Exemple #1
def test_stc_to_label():
    """Test stc_to_label
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        src = read_source_spaces(fwd_fname)
    src_bad = read_source_spaces(src_bad_fname)
    stc = read_source_estimate(stc_fname, 'sample')
    os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = op.join(data_path, 'subjects')
    labels1 = _stc_to_label(stc, src='sample', smooth=3)
    labels2 = _stc_to_label(stc, src=src, smooth=3)
    assert_equal(len(labels1), len(labels2))
    for l1, l2 in zip(labels1, labels2):
        assert_labels_equal(l1, l2, decimal=4)

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # connectedness warning
        labels_lh, labels_rh = stc_to_label(stc, src=src, smooth=True,

    assert_true(len(w) > 0)
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_to_label, stc, 'sample', smooth=True,
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, stc_to_label, stc, smooth=True, src=src_bad,
    assert_equal(len(labels_lh), 1)
    assert_equal(len(labels_rh), 1)

    # test getting tris
    tris = labels_lh[0].get_tris(src[0]['use_tris'], vertices=stc.vertices[0])
    assert_raises(ValueError, spatial_tris_connectivity, tris,
    connectivity = spatial_tris_connectivity(tris, remap_vertices=True)
    assert_true(connectivity.shape[0] == len(stc.vertices[0]))

    # "src" as a subject name
    assert_raises(TypeError, stc_to_label, stc, src=1, smooth=False,
                  connected=False, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_to_label, stc, src=SourceSpaces([src[0]]),
                  smooth=False, connected=False, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_to_label, stc, src='sample', smooth=False,
                  connected=True, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_to_label, stc, src='sample', smooth=True,
                  connected=False, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    labels_lh, labels_rh = stc_to_label(stc, src='sample', smooth=False,
    assert_true(len(labels_lh) > 1)
    assert_true(len(labels_rh) > 1)

    # with smooth='patch'
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # connectedness warning
        labels_patch = stc_to_label(stc, src=src, smooth=True)
    assert_equal(len(w), 1)
    assert_equal(len(labels_patch), len(labels1))
    for l1, l2 in zip(labels1, labels2):
        assert_labels_equal(l1, l2, decimal=4)
Exemple #2
def test_stc_to_label():
    """Test stc_to_label."""
    src = read_source_spaces(fwd_fname)
    src_bad = read_source_spaces(src_bad_fname)
    stc = read_source_estimate(stc_fname, 'sample')
    os.environ['SUBJECTS_DIR'] = op.join(data_path, 'subjects')
    labels1 = _stc_to_label(stc, src='sample', smooth=3)
    labels2 = _stc_to_label(stc, src=src, smooth=3)
    assert_equal(len(labels1), len(labels2))
    for l1, l2 in zip(labels1, labels2):
        assert_labels_equal(l1, l2, decimal=4)

    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='have holes'):
        labels_lh, labels_rh = stc_to_label(stc, src=src, smooth=True,

    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_to_label, stc, 'sample', smooth=True,
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, stc_to_label, stc, smooth=True, src=src_bad,
    assert_equal(len(labels_lh), 1)
    assert_equal(len(labels_rh), 1)

    # test getting tris
    tris = labels_lh[0].get_tris(src[0]['use_tris'], vertices=stc.vertices[0])
    pytest.raises(ValueError, spatial_tris_adjacency, tris,
    adjacency = spatial_tris_adjacency(tris, remap_vertices=True)
    assert (adjacency.shape[0] == len(stc.vertices[0]))

    # "src" as a subject name
    pytest.raises(TypeError, stc_to_label, stc, src=1, smooth=False,
                  connected=False, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_to_label, stc, src=SourceSpaces([src[0]]),
                  smooth=False, connected=False, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_to_label, stc, src='sample', smooth=False,
                  connected=True, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_to_label, stc, src='sample', smooth=True,
                  connected=False, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    labels_lh, labels_rh = stc_to_label(stc, src='sample', smooth=False,
    assert (len(labels_lh) > 1)
    assert (len(labels_rh) > 1)

    # with smooth='patch'
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='have holes'):
        labels_patch = stc_to_label(stc, src=src, smooth=True)
    assert len(labels_patch) == len(labels1)
    for l1, l2 in zip(labels1, labels2):
        assert_labels_equal(l1, l2, decimal=4)
Exemple #3
def get_volume_sources(volume, space=5, remains=None):
    """get sources in volume

    volume : Volume object
    space : float
        The distance between sources
    remains : None | int
        The number of sources that we want to keep

    src : SourceSpaces object
    Author : Alexandre Fabre

    if remains is None:
        remains, removes = get_number_sources(volume, space=space,

        # avoid to have an incorrect number of sources
        remains = max(0, min(volume.pos_length, remains))
        removes = volume.pos_length - remains

    if remains == 0:
        raise ValueError('Error, 0 source created')

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # create clusters
        km = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=remains, n_init=10)
    # get cluster labels
    cluster_id = km.fit(volume.pos).labels_

    # get centroids of clusters
    centroids, _ = Pycluster.clustercentroids(volume.pos, clusterid=cluster_id)

    dist = euclidean_distances(centroids, volume.pos)

    # get indices of closest points of centroids
    arg_min = np.argmin(dist, axis=1)

    inuse = np.zeros(volume.pos_length)
    inuse[arg_min] = 1
    inuse = inuse.astype(int) # Need to be int

    # must be converted to meters
    # Pos is in voxels coords not mm
    rr = volume.pos * 1e-3

    if volume.hemi=='lh':
        Id = 101
    elif volume.hemi=='rh':
        Id = 102
    src = [{'rr': rr, 'coord_frame': np.array((FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI,), np.int32), 'type': 'surf', 'id': Id,
            'np': volume.pos_length, 'nn': volume.normals, 'inuse': inuse, 'nuse': remains, 'dist': None,
            'nearest': None, 'use_tris': None, 'nuse_tris': 0, 'vertno': arg_min, 'patch_inds': None,
            'tris': None, 'dist_limit': None, 'pinfo': None, 'ntri': 0, 'nearest_dist': None, 'removes': removes}]

    src = SourceSpaces(src)

    return src
Exemple #4
def get_brain_sources(obj, space=5, distance=None, remains=None, pack=True,
    """get brain sources for each structures

    obj : list of Surface object | list of Volume object
    space : float
        Distance between sources
    distance : 'euclidean' | 'dijkstra' | 'continuous' | None
        The distance used on the surface
        If distance is different to None, obj is treated like a Surface object
    remains : int | None
        The number of sources that we want to keep
    pack : Boolean
        If True pack sources
    master: Surface object | Volume object | array | None
        The reference structure used to pack sources or positions
    src : SourceSpaces  object
    index_pack_src : list(2)
         Source indices in the source list for each parcels.
         If pack is None, it's not returned
    Author : Alexandre Fabre

    remain_nb = 0
    remove_nb = 0
    src = []
    for i, cour_obj in enumerate(obj):

        if distance is not None:
            cour_src = get_surface_sources(cour_obj, space, distance, remains)
            cour_src = get_volume_sources(cour_obj, space, remains)

        remove_nb += cour_src[0]['removes']
        remain_nb += cour_src[0]['nuse']

    if pack:
        pos = None
        normals = None
        triangles = None
        # get attributes from master
        if master is not None:
            if isinstance(master, list) or isinstance(master, np.ndarray):
                pos = master
                if hasattr(master, 'pos'):
                    pos = master.pos
                elif hasattr(master, 'rr'):
                    pos = master.rr

                if hasattr(master, 'normals'):
                    normals = master.normals
                elif hasattr(master, 'nn'):
                    normals = master.nn

                if hasattr(master, 'triangles'):
                    triangles = master.triangles
                elif hasattr(master, 'tris'):
                    triangles = master.tris

        # pack sources
        src, index_pack_src = sources_pack(src, pos, normals, triangles)
        for i in range(len(obj)):
            if hasattr(obj[i], 'index_pack_src'):
                obj[i].index_pack_src = index_pack_src[i]
        src = SourceSpaces(src)

    print("\n%d points have been removed, %d points remained for downsample" % (remove_nb, remain_nb))

    if pack:
        return src, index_pack_src
        return src
Exemple #5
def sources_pack(src, pos=None, normals=None, triangles=None, unit='mm'):
    """pack sources

    src : list of SourceSpaces object
    pos : array(2) | None
        positions master
    normals : array(2) | None
        normals master
    triangles : array(2) | int
        triangles master
    unit : 'mm' | 'm'
        The unit of positions
    src : SourceSpaces  object
    Author : Alexandre Fabre

    ind = []
    ntri = 0
    index_pack_src = []

    try :
        if isinstance(src, SourceSpaces) or isinstance(src[0], dict):
            src = [s for s in src]
        elif isinstance(src[0], SourceSpaces):
            src= [s[0] for s in src]
            raise TypeError('src is incorrect')
    except Exception as msg_error:
        raise Exception(msg_error)

    if not len(src):
        raise ValueError('src is empty')

    get_normals = True
    get_triangles = True
    if normals is None:
        normals = []
        get_normals = False
    if triangles is None:
        triangles = None if src[0]['tris'] is None else []
        get_triangles = False

    # pack sources
    if pos is None:
        pos_nb = 0
        src_nb = 0
        rr = []
        for s in src:
            p = np.add((s['vertno']), pos_nb)
            ind += list(p)
            rr += list(s['rr'])
            index_pack_src.append(np.arange(src_nb, src_nb + s['nuse']).tolist())
            if not get_normals:
                normals += list(s['nn'])
            if triangles is not None:
                triangles += np.add(s['tris'], pos_nb).tolist()
            pos_nb += s['np']
            src_nb += s['nuse']
            ntri += s['ntri']
        remains = src_nb
        surf_length = pos_nb
        rr = np.array(rr)

    # pack sources with surface master
        if unit == 'mm':
            pos *= 1e-3
        surf_length = len(pos)
        if not get_normals:
            normals = np.zeros(len(pos))
        rr = pos.tolist()

        for s in src:

            normals_cond = (not get_normals and not get_triangles and triangles is None)
            triangles_cond = (not get_triangles and triangles is not None)

            if triangles_cond or normals_cond:
                pos_cour = s['rr'].tolist()
                pos_ind = list(map(rr.index, pos_cour))
            if normals_cond:
                normals[pos_ind] = s['nn']
            if triangles_cond:
                triangles += np.take(pos_ind, s['tris']).tolist()

            pos_src_cour = s['rr'][s['vertno']].tolist()
            ind += list(map(rr.index, pos_src_cour))

        remains = len(ind)
        index = np.sort(ind, axis=0).tolist()
        ntri = len(triangles)

        if not get_normals and triangles is not None:
            _dict = dict(rr=pos, tris=triangles,
                         ntri=ntri, np=surf_length)
            normals = _complete_surface_info(_dict)['nn']

        cour = 0
        for s in src:
            sup = cour + s['nuse']
            select = ind[cour: sup]
            index_pack_src.append(list(map(index.index, select)))
            cour = sup
        ind = index

    src_dict = src[0].copy()
    inuse = np.zeros(surf_length)
    ind = np.array(ind).tolist()
    inuse[ind] = 1
    # Need to become an array not a list
    rr = np.array(rr)

    src_dict.update(dict(rr=rr, inuse=inuse, np=surf_length,
                         nuse=remains, nn=normals,
                         tris=triangles, ntri=ntri,

    src = SourceSpaces([src_dict])

    return src, index_pack_src
Exemple #6
def get_surface_sources(surface, space=5, distance='euclidean', remains=None):
    """get sources in volume

    surface : Surface object
    space : float
        The distance between sources
    distance : 'euclidean' | 'dijkstra' | 'continuous'
        The distance used to compute distance on surface
    remains : None | int
        The number of sources that we want to keep

    src : SourceSpaces  object
    Author : Alexandre Fabre

    if remains is None:
        remains, removes = get_number_sources(surface, space=space,
        # avoid to have a incorrect number of sources
        remains = max(0, min(surface.pos_length, remains))
        removes = surface.pos_length - remains

    if remains == 0:
        raise ValueError('Error, 0 source created')

    if removes == 0:
        # all points are sources
        # logger.info('all points are remained')
        centroids_id = np.arange(remains)
        inuse = np.ones(surface.pos_length, dtype=int)

        # connectivity of neighbors points
        n_neighbors = min(50, surface.pos_length)

        # get the matrix that identify neighbors points
        knn_graph = kneighbors_graph(surface.pos, n_neighbors, include_self=False)

        # ward criterion is adapted for a surface clustering
        model = AgglomerativeClustering(linkage='ward', connectivity=knn_graph,
        # compute clusters

        # get cluster labels
        cluster_id = model.labels_

        # get the distance between points on the surface with Dijkstra or continuous
        # if distance is euclidean, it just computes euclidean distances between points
        distance = surf_m.get_surf_distance(surface.pos, surface.triangles,

        # clusters give by AgglomerativeClustering are initial clusters for k-medoids
        # for k-medoids, the centroid is a point in a cluster
        # k-medoids method return clusters that are identified by the index of their centroid point
        cluster_id, _, _ = kmedoids(distance, nclusters=remains, npass=1,

        # get the index of centroids
        centroids_id = np.unique(cluster_id)

        inuse = np.zeros(surface.pos_length)
        inuse[centroids_id] = 1
        inuse = inuse.astype(int)   # Need to be int

    # must be converted to meters and transorm to numpy array
    rr = surface.pos * 1e-3

    # Change index for hemi
    if surface.hemi=='lh':
        Id = 101
    elif surface.hemi=='rh':
        Id = 102

    src = [{'rr': rr, 'coord_frame': np.array((FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI,), np.int32), 'type': 'surf', 'id': Id,
            'np': surface.pos_length, 'nn': surface.normals, 'inuse': inuse, 'nuse': remains, 'dist': None,
            'ntri': surface.triangles_length, 'nearest': None, 'use_tris': None, 'nuse_tris': 0,
            'vertno': centroids_id, 'patch_inds': None, 'tris': surface.triangles, 'dist_limit': None, 'pinfo': None,
            'nearest_dist': None, 'removes': removes}]

    src = SourceSpaces(src)

    return src
def make_pert_forward_dipole(dipole,
    """Convert dipole object to source estimate and calculate forward operator.

    The instance of Dipole is converted to a discrete source space,
    which is then combined with a BEM or a sphere model and
    the sensor information in info to form a forward operator.

    The source estimate object (with the forward operator) can be projected to
    sensor-space using :func:`mne.simulation.simulate_evoked`.

    .. note:: If the (unique) time points of the dipole object are unevenly
              spaced, the first output will be a list of single-timepoint
              source estimates.

    dipole : instance of Dipole
        Dipole object containing position, orientation and amplitude of
        one or more dipoles. Multiple simultaneous dipoles may be defined by
        assigning them identical times.
    bem : str | dict
        The BEM filename (str) or a loaded sphere model (dict).
    info : instance of Info
        The measurement information dictionary. It is sensor-information etc.,
        e.g., from a real data file.
    trans : str | None
        The head<->MRI transform filename. Must be provided unless BEM
        is a sphere model.
    n_jobs : int
        Number of jobs to run in parallel (used in making forward solution).
    verbose : bool, str, int, or None
        If not None, override default verbose level (see :func:`mne.verbose`
        and :ref:`Logging documentation <tut_logging>` for more).

    fwd : instance of Forward
        The forward solution corresponding to the source estimate(s).
    stc : instance of VolSourceEstimate | list of VolSourceEstimate
        The dipoles converted to a discrete set of points and associated
        time courses. If the time points of the dipole are unevenly spaced,
        a list of single-timepoint source estimates are returned.

    See Also

    .. versionadded:: 0.12.0
    # Make copies to avoid mangling original dipole
    times = dipole.times.copy()
    pos = dipole.pos.copy()
    amplitude = dipole.amplitude.copy()
    ori = dipole.ori.copy()

    # Convert positions to discrete source space (allows duplicate rr & nn)
    # NB information about dipole orientation enters here, then no more
    sources = dict(rr=pos, nn=ori)
    # Dipole objects must be in the head frame
    sp = _make_discrete_source_space(sources, coord_frame='head')
    src = SourceSpaces([sp])  # dict with working_dir, command_line not nec

    # Forward operator created for channels in info (use pick_info to restrict)
    # Use defaults for most params, including min_dist
    fwd = make_pert_forward_solution(info,
    # Convert from free orientations to fixed (in-place)

    # Check for omissions due to proximity to inner skull in
    # make_forward_solution, which will result in an exception
    if fwd['src'][0]['nuse'] != len(pos):
        inuse = fwd['src'][0]['inuse'].astype(np.bool)
        head = ('The following dipoles are outside the inner skull boundary')
        msg = len(head) * '#' + '\n' + head + '\n'
        for (t, pos) in zip(times[np.logical_not(inuse)],
            msg += '    t={:.0f} ms, pos=({:.0f}, {:.0f}, {:.0f}) mm\n'.\
                format(t * 1000., pos[0] * 1000.,
                       pos[1] * 1000., pos[2] * 1000.)
        msg += len(head) * '#'
        raise ValueError('One or more dipoles outside the inner skull.')

    # multiple dipoles (rr and nn) per time instant allowed
    # uneven sampling in time returns list
    timepoints = np.unique(times)
    if len(timepoints) > 1:
        tdiff = np.diff(timepoints)
        if not np.allclose(tdiff, tdiff[0]):
            warn('Unique time points of dipoles unevenly spaced: returned '
                 'stc will be a list, one for each time point.')
            tstep = -1.0
            tstep = tdiff[0]
    elif len(timepoints) == 1:
        tstep = 0.001

    # Build the data matrix, essentially a block-diagonal with
    # n_rows: number of dipoles in total (dipole.amplitudes)
    # n_cols: number of unique time points in dipole.times
    # amplitude with identical value of times go together in one col (others=0)
    data = np.zeros((len(amplitude), len(timepoints)))  # (n_d, n_t)
    row = 0
    for tpind, tp in enumerate(timepoints):
        amp = amplitude[np.in1d(times, tp)]
        data[row:row + len(amp), tpind] = amp
        row += len(amp)

    if tstep > 0:
        stc = VolSourceEstimate(data,
    else:  # Must return a list of stc, one for each time point
        stc = []
        for col, tp in enumerate(timepoints):
            stc += [
                VolSourceEstimate(data[:, col][:, np.newaxis],
    return fwd, stc