def test_copy_json(dbapi):

    with locopy.Snowflake(dbapi=dbapi, **CREDS_DICT) as test:
        test.upload_to_internal(LOCAL_FILE_JSON, "@~/staged/")
        test.execute("USE SCHEMA {}".format(CREDS_DICT["schema"]))
            "CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY TABLE locopy_integration_testing (variable VARIANT)"
            copy_options=["PURGE = TRUE"],
            "SELECT variable:location:city, variable:price FROM locopy_integration_testing ORDER BY variable"
        results = test.cursor.fetchall()

        expected = [
            ('"Belmont"', '"92567"'),
            ('"Lexington"', '"75836"'),
            ('"Winchester"', '"89921"'),

        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            assert result[0] == expected[i][0]
            assert result[1] == expected[i][1]
def test_copy(dbapi):

    with locopy.Snowflake(dbapi=dbapi, **CREDS_DICT) as test:
        test.upload_to_internal(LOCAL_FILE, "@~/staged/")
        test.execute("USE SCHEMA {}".format(CREDS_DICT["schema"]))
            "CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY TABLE locopy_integration_testing (id INTEGER, variable VARCHAR(20))"
            copy_options=["PURGE = TRUE"],
        test.execute("SELECT * FROM locopy_integration_testing ORDER BY id")
        results = test.cursor.fetchall()

        expected = [
            (1, "This iš line 1"),
            (2, "This is liné 2"),
            (3, "This is line 3"),
            (4, "This is lïne 4"),

        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            assert result[0] == expected[i][0]
            assert result[1] == expected[i][1]
def test_snowflake_execute_single_rows(dbapi):

    expected = pd.DataFrame({"field_1": [1], "field_2": [2]})
    with locopy.Snowflake(dbapi=dbapi, **CREDS_DICT) as test:
        test.execute("SELECT 1 AS field_1, 2 AS field_2 ")
        df = test.to_dataframe()

    assert np.allclose(df["field_1"], expected["field_1"])
Exemple #4
def test_insert_dataframe_to_table(dbapi):

    with locopy.Snowflake(dbapi=dbapi, **CREDS_DICT) as test:
        test.insert_dataframe_to_table(TEST_DF, "test", create=True)
        test.execute("SELECT a, b, c FROM test ORDER BY a ASC")
        results = test.cursor.fetchall()
        test.execute("drop table if exists test")

        expected = [
            (1, "x", pd.to_datetime("2011-01-01").date()),
            (2, "y", pd.to_datetime("2001-04-02").date()),

        assert len(expected) == len(results)
        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            assert result[0] == expected[i][0]
            assert result[1] == expected[i][1]
            assert result[2] == expected[i][2]

        test.insert_dataframe_to_table(TEST_DF_2, "test_2", create=True)
        test.execute("SELECT col1, col2 FROM test_2 ORDER BY col1 ASC")
        results = test.cursor.fetchall()
        test.execute("drop table if exists test_2")

        expected = [(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c"), (4, "d"), (5, "e"), (6, "f"),
                    (7, "g")]

        assert len(expected) == len(results)
        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            assert result[0] == expected[i][0]
            assert result[1] == expected[i][1]

        from decimal import Decimal

        TEST_DF_3 = pd.DataFrame({
            "a": [1, 2],
            "b": [pd.to_datetime("2013-01-01"),
            "c": ["1.2", "3.5"],
            "d": [Decimal(2), Decimal(3)],
            pd.Series([0, 1], dtype="category"),
        test.insert_dataframe_to_table(TEST_DF_3, "test_3", create=True)
        test.execute("SELECT a, b, c, d, e FROM test_3 ORDER BY a ASC")
        results = test.cursor.fetchall()
        test.execute("drop table if exists test_3")

        expected = [
            (1, pd.to_datetime("2013-01-01"), 1.2, 2, "0"),
            (2, pd.to_datetime("2019-01-01"), 3.5, 3, "1"),

        assert len(expected) == len(results)
        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            for j, item in enumerate(result):
                assert result[j] == expected[i][j]
Exemple #5
def test_to_dataframe(dbapi):

    with locopy.Snowflake(dbapi=dbapi, **CREDS_DICT) as test:
        test.upload_to_internal(LOCAL_FILE_JSON, "@~/staged/")
        test.execute("USE SCHEMA {}".format(CREDS_DICT["schema"]))
            "CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY TABLE locopy_integration_testing (variable VARIANT)"
            copy_options=["PURGE = TRUE"],

        # get all
            "SELECT variable:location:city, variable:price FROM locopy_integration_testing ORDER BY variable"
        result = test.to_dataframe()
        result.columns = [c.lower() for c in result.columns]
        expected = pd.DataFrame(
                ('"Belmont"', '"92567"'),
                ('"Lexington"', '"75836"'),
                ('"Winchester"', '"89921"'),
            columns=["variable:location:city", "variable:price"],

        assert (result["variable:location:city"] ==
        assert (result["variable:price"] == expected["variable:price"]).all()

        # with size of 2
            "SELECT variable:location:city, variable:price FROM locopy_integration_testing ORDER BY variable"
        result = test.to_dataframe(size=2)
        result.columns = [c.lower() for c in result.columns]
        expected = pd.DataFrame(
                ('"Belmont"', '"92567"'),
                ('"Lexington"', '"75836"'),
            columns=["variable:location:city", "variable:price"],

        assert (result["variable:location:city"] ==
        assert (result["variable:price"] == expected["variable:price"]).all()

        # with non-select query
        test.execute("DROP table locopy_integration_testing")
        result = test.to_dataframe()
        assert result["status"][
            0] == "LOCOPY_INTEGRATION_TESTING successfully dropped."
def test_snowflake_execute_multiple_rows(dbapi):

    expected = pd.DataFrame({"field_1": [1, 2], "field_2": [1, 2]})
    with locopy.Snowflake(dbapi=dbapi, **CREDS_DICT) as test:
        test.execute("SELECT 1 AS field_1, 1 AS field_2 "
                     "UNION "
                     "SELECT 2 AS field_1, 2 AS field_2")
        df = test.to_dataframe()
        df.columns = [c.lower() for c in df.columns]

    assert np.allclose(df["field_1"], expected["field_1"])
    assert np.allclose(df["field_2"], expected["field_2"])
def test_upload_download_internal(dbapi):

    with locopy.Snowflake(dbapi=dbapi, **CREDS_DICT) as test:
        # delete if exists
        test.execute("REMOVE @~/staged/mock_file_dl.txt")

        # test
        shutil.copy(LOCAL_FILE, LOCAL_FILE_DL)
        test.execute("LIST @~/staged/mock_file_dl.txt")
        res = test.cursor.fetchall()
        assert res[0][0] == "staged/mock_file_dl.txt"

                                    os.path.dirname(LOCAL_FILE_DL) + os.sep)
        assert filecmp.cmp(LOCAL_FILE, LOCAL_FILE_DL)

        # clean up
        test.execute("REMOVE @~/staged/mock_file_dl.txt")