def create_supports(self):
     for i, pce_id in enumerate(self.pieces):
         for row in db.callproc('orders_for_piece', pce_id):
             dst = row['destination']
             order_type = int(row['order_type'])
             if dst and order_type == 2:
                 operands = db.callproc('operands_for_piece', pce_id)
                 if len(operands) == 1:
                     sup_pce = operands[0]['ter_id']
                     if not self.loc_pce.has_key(sup_pce): continue
                     sup_pce = self.loc_pce[sup_pce]
                     sup_orders = db.callproc('orders_for_piece', self.pieces[sup_pce])
                     if not sup_orders: continue
                     sup_dst = sup_orders[0]['destination']
                     if sup_dst != dst or sup_pce == i: continue
                     self.pce_m[i][sup_pce] = 2
                 #print order_type, len(db.callproc('orders_for_piece', pce_id)), pce_id
                 #if self.loc_pce.has_key(dst) and self.loc_pce[dst] != i:
                     #self.pce_m[i][self.loc_pce[dst]] = 1
                 #for o in self.orders:
                     #if o['destination'] == dst and o['order_type'] == 2\
                        #and self.piece_map[int(o['pce_id'])] != i:
                         #self.pce_m[i][self.piece_map[int(o['pce_id'])]] = 2
                     #print i, self.dst_pce[dst], len(self.pce_m[i])
 def create_moves(self):
     for i, pce_id in enumerate(self.pieces):
         for row in db.callproc('orders_for_piece', pce_id):
             dst = row['destination']
             order_type = int(row['order_type'])
             if dst and order_type == 1:
                 #print order_type, len(db.callproc('orders_for_piece', pce_id)), pce_id
                 if self.loc_pce.has_key(dst) and self.loc_pce[dst] != i:
                     self.pce_m[i][self.loc_pce[dst]] = 1
                 for o in self.orders:
                     if o['destination'] == dst and o['order_type'] == 1\
                        and self.piece_map[int(o['pce_id'])] != i:
                         self.pce_m[i][self.piece_map[int(o['pce_id'])]] = 1
                     #print i, self.dst_pce[dst], len(self.pce_m[i])
        for v in xrange(len(self.pce_m)):
            #print v, color[v], path[v], self.adj(v)
            if color[v] == 0:
        print path
        print exe - dislodged
        for pce in list(exe - dislodged):
            if not dont: execute(self.pieces[pce])
        for pce in list(dislodged):
            if not dont: dislodge(self.pieces[pce], self.pieces_info[self.pieces[pce]]['ter_id'], 
                                  [self.pieces[p] for p in list(exe - dislodged)])
        print dislodged

def resolve(gam_id):
    g = graph(gam_id)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #dislodge(1, 5)
    g = graph(1)