def _build_stops(self, riders: Dict[str, Rider], depots: Dict[str, Depot], starts: List[int], ends: List[int]) -> List[Stop]: """Method to build Stops from locations of Riders and Depots""" stop_groups = defaultdict(list) for rider_id, rider in riders.items(): geohash = rider.location.extract_geohash( precision=self._params.GEOHASH_PRECISION_GROUPING) stop_groups[geohash] += [rider_id] stops = [ Stop(riders={rider_id: riders[rider_id] for rider_id in rider_ids}) for rider_ids in stop_groups.values() ] f'Built {len(stops)} rider stops from {len(riders)} riders.') depot_stops = [ Stop(depot_id=depot.depot_id, location=depot.location) for depot_ix, depot in enumerate(depots.values()) if depot_ix in starts or depot_ix in ends ] f'Built {len(depot_stops)} depot stops from {len(depots)} depots.') return depot_stops + stops
def make_random_stop(self): new_stop = Stop() = "Stop 23" new_stop.latitude = 2.144 new_stop.longitude = -1.222 return new_stop
def test_linear_estimator_estimate(self): """Asserts linear estimations are correctly calculated""" stop_1 = Stop( depot_id='depot_1', location=Location(lat=4.720634, lng=-74.037228) ) stop_2 = Stop( depot_id='depot_2', location=Location(lat=4.708958, lng=-74.035172) ) estimator = LinearEstimator() estimations = estimator.estimate(stops=[stop_1, stop_2]) self.assertEqual( len(estimations), 4, msg='Number of estimations incorrect.' ) expected_estimation = round( haversine( point1=stop_1.location.coordinates, point2=stop_2.location.coordinates ) / DEFAULT_VELOCITY ) for (origin, destination), est in estimations.items(): if origin == destination: self.assertEqual( est, 0., msg='Same origin and destination has non-zero estimation.' ) else: self.assertEqual( round(est), expected_estimation, msg='Estimated linear time differs to distance / velocity.' )
def update_services_stops(): # Delete all data first delete_services_stops() # Get services as json data json_data = requests.get(API_SERVICES, headers=API_HEADER) service_dict = json.loads(json_data.text) # Array of service objects services = service_dict["services"] # Get stops as json data json_data = requests.get(API_STOPS, headers=API_HEADER) stop_dict = json.loads(json_data.text) # Array of stop objects stops = stop_dict["stops"] # Update the tables' last_updated field service_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(service_dict["last_updated"])) update_table_date("service", service_date) stop_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(stop_dict["last_updated"])) update_table_date("stop", stop_date) # Create a service instance of each service and store them in a new dictionary service_dict = {} for service in services: new_service = Service() = service["name"] new_service.service_type = service["service_type"] new_service.description = service["description"] new_service.route = json.dumps(service["routes"][0]["points"]) if len(service["routes"]) > 0 else "none" service_dict[service["name"]] = new_service db_session.add(new_service) # Create a stop instance of each stop and add corresponding services to them for stop in stops: new_stop = Stop() = stop["name"] new_stop.latitude = stop["latitude"] new_stop.longitude = stop["longitude"] # Add services to stops # Must take the set because sometimes the services are listed multiple times for a particular stop. stop_services = set(stop["services"]) for service_name in stop_services:[service_name]) db_session.add(new_stop) db_session.commit() db_session.flush()
def fetch_routes(self, stop): params = { "filter[stop]": stop, "filter[type]": 2, "include": "stop", } routes, included = self.fetch(path="routes", params=params) return [Route(r) for r in routes], Stop(included[0])
def test_to_dict(self): """Asserts the Stop is correctly parsed to a Dict""" depot_stop = Stop(depot_id='my_depot', location=Location(lat=1.23, lng=4.56)) depot_stop_dict = depot_stop.to_dict() self.assertEqual( depot_stop.depot_id, depot_stop_dict['depot_id'], msg='Depot stop has incorrect depot_id after parsing.') self.assertEqual( depot_stop.location.coordinates, depot_stop_dict['location'], msg='Depot stop has incorrect location after parsing.') self.assertIsNone(depot_stop_dict['riders'], msg='Depot stop has non-null riders.') riders_stop = Stop( riders={ 'my_rider': Rider(location=Location(lat=1.23, lng=4.56), rider_id='my_rider') }) riders_stop_dict = riders_stop.to_dict() self.assertIsNone(riders_stop_dict['depot_id'], msg='Riders stop has non-null depot_id.') self.assertEqual( depot_stop.location.coordinates, riders_stop_dict['location'], msg='Riders stop has incorrect location after parsing.') self.assertIsNotNone(riders_stop_dict['riders'], msg='Riders stop has null riders.')
def test_post_init(self): """Assert the actions taken after the class is instantiated""" riders = parse_models(model_dicts=test_riders[0:2], cls=Rider) stop = Stop(riders=riders) self.assertEqual(stop.demand, len(riders), msg='Stop has demand that differs from riders.') self.assertEqual(, mean([ for rider in riders.values()]), msg='Latitude incorrectly calculated for Stop.') self.assertEqual( stop.location.lng, mean([rider.location.lng for rider in riders.values()]), msg='Longitude incorrectly calculated for Stop.')
async def nearby_stops(lat: float, lon: float, radius: float, pool) -> List[Stop]: async with pool.acquire() as conn: query = f"""select, q.lon from (select (st_distance(st_transform(st_setsrid(s.geopoint, 4326)::geometry, 3857), st_transform(ST_SetSRID(st_makepoint({lon}, {lat}), 4326)::geometry, 3857))) as d,, s.lon from stop s ) as q where q.d < {radius}; """ rows = await conn.fetch(query) return [ Stop(Coordinates(float(r['lat']), float(r['lon'])), arrivals=[]) for r in rows ]
class TestsOptimizationModelBuilder(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for the Optimization Model Builder class""" # Base Problem riders = parse_models(model_dicts=test_riders[0:2], cls=Rider) vehicles = parse_models(model_dicts=test_vehicles, cls=Vehicle) depots = parse_models(model_dicts=test_depots, cls=Depot) stops = [ Stop(depot_id=list(depots.values())[0].depot_id, location=list(depots.values())[0].location), Stop(riders=riders) ] estimations = {(0, 0): 0., (0, 1): 85., (1, 0): 78., (1, 1): 0.} params = get_params() problem = Problem(depots=depots, estimations=estimations, params=params, riders=riders, stops=stops, vehicles=vehicles, starts=[0, 1], ends=[0, 1]) def test_build_manager(self): """Asserts that a manager is built correctly from the Problem""" manager = RoutingIndexManager( len(self.problem.stops), # Number of locations len(self.problem.vehicles), # Number of vehicles self.problem.starts, # Start list of Vehicles self.problem.ends # End list of Vehicles ) self.assertTrue(manager, msg='Opt. Manager could not be built.') self.assertEqual(manager.GetNumberOfVehicles(), len(self.vehicles), msg='Number of vehicles in manager is incorrect.') self.assertEqual(manager.GetNumberOfIndices(), len(self.vehicles) * 2 + len(self.stops) - len(self.problem.depots), msg='Number of indices in manager is incorrect.') solver = RoutingModel(manager) self.assertTrue(solver, msg='Solver could not be instantiated.') def test_build_search_parameters(self): """Asserts the heuristic search parameters are correctly created""" search_parameters = OptimizationModelBuilder._build_search_parameters( self.problem) self.assertTrue(search_parameters, msg='Search params could not be built.') self.assertEqual(search_parameters.time_limit, Duration(seconds=self.params.SEARCH_TIME_LIMIT), msg='Time limit is incorrect in the search params.') self.assertEqual( search_parameters.solution_limit, self.params.SEARCH_SOLUTIONS_LIMIT, msg='Solutions limit is incorrect in the search params.') self.assertEqual( search_parameters.first_solution_strategy, FIRST_SOLUTION_STRATEGY[self.params.FIRST_SOLUTION_STRATEGY], msg='First solution strategy is incorrect in the search params.') self.assertEqual( search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic, LOCAL_SEARCH_METAHEURISTIC[self.params.SEARCH_METAHEURISTIC], msg='Search metaheuristic is incorrect in the search params.') def test_apply_constraints_capacity_constraint(self): """Asserts constraints are read correctly by the solver""" model_builder = OptimizationModelBuilder( constraints=[CapacityConstraint()]) problem = self.problem manager = RoutingIndexManager( len(problem.stops), # Number of locations len(problem.vehicles), # Number of vehicles problem.starts, # Start list of Vehicles problem.ends # End list of Vehicles ) solver = RoutingModel(manager) model_builder._apply_constraints(problem, manager, solver) self.assertTrue(solver, msg='Constraints added incorrectly.') self.assertTrue(solver.HasDimension('capacity_constraint'), msg='Capacity constraint not added.') def test_set_objective_function(self): """Asserts the objective function is added to the solver""" model_builder = OptimizationModelBuilder( constraints=[CapacityConstraint()]) problem = self.problem manager = RoutingIndexManager( len(problem.stops), # Number of locations len(problem.vehicles), # Number of vehicles problem.starts, # Start list of Vehicles problem.ends # End list of Vehicles ) solver = RoutingModel(manager) model_builder._set_objective_function(problem, manager, solver) self.assertTrue(solver, msg='Objective function set incorrectly.') def test_build(self): """Assert the Opt. model is built correctly""" model_builder = OptimizationModelBuilder( constraints=[CapacityConstraint()]) problem = self.problem model = self.assertTrue(model, msg='Opt. model built incorrectly.') self.assertEqual(model.manager.GetNumberOfVehicles(), len(self.vehicles), msg='Number of vehicles in manager is incorrect.') self.assertEqual(model.manager.GetNumberOfIndices(), len(self.vehicles) * 2 + len(self.stops) - len(problem.depots), msg='Number of indices in manager is incorrect.') self.assertTrue(model.solver, msg='Solver could not be instantiated.') self.assertTrue(model.search_parameters, msg='Search params could not be built.') self.assertEqual(model.search_parameters.time_limit, Duration(seconds=self.params.SEARCH_TIME_LIMIT), msg='Time limit is incorrect in the search params.') self.assertEqual( model.search_parameters.solution_limit, self.params.SEARCH_SOLUTIONS_LIMIT, msg='Solutions limit is incorrect in the search params.') self.assertEqual( model.search_parameters.first_solution_strategy, FIRST_SOLUTION_STRATEGY[self.params.FIRST_SOLUTION_STRATEGY], msg='First solution strategy is incorrect in the search params.') self.assertEqual( model.search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic, LOCAL_SEARCH_METAHEURISTIC[self.params.SEARCH_METAHEURISTIC], msg='Search metaheuristic is incorrect in the search params.') self.assertTrue(model.solver.HasDimension('capacity_constraint'), msg='Capacity constraint not added.')
def stop_order(code, stop, num): Stop.stop_order(code, stop, num) pass