def insertBranchRevisions(self, bzr_branch, revids_to_insert):
     """Insert a batch of BranchRevision rows.""""Inserting %d branchrevision records.",
     revid_seq_pairs = revids_to_insert.items()
     for revid_seq_pair_chunk in iter_list_chunks(revid_seq_pairs, 10000):
 def insertBranchRevisions(self, bzr_branch, revids_to_insert):
     """Insert a batch of BranchRevision rows.""""Inserting %d branchrevision records.",
     revid_seq_pairs = revids_to_insert.items()
     for revid_seq_pair_chunk in iter_list_chunks(revid_seq_pairs, 10000):
    def syncBranch(self, bzr_branch):
        """Synchronize the database view of a branch with Bazaar data.

        `bzr_branch` must be read locked.

        Several tables must be updated:

        * Revision: there must be one Revision row for each revision in the
          branch ancestry. If the row for a revision that has just been added
          to the branch is already present, it must be checked for

        * BranchRevision: there must be one BrancheRevision row for each
          revision in the branch ancestry. If history revisions became merged
          revisions, the corresponding rows must be changed.

        * Branch: the branch-scanner status information must be updated when
          the sync is complete.
        """"Scanning branch: %s", self.db_branch.unique_name)"    from %s", bzr_branch.base)
        # Get the history and ancestry from the branch first, to fail early
        # if something is wrong with the branch."Retrieving history from bzrlib.")
        bzr_history = branch_revision_history(bzr_branch)
        # The BranchRevision, Revision and RevisionParent tables are only
        # written to by the branch-scanner, so they are not subject to
        # write-lock contention. Update them all in a single transaction to
        # improve the performance and allow garbage collection in the future.
        db_ancestry, db_history = self.retrieveDatabaseAncestry()

        (new_ancestry, branchrevisions_to_delete,
         revids_to_insert) = self.planDatabaseChanges(bzr_branch, bzr_history,
                                                      db_ancestry, db_history)
        new_db_revs = (new_ancestry -
                       getUtility(IRevisionSet).onlyPresent(new_ancestry))"Adding %s new revisions.", len(new_db_revs))
        for revids in iter_list_chunks(list(new_db_revs), 10000):
            revisions = self.getBazaarRevisions(bzr_branch, revids)
            self.syncRevisions(bzr_branch, revisions, revids_to_insert)
        self.insertBranchRevisions(bzr_branch, revids_to_insert)
        # Synchronize the RevisionCache for this branch.

        # Notify any listeners that the tip of the branch has changed, but
        # before we've actually updated the database branch.
        initial_scan = (len(db_history) == 0)
        notify(events.TipChanged(self.db_branch, bzr_branch, initial_scan))

        # The Branch table is modified by other systems, including the web UI,
        # so we need to update it in a short transaction to avoid causing
        # timeouts in the webapp. This opens a small race window where the
        # revision data is updated in the database, but the Branch table has
        # not been updated. Since this has no ill-effect, and can only err on
        # the pessimistic side (tell the user the data has not yet been
        # updated although it has), the race is acceptable.
            events.ScanCompleted(self.db_branch, bzr_branch, self.logger,
    def syncBranch(self, bzr_branch):
        """Synchronize the database view of a branch with Bazaar data.

        `bzr_branch` must be read locked.

        Several tables must be updated:

        * Revision: there must be one Revision row for each revision in the
          branch ancestry. If the row for a revision that has just been added
          to the branch is already present, it must be checked for

        * BranchRevision: there must be one BrancheRevision row for each
          revision in the branch ancestry. If history revisions became merged
          revisions, the corresponding rows must be changed.

        * Branch: the branch-scanner status information must be updated when
          the sync is complete.
        """"Scanning branch: %s", self.db_branch.unique_name)"    from %s", bzr_branch.base)
        # Get the history and ancestry from the branch first, to fail early
        # if something is wrong with the branch."Retrieving history from bzrlib.")
        bzr_history = branch_revision_history(bzr_branch)
        # The BranchRevision, Revision and RevisionParent tables are only
        # written to by the branch-scanner, so they are not subject to
        # write-lock contention. Update them all in a single transaction to
        # improve the performance and allow garbage collection in the future.
        db_ancestry, db_history = self.retrieveDatabaseAncestry()

        (new_ancestry, branchrevisions_to_delete,
            revids_to_insert) = self.planDatabaseChanges(
            bzr_branch, bzr_history, db_ancestry, db_history)
        new_db_revs = (
            new_ancestry - getUtility(IRevisionSet).onlyPresent(new_ancestry))"Adding %s new revisions.", len(new_db_revs))
        for revids in iter_list_chunks(list(new_db_revs), 10000):
            revisions = self.getBazaarRevisions(bzr_branch, revids)
            self.syncRevisions(bzr_branch, revisions, revids_to_insert)
        self.insertBranchRevisions(bzr_branch, revids_to_insert)
        # Synchronize the RevisionCache for this branch.

        # Notify any listeners that the tip of the branch has changed, but
        # before we've actually updated the database branch.
        initial_scan = (len(db_history) == 0)
        notify(events.TipChanged(self.db_branch, bzr_branch, initial_scan))

        # The Branch table is modified by other systems, including the web UI,
        # so we need to update it in a short transaction to avoid causing
        # timeouts in the webapp. This opens a small race window where the
        # revision data is updated in the database, but the Branch table has
        # not been updated. Since this has no ill-effect, and can only err on
        # the pessimistic side (tell the user the data has not yet been
        # updated although it has), the race is acceptable.
                self.db_branch, bzr_branch, self.logger, new_ancestry))