def rotateBackPoints(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle):

        points= [(int(point.x()),int(point.y())) for point in rotatedPoints]
        return points
Exemple #2
 def boundedMoveVertex(self, pos):
     index, shape = self.hVertex, self.hShape
     if self.shapeOutOfPixmap(shape.points):
         #this is pre fix. For bug when shape reach Picmap edge.
     if shape.shape3D:
         # 3D editing OFF
     rotatedAxis = False
     if shape.deg > 0 and not shape.tetragon:
         rotatedAxis = True
         shape.points = self.getRotatedShape(shape, -shape.deg)
         pos = Shape.rotatePoint(self, shape.centerPoint, pos, -shape.deg)
     point = shape[index]
     if self.outOfPixmap(pos):
         if self.shapeOutOfPixmap(shape.points) == False:
             pos = self.intersectionPoint(point, pos)
     shiftPos = pos - point
     shape.moveVertexBy(index, shiftPos)
     lindex = (index + 1) % 4
     rindex = (index + 3) % 4
     lshift = None
     rshift = None
     if index % 2 == 0:
         #lyginiai index
         if shape.tetragon == True:
             rshift = QPointF(0, 0)
             lshift = QPointF(0, 0)
         elif shape.tetragon == False:
             rshift = QPointF(shiftPos.x(), 0)
             lshift = QPointF(0, shiftPos.y())
         #nelyginiai index
         if shape.tetragon == True:
             lshift = QPointF(0, 0)
             rshift = QPointF(0, 0)
         elif shape.tetragon == False:
             lshift = QPointF(shiftPos.x(), 0)
             rshift = QPointF(0, shiftPos.y())
     shape.moveVertexBy(rindex, rshift)
     shape.moveVertexBy(lindex, lshift)
     if rotatedAxis:
         shape.points = self.getRotatedShape(shape, shape.deg)
         pos = Shape.rotatePoint(self, shape.centerPoint, pos, shape.deg)
Exemple #3
    def resizeShape(self, pos, index, shape):
        Resize shape of rectangle, enforcing rectangular form in the original 


        dot = lambda x, y: x.x() * y.x() + x.y() * y.y()
        eucl = lambda a: 1. * a.x()**2 + 1. * a.y()**2
        rot = lambda p, a: Shape.rotatePoint(p, QPointF(0, 0), a)
        rotShapeLine = lambda i, ia, s: rot(
            s.pointsWithoutRotation[ia] - s.pointsWithoutRotation[i], s.

        if shape.points[index] != pos:

            # give reasonable names to the vectices that are affected ('left'
            # and 'right' and to the vertex that remains unaffected 'other')
            rindex, lindex, oindex = [(index + o) % 4 for o in [1, 3, 2]]

            # A) compute the offset defining the movement to be applied in this
            #    step at the vertex in question.
            pos = self.getClosestValid(pos)
            offset_rotated = shape.points[index] - pos
            shape.points[index] = pos

            # B) Find new location of affected points (lindex and rindex)
            #    1) w,h = rotate back vector from dragged vertex (=: i) to other
            #       vertex (=: o)
            #    2) cos(w or h), sin(w or h) -> vector from i to lindex (=:l)
            #       or rindex (=: r)
            vec_involved = shape.points[oindex] - shape.points[index]

            size = -rot(vec_involved, -shape.currentAngle)
            w, h = size.x(), size.y()

            vec_il = QPointF(
                cos(shape.currentAngle) * w,
                sin(shape.currentAngle) * w)
            vec_ir = QPointF(-sin(shape.currentAngle) * h,
                             cos(shape.currentAngle) * h)

            # C) Correct locations accordingly
            #    1) compute  position 1, 3
            #    2) compute intersection in rotated space, such that it is
            #       ensured that the resulting values are rounded inside the
            #       coordinates.
            #       Subtract the resulting value directly from i and 1 or 3
            #    3) Use the projection vector to move both the currently
            #       dragged point and the point that is out of bounds to the
            #       last valid location.
            if index % 2 == 0:
                rind = vec_ir
                vec_ir = vec_il
                vec_il = rind
            shape.points[rindex] = shape.points[index] - vec_ir
            shape.points[lindex] = shape.points[index] - vec_il

            # apply the rotation angle to the data that is uk
            shape_center = shape.getCenter(rotated=True)
            shifts = self.checkBorders(shape, index, lindex, vec_ir),  \
                    self.checkBorders(shape, index, rindex, vec_il)
            for shift in shifts:
                if shift is not None:
                    shape.points[index] += shift

            # apply the new coordinates to the latent (unrotated) array
            shape.applyRotationAngle(shape.currentAngle, shape_center, False)
Exemple #4
 def getRotatedShape(self, shape, angle):
     return [
         Shape.rotatePoint(self, shape.centerPoint, point, angle)
         for point in shape.points
Exemple #5
    def rotateShape(self, pos, shape, debug=True):
        Rotates a shape by dragging the shape-rotation-button to the position 

        Checks if the resulting shape is completely inside the image in the 
        image. If not, rotate by an angle that is closest to the desired angle
        but still yielding a shape inside the image.

        # Case 1: Rotate the shape
        vertex_not_rotated = shape.getShapeRotationVertex(False)
        if vertex_not_rotated is not None:
            eucl_sq = lambda a: a.x()**2 + a.y()**2

            # Fetch the original (=not rotated) vertex-position for movement
            # and the center of mass of the shape (once again according to
            # the coordinates that are not rotated)
            vertex_point = vertex_not_rotated[0]
            vertex_mirrored = vertex_not_rotated[2]
            shape_center = shape.getCenter(False)

            # Compute the vector and distance between both aforementioned points
            vec_old_center = vertex_point - shape_center  # - vertex_point
            dist_old_center_square = eucl_sq(vec_old_center)

            # Compute the vector and distance between the new position and the center
            vec_new_center = pos - shape_center  # - pos
            dist_new_center_square = eucl_sq(vec_new_center)

            # Now compute the angle between both the vector pointing to the new
            # position of the rotation vertex and the one pointing to its
            # original position.
            # Make completely sure that no rounding errors can cause
            # mathematical errors for the input value by checking bounds.
            val = QPointF.dotProduct(vec_new_center, vec_old_center) / \
                (dist_new_center_square * dist_old_center_square) **.5
            val = min(max(val, -1), 1)
            angle = acos(val)

            # The direction of movement has to be adapted depending on the
            # current state of the vertex.
            # First condition:  vertex is 'mirrored':
            #                   the initially topmost line is dragged under line
            #                   at the bottom; In this case the sign must be
            #                   swapped.
            # Second condition: as the shape-move vertex is always
            #                   directly above or beneath the shape's center
            #                   it is succicent to check the x coordinate for
            #                   checking if the rotation is 'in the second
            #                   half'. In that case, rotate by 2pi -angle
            transform_angle = lambda a, posx :  \
                    (-1 if vertex_mirrored else 1)  \
                    * (a if (posx >= vertex_point.x()) else 2. * pi - a)
            angle = transform_angle(angle, pos.x())

            # XXX: this checking mechanism does not work entirely (the
            #      distinction of valid angles sometimes does not recognize the
            #      fact that two edges are outside the valid area).
            #      and contains debug code (that inserts vertices to some
            #      positions for debugging) and thus should only be commented
            #      in for finishing the implementation of that feature (in case
            #      it is required)).
            #      If it is not required it should be removed.
            performCheckOfIntervals = False
            if performCheckOfIntervals:
                # Not all angles are valid. Find out which angles are leading to
                # coordiantes outside the image:
                # Step 1)       find (x,y) with \|(x,y) - c \| = \|x_1 - x_3\|
                #               and (x,y) on image's borders
                # Step 2)       find the associated rotation angles and store them
                #               in a sorted way
                width, height = self.pixmap.width(), self.pixmap.height()
                # get the radius of the circle
                p_c = shape.pointsWithoutRotation[0] - shape_center
                len_p_c = eucl_sq(p_c)
                # list all the support vectors indicating image border alongside
                # with their directions
                support_direction = [
                    [QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(width - 1, 0)],
                    [QPointF(0, 0), QPointF(0, height - 1)],
                    [QPointF(width - 1, 0),
                     QPointF(0, height - 1)],
                    [QPointF(0, height - 1),
                     QPointF(width - 1, 0)]
                forbiddenAngleIntervals = []
                for s, d in support_direction:
                    # find intersections between the circle (defined by the center
                    # and its radius) and the currently considered image border.
                    # In case there is only one (or none) intersection,
                    # no conditions are imposed in this step on the anlge as the
                    # image borders are selected to be the last line of pixels
                    # inside the image.
                    # If there are two intersections, the space in between them is
                    # forbidden
                    intersects = Canvas.intersectionLineCircle(
                        s - shape_center, d, sqrt(len_p_c))
                    if intersects is not None:

                        # In case debugging is enabled, add new shapes that show
                        # the intersections with the borders in the image.
                        # Attention: debugging cannot be used in a productive mode.
                        # Results in a bunch of new vertices.
                        if debug:
                            deb = Shape()
                            deb.addPoint(intersects[0] + shape_center)
                            deb.addPoint(intersects[1] + shape_center)

                            deb = Shape()
                            deb.addPoint(p_c + shape_center)

                        # the corresponding angle is the angle between the
                        # intersection point and the  vertex_point (shifted by
                        # center)
                        if len(intersects) == 2:

                            angles = [[
                                            spwr - shape_center, a) /
                                        (len_p_c * eucl_sq(a))**.5), spwr.x())
                                for a in intersects
                            ] for spwr in shape.pointsWithoutRotation]

                            for i, (a, b) in enumerate(angles):
                                # find the min and max value and compute the
                                # min and max value that are still allowed.
                                # if the angle might be affected by them
                                t = 0
                                if a < 0: a += 2 * pi
                                if b < 0: b += 2 * pi
                                mx, mi = max(a, b), min(a, b)
                                if mx - mi > pi:
                                        [mx, 2 * pi])
                                    forbiddenAngleIntervals.append([0, mi])
                                    forbiddenAngleIntervals.append([mi, mx])

                                #if a < b:
                                #    forbiddenAngleIntervals.append([a, b])
                                #elif b < a:
                                #    forbiddenAngleIntervals.append([a, 2*pi])
                                #    forbiddenAngleIntervals.append([0, b])

                                # paint vector (forbidden area) based on the
                                # computed angle
                                if debug:
                                    p1 = Shape.rotatePoint(
                                        shape_center, a)
                                    p2 = Shape.rotatePoint(
                                        shape_center, b)

                                    deb = Shape()

                # XXX: There most likely is a better solution to this.
                #      The code below is supposed to unite all forbidden intervals.
                #      This is necessary for being able to pick the closest point
                #      to the forbidden area.
                if len(forbiddenAngleIntervals):
                    unionInterval = [forbiddenAngleIntervals[0]]
                    uiid = 0
                    # starts before other.end and stops after other.start
                    checkIntersect = lambda a, b: a[1] >= b[0] and a[0] <= b[1]
                    checkIntersectMutual = lambda a, b: checkIntersect(a, b) \
                            or checkIntersect(b, a)
                    # need to check multiple times as there might be an array that
                    # unites two other arrays.
                    for k in range(len(forbiddenAngleIntervals) - 1):
                        for i in range(1, len(forbiddenAngleIntervals)):
                            # check if there is already is an interval comprising me
                            inters = False
                            for ui in range(len(unionInterval)):
                                # end union > start this
                                if (checkIntersectMutual(
                                    unionInterval[ui][0] = min(
                                    unionInterval[ui][1] = max(
                                    inters = True
                            if not inters:

                    print(forbiddenAngleIntervals, unionInterval)

                    # Check if there is some intersection and use the closest point
                    # as corrected angle.
                    if angle < 0: angle += 2 * pi
                    for i in unionInterval:
                        if i[0] < angle and angle < i[1]:
                            angle = i[0] if angle - i[0] < i[1] - angle else i[

            # Apply the rotation for the shape (computes new location of rotated
            # values and stores the current angle for future reference):
            shape.applyRotationAngle(angle, shape_center)