1:-N:-1, N])
        # top left quarter, except 1st row and 1st column
        data[1:N, 1:N] = np.conjugate(data[-1:-N:-1, -1:-N:-1])
        # bottom left quarter, except 1st row and 1st column
        data[N+1:2*N, 1:N] = np.conjugate(data[-N-1:-2*N:-1, -1:-N:-1])

        return data
    def read_packed_complex(self):
        if (self.imsize[0] != self.imsize[1]) or (len(self.imsize) > 2):
            msg = "Packed complex format works only for a 2Nx2N image"
            msg += " -> width == height"
            print msg
            raise ImageModeError("FFT")
        # print "This image is likely a FFT and each pixel is a complex number"
        # print "You might want to display its complex norm"
        # print "with a logarithmic intensity scale: log(abs(IMAGE))"
        self.mode += "FFT_"
        N = int(self.imsize[0] / 2)  # think about a 2Nx2N matrix
        # read all the bytes as 1D array of 4-Byte float
        tmpdata = binIO.read_data_array(self.filename, self.imbytes, self.byte_offset, "float32")

        # create an empty 2Nx2N ndarray of complex
        data = np.zeros(self.imsize, "complex64", "C")

        # fill in the real values:
        data[N, 0] = tmpdata[0]
        data[0, 0] = tmpdata[1]
        data[N, N] = tmpdata[2 * N ** 2]  # Nyquist frequency
        data[0, N] = tmpdata[2 * N ** 2 + 1]  # Nyquist frequency

        # fill in the non-redundant complex values:
        # top right quarter, except 1st column
        for i in xrange(N):  # this could be optimized
            start = 2 * i * N + 2
            stop = start + 2 * (N - 1) - 1
            step = 2
            realpart = tmpdata[start:stop:step]
            imagpart = tmpdata[start + 1 : stop + 1 : step]
            data[i, N + 1 : 2 * N] = realpart + imagpart * 1j
        # 1st column, bottom left quarter
        start = 2 * N
        stop = start + 2 * N * (N - 1) - 1
        step = 2 * N
        realpart = tmpdata[start:stop:step]
        imagpart = tmpdata[start + 1 : stop + 1 : step]
        data[N + 1 : 2 * N, 0] = realpart + imagpart * 1j
        # 1st row, bottom right quarter
        start = 2 * N ** 2 + 2
        stop = start + 2 * (N - 1) - 1
        step = 2
        realpart = tmpdata[start:stop:step]
        imagpart = tmpdata[start + 1 : stop + 1 : step]
        data[N, N + 1 : 2 * N] = realpart + imagpart * 1j
        # bottom right quarter, except 1st row
        start = stop + 1
        stop = start + 2 * N * (N - 1) - 1
        step = 2
        realpart = tmpdata[start:stop:step]
        imagpart = tmpdata[start + 1 : stop + 1 : step]
        complexdata = realpart + imagpart * 1j
        data[N + 1 : 2 * N, N : 2 * N] = complexdata.reshape(N - 1, N)

        # fill in the empty pixels: A(i)(j) = A(2N-i)(2N-j)*
        # 1st row, top left quarter, except 1st element
        data[0, 1:N] = np.conjugate(data[0, -1:-N:-1])
        # 1st row, bottom left quarter, except 1st element
        data[N, 1:N] = np.conjugate(data[N, -1:-N:-1])
        # 1st column, top left quarter, except 1st element
        data[1:N, 0] = np.conjugate(data[-1:-N:-1, 0])
        # 1st column, top right quarter, except 1st element
        data[1:N, N] = np.conjugate(data[-1:-N:-1, N])
        # top left quarter, except 1st row and 1st column
        data[1:N, 1:N] = np.conjugate(data[-1:-N:-1, -1:-N:-1])
        # bottom left quarter, except 1st row and 1st column
        data[N + 1 : 2 * N, 1:N] = np.conjugate(data[-N - 1 : -2 * N : -1, -1:-N:-1])

        return data