Exemple #1
def show_section(pif, manf, sect, start=None, end=None, year=None):
    print '<hr><center><h3 id="%s">%s</h3></center>' % (sect['label'],
    if sect['comment']:
        print '\n'.join(sect['comment']) + '<br>'
    shown = 0
    cols = 4
    this_year = None
    for i in range(len(sect['models']) - 1, -1, -1):
        sect['models'][i]['last_year'] = this_year
        this_year = None if sect['models'][i]['subid'].isdigit() and int(sect['models'][i]['subid']) == 1 \
            else sect['models'][i]['first_year']

    for slist in sect['models']:

        if slist['subid'] == 'X':

        if start and end:
            modno = 0
            for c in slist['id']:
                if c.isdigit():
                    modno = 10 * modno + int(c)
            pif.render.comment(start, end, modno)
            if modno < start or modno > end:

        if year and slist['last_year'] and (year < int(slist['first_year'])
                                            or year > int(slist['last_year'])):

        slist['link'] = "/cgi-bin/upload.cgi?d=./pic/tomica&r"
        slist['linkid'] = 's_' + slist['id'].lower()
        slist['descs'] = slist.get('desc', '').split(';')

        if shown == 0:
            print "<center><table><tr align=top>"
        shown += 1
        print " <td valign=top width=%d>" % 200
        print models.add_model_table_pic_link(pif, slist)
        print " </td>"
        if (shown == cols):
            print "</tr></table></center>\n"
            shown = 0

    if shown:
        print "</tr></table></center>\n"
Exemple #2
def show_section(pif, manf, sect, start=None, end=None, year=None):
    print '<hr><center><h3 id="%s">%s</h3></center>' % (sect['label'], sect['title'])
    if sect['comment']:
        print '\n'.join(sect['comment']) + '<br>'
    shown = 0
    cols = 4
    this_year = None
    for i in range(len(sect['models']) - 1, -1, -1):
        sect['models'][i]['last_year'] = this_year
	this_year = None if sect['models'][i]['subid'].isdigit() and int(sect['models'][i]['subid']) == 1 \
	    else sect['models'][i]['first_year']

    for slist in sect['models']:

        if slist['subid'] == 'X':

        if start and end:
            modno = 0
            for c in slist['id']:
                if c.isdigit():
                    modno = 10 * modno + int(c)
            pif.render.comment(start, end, modno)
            if modno < start or modno > end:

        if year and slist['last_year'] and (year < int(slist['first_year']) or year > int(slist['last_year'])):

        slist['link'] = "/cgi-bin/upload.cgi?d=./pic/tomica&r"
        slist['linkid'] = 's_' + slist['id'].lower()
        slist['descs'] = slist.get('desc', '').split(';')

        if shown == 0:
            print "<center><table><tr align=top>"
        shown += 1
        print " <td valign=top width=%d>" % 200
        print models.add_model_table_pic_link(pif, slist)
        print " </td>"
        if (shown == cols):
            print "</tr></table></center>\n"
            shown = 0

    if shown:
        print "</tr></table></center>\n"
Exemple #3
def create_lineup(pif, mods):
    flago = mflags.FlagList()
    llineup = {'columns': 4}
    lsec = pif.dbh.fetch_sections({'page_id': pif.page_id})[0]
    lran = {'entry': []}
    for mod in mods:
        mod = pif.dbh.modify_man_item(mod)
            {'text': models.add_model_table_pic_link(pif, mod, flago=flago)})
    lsec['range'] = [lran]
    lsec['columns'] = 4
    llineup['section'] = [lsec]
    return llineup
Exemple #4
def show_make_selection(pif, make_id, makedict):
    casting_make = make_id
    lsec = dict()  # pif.dbh.fetch_sections({'page_id': pif.page_id})[0]
    make = makedict.get(make_id, {})
    lsec['anchor'] = make_id
    lsec['range'] = []
    lsec['note'] = ''
    lsec['id'] = ''
    lsec['columns'] = 4
    lsec['name'] = pif.render.fmt_img(
        make_id, prefix='t', pdir=config.IMG_DIR_MAKE) + '<br>' + make.get(
            'company_name', make_id)
    lran = {'id': '', 'name': '', 'anchor': '', 'note': '', 'entry': []}
    where = '' if pif.is_allowed('a') else "section.page_id='manno'"
    if make_id == 'unk':
        casting_make = ''
    castings = pif.dbh.fetch_casting_list_by_make(casting_make, where=where)
    aliases = [
    ]  # pif.dbh.fetch_aliases(where="casting.make='%s'" % casting_make)
    mlist = []

    for mdict in castings:

    for mdict in aliases:
        mdict = pif.dbh.modify_man_item(mdict)
        if mdict.get('alias.ref_id'):
            mdict['picture_id'] = mdict['id']
            mdict['id'] = mdict['alias.id']
            # mdict['descs'] = mdict['descs']
            # mdict['descs'].append('same as ' + mdict['ref_id'])

    mlist.sort(key=lambda x: x['name'])
    for mdict in mlist:
        # input mdict:  id, (picture_id), made, country, link, linkid, name, descs, made, unlicensed, scale, (type)
            models.add_model_table_pic_link(pif, mdict, flago=models.flago)

    return lsec
Exemple #5
def show_make_selection(pif, make_id, makedict):
    casting_make = make_id
    lsec = dict()  #pif.dbh.fetch_sections({'page_id': pif.page_id})[0]
    make = makedict.get(make_id, {})
    lsec['anchor'] = make_id
    lsec['range'] = []
    lsec['note'] = ''
    lsec['id'] = ''
    lsec['columns'] = 4
    lsec['name'] = pif.render.fmt_img(make_id, prefix='t', pdir=config.IMG_DIR_MAKE) + '<br>' + make.get('company_name', make_id)
    lran = {'id': '', 'name': '', 'anchor': '', 'note': '', 'entry': []}
    where = '' if pif.is_allowed('a') else "section.page_id='manno'"
    if make_id == 'unk':
        casting_make = ''
    castings = pif.dbh.fetch_casting_list_by_make(casting_make, where=where)
    aliases = []  #pif.dbh.fetch_aliases(where="casting.make='%s'" % casting_make)
    mlist = []

    for mdict in castings:

    for mdict in aliases:
        mdict = pif.dbh.modify_man_item(mdict)
        if mdict.get('alias.ref_id'):
            mdict['picture_id'] = mdict['id']
            mdict['id'] = mdict['alias.id']
            #mdict['descs'] = mdict['descs']
            #mdict['descs'].append('same as ' + mdict['ref_id'])

    mlist.sort(key=lambda x: x['name'])
    for mdict in mlist:
        # input mdict:  id, (picture_id), made, country, link, linkid, name, descs, made, unlicensed, scale, (type)
        lran['entry'].append({'text': models.add_model_table_pic_link(pif, mdict, flago=models.flago)})

    return lsec