Exemple #1
    def check(expr_in, expr_out):
        """Check that expr_in is always equals to expr_out"""
        print "Ensure %s = %s" % (expr_in, expr_out)
        solver = z3.Solver()
        solver.add(trans.from_expr(expr_in) != trans.from_expr(expr_out))

        result = solver.check()

        if result != z3.unsat:
            print "ERROR: a counter-example has been founded:"
            model = solver.model()
            print model

            print "Reinjecting in the simplifier:"
            to_rep = {}
            expressions = expr_in.get_r().union(expr_out.get_r())
            for expr in expressions:
                value = model.eval(trans.from_expr(expr))
                if hasattr(value, "as_long"):
                    new_val = ExprInt(value.as_long(), expr.size)
                    raise RuntimeError("Unable to reinject %r" % value)

                to_rep[expr] = new_val

            new_expr_in = expr_in.replace_expr(to_rep)
            new_expr_out = expr_out.replace_expr(to_rep)

            print "Check %s = %s" % (new_expr_in, new_expr_out)
            simp_in = expr_simp_explicit(new_expr_in)
            simp_out =  expr_simp_explicit(new_expr_out)
            print "[%s] %s = %s" % (simp_in == simp_out, simp_in, simp_out)

            # Either the simplification does not stand, either the test is wrong
            raise RuntimeError("Bad simplification")
Exemple #2
    def check(expr_in, expr_out):
        """Check that expr_in is always equals to expr_out"""
        print "Ensure %s = %s" % (expr_in, expr_out)
        solver = z3.Solver()
        solver.add(trans.from_expr(expr_in) != trans.from_expr(expr_out))

        result = solver.check()

        if result != z3.unsat:
            print "ERROR: a counter-example has been founded:"
            model = solver.model()
            print model

            print "Reinjecting in the simplifier:"
            to_rep = {}
            expressions = expr_in.get_r().union(expr_out.get_r())
            for expr in expressions:
                value = model.eval(trans.from_expr(expr))
                if hasattr(value, "as_long"):
                    new_val = ExprInt(value.as_long(), expr.size)
                    raise RuntimeError("Unable to reinject %r" % value)

                to_rep[expr] = new_val

            new_expr_in = expr_in.replace_expr(to_rep)
            new_expr_out = expr_out.replace_expr(to_rep)

            print "Check %s = %s" % (new_expr_in, new_expr_out)
            simp_in = expr_simp_explicit(new_expr_in)
            simp_out =  expr_simp_explicit(new_expr_out)
            print "[%s] %s = %s" % (simp_in == simp_out, simp_in, simp_out)

            # Either the simplification does not stand, either the test is wrong
            raise RuntimeError("Bad simplification")
Exemple #3
 def _follow_simp_expr(exprs):
     """Simplify expression so avoid tracking useless elements,
     as: XOR EAX, EAX
     follow = set()
     for expr in exprs:
     return follow, set()
Exemple #4
 def _follow_simp_expr(exprs):
     """Simplify expression so avoid tracking useless elements,
     as: XOR EAX, EAX
     follow = set()
     for expr in exprs:
     return follow, set()
Exemple #5
    ((a<<i1) - (a<<i2), a*im2),
    ((a<<i1) - a - a, i0),
    ((a<<i2) - (a<<i1) - (a<<i1), i0),
    ((a<<i2) - a*i3, a),
    (((a+b) * i3) - (a + b), (a+b) * i2),
    (((a+b) * i2) + a + b, (a+b) * i3),
    (((a+b) * i3) - a - b, (a+b) * i2),
    (((a+b) * i2) - a - b, a+b),
    (((a+b) * i2) - i2 * a - i2 * b, i0),


for e_input, e_check in to_test:
    print "#" * 80
    e_new = expr_simp_explicit(e_input)
    print "original: ", str(e_input), "new: ", str(e_new)
    rez = e_new == e_check
    if not rez:
        raise ValueError(
            'bug in expr_simp_explicit simp(%s) is %s and should be %s' % (e_input, e_new, e_check)
    check(e_input, e_check)

# Test high level op
to_test = [
    (ExprOp(TOK_EQUAL, a+i2, i1), ExprOp(TOK_EQUAL, a+i1, i0)),
    (ExprOp(TOK_INF_SIGNED, a+i2, i1), ExprOp(TOK_INF_SIGNED, a+i2, i1)),
    (ExprOp(TOK_INF_UNSIGNED, a+i2, i1), ExprOp(TOK_INF_UNSIGNED, a+i2, i1)),
Exemple #6
                 ExprMem(ExprInt(0x39E21, 19), 1))),
    (ExprOp('>>', ExprInt(0x5E580475, 92),
            ExprInt(0x7D800000000000000331720, 92)), ExprInt(0x0, 92)),
    (ExprOp('a>>', ExprInt(0x5E580475, 92),
            ExprInt(0x7D800000000000000331720, 92)), ExprInt(0x0, 92)),
    (ExprOp('a>>', ExprInt(-0x5E580475, 92),
            ExprInt(0x7D800000000000000331720, 92)), ExprInt(-1, 92)),
    (ExprOp("zeroExt_16", ExprInt(0x8, 8)), ExprInt(0x8, 16)),
    (ExprOp("zeroExt_16", ExprInt(0x88, 8)), ExprInt(0x88, 16)),
    (ExprOp("signExt_16", ExprInt(0x8, 8)), ExprInt(0x8, 16)),
    (ExprOp("signExt_16", ExprInt(-0x8, 8)), ExprInt(-0x8, 16)),

for e_input, e_check in to_test:
    print "#" * 80
    e_new = expr_simp_explicit(e_input)
    print "original: ", str(e_input), "new: ", str(e_new)
    rez = e_new == e_check
    if not rez:
        raise ValueError(
            'bug in expr_simp_explicit simp(%s) is %s and should be %s' %
            (e_input, e_new, e_check))
    check(e_input, e_check)

# Test conds

to_test = [
    (((a - b) ^ ((a ^ b) & ((a - b) ^ a))).msb(), ExprOp_inf_signed(a, b)),
    ((((a - b) ^ ((a ^ b) & ((a - b) ^ a))) ^ a ^ b).msb(),
     ExprOp_inf_unsigned(a, b)),
    (ExprOp_inf_unsigned(ExprInt(-1, 32), ExprInt(3, 32)), ExprInt(0, 1)),
Exemple #7
    ((a<<i1) - (a<<i2), a*im2),
    ((a<<i1) - a - a, i0),
    ((a<<i2) - (a<<i1) - (a<<i1), i0),
    ((a<<i2) - a*i3, a),
    (((a+b) * i3) - (a + b), (a+b) * i2),
    (((a+b) * i2) + a + b, (a+b) * i3),
    (((a+b) * i3) - a - b, (a+b) * i2),
    (((a+b) * i2) - a - b, a+b),
    (((a+b) * i2) - i2 * a - i2 * b, i0),


for e_input, e_check in to_test:
    print "#" * 80
    e_new = expr_simp_explicit(e_input)
    print "original: ", str(e_input), "new: ", str(e_new)
    rez = e_new == e_check
    if not rez:
        raise ValueError(
            'bug in expr_simp_explicit simp(%s) is %s and should be %s' % (e_input, e_new, e_check)
    check(e_input, e_check)

# Test high level op
to_test = [
    (ExprOp(TOK_EQUAL, a+i2, i1), ExprOp(TOK_EQUAL, a+i1, i0)),
    (ExprOp(TOK_INF_SIGNED, a+i2, i1), ExprOp(TOK_INF_SIGNED, a+i2, i1)),
    (ExprOp(TOK_INF_UNSIGNED, a+i2, i1), ExprOp(TOK_INF_UNSIGNED, a+i2, i1)),