def correlation_matrix(data):
	'''returns the num_cols x num_cols matrix whose (i, j)th entry
	is the correlation between cols i and j of data'''
	_, num_columns = lin_alg.shape(data)
	def matrix_entry(i, j):
		return stats.correlation(lin_alg.get_col(data, i), get_col(data, j))
	return lin_alg.make_matrix(num_columns, num_columns, matrix_entry)
							users[id]["betweeness_centrality"] += contrib
	for user in users:
		user["closeness_centrality"] = 1 / farness(user)
	'''for user in users:
		print("User " + str(user["id"]) + ": " + str(user["shortest_paths"]))
		print("User " + str(user["id"]) + " betweeness centrality: " + str(user["betweeness_centrality"]))
		print("User " + str(user["id"]) + " closeness centrality: " + str(user["closeness_centrality"]))
	#eigenvector analysis
	n = len(users)
	adjacency_matrix = lin_alg.make_matrix(n, n, entry_fn)
	eigenvector_centralities, _ = find_eigenvector(adjacency_matrix)
	for i in range(0, len(eigenvector_centralities)):
		print("User " + str(i) + ": " + str(eigenvector_centralities[i]))
	#PageRank and directed graphs (endorsements)
	endorsements = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3),
                (2, 3), (3, 4), (5, 4), (5, 6), (7, 5), (6, 8), (8, 7), (8, 9)]

	for user in users:
		user["endorses"] = []       # add one list to track outgoing endorsements
		user["endorsed_by"] = []    # and another to track endorsements
	for source_id, target_id in endorsements:
def de_mean_matrix(A):
	'''returns results of subtracting from every value in A the value of
	the mean in that value's column. resulting matrix has mean 0 in every col'''
	nr, nc = lin_alg.shape(A)
	column_means, _ = scale(A)
	return lin_alg.make_matrix(nr, nc, key=lambda i, j: A[i][j] - column_means[j])