Exemple #1
class SimpleConnector(object):
    Provide a simple in-memory connection between a Database and a single

    @param dbParams: A C{DatabaseParameters} instance.
    @param backend: A C{Backend} instance, or C{None} if a backend should be
    @param filePrefix: Either a C{str} file name prefix to use as a default
        when saving or C{None} if no default save file is needed.

    SAVE_SUFFIX = '.lmco'

    def __init__(self, dbParams, backend=None, filePrefix=None):
        self.dbParams = dbParams
        if backend:
            self._backend = backend
            self._backend = Backend(filePrefix=filePrefix)
        self._filePrefix = filePrefix

        # Most of our implementation comes directly from our backend.
        for method in ('addSubject', 'getIndexBySubject', 'getSubjectByIndex',
                       'getSubjects', 'subjectCount', 'hashCount',
                       'totalResidues', 'totalCoveredResidues', 'checksum'):
            setattr(self, method, getattr(self._backend, method))

    def find(self,
        Check which database sequences a read matches.

        @param read: A C{dark.read.AARead} instance.
        @param findParams: An instance of C{light.parameters.FindParameters} or
            C{None} to use default find parameters.
        @param storeFullAnalysis: A C{bool}. If C{True} the intermediate
            significance analysis computed in the Result will be stored.
        @param subjectIndices: A C{set} of subject indices, or C{None}. If a
            set is passed, only subject indices in the set will be returned
            in the results. If C{None}, all matching subject indices are
        @return: A C{light.result.Result} instance.
        matches, hashCount, nonMatchingHashes = self._backend.find(

        return Result(read,

    def shutdown(self, save, filePrefix):
        Shut down the connector.

        @param save: If C{True}, save the connector state.
        @param filePrefix: When saving, use this C{str} as a file name prefix.
        self._backend.shutdown(save, filePrefix)

        if save:

    def save(self, fpOrFilePrefix=None):
        Save state to a file.

        @param fpOrFilePrefix: A file pointer, or the C{str} prefix of a file
            name, or C{None}. If a C{str}, self.SAVE_SUFFIX is appended to get
            the full file name. If C{None}, self._filePrefix will be used as a
            file prefix unless it is also C{None}.
        @raises ValueError: If C{fpOrFilePrefix} and C{self._filePrefix} are
            both C{None}
        if isinstance(fpOrFilePrefix, str):
            saveFile = fpOrFilePrefix + self.SAVE_SUFFIX
        elif fpOrFilePrefix is None:
            if self._filePrefix is None:
                raise ValueError('save must be given an argument (or the '
                                 'database must have been restored from a '
                saveFile = self._filePrefix + self.SAVE_SUFFIX
            saveFile = fpOrFilePrefix

        with as_handle(saveFile, 'w') as fp:


    def restore(cls, fpOrFilePrefix):
        Restore state from a file.

        @param fpOrFilePrefix: A file pointer or the C{str} prefix of a file
            name. If a C{str}, self.SAVE_SUFFIX is appended to get the full
            file name.
        @return: An instance of L{SimpleConnector}.
        @raises ValueError: If valid JSON cannot be loaded from C{fp}.
        if isinstance(fpOrFilePrefix, str):
            saveFile = fpOrFilePrefix + cls.SAVE_SUFFIX
            filePrefix = fpOrFilePrefix
            saveFile = fpOrFilePrefix
            filePrefix = None

        with as_handle(saveFile) as fp:
            dbParams = DatabaseParameters.restore(fp)

        return cls(dbParams,

    def print_(self, printHashes=False, margin='', result=None):
        Print information about this connector.

        @param printHashes: If C{True}, print all hashes and associated
            subjects from the backend.
        @param margin: A C{str} that should be inserted at the start of each
            line of output.
        @param result: A C{MultilineString} instance, or C{None} if a new
            C{MultilineString} should be created.
        @return: If C{result} was C{None}, return a C{str} representation of
            the connector, else C{None}.
        if result is None:
            result = MultilineString(margin=margin)
            returnNone = False
            returnNone = True

        if printHashes:
            self._backend.print_(margin=margin, result=result)

        if not returnNone:
            return str(result)
Exemple #2
class BackendComponent(Component):

    NAME = 'backend'

    def onJoin(self, details):
        self._sessionId = details.session
        logging.info('Joined with WAMP server, session id %s', self._sessionId)
        self._ApiConfigured = False
        args = self.config.extra['args']

        if args.filePrefix:
            saveFile = args.filePrefix + Backend.SAVE_SUFFIX
            if os.path.exists(saveFile):
                self._backend = Backend.restore(saveFile)
            # Note that the backend will be configured by the WAMP connector
            # via a call to our configure method (below).
            self._backend = Backend()

        def configure(paramsStr, suggestedName, suggestedChecksum):
            Configure our backend and register its API methods.

            @param paramsStr: The C{str} 'save' of a C{DatabaseParameters}
            @param suggestedName: The C{str} suggested name for this backend.
                If the backend has already been configured (from a file
                restore) with a different name, the suggested name is ignored.
            @param suggestedChecksum: The C{int} suggested checksum for the
                backend, or C{None} if there is no initial value.
            @return: A 2-tuple consisting of the C{str} name of the backend and
                its checksum. These will either be the suggested values or
                those that were already in use (if the backend was already
            fp = StringIO(paramsStr)
            dbParams = DatabaseParameters.restore(fp)
            name, checksum, subjectCount = self._backend.configure(
                dbParams, suggestedName, suggestedChecksum)

            if not self._ApiConfigured:
                self._ApiConfigured = True
                yield from self.registerAPIMethods()

            return name, checksum, subjectCount

        # Register our configure command.
        yield from self.register(configure, 'configure-%s' % self._sessionId)
        logging.info('Registered configure method.')

        # Register our shutdown command.
        def shutdown(save, filePrefix):
            Shut down the backend.

            @param save: If C{True}, save the backend state.
            @param filePrefix: When saving, use this C{str} as a file name
            logging.info('Shutdown called.')
            self._backend.shutdown(save, filePrefix)

        yield from self.register(shutdown, 'shutdown-%s' % self._sessionId)
        logging.info('Registered shutdown method.')

    def registerAPIMethods(self):
        Register our API methods with the router.
        yield from self.register(self.find, 'find-%s' % self._sessionId)
        logging.info('Registered find method.')

        # Most of our implementation comes directly from our backend.
        for method in ('addSubject', 'getIndexBySubject', 'getSubjectByIndex',
                       'getSubjects', 'subjectCount', 'hashCount',
                       'totalResidues', 'totalCoveredResidues', 'checksum'):
            yield from self.register(getattr(self._backend, method),
                                     '%s-%s' % (method, self._sessionId))
            logging.info('Registered %s method.', method)

    def find(self, read, storeFullAnalysis=False, subjectIndices=None):
        Check which database sequences a read matches.

        @param read: A C{dark.read.AARead} instance.
        @param storeFullAnalysis: A C{bool}. If C{True} the intermediate
            significance analysis computed in the Result will be stored.
        @param subjectIndices: A C{set} of subject indices, or C{None}. If a
            set is passed, only subject indices in the set will be returned
            in the results. If C{None}, all matching subject indices are
        @return: The result of calling 'find' on our backend.
        return self._backend.find(read, storeFullAnalysis, subjectIndices)