def extract_article_html_from_page_html(content: str,
                                        config: Optional[CommonConfig] = None
                                        ) -> Dict[str, str]:
    Using full page HTML as a parameter, extract part of HTML that contains the news article.
    :param content: Full page HTML.
    :param config: Optional CommonConfig object, useful for testing.
    :return: Dictionary with HTML that contains the news article content ("extracted_html" key) and extractor version
             tag ("extractor_version" key).
    content = decode_object_from_bytes_if_needed(content)

    if not config:
        config = CommonConfig()

    ua = UserAgent()
    api_url = config.extractor_api_url()

    # Wait up to a minute for extraction to finish

    # Wait for the extractor's HTTP port to become open as the service might be still starting up somewhere
    api_uri = furl(api_url)
    api_url_hostname = str(
    api_url_port = int(api_uri.port)
    assert api_url_hostname, f"API URL hostname is not set for URL {api_url}"
    assert api_url_port, f"API URL port is not set for URL {api_url}"

    if not wait_for_tcp_port_to_open(
        # Instead of throwing an exception, just crash the whole application
        # because there's no point in continuing on running it whatsoever:
        # 1) If the extractor service didn't come up in a given time, it won't
        #    suddenly show up
        # 2) If it's a test that's doing the extraction, it can't do its job
        #    and should fail one way or another; exit(1) is just one of the
        #    ways how it can fail
        # 3) If it's some production code that needs something to get
        #    extracted, and if we were to throw an exception instead of doing
        #    exit(1), the caller might treat this exception as a failure to
        #    extract this one specific input HTML file, and so it might
        #    mis-extract a bunch of stories that way (making it hard for us to
        #    spot the problem and time-consuming to fix it later (e.g. there
        #    would be a need to manually re-extract a million of stories))
        # A better solution instead of exit(1) might be to throw different
        # kinds of exceptions and handle them appropriately in the caller, but
        # with the Perl-Python codebase that's a bit hard to do.
            "Extractor service at {url} didn't come up in {timeout} seconds, exiting..."

    request_json = encode_json({'html': content})

    http_request = Request(method='POST', url=api_url)
    http_request.set_content_type('application/json; charset=utf-8')

    # Try extracting multiple times
    # UserAgent's set_timing() would only retry on retryable HTTP status codes and doesn't retry on connection errors by
    # default as such retries might have side effects, e.g. an API getting called multiple times. So, we retry
    # extracting the content a couple of times manually.
    http_response = None
    extraction_succeeded = False
    for retry in range(EXTRACT_RETRIES):

        if retry > 0:
            log.warning(f"Retrying #{retry + 1}...")

        http_response = ua.request(http_request)
        if http_response.is_success():
            extraction_succeeded = True
                f"Extraction attempt {retry + 1} failed: {http_response.decoded_content()}"

    if not extraction_succeeded:
        raise McExtractArticleFromPageException(
            f"Extraction of {len(content)} characters; failed; last error: {http_response.decoded_content()}"

    response_json = http_response.decoded_content()
    response = decode_json(response_json)

    assert 'extracted_html' in response, "Response is expected to have 'extracted_html' key."
    assert 'extractor_version' in response, "Response is expected to have 'extractor_version' key."

    return response
Exemple #2
    def __annotate_text(self, text: str) -> Union[dict, list]:
        """Takes text, fetches JSON annotation, decodes it into dictionary / list."""

        text = decode_object_from_bytes_if_needed(text)

        if text is None:
            fatal_error("Text is None.")

        if len(text) == 0:
            # Annotators accept empty strings, but that might happen with some stories so we're just die()ing here
            raise McTagsFromJSONAnnotationException("Text is empty.")"Annotating {len(text)} characters of text...")

        # Trim the text because that's what the annotator will do, and if the text is empty, we want to fail early
        # without making a request to the annotator at all
        text = text.strip()

        if self.__TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT > 0:
            text_length = len(text)
            if text_length > self.__TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT:
                    f"Text length ({text_length}) has exceeded the request text length limit"
                    f"({self.__TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT}) so I will truncate it.")
                text = text[:self.__TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT]

        # Make a request
        ua = UserAgent()
        ua.set_timing([1, 2, 4, 8])

        request = None
            request = self._request_for_text(text=text)
            if request is None:
                raise McTagsFromJSONAnnotationException(
                    "Returned request is None.")
        except Exception as ex:
            # Assume that this is some sort of a programming error too
                f"Unable to create annotator request for text '{text}': {ex}")

        # Wait for the service's HTTP port to become open as the service might be
        # still starting up somewhere
        uri = furl(request.url())
        hostname = str(
        port = int(uri.port)
        assert hostname, f"URL hostname is not set for URL {request.url()}"
        assert port, f"API URL port is not set for URL {request.url()}"

        if not wait_for_tcp_port_to_open(
            # Instead of throwing an exception, just crash the whole application
            # because there's no point in continuing on running it whatsoever.
                f"Annotator service at {request.url()} didn't come up in {self.__ANNOTATOR_SERVICE_TIMEOUT} seconds, "

        log.debug(f"Sending request to {request.url()}...")

        # Try requesting a few times because sometimes it throws a connection error, e.g.:
        #   WARNING mediawords.util.web.user_agent: Client-side error while processing request <PreparedRequest [POST]>:
        #   ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))
        #   WARNING mediawords.tag_from_annotation.fetch_and_tag: Request failed: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104,
        #   'Connection reset by peer'))
        #   ERROR mediawords.util.process: User agent error: 400 Client-side error: ('Connection aborted.',
        #   ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))
        response = None
        retries = 60
        sleep_between_retries = 1
        for retry in range(1, retries + 1):

            if retry > 1:
                log.warning(f"Retrying ({retry} / {retries})...")

            response = ua.request(request)

            if response.is_success():
                if response.error_is_client_side():
                        f"Request failed on the client side: {response.decoded_content()}"

        log.debug("Response received.")

        # Force UTF-8 encoding on the response because the server might not always
        # return correct "Content-Type"
        results_string = response.decoded_utf8_content()

        if not response.is_success():
            # Error; determine whether we should be blamed for making a malformed
            # request, or is it an extraction error
            log.warning(f"Request failed: {response.decoded_content()}")

            if response.code() == HTTPStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT.value:
                # Raise on request timeouts without retrying anything because those usually mean that we posted
                # something funky to the annotator service and it got stuck
                raise McTagsFromJSONAnnotationException(
                    f"The request timed out, giving up; text length: {len(text)}; text: {text}"

            if response.error_is_client_side():
                # Error was generated by the user agent client code; likely didn't reach server at all (timeout,
                # unresponsive host, etc.)
                    f"User agent error: {response.status_line()}: {results_string}"


                # Error was generated by server
                http_status_code = response.code()

                if http_status_code == HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.value \
                        or http_status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value:
                    # Not POST, empty POST
                    fatal_error(f'{response.status_line()}: {results_string}')

                elif http_status_code == HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value:
                    # Processing error -- raise so that the error gets caught and logged into a database
                    raise McTagsFromJSONAnnotationException(
                        f'Annotator service was unable to process the download: {results_string}'

                    # Shutdown the extractor on unconfigured responses
                        f'Unknown HTTP response: {response.status_line()}: {results_string}'

        if results_string is None or len(results_string) == 0:
            raise McTagsFromJSONAnnotationException(
                f"Annotator returned nothing for text: {text}")

        log.debug("Parsing response's JSON...")
        results = None
            results = decode_json(results_string)
            if results is None:
                raise McTagsFromJSONAnnotationException(
                    "Returned JSON is None.")
        except Exception as ex:
            # If the JSON is invalid, it's probably something broken with the remote service, so that's why whe do
            # fatal_error() here
                f"Unable to parse JSON response: {ex}\nJSON string: {results_string}"
        log.debug("Done parsing response's JSON.")

        response_is_valid = False
            response_is_valid = self._fetched_annotation_is_valid(results)
        except Exception as ex:
                f"Unable to determine whether response is valid: {ex}\nJSON string: {results_string}"
        if not response_is_valid:
                f"Annotator response is invalid for JSON string: {results_string}"
            )"Done annotating {len(text)} characters of text.")

        return results
Exemple #3
def solr_request(path: str,
                 params: SolrParams = None,
                 content: Union[str, SolrParams] = None,
                 content_type: Optional[str] = None,
                 config: Optional[CommonConfig] = None) -> str:
    Send a request to Solr.

    :param path: Solr path to call, e.g. 'select'.
    :param params: Query parameters to add to the path.
    :param content: String or dictionary content to send via POST request.
    :param content_type: Content-Type for the POST content.
    :param config: (testing) Configuration object
    :return: Raw response content on success, raise exception on error.
    path = decode_object_from_bytes_if_needed(path)
    params = decode_object_from_bytes_if_needed(params)
    content = decode_object_from_bytes_if_needed(content)
    content_type = decode_object_from_bytes_if_needed(content_type)

    if not path:
        raise McSolrRequestInvalidParamsException("Path is unset.")

    if params:
        if not isinstance(params, dict):
            raise McSolrRequestInvalidParamsException(
                f"Params is not a dictionary: {params}")

    if content:
        if not (isinstance(content, str) or isinstance(content, dict)):
            raise McSolrRequestInvalidParamsException(
                f"Content is not a string not a dictionary: {content}")

    if not config:
        config = CommonConfig()

    solr_url = config.solr_url()

    if not params:
        params = {}

    abs_uri = furl(f"{solr_url}/mediacloud/{path}")
    abs_uri = abs_uri.set(params)
    abs_url = str(abs_uri)

    ua = UserAgent()

    # Remediate CVE-2017-12629
    q_param = str(params.get('q', ''))
    if 'xmlparser' in q_param.lower():
        raise McSolrRequestQueryErrorException(
            "XML queries are not supported.")

    # Solr might still be starting up so wait for it to expose the collections list

    if content:

        if not content_type:
            fallback_content_type = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
                f"Content-Type is not set; falling back to '{fallback_content_type}'"
            content_type = fallback_content_type

        if isinstance(content, dict):
            content = urlencode(content, doseq=True)

        content_encoded = content.encode('utf-8', errors='replace')

        request = Request(method='POST', url=abs_url)
        request.set_header(name='Content-Type', value=content_type)


        request = Request(method='GET', url=abs_url)

    log.debug(f"Sending Solr request: {request}")

    response = ua.request(request)

    if not response.is_success():
        error_message = __solr_error_message_from_response(response=response)
        raise McSolrRequestQueryErrorException(
            f"Error fetching Solr response: {error_message}")

    return response.decoded_content()
Exemple #4
    def __annotate_text(self, text: str) -> Union[dict, list]:
        """Fetch JSON annotation for text, decode it into dictionary / list."""

        text = decode_object_from_bytes_if_needed(text)

        if text is None:
            fatal_error("Text is None.")

        if len(text) == 0:
            # Annotators accept empty strings, but that might happen with some stories so we're just die()ing here
            raise McJSONAnnotatorException("Text is empty.")"Annotating %d characters of text..." % len(text))

        # Trim the text because that's what the annotator will do, and if the text is empty, we want to fail early
        # without making a request to the annotator at all
        text = text.strip()

        if self.__TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT > 0:
            text_length = len(text)
            if text_length > self.__TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT:
                    "Text length (%d) has exceeded the request text length limit (%d) so I will truncate it."
                    % (
                text = text[:self.__TEXT_LENGTH_LIMIT]

        # Make a request
        ua = UserAgent()
        ua.set_timing([1, 2, 4, 8])

        request = None
            request = self._request_for_text(text=text)
            if request is None:
                raise McJSONAnnotatorException("Returned request is None.")
        except Exception as ex:
            # Assume that this is some sort of a programming error too
                "Unable to create annotator request for text '%s': %s" % (

        log.debug("Sending request to %s..." % request.url())
        response = ua.request(request)
        log.debug("Response received.")

        # Force UTF-8 encoding on the response because the server might not always
        # return correct "Content-Type"
        results_string = response.decoded_utf8_content()

        if not response.is_success():
            # Error; determine whether we should be blamed for making a malformed
            # request, or is it an extraction error
            log.warning("Request failed: %s" % response.decoded_content())

            if response.code() == HTTPStatus.REQUEST_TIMEOUT.value:
                # Raise on request timeouts without retrying anything because those usually mean that we posted
                # something funky to the annotator service and it got stuck
                raise McJSONAnnotatorException(
                    "The request timed out, giving up; text length: %d; text: %s"
                    % (

            if response.error_is_client_side():
                # Error was generated by the user agent client code; likely didn't reach server at all (timeout,
                # unresponsive host, etc.)
                fatal_error("User agent error: %s: %s" % (


                # Error was generated by server
                http_status_code = response.code()

                if http_status_code == HTTPStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.value \
                        or http_status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value:
                    # Not POST, empty POST
                    fatal_error('%s: %s' % (

                elif http_status_code == HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value:
                    # Processing error -- raise so that the error gets caught and logged into a database
                    raise McJSONAnnotatorException(
                        'Annotator service was unable to process the download: %s'
                        % results_string)

                    # Shutdown the extractor on unconfigured responses
                    fatal_error('Unknown HTTP response: %s: %s' % (

        if results_string is None or len(results_string) == 0:
            raise McJSONAnnotatorException(
                "Annotator returned nothing for text: %s" % text)

        log.debug("Parsing response's JSON...")
        results = None
            results = decode_json(results_string)
            if results is None:
                raise McJSONAnnotatorException("Returned JSON is None.")
        except Exception as ex:
            # If the JSON is invalid, it's probably something broken with the remote service, so that's why whe do
            # fatal_error() here
            fatal_error("Unable to parse JSON response: %s\nJSON string: %s" %
        log.debug("Done parsing response's JSON.")

        response_is_valid = False
            response_is_valid = self._fetched_annotation_is_valid(results)
        except Exception as ex:
                "Unable to determine whether response is valid: %s\nJSON string: %s"
                % (str(ex), results_string))
        if not response_is_valid:
            fatal_error("Annotator response is invalid for JSON string: %s" %

            results = self._postprocess_fetched_annotation(results)
            if results is None:
                raise McJSONAnnotatorException(
                    "Annotation is None after postprocessing.")
        except Exception as ex:
                "Unable to postprocess fetched response: %s\nJSON string: %s" %
                (str(ex), results_string))"Done annotating %d characters of text." % len(text))

        return results