Exemple #1
    def annotate(self, ax, **kwargs):
        Draws the annotation box for the given axis *ax*. Additional kwargs
        are passed on to ``annotate``.
        for key in self.default_annotation_kwargs:
            if key not in kwargs:
                kwargs[key] = self.default_annotation_kwargs[key]

        # Make text alignment match the specified offsets (this allows easier
        # changing of relative position of text box...)
        dx, dy = kwargs['xytext']
        horizontal = 'left' if dx > 0 else 'right'
        vertical = 'bottom' if dy > 0 else 'top'
        kwargs['ha'], kwargs['va'] = horizontal, vertical

        annotation = ax.annotate('This text will be reset', **kwargs)

        # Place the annotation in the figure instead of the axes so that it
        # doesn't get hidden behind other subplots (zorder won't fix that).

        # Create a draggable annotation box, if required.
        if self.draggable:

        return annotation
    def annotate(self, ax, **kwargs):
        Draws the annotation box for the given axis *ax*. Additional kwargs
        are passed on to ``annotate``.
        def update_from_defaults(key, kwargs):
            if kwargs.get(key, None) is not None:
                new = copy.deepcopy(self.default_annotation_kwargs[key])
                kwargs[key] = new
            return kwargs

        user_set_ha = 'ha' in kwargs or 'horizontalalignment' in kwargs
        user_set_va = 'va' in kwargs or 'verticalalignment' in kwargs

        # Ensure bbox and arrowstyle params passed in use the defaults for
        # DataCursor. This allows things like ``bbox=dict(alpha=1)`` to show a
        # yellow, rounded box, instead of the mpl default blue, square box.)
        kwargs = update_from_defaults('bbox', kwargs)
        kwargs = update_from_defaults('arrowstyle', kwargs)

        # Set defaults where approriate.
        for key in self.default_annotation_kwargs:
            if key not in kwargs:
                kwargs[key] = self.default_annotation_kwargs[key]

        # Make text alignment match the specified offsets (this allows easier
        # changing of relative position of text box...)
        dx, dy = kwargs['xytext']
        horizontal = {1: 'left', 0: 'center', -1: 'right'}[np.sign(dx)]
        vertical = {1: 'bottom', 0: 'center', -1: 'top'}[np.sign(dy)]
        if not user_set_ha:
            kwargs['ha'] = horizontal
        if not user_set_va:
            kwargs['va'] = vertical

        annotation = ax.annotate('This text will be reset', **kwargs)

        # Place the annotation in the figure instead of the axes so that it
        # doesn't get hidden behind other subplots (zorder won't fix that).

        # Create a draggable annotation box, if required.
        if self.draggable:

        return annotation
Exemple #3
    def off(self, stop_blocking=True):
        Turns off the DataCursor and optionally stops it from blocking

        stop_blocking : bool; optional
            If True, have the data cursor stop blocking so Python can
            continue with whats next. Otherwise, if `stop_blocking` is
            False, Python will wait; this is probably only useful when
            the data cursor is controlled in a GUI environment.

        Note that the keystroke 't' will also turn off the DataCursor;
        in that case, `stop_blocking` is True.
        if self._is_on:
            for ax in self._ax:
                if ax in self._annotation:
            for fig in self._figs:
                if fig in self._kid:
                if self.hover and fig in self._mid and self._mid[
                        fig] is not None:
                if fig in self._bid:
            for an in self.notes:
                ax = an.axes
                if an in ax.texts:
                    # give annotation to figure so it's on top
                    # and make it draggable
            self._is_on = False
        for fig in self._figs:
        if self._in_loop and stop_blocking:
            self._in_loop = False
Exemple #4
    def annotate(self, ax, **kwargs):
        Draws the annotation box for the given axis *ax*. Additional kwargs
        are passed on to ``annotate``.
        def update_from_defaults(key, kwargs):
            if kwargs.get(key, None) is not None:
                new = copy.deepcopy(self.default_annotation_kwargs[key])
                kwargs[key] = new
            return kwargs

        # Ensure bbox and arrowstyle params passed in use the defaults for
        # DataCursor. This allows things like ``bbox=dict(alpha=1)`` to show a
        # yellow, rounded box, instead of the mpl default blue, square box.)
        kwargs = update_from_defaults('bbox', kwargs)
        kwargs = update_from_defaults('arrowstyle', kwargs)

        # Set defaults where approriate.
        for key in self.default_annotation_kwargs:
            if key not in kwargs:
                kwargs[key] = self.default_annotation_kwargs[key]

        annotation = ax.annotate('This text will be reset', **kwargs)

        # Place the annotation in the figure instead of the axes so that it
        # doesn't get hidden behind other subplots (zorder won't fix that).

        # Create a draggable annotation box, if required.
        if self.draggable:

        # Save whether or not alignment is user-specified. If not, adjust to
        # match text offset (and update when display moves out of figure).
        self._user_set_ha = 'ha' in kwargs or 'horizontalalignment' in kwargs
        self._user_set_va = 'va' in kwargs or 'verticalalignment' in kwargs

        return annotation