Exemple #1
from magum import Magum
from array import *

DT = 0.02  # 20ms

axisOffset = array('i', [])
i = 0
magum = Magum(250, 1, 2, 1)

# first of all calibrate the sensor
axisOffset = magum.calibrateSens(1000)

while True:
        cFAngleAxis = magum.compFilter(
            DT, axisOffset
        )  # Note: it might need a small time amount to get up to speed
    except IOError:  #  avoid timeout errors

    if i % 20 == 0:
        print str(int(round(cFAngleAxis[0], 0))) + ',' + str(
            int(round(cFAngleAxis[1], 0))) + ',' + str(
                int(round(cFAngleAxis[2], 0)))

    i += 1
    # it's better to use % operator for printing out data,
    # time.sleep may cause uncorrect data do to sampling operation
Exemple #2
# G_scaleRange = 250, FsDouble = 1 (enabled)
# A_scaleRange = 2, lnoise = 1 (on)
magum = Magum(250, 1, 2, 1)

axisOffset = magum.calibrateSens(1000)
DT = 0.1

Kp = 1.0
Ki = 0.0
Kd = 0.0
setpoint = 90.0
pid = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, setpoint)
value = setpoint
pid.tunnings = (Kp, Ki, Kd)

while True:
    #readPID(Kp, Ki, Kd)
    #pid.tunnings = (Kp, Ki, Kd)
        cFAngleAxis = magum.compFilter(DT, axisOffset)
    except IOError:
    output = pid(int(cFAngleAxis[2] + cFAngleAxis[0]))
    output = constrain(output)
    ser.write((str(output) + '\r\n').encode())
    print str(int(round(cFAngleAxis[0], 0))) + ',' + str(
        int(round(cFAngleAxis[1], 0))) + ',' + str(
            int(round(cFAngleAxis[2], 0)))
    print output
Exemple #3
from magum import Magum
from array import *

DT = 0.02 # 20ms

axisOffset = array('i',[])
i = 0
magum = Magum(250,1,2,1)

# first of all calibrate the sensor
axisOffset = magum.calibrateSens(1000)

while True:
		cFAngleAxis = magum.compFilter(DT,axisOffset) # Note: it might need a small time amount to get up to speed
	except IOError: #  avoid timeout errors

	if i%20 == 0:
		print str(int(round(cFAngleAxis[0],0))) + ',' + str(int(round(cFAngleAxis[1],0))) + ',' + str(int(round(cFAngleAxis[2],0)))

	i += 1
	# it's better to use % operator for printing out data, 
	# time.sleep may cause uncorrect data do to sampling operation
Exemple #4
from magum import Magum
from array import *

DT = 0.02 # 20ms

axisOffset = array('i',[])
i = 0
magum = Magum(250,1,2,1)

# first of all calibrate the sensor
axisOffset = magum.calibrateSens(1000)

while True:
		cFAngleAxis = magum.compFilter(DT,axisOffset)
	except IOError: #  avoid timeout errors

	if i%20 == 0:
		print str(int(round(cFAngleAxis[0],0))) + ',' + str(int(round(cFAngleAxis[1],0))) + ',' + str(int(round(cFAngleAxis[2],0)))

	i += 1
	# it's better to use % operator for printing out data, 
	# time.sleep may cause uncorrect data do to sampling operation