Exemple #1
 def render (self):
     # add a signpost at groundlevel
         chunk = self.parent.world.getChunk(self.pos.x>>4, self.pos.z>>4)
         mat = materials.materialById(chunk.Blocks[8,8,self.pos.y])
         if mat is materials.Air:
             self.parent.setblock(self.offset + Vec(8, 0, 8), self.stone,0)
         print 'Cannot identify central material'
     self.parent.setblock(self.offset + Vec(8, -1, 8), materials.SignPost, random.randint(0,7))
     self.parent.addsign(self.offset + Vec(8,-1,8), "", self.parent.owner, "- was here -", "Keep away!")
Exemple #2
 def render(self):
     # add a signpost at groundlevel
         chunk = self.parent.world.getChunk(self.pos.x >> 4,
                                            self.pos.z >> 4)
         mat = materials.materialById(chunk.Blocks[8, 8, self.pos.y])
         if mat is materials.Air:
             self.parent.setblock(self.offset + Vec(8, 0, 8), self.stone, 0)
         print 'Cannot identify central material'
     self.parent.setblock(self.offset + Vec(8, -1, 8), materials.SignPost,
                          random.randint(0, 7))
     self.parent.addsign(self.offset + Vec(8, -1, 8), "", self.parent.owner,
                         "- was here -", "Keep away!")
Exemple #3
    def addclearing(self, center, diam):
        # flatten a disc of ground, erase any trees
        # centre is in world coordinates
        # identify the ground material at the centre
            chunk = self.parent.world.getChunk(center.x >> 4, center.z >> 4)
            mat = materials.materialById(chunk.Blocks[center.x & 15,
                                                      center.z & 15, center.y])
            print 'Cannot identify central material'
            mat = materials.Dirt
        # Now make sure we have something solid
        if mat is None or mat is False or not isinstance(
                mat, materials.Material):
            print 'Center material is %s' % mat
            mat = materials.Dirt
        if mat.val == materials.Air.val or mat.val == materials.StillWater.val:
            mat = materials.Dirt
            self.offset.y -= 1
            sel.pos.y += 1
            center.y -= 1

        p0 = Vec(center.x - diam / 2 - self.parent.position.x,
                 self.parent.position.y - center.y,
                 center.z - diam / 2 - self.parent.position.z)
        p1 = p0.trans(diam + 1, 0, diam + 1)
        # Iterate around the entire disc
        for p in iterate_disc(p0, p1):
            # At least 4 clear blocks above
            self.parent.setblock(p.up(1), materials.Air)
            self.parent.setblock(p.up(2), materials.Air)
            self.parent.setblock(p.up(3), materials.Air)
            self.parent.setblock(p.up(4), materials.Air)
            # Set the disc to the base material
            self.parent.setblock(p, mat)
            # In case ground is sloping or has gaps, add underlying blocks
            self.parent.setblock(p.down(1), mat, soft=True)
            self.parent.setblock(p.down(2), mat, soft=True)
            self.parent.setblock(p.down(3), mat, soft=True)
            # Iterate up to remove any trees
            # This seems to not be working correctly?
            i = 5
            while chunk.Blocks[p.x & 0xf, p.z & 0xf,
                               center.y - i] == materials.Wood.val:
                # delete the tree
                self.parent.setblock(p.up(i), materials.Air)
                i = i + 1
Exemple #4
    def addclearing(self, center, diam, clear_surface=True):
        # flatten a disc of ground, erase any trees
        # centre is in world coordinates
        # identify the ground material at the centre
            chunk = self.parent.world.getChunk(center.x >> 4, center.z >> 4)
            mat = materials.materialById(chunk.Blocks[center.x & 15,
                                                      center.z & 15, center.y])
            print 'Cannot identify central material'
            mat = materials.Dirt
        # Now make sure we have something solid
        if mat is None or mat is False or not isinstance(
                mat, materials.Material):
            print 'Center material is %s' % mat
            mat = materials.Dirt
        if mat.val == materials.Air.val or mat.val == materials.StillWater.val:
            mat = materials.Dirt
            self.offset.y -= 1
            sel.pos.y += 1
            center.y -= 1

        p0 = Vec(center.x - diam / 2 - self.parent.position.x,
                 self.parent.position.y - center.y,
                 center.z - diam / 2 - self.parent.position.z)
        p1 = p0.trans(diam + 1, 0, diam + 1)
        # Iterate around the entire disc
        for p in iterate_disc(p0, p1):
            if clear_surface:
                # At least 10 clear blocks above
                # this should delete any trees; there should be nothing above anyway
                for i in xrange(10):
                    self.parent.setblock(p.up(i), materials.Air)
            # Set the disc to the base material
            self.parent.setblock(p, mat)
            # In case ground is sloping or has gaps, add underlying blocks
            self.parent.setblock(p.down(1), mat, soft=True)
            self.parent.setblock(p.down(2), mat, soft=True)
            self.parent.setblock(p.down(3), mat, soft=True)
Exemple #5
    def addclearing (self, center, diam, clear_surface=True):
        # flatten a disc of ground, erase any trees
        # centre is in world coordinates
        # identify the ground material at the centre
            chunk = self.parent.world.getChunk(center.x>>4, center.z>>4)
            mat = materials.materialById(chunk.Blocks[center.x & 15, center.z & 15, center.y])
            print 'Cannot identify central material'
            mat = materials.Dirt
        # Now make sure we have something solid
        if mat is None or mat is False or not isinstance(mat, materials.Material):
            print 'Center material is %s' % mat
            mat = materials.Dirt
        if mat.val == materials.Air.val or mat.val == materials.StillWater.val:
            mat = materials.Dirt
            self.offset.y -= 1
            sel.pos.y += 1
            center.y -= 1

        p0 = Vec(center.x - diam/2 - self.parent.position.x,
                 self.parent.position.y - center.y,
                 center.z - diam/2 - self.parent.position.z ) 
        p1 = p0.trans(diam+1, 0, diam+1)
        # Iterate around the entire disc
        for p in iterate_disc(p0,p1):
            if clear_surface:
                # At least 10 clear blocks above
                # this should delete any trees; there should be nothing above anyway
                for i in xrange(10):
            # Set the disc to the base material
            # In case ground is sloping or has gaps, add underlying blocks