Exemple #1
    def test_parse_info_str_correct(self):
        "Test parse_info_str converts info strings to dictionaries"

        mystr = "param1 = value1\n param2=value 2\n \n"
        rightdict = {'param1':'value1', 'param2':'value 2'}

        self.assertEqual(rightdict, misc.get_pkg_info(mystr))
Exemple #2
    def get_mg5_info_lines(self):
        """Return info lines for MG5, suitable to place at beginning of
        Python files"""

        info = misc.get_pkg_info()
        info_lines = ""
        if info and info.has_key('version') and  info.has_key('date'):
            info_lines = "#  MadGraph 5 v. %s, %s\n" % \
                         (info['version'], info['date'])
            info_lines = info_lines + \
                         "        #  By the MadGraph Development Team\n" + \
                         "        #  Please visit us at https://launchpad.net/madgraph5"
            info_lines = "        #  by MadGraph 5\n" + \
                         "        #  By the MadGraph Development Team\n" + \
                         "        #  Please visit us at https://launchpad.net/madgraph5"        

        return info_lines
    def test_get_python_matrix_methods(self):
        """Test getting the matrix methods for Python for a matrix element."""
        goal_method = (\
"""class Matrix_0_uux_uux(object):

    def __init__(self):
        \"\"\"define the object\"\"\"
    def clean(self):
        self.jamp = []
    def smatrix(self,p, model):
        #  MadGraph 5 v. %(version)s, %(date)s
        #  By the MadGraph Development Team
        #  Please visit us at https://launchpad.net/madgraph5
        # MadGraph StandAlone Version
        # Returns amplitude squared summed/avg over colors
        # and helicities
        # for the point in phase space P(0:3,NEXTERNAL)
        # Process: u u~ > u u~
        # Process: c c~ > c c~
        # Clean additional output
        # CONSTANTS
        nexternal = 4
        ndiags = 4
        ncomb = 16
        helicities = [ \\
        denominator = 36
        # ----------
        # BEGIN CODE
        # ----------
        self.amp2 = [0.] * ndiags
        ans = 0.
        for hel in helicities:
            t = self.matrix(p, hel, model)
            ans = ans + t
        ans = ans / denominator
        return ans.real

    def matrix(self, p, hel, model):
        #  MadGraph 5 v. %(version)s, %(date)s
        #  By the MadGraph Development Team
        #  Please visit us at https://launchpad.net/madgraph5
        # Returns amplitude squared summed/avg over colors
        # for the point with external lines W(0:6,NEXTERNAL)
        # Process: u u~ > u u~
        # Process: c c~ > c c~
        # Process parameters
        ngraphs = 4
        nexternal = 4
        nwavefuncs = 8
        ncolor = 2
        ZERO = 0.
        # Color matrix
        denom = [1,1];
        cf = [[9,3],
        # Model parameters
        WZ = model.get('parameter_dict')["WZ"]
        MZ = model.get('parameter_dict')["MZ"]
        GC_47 = model.get('coupling_dict')["GC_47"]
        GC_35 = model.get('coupling_dict')["GC_35"]
        GC_10 = model.get('coupling_dict')["GC_10"]
        # ----------
        # Begin code
        # ----------
        amp = [None] * ngraphs
        w = [None] * nwavefuncs
        w[0] = ixxxxx(p[0],ZERO,hel[0],+1)
        w[1] = oxxxxx(p[1],ZERO,hel[1],-1)
        w[2] = oxxxxx(p[2],ZERO,hel[2],+1)
        w[3] = ixxxxx(p[3],ZERO,hel[3],-1)
        w[4] = FFV1_3(w[0],w[1],GC_10,ZERO, ZERO)
        # Amplitude(s) for diagram number 1
        amp[0] = FFV1_0(w[3],w[2],w[4],GC_10)
        w[5] = FFV2_5_3(w[0],w[1],GC_35,GC_47,MZ, WZ)
        # Amplitude(s) for diagram number 2
        amp[1] = FFV2_5_0(w[3],w[2],w[5],GC_35,GC_47)
        w[6] = FFV1_3(w[0],w[2],GC_10,ZERO, ZERO)
        # Amplitude(s) for diagram number 3
        amp[2] = FFV1_0(w[3],w[1],w[6],GC_10)
        w[7] = FFV2_5_3(w[0],w[2],GC_35,GC_47,MZ, WZ)
        # Amplitude(s) for diagram number 4
        amp[3] = FFV2_5_0(w[3],w[1],w[7],GC_35,GC_47)

        jamp = [None] * ncolor
        jamp[0] = +1./6.*amp[0]-amp[1]+1./2.*amp[2]
        jamp[1] = -1./2.*amp[0]-1./6.*amp[2]+amp[3]


        matrix = 0.
        for i in range(ncolor):
            ztemp = 0
            for j in range(ncolor):
                ztemp = ztemp + cf[i][j]*jamp[j]
            matrix = matrix + ztemp * jamp[i].conjugate()/denom[i]   
        return matrix
""" % misc.get_pkg_info()).split('\n')

        exporter = export_python.ProcessExporterPython(self.mymatrixelement,

        matrix_methods = exporter.get_python_matrix_methods()["0_uux_uux"].\

        self.assertEqual(matrix_methods, goal_method)
Exemple #4
def import_full_model(model_path):
    """ a practical and efficient way to import one of those models 
        (no restriction file use)"""

    assert model_path == find_ufo_path(model_path)
    # Check the validity of the model
    files_list_prov = ['couplings.py','lorentz.py','parameters.py',
                       'particles.py', 'vertices.py']
    files_list = []
    for filename in files_list_prov:
        filepath = os.path.join(model_path, filename)
        if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
            raise UFOImportError,  "%s directory is not a valid UFO model: \n %s is missing" % \
                                                         (model_path, filename)
    # use pickle files if defined and up-to-date
    if files.is_uptodate(os.path.join(model_path, 'model.pkl'), files_list):
            model = save_load_object.load_from_file( \
                                          os.path.join(model_path, 'model.pkl'))
        except Exception, error:
            logger.info('failed to load model from pickle file. Try importing UFO from File')
            # check path is correct 
            if model.has_key('version_tag') and model.get('version_tag') == os.path.realpath(model_path) + str(misc.get_pkg_info()):
                return model
Exemple #5
            # check path is correct 
            if model.has_key('version_tag') and model.get('version_tag') == os.path.realpath(model_path) + str(misc.get_pkg_info()):
                return model

    if model_path in _import_once:
        raise MadGraph5Error, 'This model is modified on disk. To reload it you need to quit/relaunch mg5' 

    # Load basic information
    ufo_model = ufomodels.load_model(model_path)
    ufo2mg5_converter = UFOMG5Converter(ufo_model)
    model = ufo2mg5_converter.load_model()
    if model_path[-1] == '/': model_path = model_path[:-1] #avoid empty name
    model.set('name', os.path.split(model_path)[-1])
    model.set('version_tag', os.path.realpath(model_path) + str(misc.get_pkg_info()))

    # Load the Parameter/Coupling in a convinient format.
    parameters, couplings = OrganizeModelExpression(ufo_model).main()
    model.set('parameters', parameters)
    model.set('couplings', couplings)
    model.set('functions', ufo_model.all_functions)
    # save in a pickle files to fasten future usage
    save_load_object.save_to_file(os.path.join(model_path, 'model.pkl'), model) 
    #if default and os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_path, 'restrict_default.dat')):
    #    restrict_file = os.path.join(model_path, 'restrict_default.dat') 
    #    model = import_ufo.RestrictModel(model)
    #    model.restrict_model(restrict_file)
    return model
Exemple #6
def import_model(model_path, mgme_dir = MG4DIR):
    """create a model from a MG4 model directory."""

    # Check for a valid directory
    model_path = find_model_path(model_path, mgme_dir)

    files_list = [os.path.join(model_path, 'particles.dat'),\
                  os.path.join(model_path, 'interactions.dat')]
    for filepath in files_list:
        if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
            raise MadGraph5Error,  "%s directory is not a valid v4 model" % \
    # use pickle files if defined
    if files.is_uptodate(os.path.join(model_path, 'model.pkl'), files_list):
        model = save_load_object.load_from_file( \
                                          os.path.join(model_path, 'model.pkl'))
        if model.has_key('version_tag') and model.get('version_tag') == os.path.realpath(model_path) + str(misc.get_pkg_info()):
            return model, model_path

    model = base_objects.Model()    
    model.set('particles',files.read_from_file( \
                                  os.path.join(model_path, 'particles.dat'),
    model.set('interactions',files.read_from_file( \
                                  os.path.join(model_path, 'interactions.dat'),
    model.set('name', os.path.split(model_path)[-1])  

    # save in a pickle files to fasten future usage
    save_load_object.save_to_file(os.path.join(model_path, 'model.pkl'), model)
    return model, model_path