Exemple #1
class Logger:
  #beyond these, email will be triggered.
  threshold_failure = 4
  threshold_latency = 4
  threshold_count = 4

    It :
      - Creates LogHandler instance to write metrics to log file.
      - Creates threading.local() instance to create thread specific variables.
  def __init__ (self, service, configFile):
      print "logger instantiated"
      self.logHandler = LogHandler(service, configFile)
    except Exception as error:
      monitorLog.logError("Cannot Instantiate Logger with configFile : " + configFile, `error`)
      raise IncorrectConfigException("Cannot Instantiate Logger with configFile : " + configFile)
    self.threadLocal = threading.local()
    self.counter = 0;

    If the given action is failed, then it will log the failure count uptil now.
    It will also return the updated counter value.
  def logIfFail (self, name, expectedReturn, counter, action, severity = 20, *args, **kwargs):
    count = self.reportCountNE(expectedReturn, counter, action, *args, **kwargs)
    if count > 0:
        print "logging failure"
        self.logHandler.appendFailCountLog(name, count, severity)	
      except Exception as error:
        monitorLog.logError("Failed to append log for metric: " + name, `error`)
        raise LoggingException("Failed to append log for metric: " + name)
    return count

  def logFailure (self, name, counter, severity = 20):
    if counter > 0:
        if counter >= Logger.threshold_failure:
          self.logHandler.appendFailCountLog(name, counter,  'CRITICAL')
        self.logHandler.appendFailCountLog(name, counter, severity)
        print "logging failure"
      except Exception as error:
        monitorLog.logError("Failed to append log for metric: " + name, `error`)
        raise LoggingException("Failed to append log for metric: " + name)
      return 1
    return 0

  def logCount (self, name, counter, severity = 20):
    if counter > 0:
        if counter >= Logger.threshold_count:
          self.logHandler.appendCountLog(name, counter,  'CRITICAL')
        self.logHandler.appendCountLog(name, counter, severity)
      except Exception as error:
        monitorLog.logError("Failed to append log for metric: " + name, `error`)
        raise LoggingException("Failed to append log for metric: " + name)
      return 1
    return 0

    Report the incremented counter if the action has failed to pass the expectation.

  def reportCountEqual(self, expectedReturn, counter, action, *args, **kwargs):
      actualReturn = action(*args, **kwargs)
      return counter + 1
    if actualReturn == expectedReturn:
      return counter + 1
    return counter 

    Report the incremented counter if the action has passed the expectation.
  def reportCountNE(self, expectedReturn, counter, action, *args, **kwargs):
      actualReturn = action(*args, **kwargs)
      return counter + 1
    if actualReturn == expectedReturn:
      return counter
    return counter + 1

    Starts the thread local timer.
  def startTime (self):
    #using thread local storage for start time 
    self.threadLocal.startTime = time.time()

    Stops the thread local timer and logs the execution time. 
  def reportTime (self, name, severity = 20):
    endTime = time.time()
    runTime = endTime - self.threadLocal.startTime
      if runTime >= Logger.threshold_latency:
        self.logHandler.appendTimeLog(name, runTime, 'CRITICAL')
      self.logHandler.appendTimeLog(name, runTime, severity)
    except Exception as error:
      monitorLog.logError("Failed to append log for metric: " + name, `error`)
      raise LoggingException("Failed to append log for metric: " + name)

    Logs the execution time of the given action and returns the value of action.
  def reportLatency (self, name, action, severity = 20, *args, **kwargs):
      actualReturn = action(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as error:
      monitorLog.logError("Failed Action " + `action`, `error`)
      raise Exception("Failed Action :" + `action`)
    self.reportTime(name, severity)
    return actualReturn
class Logger:

    It :
      - Creates LogHandler instance to write metrics to log file.
      - Creates threading.local() instance to create thread specific variables.
  def __init__ (self, service):
    self.logHandler = LogHandler(service)
    self.threadLocal = threading.local()

    If the given action is failed, then it will log the failure count uptil now.
    It will also return the updated counter value.
  def logIfFail (self, name, metricType, expectedReturn, counter, action, *args, **kwargs):
    count = self.reportCountNE(expectedReturn, counter, action, *args, **kwargs)
    if count > 0:
      self.logHandler.appendCountLog(name, metricType, count)	
    return count

    Report the incremented counter if the action has failed to pass the expectation.
  def reportCountEqual(self, expectedReturn, counter, action, *args, **kwargs):
      actualReturn = action(*args, **kwargs)
      return counter + 1
    if actualReturn == expectedReturn:
      return counter + 1
    return counter 

    Report the incremented counter if the action has passed the expectation.
  def reportCountNE(self, expectedReturn, counter, action, *args, **kwargs):
      actualReturn = action(*args, **kwargs)
      return counter + 1
    if actualReturn == expectedReturn:
      return counter
    return counter + 1

    Starts the thread local timer.
  def startTime (self):
#using thread local storage for start time 
    self.threadLocal.startTime = time.time()

    Stops the thread local timer and logs the execution time. 
  def reportTime (self, name, metricType):
    endTime = time.time()
    runTime = endTime - self.threadLocal.startTime
    self.logHandler.appendTimeLog(name, metricType, runTime)

    Logs the execution time of the given action and returns the value of action.
  def reportLatency (self, name, metricType, action, *args, **kwargs):
      print "Inside reportLatency try block"
      actualReturn = action(*args, **kwargs)
      print actualReturn
      print "Inside reportLatency except block"
    self.reportTime(name, metricType)
    return actualReturn