def test_alert_flags():
    import mcp9600
    smbus = MockSMBus(1, default_registers={
        0x04: 0b00000101,
        0x20: 0x40})
    device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=smbus)
    assert device.check_alerts() == (1, 0, 1, 0)
def test_get_cold_junction_temperature():
    import mcp9600
    smbus = MockSMBus(1, default_registers={
        0x02: 1,
        0x03: 96,
        0x20: 0x40})
    device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=smbus)
    assert round(device.get_cold_junction_temperature(), 1) == 22.0
def test_alert_clear():
    import mcp9600
    smbus = MockSMBus(1, default_registers={0x04: 0b00000101, 0x20: 0x40})
    device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=smbus)


    assert smbus.regs[0x08] & 0b10000000 == 0b10000000
def test_setup_no_device():
    class MockSMBusIOError(MockSMBus):
        def read_i2c_block_data(self, i2c_address, register, length):
            raise IOError("Simulated IOError")

    import mcp9600
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=MockSMBusIOError(1, default_registers={0x20: 0x99}))
        del device
def test_get_thermocouple_type():
    import mcp9600
    smbus = MockSMBus(1, default_registers={
        0x04: 0b00000101,
        0x05: 0b00110000,
        0x20: 0x40})
    device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=smbus)

    assert device.get_thermocouple_type() == 'N'
def test_get_hot_junction_temperature():
    # Test the junction read and conversion formula
    import mcp9600
    smbus = MockSMBus(1, default_registers={
        0x00: 1,
        0x01: 96,
        0x20: 0x40})
    device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=smbus)
    assert round(device.get_hot_junction_temperature(), 1) == 22.0
 def __init__(self, address):
     self.mAddress = address
     self.mTempDevice  = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=address)
     self.mCurrentTemp = -1
     self.mWindowMinTemp = 0      
     self.mRunning = True
     self.mReadings = deque()      
     self.mReadingMean = 0
     self.mReadingStdDev = 0
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, address):
     self.mAddress = address
     self.mTempDevice = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_addr=address, i2c_dev=None)
     self.mCurrentTemp = -1
     self.mRunning = True
     self.mLastReading = 0
     self.mRecentReadings = deque()
     self.mLastDelta = 0
     self.mBaseline = 0
def test_set_thermocouple_type():
    import mcp9600
    smbus = MockSMBus(1, default_registers={
        0x04: 0b00000101,
        0x05: 0b00000000,
        0x20: 0x40})
    device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=smbus)


    assert (smbus.regs[0x05] >> 4) & 0b111 == 0b011
def test_alert_configure():
    import mcp9600
    smbus = MockSMBus(1, default_registers={0x04: 0b00000101, 0x20: 0x40})
    device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=smbus)

        limit=25.25,  # Test to 1/4th degree precision

    assert smbus.regs[0x10:0x12] == [1, 148]
    assert smbus.regs[0x0C] == 0x99
    assert device.get_alert_hysteresis(1) == 0x99
    assert device.get_alert_limit(1) == 25.25
Exemple #11
# Get I2C bus, this is I2C Bus 1
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
#kwargs is a Python set that contains the address of your device as well as desired range and bandwidth
#since this device uses a somewhat imprecise way of defining an address we built a a function you can call before
#    object instantiation to find the address of the device. This function is only accurate when there are no other
#    I2C devices on the bus (there can be, but they can't have an address between 96 and 104. 0x60 through 0x68 for hex heads)
#refer to the chip's datasheet to determine what value you need for the kwargs to suit your project
#the address can be set statically by simply setting kwargs['address'] to the board's address. discover_address() is just for convenience.
#the kwargs below is set with all of the default values
kwargs = {
    'address': mcp9600.discover_address(bus),
    'sensor_type': 0x00,
    'filter': 0x00,
    'scale': 0x00,
    'sensor_resolution': 0x00,
    'adc_resolution': 0x40,
    'samples': 0x00,
    'mode': 0x00,
    'read_register': 0x00
#create the MCP9600 object from the MCP9600 library and pass it the kwargs and com bus.
#the object requires that you pass it the bus object so that it can communicate and share the bus with other chips/boards if necessary
mcp9600 = mcp9600.MCP9600(bus, kwargs)
while True:
    #print out the readings.
    #the readings will be return as a float in whatever scale/unit of measurement you initialized the board with in kwargs.
    #Scaling/Unit of measurement will be Celsius unless set as something else in kwargs before intialization.
    print mcp9600.take_readings()
    #this sleep is not required
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self):
     m = mcp9600.MCP9600()
def test_setup():
    # Test that library setup succeeds with correct CHIP ID
    import mcp9600
    device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=MockSMBus(1, default_registers={0x20: 0x40}))
    del device
def test_legacy_setup():
    # Test a stub setup function exists despite it being depricated
    import mcp9600
    device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=MockSMBus(1, default_registers={0x20: 0x40}))
def test_setup_wrong_device():
    # Test that reading the wrong CHIP ID throws a RuntimeError
    import mcp9600
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        device = mcp9600.MCP9600(i2c_dev=MockSMBus(1, default_registers={0x20: 0x99}))
        del device
Exemple #16
#!/usr/bin/env python
import mcp9600
import time

m = mcp9600.MCP9600()

print("Resetting alerts")
for x in range(1, 5):
    m.configure_alert(x, enable=False)

print("Configuring alerts")
m.configure_alert(1, monitor_junction=0, limit=40, mode=1, enable=True)
m.configure_alert(2, monitor_junction=0, limit=40, mode=1, enable=True, rise_fall=0)
m.configure_alert(3, monitor_junction=0, limit=40, mode=1, enable=True, rise_fall=1)

while True:
    t = m.get_hot_junction_temperature()
    c = m.get_cold_junction_temperature()
    d = m.get_temperature_delta()

    alerts = m.check_alerts()

    for x in range(1, 5):
        if alerts[x - 1] == 1:


    print(t, c, d)