def __set__(self, obj, value):
     value = native(value) if value is not None else ''
     if ';' not in value:
         original = native(super(ContentType, self).__get__(obj, None), 'ascii')
         if ';' in original:
             value += ';' + original.split(';', 1)[1]
     super(ContentType, self).__set__(obj, bytestring(value, 'ascii'))
 def compose_response(self):
     # log.debug("Composing response.")
     env = self.environ
     for filter_ in self.protocol.ingress:
     status, headers, body = self.protocol.application(env)
     for filter_ in self.protocol.egress:
         status, headers, body = filter_(env, status, headers, body)
     # Canonicalize the names of the headers returned by the application.
     present = [i[0].lower() for i in headers]
     # These checks are optional; if the application is well-behaved they can be disabled.
     # Of course, if disabled, m.s.http isn't WSGI 2 compliant. (But it is faster!)
     assert isinstance(status, binary), "Response status must be a bytestring."
     for i, j in headers:
         assert isinstance(i, binary), "Response header names must be bytestrings."
         assert isinstance(j, binary), "Response header values must be bytestrings."
     assert b'transfer-encoding' not in present, "Applications must not set the Transfer-Encoding header."
     assert b'connection' not in present, "Applications must not set the Connection header."
     if b'server' not in present:
         headers.append((b'Server', VERSION_STRING))
     if b'date' not in present:
         headers.append((b'Date', bytestring(formatdate(time.time(), False, True))))
     is_head = env.get('marrow.head', False)
     if is_head:
         try: body.close()
         except AttributeError: pass
         body = []
     if env['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] == "HTTP/1.1" and b'content-length' not in present:
         headers.append((b"Transfer-Encoding", b"chunked"))
         headers = env['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].encode('iso-8859-1') + b" " + status + CRLF + CRLF.join([(i + b': ' + j) for i, j in headers]) + dCRLF
         return headers, partial(self.write_body if is_head else self.write_body_chunked, body, iter(body))
     headers = env['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].encode('iso-8859-1') + b" " + status + CRLF + CRLF.join([(i + b': ' + j) for i, j in headers]) + dCRLF
     return headers, partial(self.write_body, body, iter(body))
 def write_body_chunked(self, original, body):
         chunk = next(body)
         assert isinstance(chunk, binary), "Body iterators must yield bytestrings."
         chunk = bytestring(hex(len(chunk))[2:]) + CRLF + chunk + CRLF
         self.client.write(chunk, partial(self.write_body_chunked, original, body))
     except StopIteration:
         except AttributeError:
         self.client.write(b"0" + dCRLF, self.finish)
     except: # pragma: no cover TODO EDGE CASE
         except AttributeError:
 def __set__(self, obj, value):
     if not value:
     value = native(value)
     content_type = native(super(Charset, self).__get__(obj, None), 'ascii')
     charset_match = if content_type else None
     if charset_match:
         content_type = content_type[:charset_match.start(1)] + value + content_type[charset_match.end(1):]
     # TODO: Examine what action browsers take.
     # elif ';' in content_type:
     #     content_type += ', charset="%s"' % charset
     elif content_type:
         content_type += '; charset="' + value + '"'
         content_type = '; charset="' + value + '"'
     super(Charset, self).__set__(obj, bytestring(content_type, 'ascii'))
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response=None):
     if start_response:
         start_resopnse(b'%d %s' % (self.code, self.status), self.headers)
         return self.body
     return bytestring(str(self.code), 'ascii') + b' ' + self.status, self.headers, [bytestring(self.body)]
Exemple #6
 def __str__(self):
     return bytestring(self.render())
 def __get__(self, obj, cls, strip=True):
     value = native(super(ContentType, self).__get__(obj, cls))
     if not value: return None
     return bytestring(value.split(';', 1)[0] if strip else value)
Exemple #8
 def __str__(self):
     return bytestring(self.render())