def __fetch(self, path, **kw): # setting body or query string data = kw.get('data', '') if data: kw.pop('data') data = form_encode(data) method = kw['method'] if method == 'GET': path = '%s?%s'%(path, data) elif method == 'POST': kw['body'] = data # getting auth cookie and setting it for the request auth = kw.get('auth') if auth: kw.pop('auth') try: # posting to /login in order to get the auth cookie. if login fails, treats as unauthed'/login', data={'next': '', 'user_name': auth[0], 'password': auth[1]}, follow_redirects=False)(self.stop) auth_cookie = '%s;'%self.wait()[0].headers['Set-Cookie'].split(';')[0] headers = kw.get('headers', {}) headers['Cookie'] = auth_cookie + headers.get('Cookie', '') kw['headers'] = headers except: pass return lambda callback: self.http_client.fetch(HTTPRequest(self.get_url(path), **kw), lambda response: self.__parse(response, callback))
def _post_login(self, **kw): # checks if the user is already logged user = self.current_user # if not, tries to fetch the user # from the database and validate the password. if not user: user = User.by_user_name(kw['user_name']) if user and user.validate_password(kw['password']): # sets the auth cookie. # don't worry, not the real 'password'. # just a piece of the junky salt generated by the User model self.set_secure_cookie('auth', dumps({ 'id':, 'password': user.password[0:8] })) else: user = None # if user logged in successfuly # redirects to kw['next'] or '/' if user: self.redirect(kw['next'] or '/') # else, redirects to the /login page else: kw.pop('password') self.redirect('/login?%s'%form_encode(kw))