Exemple #1
class StoryTeller:
    def __init__(self):
        self.wikipedia = MediaWiki(lang=u'fr')
        self._latitude = None
        self._longitude = None
        self._response = None
        self._url = None
        self._summary = None

    def set_position(self, latitude, longitude):
        self._latitude = latitude
        self._longitude = longitude
        if self._latitude == None and self._longitude == None:
            self._response = []
            self._response = self.wikipedia.geosearch(
                latitude=self._latitude, longitude=self._longitude)

    def choice_title(self):
        return random.choice(self._response)

    def get_informations(self):
        if self._response == []:
            return [self._summary, self._url]
            page = self.wikipedia.page(self.choice_title())
            self._summary = page.summary
            self._url = page.url
            return [self._summary, self._url]
Exemple #2
def get_prediction():
    wikipedia = MediaWiki()
    word = request.args.get('word')
    # Set stop words language
    stop_words = get_stop_words('en')
    stop_words = get_stop_words('english')

    # split query
    filtered_sentence = ""
    filtered_sentence = word.split()

    reponse = []

    for each in filtered_sentence:
        if each not in stop_words:

    string_query = ' '.join(reponse)

    serviceurl = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?'

    address = string_query

    if len(address) < 1:

        url = serviceurl + "key=" + app.config['KEY_API'] +\
              "&" + urllib.parse.urlencode({'address': address})

        uh = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
        data = uh.read().decode()
        js = json.loads(data)
        print('==== Failure URL ====')
        js = None

    if not js:
        if 'status' not in js:
            if js['status'] != 'OK':
                print('==== Failure To Retrieve ====')

        lat = js["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
        lng = js["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]

    # sent coordinates to Media wiki
    query = wikipedia.geosearch(str(lat), str(lng))

    # Save first answer
    history = query[0]

    # sent answer to Media wiki
    summary = wikipedia.summary(history)

    # return summary to view html
    return jsonify({'html': summary})
Exemple #3
    def make_geosearch(self, lat, lon):
        wikipedia = MediaWiki()
        wikipedia_result = wikipedia.geosearch(lat, lon)
            opensearch_result = self.make_opensearch(wikipedia_result[0])
            return opensearch_result[0][1], wikipedia_result[0]
        except IndexError:
            return "this is a very nice place but i do not have any story about this place."

        return opensearch_result
    def return_answer(self):
        """this function returns a dictionnary
        containing {'result' : 2, 'commentary' : "sentence from bot",
        'latitude' : number,'longitude' : number,
        "adress" : "info", "summary" : "text", "link_wiki" : "url"}
        2 = result found, wiki found,
        1 = result found no wiki, 0 = not found.
        If 0 appears, there won't be latt, lng,
        neither summary"""

        # if result from parse is null
        if self.sentence == "Error":
            self.result['result'] = 0
            self.result['commentary'] = random.choice(GENERIC_NO_ANSWER)

        # if there is a result
            # creating googlemaps client
            gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=os.environ.get("BACKEND_KEY", ""))
            returned_list = gmaps.geocode(self.sentence)

            # if result is empty, we're returning a message
            # and a number that will let ajax know
            if not returned_list:
                self.result['result'] = 0
                self.result['commentary'] = random.choice(GENERIC_NO_ANSWER)
            # answers = 0
                #creating local var that will display first googlemaps answer
                best_result = returned_list[0]

                compile_dic(best_result, self.result)

                wikipedia = MediaWiki(lang='fr')
                t = wikipedia.geosearch(latitude=self.result["latitude"], \
                # if wiki does not have stories regarding that place
                if not t:
                    self.result['result'] = 1
                    self.result['commentary'] = random.choice(

                # if wiki has full info
                    self.result['result'] = 2
                    self.result['commentary'] = random.choice(

                    p = wikipedia.page(t[0])
                    self.result["summary"] = p.summary[:250] + "..."
                    self.result["link_wiki"] = p.url
        return self.result
Exemple #5
class WikimediaApi:
    """ Class that interact with wikimedia api """

    def __init__(self, coord, route):
        """ Function that instanciate a WikimediaApi object """

        self.lat = str(coord['lat']) if coord else ""
        self.lng = str(coord['lng']) if coord else ""
        self.route = route
        self.wikipedia = MediaWiki(lang=u'fr')

    def geosearch(self):
        """ Function that return a list of pages from wikipedia
         and coordinate """
            geores = self.wikipedia.geosearch(self.lat, self.lng, results=5)
            geores = []
        return geores

    def get_pagetitle(self):
        """ Function that return the title of a page that match the route """

        geores = self.geosearch()
        pagetitle = ""
            regex_route = r"" + self.route
            i = 0
            for i in range(len(geores)):
                if re.match(regex_route, geores[i]):
                    pagetitle = geores[i]
        if not pagetitle:
            pagetitle = geores[0] if geores else ""
        return pagetitle

    def get_about(self):
        """ Function that return a summary and the url of a wikipedia page """

        pagetitle = self.get_pagetitle()
        page = self.wikipedia.page(pagetitle) if pagetitle else ""
        about_url = page.url if page else ""
            regex = r'== Situation et accès ==\n.*'
            section = re.search(regex, page.content).group(0)
            regex_sub = r'== Situation et accès =='
            about_text = (re.sub(regex_sub, "", section)).strip()
            about_text = page.summary if page else ""
        return {"about_text": about_text, 'about_url': about_url}
Exemple #6
def message(coordinates):
    data = json.loads(coordinates)
    # get data from json
    latitude = data[0]
    longitude = data[1]
    address = data[2]

    # instanciation wikipedia object
    wikipedia = MediaWiki()

    # sent coordinates to Media wiki
    query = wikipedia.geosearch(str(latitude), str(longitude))

    # Save first answer
    history = query[0]

    # sent answer to Media wiki
    summary = wikipedia.summary(history)

    # format answer to display
    answer = "Of course! There she is : " + address +\
             ". But have I already told you his history: " + summary
    return (answer)
class WikiClient:
    The module sentence_manipulator.py returns a string of key words.
    The module grandpy_map uses those key words to find an address with
    the Google Maps API.
    This class uses the previous address to find some background on wikipedia
    to be told by the good old gramps'.
    def __init__(self, lang='fr'):
        self.geodata = None
        self.wikipedia = MediaWiki(lang=lang)

    def get_article_from_geodata(self, geodata):
        This function gets the result of the module grandpy_map.py
        and send it to the Wikipedia's API.
        formatted_address, latitude, longitude = geodata
        if latitude is None and longitude is None:
            return "", ""
        geosearch(latitude='x.x', longitude='x.x') returns a list of
        different places/monuments within the radius (in meters).
        titles = self.wikipedia.geosearch(latitude=latitude,
        # Select just one of the different results of the geosearch function :
        if titles != []:
            title = random.sample(titles, 1)
            title = title.pop()
            construction_to_describe = self.wikipedia.page(title)
            # In order to return the address of the wikipedia's article.
            url_address = construction_to_describe.url
            # The summarize function returns x first sentences of the summary.
            summary = construction_to_describe.summarize(sentences=4)
            return summary, url_address
Exemple #8
class Research:

    def __init__(self, user_input):
            # Get input from user : change it to get by the parser

            self.query = PlaceExtractor.extract(user_input)
            print("self.query : ", self.query)

            # googlemaps initialisation
            self.gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key)

            self.search_json = self.get_geocode()

            # Wikipedia initialisation
            self.wikipedia = MediaWiki(lang='fr')
            lat = self.get_latitude()
            lng = self.get_longitude()
            self.article = self.wikipedia.geosearch(latitude=lat, longitude=lng)[0]
            self.page = self.wikipedia.page(self.article)
            self.summary = self.page.summarize(chars=140)
            self.title = self.page.title
            self.url = self.page.url

        except Exception as e:
            print("désolé, je ne te comprends pas ", e)

    def get_wiki(self):
        # Wiki answer
            result = {"title": self.title, "summary": self.summary, "url": self.url, "error": None}
            return result

        except Exception as e:
            return {"error": True, "error message": str(e)}

    def get_latitude(self):
        # latitude
            lat = self.search_json[0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
            return lat
            return 'Nothing Found for Latitude'

    def get_longitude(self):
        # longitude
            lng = self.search_json[0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]
            return lng
            return 'Nothing found for Longitude'

    def get_formatted_name(self):
        # Name only
            name = self.search_json[0]["formatted_address"]
            return name
            return "Name not found"

    def get_geocode(self):

        geocode_result = self.gmaps.geocode(self.query)
        return geocode_result
    results = json.load(read_file)

    wikipedia = MediaWiki()
    wiki_results = []

    for res in results["elements"]:
        # Отлов ошибок, если не нашлось никаких страниц
            # Если в данных уже есть нужный тег
            if "wikipedia" in res["tags"]:
                search_page = wikipedia.page(res["tags"]["wikipedia"][3:])
                # Отлов ошибок, если в запросе нет имени
                    # Поиск по координатам
                    page_names = wikipedia.geosearch(latitude=res["lat"],
                    page_name = [
                        name for name in page_names
                        if check_levenshtein(name, res["tags"].get("name"))

                    if not page_name and res["tags"].get("name"):
                        page_names = wikipedia.search(res["tags"].get("name"))
                        page_name = [
                            name for name in page_names
                            if check_levenshtein(name, res["tags"].get("name"))

                    if page_name:
                        search_page = wikipedia.page(page_name[0])
result_data = []
i = 0

with open("query_result.json", "r") as read_file:
    data = json.load(read_file)
    for value in data['elements']:
        data_found = False
        p = ''

        # Проверим, возможно ссылка на википедию уже есть
        if "wikipedia" in value['tags']:
            p = wikipedia.page(value['tags']['wikipedia'])
            data_found = True
            # Проверим по геоположению и полю name
            geo = wikipedia.geosearch(latitude=value['lat'],
            if "name" in value['tags']:
                for geo_res in geo:
                    if Levenshtein.distance(geo_res,
                                            value['tags']['name']) <= 3:
                        p = wikipedia.page(geo_res)
                        data_found = True
            # Проверим по геоположению и полю alt_name
            if not data_found and "alt_name" in value['tags']:
                for geo_res in geo:
                    if Levenshtein.distance(geo_res,
                                            value['tags']['alt_name']) <= 3:
                        p = wikipedia.page(geo_res)
                        data_found = True