Exemple #1
def MultiAsset(traders=None,
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
    from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassettrader import ISingleAssetTrader
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim.gen._out._imultiassetstrategy import IMultiAssetStrategy
    if traders is None or rtti.can_be_casted(traders,
        if strategy is None or rtti.can_be_casted(strategy,
            if name is None or rtti.can_be_casted(name, str):
                if PnL is None or rtti.can_be_casted(PnL, float):
                    if timeseries is None or rtti.can_be_casted(
                            timeseries, listOf(ITimeSerie)):
                        return MultiAsset_ListISingleAssetTraderIMultiAssetStrategyStringFloatListITimeSerie(
                            traders, strategy, name, PnL, timeseries)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for MultiAsset(' +
                    str(traders) + ':' + str(type(traders)) + ',' +
                    str(strategy) + ':' + str(type(strategy)) + ',' +
                    str(name) + ':' + str(type(name)) + ',' + str(PnL) + ':' +
                    str(type(PnL)) + ',' + str(timeseries) + ':' +
                    str(type(timeseries)) + ')')
Exemple #2
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim import listOf
     from marketsim.gen._out._imultiassetstrategy import IMultiAssetStrategy
     from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassettrader import ISingleAssetTrader
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ISingleAssetTrader), self.traders)
     rtti.typecheck(IMultiAssetStrategy, self.strategy)
     rtti.typecheck(str, self.name)
     rtti.typecheck(float, self.PnL)
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)
    def typecheck(self):
        from marketsim import listOf
        from marketsim.gen._out._imultiassetstrategy import IMultiAssetStrategy
        from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
        from marketsim import rtti
        from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassettrader import ISingleAssetTrader

        rtti.typecheck(listOf(ISingleAssetTrader), self.traders)
        rtti.typecheck(IMultiAssetStrategy, self.strategy)
        rtti.typecheck(str, self.name)
        rtti.typecheck(float, self.PnL)
        rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)
def MultiAsset(traders = None,strategy = None,name = None,PnL = None,timeseries = None): 
    from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._imultiassetstrategy import IMultiAssetStrategy
    from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassettrader import ISingleAssetTrader
    from marketsim import listOf
    if traders is None or rtti.can_be_casted(traders, listOf(ISingleAssetTrader)):
        if strategy is None or rtti.can_be_casted(strategy, IMultiAssetStrategy):
            if name is None or rtti.can_be_casted(name, str):
                if PnL is None or rtti.can_be_casted(PnL, float):
                    if timeseries is None or rtti.can_be_casted(timeseries, listOf(ITimeSerie)):
                        return MultiAsset_ListISingleAssetTraderIMultiAssetStrategyStringFloatListITimeSerie(traders,strategy,name,PnL,timeseries)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for MultiAsset('+str(traders) +':'+ str(type(traders))+','+str(strategy) +':'+ str(type(strategy))+','+str(name) +':'+ str(type(name))+','+str(PnL) +':'+ str(type(PnL))+','+str(timeseries) +':'+ str(type(timeseries))+')')
Exemple #5
def ChooseTheBest(array=None):
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim import rtti
    if array is None or rtti.can_be_casted(array, listOf(float)):
        return ChooseTheBest_ListFloat(array)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for ChooseTheBest(' +
                    str(array) + ':' + str(type(array)) + ')')
Exemple #6
class Remote_IOrderBookITwoWayLinkListITimeSerie(IOrderBook, _Remote_Impl):
    """  to the market by means of a *link* that introduces some latency in information propagation
    def __init__(self, orderbook=None, link=None, timeseries=None):
        from marketsim.gen._out.orderbook._local import Local_StringFloatIntListITimeSerie as _orderbook_Local_StringFloatIntListITimeSerie
        from marketsim.gen._out.orderbook._twowaylink import TwoWayLink_ILinkILink as _orderbook_TwoWayLink_ILinkILink
        from marketsim import rtti
        self.orderbook = orderbook if orderbook is not None else _orderbook_Local_StringFloatIntListITimeSerie(
        self.link = link if link is not None else _orderbook_TwoWayLink_ILinkILink(
        self.timeseries = timeseries if timeseries is not None else []

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {
        'orderbook': IOrderBook,
        'link': ITwoWayLink,
        'timeseries': listOf(ITimeSerie)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%(orderbook)s.name^remote" % self.__dict__
def SingleAsset(orderBook=None,
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
    from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
    from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim import listOf
    if orderBook is None or rtti.can_be_casted(orderBook, IOrderBook):
        if strategy is None or rtti.can_be_casted(strategy,
            if name is None or rtti.can_be_casted(name, str):
                if amount is None or rtti.can_be_casted(amount, float):
                    if PnL is None or rtti.can_be_casted(PnL, float):
                        if timeseries is None or rtti.can_be_casted(
                                timeseries, listOf(ITimeSerie)):
                            return SingleAsset_IOrderBookISingleAssetStrategyStringFloatFloatListITimeSerie(
                                orderBook, strategy, name, amount, PnL,
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for SingleAsset(' +
                    str(orderBook) + ':' + str(type(orderBook)) + ',' +
                    str(strategy) + ':' + str(type(strategy)) + ',' +
                    str(name) + ':' + str(type(name)) + ',' + str(amount) +
                    ':' + str(type(amount)) + ',' + str(PnL) + ':' +
                    str(type(PnL)) + ',' + str(timeseries) + ':' +
                    str(type(timeseries)) + ')')
Exemple #8
def Array(strategies = None): 
    from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim import rtti
    if strategies is None or rtti.can_be_casted(strategies, listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy)):
        return Array_ListISingleAssetStrategy(strategies)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for Array('+str(strategies) +':'+ str(type(strategies))+')')
class ChooseTheBest_ListISingleAssetStrategyISingleAssetStrategyIAccountIAccountFloat(
        ISingleAssetStrategy, _ChooseTheBest_Impl):
    """  In some moments of time the most effective strategy
     is chosen and made running; other strategies are suspended.
     It can be considered as a particular case for MultiArmedBandit strategy with
     *corrector* parameter set to *chooseTheBest*
    def __init__(self, strategies=None, account=None, performance=None):
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy._noise import Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder as _strategy_Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy.account.inner._inner_virtualmarket import inner_VirtualMarket_ as _strategy_account_inner_inner_VirtualMarket_
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy.weight.trader._trader_traderefficiencytrend import trader_TraderEfficiencyTrend_Float as _strategy_weight_trader_trader_TraderEfficiencyTrend_Float
        from marketsim import rtti
        self.strategies = strategies if strategies is not None else [
        self.account = account if account is not None else _strategy_account_inner_inner_VirtualMarket_(
        self.performance = performance if performance is not None else _strategy_weight_trader_trader_TraderEfficiencyTrend_Float(

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {
        'strategies': listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy),
        'account': IFunctionIAccountISingleAssetStrategy,
        'performance': IFunctionIFunctionfloatIAccount

    def __repr__(self):
        return "ChooseTheBest(%(strategies)s, %(account)s, %(performance)s)" % self.__dict__
class MultiArmedBandit_ListISingleAssetStrategyISingleAssetStrategyIAccountIAccountFloatFloatFloatListFloatListFloat(ISingleAssetStrategy,_MultiarmedBandit2_Impl):
    """  In some moments of time the efficiency of the strategies is evaluated
     These efficiencies are mapped into weights using *weight* and *normilizer*
     functions per every strategy and *corrector* for the whole collection of weights
     These weights are used to choose randomly a strategy to run for the next quant of time.
     All other strategies are suspended
    def __init__(self, strategies = None, account = None, weight = None, normalizer = None, corrector = None):
        from marketsim import rtti
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy.weight.trader._trader_traderefficiencytrend import trader_TraderEfficiencyTrend_Float as _strategy_weight_trader_trader_TraderEfficiencyTrend_Float
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy._noise import Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder as _strategy_Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy.account.inner._inner_virtualmarket import inner_VirtualMarket_ as _strategy_account_inner_inner_VirtualMarket_
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy.weight.f._f_atanpow import f_AtanPow_Float as _strategy_weight_f_f_AtanPow_Float
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy.weight.array._array_identityl import array_IdentityL_ as _strategy_weight_array_array_IdentityL_
        self.strategies = strategies if strategies is not None else [_strategy_Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder()]
        self.account = account if account is not None else _strategy_account_inner_inner_VirtualMarket_()
        self.weight = weight if weight is not None else _strategy_weight_trader_trader_TraderEfficiencyTrend_Float()
        self.normalizer = normalizer if normalizer is not None else _strategy_weight_f_f_AtanPow_Float()
        self.corrector = corrector if corrector is not None else _strategy_weight_array_array_IdentityL_()
    def label(self):
        return repr(self)
    _properties = {
        'strategies' : listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy),
        'account' : IFunctionIAccountISingleAssetStrategy,
        'weight' : IFunctionIFunctionfloatIAccount,
        'normalizer' : IFunctionIFunctionfloatIFunctionfloat,
        'corrector' : IFunctionIFunctionlistOffloatlistOffloat
    def __repr__(self):
        return "MultiArmedBandit(%(strategies)s, %(account)s, %(weight)s, %(normalizer)s, %(corrector)s)" % self.__dict__
Exemple #11
class volumeLevels_IVolumeLevelsIGraphIntIntListFloatInt(ITimeSerie,_VolumeLevels_Impl):
    """  Level of volume V is a price at which cumulative volume of better orders is V
    def __init__(self, source , graph = None, _digitsToShow = None, _smooth = None, _volumes = None, _isBuy = None):
        from marketsim.gen._out.veusz._graph import Graph_String as _veusz_Graph_String
        from marketsim import rtti
        self.source = source
        self.graph = graph if graph is not None else _veusz_Graph_String()
        self._digitsToShow = _digitsToShow if _digitsToShow is not None else 4
        self._smooth = _smooth if _smooth is not None else 1
        self._volumes = _volumes if _volumes is not None else [30.0]
        self._isBuy = _isBuy if _isBuy is not None else 1
    def label(self):
        return repr(self)
    _properties = {
        'source' : IFunctionIVolumeLevels,
        'graph' : IGraph,
        '_digitsToShow' : int,
        '_smooth' : int,
        '_volumes' : listOf(float),
        '_isBuy' : int
    def __repr__(self):
        return "%(source)s" % self.__dict__
def volumeLevels(source=None,
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionivolumelevels import IFunctionIVolumeLevels
    from marketsim.gen._out._igraph import IGraph
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim import rtti
    if source is None or rtti.can_be_casted(source, IFunctionIVolumeLevels):
        if graph is None or rtti.can_be_casted(graph, IGraph):
            if _digitsToShow is None or rtti.can_be_casted(_digitsToShow, int):
                if _smooth is None or rtti.can_be_casted(_smooth, int):
                    if _volumes is None or rtti.can_be_casted(
                            _volumes, listOf(float)):
                        if _isBuy is None or rtti.can_be_casted(_isBuy, int):
                            return volumeLevels_IVolumeLevelsIGraphIntIntListFloatInt(
                                source, graph, _digitsToShow, _smooth,
                                _volumes, _isBuy)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for volumeLevels(' +
                    str(source) + ':' + str(type(source)) + ',' + str(graph) +
                    ':' + str(type(graph)) + ',' + str(_digitsToShow) + ':' +
                    str(type(_digitsToShow)) + ',' + str(_smooth) + ':' +
                    str(type(_smooth)) + ',' + str(_volumes) + ':' +
                    str(type(_volumes)) + ',' + str(_isBuy) + ':' +
                    str(type(_isBuy)) + ')')
Exemple #13
class Local_StringFloatIntListITimeSerie(IOrderBook, _Local_Impl):
    """  Maintains two order queues for orders of different sides
    def __init__(self,
        from marketsim import rtti
        self.name = name if name is not None else "-orderbook-"
        self.tickSize = tickSize if tickSize is not None else 0.01
        self._digitsToShow = _digitsToShow if _digitsToShow is not None else 2
        self.timeseries = timeseries if timeseries is not None else []

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {
        'name': str,
        'tickSize': float,
        '_digitsToShow': int,
        'timeseries': listOf(ITimeSerie)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%(name)s" % self.__dict__
Exemple #14
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
     from marketsim import listOf
     rtti.typecheck(str, self.name)
     rtti.typecheck(float, self.tickSize)
     rtti.typecheck(int, self._digitsToShow)
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
     from marketsim import listOf
     rtti.typecheck(str, self.name)
     rtti.typecheck(float, self.tickSize)
     rtti.typecheck(int, self._digitsToShow)
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)
Exemple #16
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim.gen._out._itwowaylink import ITwoWayLink
     from marketsim import listOf
     from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
     rtti.typecheck(IOrderBook, self.orderbook)
     rtti.typecheck(ITwoWayLink, self.link)
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim.gen._out._itwowaylink import ITwoWayLink
     from marketsim import listOf
     from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
     rtti.typecheck(IOrderBook, self.orderbook)
     rtti.typecheck(ITwoWayLink, self.link)
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctioniaccount_from_isingleassetstrategy import IFunctionIAccount_from_ISingleAssetStrategy
     from marketsim import listOf
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_iaccount import IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount
     from marketsim import rtti
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy), self.strategies)
     rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIAccount_from_ISingleAssetStrategy, self.account)
     rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount, self.performance)
Exemple #19
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctioniaccount_from_isingleassetstrategy import IFunctionIAccount_from_ISingleAssetStrategy
     from marketsim import listOf
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_iaccount import IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount
     from marketsim import rtti
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy), self.strategies)
     rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount, self.performance)
def Local(name = None,tickSize = None,_digitsToShow = None,timeseries = None): 
    from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim import rtti
    if name is None or rtti.can_be_casted(name, str):
        if tickSize is None or rtti.can_be_casted(tickSize, float):
            if _digitsToShow is None or rtti.can_be_casted(_digitsToShow, int):
                if timeseries is None or rtti.can_be_casted(timeseries, listOf(ITimeSerie)):
                    return Local_StringFloatIntListITimeSerie(name,tickSize,_digitsToShow,timeseries)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for Local('+str(name) +':'+ str(type(name))+','+str(tickSize) +':'+ str(type(tickSize))+','+str(_digitsToShow) +':'+ str(type(_digitsToShow))+','+str(timeseries) +':'+ str(type(timeseries))+')')
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionivolumelevels import IFunctionIVolumeLevels
     from marketsim.gen._out._igraph import IGraph
     from marketsim import listOf
     rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIVolumeLevels, self.source)
     rtti.typecheck(IGraph, self.graph)
     rtti.typecheck(int, self._digitsToShow)
     rtti.typecheck(int, self._smooth)
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(float), self._volumes)
     rtti.typecheck(int, self._isBuy)
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionivolumelevels import IFunctionIVolumeLevels
     from marketsim.gen._out._igraph import IGraph
     from marketsim import listOf
     rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIVolumeLevels, self.source)
     rtti.typecheck(IGraph, self.graph)
     rtti.typecheck(int, self._digitsToShow)
     rtti.typecheck(int, self._smooth)
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(float), self._volumes)
     rtti.typecheck(int, self._isBuy)
def ChooseTheBest(strategies = None,account = None,performance = None): 
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction import IFunctionIFunctionfloatIAccount
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction import IFunctionIAccountISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim import listOf
    if strategies is None or rtti.can_be_casted(strategies, listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy)):
        if account is None or rtti.can_be_casted(account, IFunctionIAccountISingleAssetStrategy):
            if performance is None or rtti.can_be_casted(performance, IFunctionIFunctionfloatIAccount):
                return ChooseTheBest_ListISingleAssetStrategyISingleAssetStrategyIAccountIAccountFloat(strategies,account,performance)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for ChooseTheBest('+str(strategies) +':'+ str(type(strategies))+','+str(account) +':'+ str(type(account))+','+str(performance) +':'+ str(type(performance))+')')
Exemple #24
def Remote(orderbook = None,link = None,timeseries = None): 
    from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._itwowaylink import ITwoWayLink
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
    if orderbook is None or rtti.can_be_casted(orderbook, IOrderBook):
        if link is None or rtti.can_be_casted(link, ITwoWayLink):
            if timeseries is None or rtti.can_be_casted(timeseries, listOf(ITimeSerie)):
                return Remote_IOrderBookITwoWayLinkListITimeSerie(orderbook,link,timeseries)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for Remote('+str(orderbook) +':'+ str(type(orderbook))+','+str(link) +':'+ str(type(link))+','+str(timeseries) +':'+ str(type(timeseries))+')')
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
     from marketsim import listOf
     from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
     rtti.typecheck(IOrderBook, self.orderBook)
     rtti.typecheck(ISingleAssetStrategy, self.strategy)
     rtti.typecheck(str, self.name)
     rtti.typecheck(float, self.amount)
     rtti.typecheck(float, self.PnL)
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)
Exemple #26
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
     from marketsim import listOf
     from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
     rtti.typecheck(IOrderBook, self.orderBook)
     rtti.typecheck(ISingleAssetStrategy, self.strategy)
     rtti.typecheck(str, self.name)
     rtti.typecheck(float, self.amount)
     rtti.typecheck(float, self.PnL)
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)
def volumeLevels(source = None,graph = None,_digitsToShow = None,_smooth = None,_volumes = None,_isBuy = None): 
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction import IFunctionIVolumeLevels
    from marketsim.gen._out._igraph import IGraph
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim import rtti
    if source is None or rtti.can_be_casted(source, IFunctionIVolumeLevels):
        if graph is None or rtti.can_be_casted(graph, IGraph):
            if _digitsToShow is None or rtti.can_be_casted(_digitsToShow, int):
                if _smooth is None or rtti.can_be_casted(_smooth, int):
                    if _volumes is None or rtti.can_be_casted(_volumes, listOf(float)):
                        if _isBuy is None or rtti.can_be_casted(_isBuy, int):
                            return volumeLevels_IVolumeLevelsIGraphIntIntListFloatInt(source,graph,_digitsToShow,_smooth,_volumes,_isBuy)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for volumeLevels('+str(source) +':'+ str(type(source))+','+str(graph) +':'+ str(type(graph))+','+str(_digitsToShow) +':'+ str(type(_digitsToShow))+','+str(_smooth) +':'+ str(type(_smooth))+','+str(_volumes) +':'+ str(type(_volumes))+','+str(_isBuy) +':'+ str(type(_isBuy))+')')
Exemple #28
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctioniaccount_from_isingleassetstrategy import IFunctionIAccount_from_ISingleAssetStrategy
     from marketsim import listOf
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_iaccount import IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionlistoffloat_from_listoffloat import IFunctionIFunctionlistOffloat_from_listOffloat
     from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_ifunctionfloat import IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IFunctionfloat
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy), self.strategies)
     rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIAccount_from_ISingleAssetStrategy, self.account)
     rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount, self.weight)
     rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IFunctionfloat, self.normalizer)
     rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIFunctionlistOffloat_from_listOffloat, self.corrector)
def SingleAsset(orderBook = None,strategy = None,name = None,amount = None,PnL = None,timeseries = None): 
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
    from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
    from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim import listOf
    if orderBook is None or rtti.can_be_casted(orderBook, IOrderBook):
        if strategy is None or rtti.can_be_casted(strategy, ISingleAssetStrategy):
            if name is None or rtti.can_be_casted(name, str):
                if amount is None or rtti.can_be_casted(amount, float):
                    if PnL is None or rtti.can_be_casted(PnL, float):
                        if timeseries is None or rtti.can_be_casted(timeseries, listOf(ITimeSerie)):
                            return SingleAsset_IOrderBookISingleAssetStrategyStringFloatFloatListITimeSerie(orderBook,strategy,name,amount,PnL,timeseries)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for SingleAsset('+str(orderBook) +':'+ str(type(orderBook))+','+str(strategy) +':'+ str(type(strategy))+','+str(name) +':'+ str(type(name))+','+str(amount) +':'+ str(type(amount))+','+str(PnL) +':'+ str(type(PnL))+','+str(timeseries) +':'+ str(type(timeseries))+')')
def MultiArmedBandit(strategies=None, account=None, weight=None, normalizer=None, corrector=None):
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionlistoffloat_from_listoffloat import (
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctioniaccount_from_isingleassetstrategy import (
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_ifunctionfloat import (
    from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_iaccount import (

    if strategies is None or rtti.can_be_casted(strategies, listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy)):
        if account is None or rtti.can_be_casted(account, IFunctionIAccount_from_ISingleAssetStrategy):
            if weight is None or rtti.can_be_casted(weight, IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount):
                if normalizer is None or rtti.can_be_casted(normalizer, IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IFunctionfloat):
                    if corrector is None or rtti.can_be_casted(
                        corrector, IFunctionIFunctionlistOffloat_from_listOffloat
                        return MultiArmedBandit_ListISingleAssetStrategyISingleAssetStrategyIAccountIAccountFloatFloatFloatListFloatListFloat(
                            strategies, account, weight, normalizer, corrector
    raise Exception(
        "Cannot find suitable overload for MultiArmedBandit("
        + str(strategies)
        + ":"
        + str(type(strategies))
        + ","
        + str(account)
        + ":"
        + str(type(account))
        + ","
        + str(weight)
        + ":"
        + str(type(weight))
        + ","
        + str(normalizer)
        + ":"
        + str(type(normalizer))
        + ","
        + str(corrector)
        + ":"
        + str(type(corrector))
        + ")"
Exemple #31
def MultiArmedBandit(strategies = None,account = None,weight = None,normalizer = None,corrector = None): 
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionlistoffloat_from_listoffloat import IFunctionIFunctionlistOffloat_from_listOffloat
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctioniaccount_from_isingleassetstrategy import IFunctionIAccount_from_ISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_ifunctionfloat import IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IFunctionfloat
    from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_iaccount import IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount
    if strategies is None or rtti.can_be_casted(strategies, listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy)):
        if account is None or rtti.can_be_casted(account, IFunctionIAccount_from_ISingleAssetStrategy):
            if weight is None or rtti.can_be_casted(weight, IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount):
                if normalizer is None or rtti.can_be_casted(normalizer, IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IFunctionfloat):
                    if corrector is None or rtti.can_be_casted(corrector, IFunctionIFunctionlistOffloat_from_listOffloat):
                        return MultiArmedBandit_ListISingleAssetStrategyISingleAssetStrategyIAccountIAccountFloatFloatFloatListFloatListFloat(strategies,account,weight,normalizer,corrector)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for MultiArmedBandit('+str(strategies) +':'+ str(type(strategies))+','+str(account) +':'+ str(type(account))+','+str(weight) +':'+ str(type(weight))+','+str(normalizer) +':'+ str(type(normalizer))+','+str(corrector) +':'+ str(type(corrector))+')')
Exemple #32
def Local(name=None, tickSize=None, _digitsToShow=None, timeseries=None):
    from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim import rtti
    if name is None or rtti.can_be_casted(name, str):
        if tickSize is None or rtti.can_be_casted(tickSize, float):
            if _digitsToShow is None or rtti.can_be_casted(_digitsToShow, int):
                if timeseries is None or rtti.can_be_casted(
                        timeseries, listOf(ITimeSerie)):
                    return Local_StringFloatIntListITimeSerie(
                        name, tickSize, _digitsToShow, timeseries)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for Local(' + str(name) +
                    ':' + str(type(name)) + ',' + str(tickSize) + ':' +
                    str(type(tickSize)) + ',' + str(_digitsToShow) + ':' +
                    str(type(_digitsToShow)) + ',' + str(timeseries) + ':' +
                    str(type(timeseries)) + ')')
Exemple #33
def Remote(orderbook=None, link=None, timeseries=None):
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
    from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
    from marketsim.gen._out._itwowaylink import ITwoWayLink
    from marketsim import listOf
    if orderbook is None or rtti.can_be_casted(orderbook, IOrderBook):
        if link is None or rtti.can_be_casted(link, ITwoWayLink):
            if timeseries is None or rtti.can_be_casted(
                    timeseries, listOf(ITimeSerie)):
                return Remote_IOrderBookITwoWayLinkListITimeSerie(
                    orderbook, link, timeseries)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for Remote(' +
                    str(orderbook) + ':' + str(type(orderbook)) + ',' +
                    str(link) + ':' + str(type(link)) + ',' + str(timeseries) +
                    ':' + str(type(timeseries)) + ')')
Exemple #34
class ChooseTheBest_ListFloat(IFunctionlistOffloat, _ChooseTheBest_Impl):
    """   having 1 at the index of the maximal element and 0 are at the rest
    def __init__(self, array=None):
        from marketsim import rtti
        self.array = array if array is not None else []

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {'array': listOf(float)}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "ChooseTheBest(%(array)s)" % self.__dict__
Exemple #35
class IdentityL_ListFloat(IFunctionlistOffloat, _Identity_Impl):
    def __init__(self, array=None):
        from marketsim import rtti
        self.array = array if array is not None else []

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {'array': listOf(float)}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "IdentityL(%(array)s)" % self.__dict__
def ChooseTheBest(strategies=None, account=None, performance=None):
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction import IFunctionIFunctionfloatIAccount
    from marketsim import rtti
    from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction import IFunctionIAccountISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
    from marketsim import listOf
    if strategies is None or rtti.can_be_casted(strategies,
        if account is None or rtti.can_be_casted(
                account, IFunctionIAccountISingleAssetStrategy):
            if performance is None or rtti.can_be_casted(
                    performance, IFunctionIFunctionfloatIAccount):
                return ChooseTheBest_ListISingleAssetStrategyISingleAssetStrategyIAccountIAccountFloat(
                    strategies, account, performance)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for ChooseTheBest(' +
                    str(strategies) + ':' + str(type(strategies)) + ',' +
                    str(account) + ':' + str(type(account)) + ',' +
                    str(performance) + ':' + str(type(performance)) + ')')
Exemple #37
class Array_ListISingleAssetStrategy(ISingleAssetStrategy, _Array_Impl):
    def __init__(self, strategies=None):
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy._noise import Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder as _strategy_Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder
        from marketsim import rtti
        self.strategies = strategies if strategies is not None else [

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {'strategies': listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy)}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Array(%(strategies)s)" % self.__dict__
    def typecheck(self):
        from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
        from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctioniaccount_from_isingleassetstrategy import (
        from marketsim import listOf
        from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_iaccount import (
        from marketsim import rtti
        from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionlistoffloat_from_listoffloat import (
        from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionifunctionfloat_from_ifunctionfloat import (

        rtti.typecheck(listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy), self.strategies)
        rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIAccount_from_ISingleAssetStrategy, self.account)
        rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IAccount, self.weight)
        rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIFunctionfloat_from_IFunctionfloat, self.normalizer)
        rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIFunctionlistOffloat_from_listOffloat, self.corrector)
class SingleAsset_IOrderBookISingleAssetStrategyStringFloatFloatListITimeSerie(
        ISingleAssetTrader, _SingleAsset_Impl):
    def __init__(self,
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy._noise import Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder as _strategy_Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder
        from marketsim import rtti
        self.orderBook = orderBook
        self.strategy = strategy if strategy is not None else _strategy_Noise_IEventSideIObservableIOrder(
        self.name = name if name is not None else "-trader-"
        self.amount = amount if amount is not None else 0.0
        self.PnL = PnL if PnL is not None else 0.0
        self.timeseries = timeseries if timeseries is not None else []

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {
        'orderBook': IOrderBook,
        'strategy': ISingleAssetStrategy,
        'name': str,
        'amount': float,
        'PnL': float,
        'timeseries': listOf(ITimeSerie)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%(name)s" % self.__dict__
def ChooseTheBest(array = None): 
    from marketsim import listOf
    from marketsim import rtti
    if array is None or rtti.can_be_casted(array, listOf(float)):
        return ChooseTheBest_ListFloat(array)
    raise Exception('Cannot find suitable overload for ChooseTheBest('+str(array) +':'+ str(type(array))+')')
class volumeLevels_IVolumeLevelsIGraphIntIntListFloatInt(
        ITimeSerie, VolumeLevels_Impl):
    """ **Time serie holding volume levels of an asset**
     Level of volume V is a price at which cumulative volume of better orders is V
    Parameters are:
    def __init__(self,
        from marketsim.gen._out.veusz._graph import Graph_String as _veusz_Graph_String
        from marketsim import deref_opt
        self.source = source
        self.graph = graph if graph is not None else deref_opt(
        self._digitsToShow = _digitsToShow if _digitsToShow is not None else 4
        self._smooth = _smooth if _smooth is not None else 1
        self._volumes = _volumes if _volumes is not None else [30.0]
        self._isBuy = _isBuy if _isBuy is not None else 1

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {
        'source': IFunctionIVolumeLevels,
        'graph': IGraph,
        '_digitsToShow': int,
        '_smooth': int,
        '_volumes': listOf(float),
        '_isBuy': int

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%(source)s" % dict([(name, getattr(self, name))
                                    for name in self._properties.iterkeys()])

    def bind_ex(self, ctx):
        if self.__dict__.get('_bound_ex', False): return
        self.__dict__['_bound_ex'] = True
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        self.__dict__['_ctx_ex'] = ctx.updatedFrom(self)
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:

        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def reset_ex(self, generation):
        if self.__dict__.get('_reset_generation_ex', -1) == generation: return
        self.__dict__['_reset_generation_ex'] = generation
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:

        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def typecheck(self):
        from marketsim import rtti
        from marketsim.gen._out._ifunction._ifunctionivolumelevels import IFunctionIVolumeLevels
        from marketsim.gen._out._igraph import IGraph
        from marketsim import listOf
        rtti.typecheck(IFunctionIVolumeLevels, self.source)
        rtti.typecheck(IGraph, self.graph)
        rtti.typecheck(int, self._digitsToShow)
        rtti.typecheck(int, self._smooth)
        rtti.typecheck(listOf(float), self._volumes)
        rtti.typecheck(int, self._isBuy)

    def registerIn(self, registry):
        if self.__dict__.get('_id', False): return
        self.__dict__['_id'] = True
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True

        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def bind_impl(self, ctx):
        VolumeLevels_Impl.bind_impl(self, ctx)

    def reset(self):
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim import listOf
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(float), self.array)
Exemple #43
class Local_StringFloatIntListITimeSerie(IOrderBook, Local_Impl):
    """ **Order book for a single asset in a market.**
     Maintains two order queues for orders of different sides
    Parameters are:
    def __init__(self,
        self.name = name if name is not None else "-orderbook-"
        self.tickSize = tickSize if tickSize is not None else 0.01
        self._digitsToShow = _digitsToShow if _digitsToShow is not None else 2
        self.timeseries = timeseries if timeseries is not None else []

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {
        'name': str,
        'tickSize': float,
        '_digitsToShow': int,
        'timeseries': listOf(ITimeSerie)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%(name)s" % dict([(name, getattr(self, name))
                                  for name in self._properties.iterkeys()])

    def bind_ex(self, ctx):
        if self.__dict__.get('_bound_ex', False): return
        self.__dict__['_bound_ex'] = True
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        self.__dict__['_ctx_ex'] = ctx.updatedFrom(self)
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        for x in self.timeseries:
        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def reset_ex(self, generation):
        if self.__dict__.get('_reset_generation_ex', -1) == generation: return
        self.__dict__['_reset_generation_ex'] = generation
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        for x in self.timeseries:
        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def typecheck(self):
        from marketsim import rtti
        from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
        from marketsim import listOf
        rtti.typecheck(str, self.name)
        rtti.typecheck(float, self.tickSize)
        rtti.typecheck(int, self._digitsToShow)
        rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)

    def registerIn(self, registry):
        if self.__dict__.get('_id', False): return
        self.__dict__['_id'] = True
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        for x in self.timeseries:
        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def bind_impl(self, ctx):
        Local_Impl.bind_impl(self, ctx)

    def reset(self):
 def typecheck(self):
     from marketsim import rtti
     from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
     from marketsim import listOf
     rtti.typecheck(listOf(ISingleAssetStrategy), self.strategies)
class IFunctionIFunctionlistOffloat_from_listOffloat(object):
    _types = [meta.function((listOf(float), ), IFunctionlistOffloat)]
Exemple #46
class Remote_IOrderBookITwoWayLinkListITimeSerie(IOrderBook, Remote_Impl):
    """ **Represent an *orderbook* from point of view of a remote trader connected**
     to the market by means of a *link* that introduces some latency in information propagation
    Parameters are:
    def __init__(self, orderbook=None, link=None, timeseries=None):
        from marketsim.gen._out.orderbook._local import Local_StringFloatIntListITimeSerie as _orderbook_Local_StringFloatIntListITimeSerie
        from marketsim import deref_opt
        from marketsim.gen._out.orderbook._twowaylink import TwoWayLink_ILinkILink as _orderbook_TwoWayLink_ILinkILink
        self.orderbook = orderbook if orderbook is not None else deref_opt(
        self.link = link if link is not None else deref_opt(
        self.timeseries = timeseries if timeseries is not None else []

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {
        'orderbook': IOrderBook,
        'link': ITwoWayLink,
        'timeseries': listOf(ITimeSerie)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%(orderbook)s.name^remote" % dict([(name, getattr(
            self, name)) for name in self._properties.iterkeys()])

    def bind_ex(self, ctx):
        if self.__dict__.get('_bound_ex', False): return
        self.__dict__['_bound_ex'] = True
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        self.__dict__['_ctx_ex'] = ctx.updatedFrom(self)
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        for x in self.timeseries:
        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def reset_ex(self, generation):
        if self.__dict__.get('_reset_generation_ex', -1) == generation: return
        self.__dict__['_reset_generation_ex'] = generation
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        for x in self.timeseries:
        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def typecheck(self):
        from marketsim.gen._out._itwowaylink import ITwoWayLink
        from marketsim import listOf
        from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
        from marketsim import rtti
        from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
        rtti.typecheck(IOrderBook, self.orderbook)
        rtti.typecheck(ITwoWayLink, self.link)
        rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)

    def registerIn(self, registry):
        if self.__dict__.get('_id', False): return
        self.__dict__['_id'] = True
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        for x in self.timeseries:
        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def bind_impl(self, ctx):
        Remote_Impl.bind_impl(self, ctx)

    def reset(self):
Exemple #47
class SingleAsset_IOrderBookISingleAssetStrategyStringFloatFloatListITimeSerie(
        ISingleAssetTrader, SingleAsset_Impl):
    """ **A trader that trades a single asset on a single market**
    Parameters are:
    	 order book for the asset being traded 
    	 strategy run by the trader 
    	 current position of the trader (number of assets that it owns) 
    	 current trader balance (number of money units that it owns) 
    	 defines what data should be gathered for the trader 
    def __init__(self,
        from marketsim.gen._out.strategy._empty import Empty_ as _strategy_Empty_
        from marketsim import deref_opt
        self.orderBook = orderBook
        self.strategy = strategy if strategy is not None else deref_opt(
        self.name = name if name is not None else "-trader-"
        self.amount = amount if amount is not None else 0.0
        self.PnL = PnL if PnL is not None else 0.0
        self.timeseries = timeseries if timeseries is not None else []

    def label(self):
        return repr(self)

    _properties = {
        'orderBook': IOrderBook,
        'strategy': ISingleAssetStrategy,
        'name': str,
        'amount': float,
        'PnL': float,
        'timeseries': listOf(ITimeSerie)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%(name)s" % dict([(name, getattr(self, name))
                                  for name in self._properties.iterkeys()])

    def bind_ex(self, ctx):
        if self.__dict__.get('_bound_ex', False): return
        self.__dict__['_bound_ex'] = True
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        self.__dict__['_ctx_ex'] = ctx.updatedFrom(self)
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        for x in self.timeseries:
        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def reset_ex(self, generation):
        if self.__dict__.get('_reset_generation_ex', -1) == generation: return
        self.__dict__['_reset_generation_ex'] = generation
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        for x in self.timeseries:
        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def typecheck(self):
        from marketsim.gen._out._isingleassetstrategy import ISingleAssetStrategy
        from marketsim import listOf
        from marketsim.gen._out._itimeserie import ITimeSerie
        from marketsim import rtti
        from marketsim.gen._out._iorderbook import IOrderBook
        rtti.typecheck(IOrderBook, self.orderBook)
        rtti.typecheck(ISingleAssetStrategy, self.strategy)
        rtti.typecheck(str, self.name)
        rtti.typecheck(float, self.amount)
        rtti.typecheck(float, self.PnL)
        rtti.typecheck(listOf(ITimeSerie), self.timeseries)

    def registerIn(self, registry):
        if self.__dict__.get('_id', False): return
        self.__dict__['_id'] = True
        if self.__dict__.get('_processing_ex', False):
            raise Exception('cycle detected')
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = True
        for x in self.timeseries:
        if hasattr(self, '_subscriptions'):
            for s in self._subscriptions:
        if hasattr(self, '_internals'):
            for t in self._internals:
                v = getattr(self, t)
                if type(v) in [list, set]:
                    for w in v:
        self.__dict__['_processing_ex'] = False

    def bind_impl(self, ctx):
        SingleAsset_Impl.bind_impl(self, ctx)

    def reset(self):