Exemple #1
    global buff_addr
    buff_addr = state.cpu.RDI
    buffer = state.new_symbolic_buffer(12)
    state.cpu.write_bytes(buff_addr, buffer)

def hook(state):
    """ Finish all the checks, solve for the solution """
    res = ''.join(map(chr, state.solve_buffer(buff_addr, 12)))
    print(res)  # =MANTICORE==
    state.abandon()  # Be sure to abandon and not continue execution

def exit_hook(state):
    """ Abandon hook for each exit call """

For each exit that we found in each of the checks,
add the exit_hook to that call
for index, exit in enumerate(get_exits()):
    m.add_hook(exit, exit_hook)

m.verbosity = 0
m.workers = 1
m.should_profile = True
Exemple #2
def test():
    from manticore.native import Manticore

    Leverages Manticore to solve the Google 2016 challenge:

    Author: @ctfhacker
    Binary: https://github.com/ctfs/write-ups-2016/blob/master/google-ctf-2016/reverse/unbreakable-enterprise-product-activation-150/unbreakable-enterprise-product-activation.bz2

    m = None

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        m = Manticore("unbreakable")
        m = Manticore("test_google2016_unbreakable/unbreakable")
    m.context["solved"] = False

    These values can be found at 0x4005b8
    input_addr = 0x6042C0
    num_bytes = 0x33

    # Entry point
    def hook(state):
        """ CAUTION: HACK """
        """ From entry point, jump directly to code performing check """

        # Create a symbolic buffer for our input
        buffer = state.new_symbolic_buffer(0x43)

        # We are given in the challenge that the flag begins with CTF{
        # So we can apply constraints to ensure that is true
        state.constrain(buffer[0] == ord("C"))
        state.constrain(buffer[1] == ord("T"))
        state.constrain(buffer[2] == ord("F"))
        state.constrain(buffer[3] == ord("{"))

        # Store our symbolic input in the global buffer read by the check
        state.cpu.write_bytes(input_addr, buffer)

        # By default, `hook` doesn't patch the instruction, so we hop over
        # the hooked strncpy and execute the next instruction
        state.cpu.EIP = 0x4005BD

    # Failure case
    def hook(state):
        """ Stop executing paths that reach the `failure` function"""
        print("Invalid path.. abandoning")

    # Success case
    def hook(state):
        print("Hit the final state.. solving")

        state._solver._command = "z3 -t:240000 -smt2 -in"  # Hack around travis timeouts
        res = "".join(map(chr, state.solve_buffer(input_addr, num_bytes)))
        print(res)  # CTF{0The1Quick2Brown3Fox4Jumped5Over6The7Lazy8Fox9}

        with m.locked_context() as w:
            if "CTF{0The1Quick2Brown3Fox4Jumped5Over6The7Lazy8Fox9}" == res:
                w["solved"] = True

        # We found the flag, no need to continue execution

    m.should_profile = True
    assert m.context["solved"] == True
Exemple #3
def test():
    from manticore.native import Manticore
    from subprocess import check_output
    import sys
    Leverages Manticore to solve the manticore challenge:

    Author: @ctfhacker

    python win.py
    real    0m52.039s
    user    0m50.272s
    sys     0m2.340s

    file = ""
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        file = "manticore_challenge"
        file = "./test_manticore_challenge/manticore_challenge"

    addrs = []

    def get_exits():
        """ Extract exit calls from each check function using objdump """
        def addr(line):
            """ Get just the address from a line of objdump output """
            return int(line.split()[0][:-1], 16)

        exits_disasm = check_output("objdump -d %s | grep exit" % file,
        exits_disasm = exits_disasm.decode()
        exits = [addr(line) for line in exits_disasm.split("\n")[2:-1]]
        for e in exits:
            yield e

    m = Manticore(file)
    m.context["solved"] = False

    buff_addr = None

    def hook(state):
        """ Jump over `puts` and `fgets` calls """
        state.cpu.EIP = 0x4009C1

    def hook(state):
        """ Inject symbolic buffer instead of fgets """
        with m.locked_context() as context:
            context["buff_addr"] = state.cpu.RDI
        buffer = state.new_symbolic_buffer(12)
        state.cpu.write_bytes(state.cpu.RDI, buffer)

    def hook(state):
        """ Finish all the checks, solve for the solution """
        buff_addr = ""
        with m.locked_context() as context:
            buff_addr = context["buff_addr"]
        res = "".join(map(chr, state.solve_buffer(buff_addr, 12)))
        print("solution: " + res)  # =MANTICORE==
        with m.locked_context() as context:
            if "=MANTICORE" in res:
                context["solved"] = True
        state.abandon()  # Be sure to abandon and not continue execution

    def exit_hook(state):
        """ Abandon hook for each exit call """

    For each exit that we found in each of the checks,
    add the exit_hook to that call
    for index, exit in enumerate(get_exits()):
        m.add_hook(exit, exit_hook)

    m.verbosity = 0
    m.workers = 1
    m.should_profile = True
    assert m.context["solved"]