def run(opts, args, pars=None, overDict=None, executablePath=None):
    cmd = ''
    if len(args) > 0:
        cmd = args[0].lower()

    from system import bpio

    if cmd == '' or cmd == 'start' or cmd == 'go' or cmd == 'run':
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList) > 0:
            print_text('BitDust already started, found another process: %s' % str(appList))
            return 0
        return run_now(opts, args)

    elif cmd == 'detach':
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList) > 0:
            print_text('main BitDust process already started: %s' % str(appList))
            return 0
        from lib import misc
        print_text('run and detach main BitDust process')
        result = misc.DoRestart(detach=True)
            result =
        return 0

    elif cmd == 'restart' or cmd == 'reboot':
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList) == 0:
            return run_now(opts, args)
        ui = False
        if cmd == 'restart':
            ui = True
        print_text('found main BitDust process: %s, sending "restart" command' % str(appList))

        def done(x):
            print_text('DONE\n', '')
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            if reactor.running and not reactor._stopped:

        def failed(x):
            print_text('soft restart FAILED, now killing previous process and do restart')
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            from lib import misc
            reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown', misc.DoRestart, param='show' if ui else '', detach=True)
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            call_jsonrpc_method('restart', ui).addCallbacks(done, failed)
            return 1
        return 0

    elif cmd == 'show' or cmd == 'open':
        appList_bpgui = bpio.find_process([
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList_bpgui) > 0:
            if len(appList) == 0:
                for pid in appList_bpgui:
                print_text('BitDust GUI already opened, found another process: %s' % str(appList))
                return 0
        if len(appList) == 0:
            from lib import misc
            print_text('run and detach main BitDust process')
            result = misc.DoRestart('show', detach=True)
                result =
            return 0
        print_text('found main BitDust process: %s, sending command "show" to start the GUI\n' % str(appList))
        return 0

    elif cmd == 'stop' or cmd == 'kill' or cmd == 'shutdown':
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList) > 0:
            print_text('found main BitDust process: %s, sending command "exit" ... ' % str(appList), '')
                from twisted.internet import reactor
                return 0
                ret = kill()
                return ret
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment')
            return 0

    elif cmd in ['help', 'h', 'hlp', '?']:
        from main import help
        if len(args) >= 2 and args[1].lower() == 'schedule':
        elif len(args) >= 2 and args[1].lower() == 'settings':
            # from main import settings
            # settings.uconfig().print_all()
            from main import config
            for k in config.conf().listAllEntries():
                print k, config.conf().getData(k)
        return 0

    appList = bpio.find_process([
    running = len(appList) > 0
    overDict = override_options(opts, args)

    if cmd in ['identity', 'id', 'idurl', ]:
        return cmd_identity(opts, args, overDict, running)

    elif cmd == 'key':
        return cmd_key(opts, args, overDict, running, executablePath)

    if cmd == 'ping' or cmd == 'call' or cmd == 'sendid':
        if len(args) < 1:
            return 2
        tpl = jsontemplate.Template(templ.TPL_RAW)
        return call_jsonrpc_method_template_and_stop('ping', tpl, args[1])

    elif cmd in ['set', 'get', 'conf', 'config', 'option', 'setting', ]:
        if len(args) == 1 or args[1].lower() in ['help', '?']:
            from main import help
            return 0
        if not running:
            return cmd_set(opts, args, overDict)
        return cmd_set_request(opts, args, overDict)

    if cmd in ['reconnect', 'rejoin', 'connect', ]:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_reconnect(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['api', 'call', ]:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_api(opts, args, overDict, executablePath)

    elif cmd in ['msg', 'message', 'messages', 'chat', 'talk', ]:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_message(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['suppliers', 'supplier', 'sup', 'supp', 'sp']:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_suppliers(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['customers', 'customer', 'cus', 'cust', 'cu']:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_customers(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['storage', 'space']:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_storage(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['automats', 'aut', 'states', 'machines', ]:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_automats(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['services', 'service', 'svc', 'serv', 'srv', ]:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_services(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd == 'friend' or cmd == 'friends' or cmd == 'buddy' or cmd == 'correspondent' or cmd == 'contact' or cmd == 'peer':
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_friend(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['file', 'files', 'fi', 'fs', 'backup', 'backups', 'bk', 'up', 'upload', 'uploads', ]:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_backup(opts, args, overDict, executablePath)

    elif cmd in ['restore', 'rest', 'download', 'down', ]:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_restore(opts, args, overDict, executablePath)

    elif cmd in ['version', 'v', 'ver']:
        from main import settings
        from lib import misc
        ver = bpio.ReadTextFile(settings.VersionNumberFile()).strip()
        chksum = bpio.ReadTextFile(settings.CheckSumFile()).strip()
        repo, location = misc.ReadRepoLocation()
        print_text('checksum:   %s' % chksum)
        print_text('version:    %s' % ver)
        print_text('repository: %s' % repo)
        print_text('location:   %s' % location)
        return 0

    elif cmd == 'integrate' or cmd == 'alias' or cmd == 'shell':
        return cmd_integrate(opts, args, overDict)

    return 2
def run(opts, args, overDict, pars):
    The entry point, this is called from ``p2p.bpmain`` to process command line arguments.
    print 'Copyright 2014, BitDust. All rights reserved.'
    if overDict:
    if not opts or opts.debug is None:

    appList = bpio.find_process([
    running = len(appList) > 0
    cmd = ''
    if len(args) > 0:
        cmd = args[0].lower()
    if cmd in ['help', 'h']:
        from main import help
        if len(args) >= 2 and args[1].lower() == 'schedule':
            print help.schedule_format()
        elif len(args) >= 2 and args[1].lower() == 'settings':
            print config.conf().print_all()
            print pars.format_option_help()
        return 0
    elif cmd in ['backup', 'backups', 'bk']:
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_backups(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['restore', 're']:
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_restore(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['schedule', 'shed', 'sched', 'sh']:
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_schedule(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in [ 'suppliers', 'supplier', 'sup', 'supp', 'sp', ]:
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_suppliers(opts, args, overDict)
    elif cmd in [ 'customers', 'customer', 'cus', 'cust', 'cs', ]:
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_customers(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd == 'register':
        if running:
            print 'BitDust already started.\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_register(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd == 'recover':
        if running:
            print 'BitDust already started.\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_recover(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd == 'key':
        return cmd_key(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in [ 'stats', 'st' ]:
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_stats(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in [ 'version', 'v', 'ver' ]:
        ver = bpio.ReadTextFile(settings.VersionNumberFile()).strip()
        chksum = bpio.ReadTextFile(settings.CheckSumFile()).strip()
        repo, location = misc.ReadRepoLocation()
        print 'checksum:   ', chksum 
        print 'version:    ', ver
        print 'repository: ', repo
        print 'location:   ', location
        return 0

    elif cmd in [ 'states', 'sta', 'automats', 'auto' ]:
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_states(opts, args, overDict)
    elif cmd in [ 'cache' ]:
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_cache(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in [ 'reconnect', ]:
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_reconnect(opts, args, overDict)
    elif cmd in [ 'set', 'setting', 'settings', 'conf', 'config', 'configs', 'option', 'options', ]:
        if len(args) == 1 or args[1].lower() in [ 'help', '?' ]:
            from main import help
            print help.settings_help()
            return 0
        if not running:
            cmd_set_directly(opts, args, overDict)
            return 0
        return cmd_set_request(opts, args, overDict)
    elif cmd == 'memory':
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_memory(opts, args, overDict)
    elif cmd == 'money':
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_money(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd == 'storage':
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_storage(opts, args, overDict)
    elif cmd == 'msg' or cmd == 'message' or cmd == 'messages':
        if not running:
            print 'BitDust is not running at the moment\n'
            return 0
        return cmd_message(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd == 'integrate':
        return cmd_integrate(opts, args, overDict)
#    elif cmd == 'uninstall':
#        return cmd_uninstall(opts, args, overDict)
    return 2
Exemple #3
def run(opts, args, pars=None, overDict=None): 
    cmd = ''
    if len(args) > 0:
        cmd = args[0].lower()

    from system import bpio

    if cmd == '' or cmd == 'start' or cmd == 'go' or cmd == 'run':
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList) > 0:
            print_text('BitDust already started, found another process: %s' % str(appList))
            return 0
        return run_now(opts, args)

    elif cmd == 'detach':
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList) > 0:
            print_text('main BitDust process already started: %s' % str(appList))
            return 0
        from lib import misc
        print_text('run and detach main BitDust process')
        result = misc.DoRestart(detach=True)
            result =
        return 0

    elif cmd == 'restart':
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList) == 0:
            return run_now()
        print_text('found main BitDust process: %s, sending "restart" command ... ' % str(appList), '')
        def done(x):
            print_text('DONE\n', '')
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            if reactor.running and not reactor._stopped:
        def failed(x):
            print_text('FAILED, killing previous process and do restart\n', '')
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            from lib import misc
            reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after','shutdown', misc.DoRestart)
            from twisted.internet import reactor
            call_xmlrpc_method('restart').addCallbacks(done, failed)
            return 1
        return 0

    elif cmd == 'show' or cmd == 'open':
        appList_bpgui = bpio.find_process([
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList_bpgui) > 0:
            if len(appList) == 0:
                for pid in appList_bpgui:
                print_text('BitDust GUI already opened, found another process: %s' % str(appList))
                return 0
        if len(appList) == 0:
            from lib import misc
            print_text('run and detach main BitDust process')
            result = misc.DoRestart('show', detach=True)
                result =
            return 0
        print_text('found main BitDust process: %s, sending command "show" to start the GUI\n' % str(appList))
        return 0

    elif cmd == 'stop' or cmd == 'kill' or cmd == 'shutdown':
        appList = bpio.find_process([
        if len(appList) > 0:
            print_text('found main BitDust process: %s, sending command "exit"' % str(appList))
                from twisted.internet import reactor
                return 0
                ret = kill()
                return ret
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment')
            return 0

    elif cmd in ['help', 'h', 'hlp', '?']:
        from main import help
        if len(args) >= 2 and args[1].lower() == 'schedule':
        elif len(args) >= 2 and args[1].lower() == 'settings':
            # from main import settings
            # settings.uconfig().print_all()
            from main import config
            for k in config.conf().listAllEntries():
                print k, config.conf().getData(k)
        return 0

    appList = bpio.find_process([
    running = len(appList) > 0
    overDict = override_options(opts, args)

#    if cmd == 'set':
#        if len(args) == 1 or args[1].lower() in [ 'help', '?' ]:
#            from main import help
#            print_text(help.settings_help())
#            return 0
#        if not running:
#            cmd_set_directly(opts, args, overDict)
#            return 0
#        return cmd_set_request(opts, args, overDict)
    if cmd in ['backup', 'backups', 'bk']:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_backups(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['restore', 're']:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_restore(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd == 'msg' or cmd == 'message' or cmd == 'messages':
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_message(opts, args, overDict)
    elif cmd == 'friend' or cmd == 'friends' or cmd == 'buddy':
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_friend(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd == 'integrate':
        return cmd_integrate(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in ['schedule', 'shed', 'sched', 'sh']:
        if not running:
            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
            return 0
        return cmd_schedule(opts, args, overDict)

#    elif cmd in [ 'suppliers', 'supplier', 'sup', 'supp', 'sp', ]:
#        if not running:
#            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_suppliers(opts, args, overDict)
#    elif cmd in [ 'customers', 'customer', 'cus', 'cust', 'cs', ]:
#        if not running:
#            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_customers(opts, args, overDict)

#    elif cmd == 'register':
#        if running:
#            print_text('BitDust already started.\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_register(opts, args, overDict)

#    elif cmd == 'recover':
#        if running:
#            print_text('BitDust already started.\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_recover(opts, args, overDict)

#    elif cmd == 'key':
#        return cmd_key(opts, args, overDict)

#    elif cmd in [ 'stats', 'st' ]:
#        if not running:
#            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_stats(opts, args, overDict)

    elif cmd in [ 'version', 'v', 'ver' ]:
        from main import settings
        ver = bpio.ReadTextFile(settings.VersionNumberFile()).strip()
        chksum = bpio.ReadTextFile(settings.CheckSumFile()).strip()
        repo, location = misc.ReadRepoLocation()
        print_text('checksum:   %s' % chksum )
        print_text('version:    %s' % ver)
        print_text('repository: %s' % repo)
        print_text('location:   %s' % location)
        return 0

#    elif cmd in [ 'states', 'sta', 'automats', 'auto' ]:
#        if not running:
#            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_states(opts, args, overDict)
#    elif cmd in [ 'cache' ]:
#        if not running:
#            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_cache(opts, args, overDict)

#    elif cmd in [ 'reconnect', ]:
#        if not running:
#            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_reconnect(opts, args, overDict)
#    elif cmd == 'memory':
#        if not running:
#            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_memory(opts, args, overDict)
#    elif cmd == 'money':
#        if not running:
#            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_money(opts, args, overDict)
#    elif cmd == 'storage':
#        if not running:
#            print_text('BitDust is not running at the moment\n')
#            return 0
#        return cmd_storage(opts, args, overDict)
#    elif cmd == 'uninstall':
#        return cmd_uninstall(opts, args, overDict)
    return 2