Exemple #1
def list():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('proposals/list.html', proposals=get_sanitized_proposals())
    else: # POST
        proposal = Proposal(created_by=request.form['created_by'], number=request.form['number'])

        return render_template('proposals/list.html', proposals=get_sanitized_proposals())
Exemple #2
def proposals(request):
    was_limited = getattr(request, 'limited', False)
    if was_limited:
        return JsonResponse(
                'status': 'you hit the rate limit!'
        token = get_token(request)
        user_id_login = User.verify_auth_token(token)
        if user_id_login:
            if request.method == 'GET':
                all_request = Request.objects.filter(user_id=user_id_login)
                request_id = []
                for r in all_request:
                all_proposal = Proposal.objects.filter(request_id in request_id)
                data = []
                for proposal in all_proposal:
                    item = {
                                'id': proposal.id,
                                'user_proposed_to': proposal.user_proposed_to,
                                'user-proposed_from': proposal.user_proposed_from,
                                'request_id': proposal.request_id.id,
                                'filled': proposal.filled
                return JsonResponse(
                        'objects': data
            elif request.method == 'POST':
                request_id = request.POST.get('request_id')
                user_from = Request.objects.filter(id=request_id).first().user_id
                user_to = user_id_login
                if user_from == user_to:
                    return HttpResponseForbidden('the two users are same')
                    proposal = Proposal(user_proposed_to=user_to, user_proposed_from=user_from, request_id=request_id)
                    return JsonResponse(
                            'status': 'proposal created successfully',
                                    'id': proposal.id,
                                    'user_proposed_to': proposal.user_proposed_to,
                                    'user-proposed_from': proposal.user_proposed_from,
                                    'request_id': proposal.request_id.id,
                                    'filled': proposal.filled
            return HttpResponseForbidden('invalid token')
Exemple #3
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        serializer = Proposal(Pitch.objects.get(pk=kwargs['pk']))
        if self.request.accepted_renderer.format == 'html':
            # we have to set unpack the tree structure here for the template
            serializer.data['comments'] = RenderTree(
            return Response({'proposal': serializer.data},

        return Response(serializer.data)
Exemple #4
 def get(self, confid, secret):
     """Download all speakers and proposals for a conference"""
     # Super-Reviewers
     committee = []
     if confid == 'droidcon-2016':
         committee = ['*****@*****.**',
     # get conference
     conference = Conference.get_by_id(confid)
     # check if the provided secret is correct
     if conference.secret != secret:
     speakers = Speaker.query()
     proposals = Proposal.query(ancestor=conference.key)
     reviews = Review.query()
     speakers_dict = [dict(s.to_dict(), **dict(id=s.key.id()))
                      for s in speakers]
     proposals_dict = []
     # create a fast lookup table - reviews by parent
     reviews_by_parent = {}
     for r in reviews:
         parent = r.key.parent()
         rlist = reviews_by_parent[parent]
         if rlist is None:
             rlist = []
         reviews_by_parent[parent] = rlist
     # crete a fast lookup table - speaker by key
     speakers_by_id = {}
     for s in speakers:
         speakers_by_key[s.key] = s
     for p in proposals:
         p_dict = p.to_dict()
         p_dict['id'] = p.key.id()
         p_r = {}
         p_sum = 0
         for r in reviews_by_parent[p.key]:
             p_r[r.key.id()] = r.to_dict()
             if r.rating:
                 if r.key.id() in committee:
                     # double the rating!
                     p_sum = p_sum + r.rating
                 p_sum = p_sum + r.rating
         s = speakers_by_key[p.speaker]
         if s is not None:
             p_dict['speaker-email'] = s.email
             p_dict['speaker-name'] = s.name
             p_dict['speaker-surname'] = s.surname
             if s.rating:
                 p_sum = p_sum + s.rating
         p_dict['reviews'] = p_r
         p_dict['rating'] = p_sum
     self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
     obj = {
         'speakers': speakers_dict,
         'proposals': proposals_dict,
     self.response.out.write(json.dumps(obj, cls=DatastoreEncoder))
Exemple #5
def ajaxproposalvote(request, proposal_slug, score):
    # get vars
    proposal = get_object_or_404(Proposal.objects, slug=proposal_slug)
    user = request.user
    ajax_response = lambda msgtype, message: HttpResponse("{}\n{}".format(msgtype, message), mimetype='text/plain')
    # check legality of vote
    assert score in dict(Proposal.voteOptions()).keys(), 'illegal vote'
    votevalue = int(float(score))
    # check if vote is in progress
    if proposal.voting_stage != 'VOTING':
        return ajax_response(msgtype='error', message="Error: vote is no longer in progress")
    # check if user is cancelling vote
    if proposal.userHasProposalvoted(user) == votevalue:
        ## cancel vote
        vote = proposal.proposalvoteFromUser(user)
        return ajax_response(msgtype='success', message="Your vote was removed")
        ## remove existing and cast new vote
        # remove the previous vote of the user
        if proposal.userHasProposalvoted(user) != None:
            vote = proposal.proposalvoteFromUser(user)
        # create ProposalVote
        vote = ProposalVote(
            user = user,
            proposal = proposal,
            value = votevalue,
        return ajax_response(msgtype='success', message="Your vote was cast successfully")
Exemple #6
 def post(self, confid):
     user = users.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         login_url = users.create_login_url(self.request.url)
     # get the conference
     if confid.startswith('new:'):
         confid = confid[4:]
     conference = Conference.get_by_id(confid)
     # check if the user is an admin
     if user.email() not in conference.reviewers:
         self.response.out.write("You are not authorized")
     # get proposal id & proposal
     proposal_id = long(self.request.get('proposal_id'))
     proposal = Proposal.get_by_id(id=proposal_id, parent=conference.key)
     if not proposal:
         self.response.out.write("No proposal found for this id (" +
                                 str(proposal_id) + ")")
     # get existing review by this user
     review = Review.get_by_id(id=user.email(), parent=proposal.key)
     if not review:
         review = Review(id=user.email(), parent=proposal.key)
     # store value for the review
     review.comment = self.request.get('comment')
     if self.request.get('rating'):
         review.rating = int(self.request.get('rating'))
     # store in Data Store
     # redirect to get
def update_proposal(id):
    user = g.user
    if not request.json:
    errors = Proposal.validate(request.json)
    if len(errors) == 0:
        return  jsonify( { 'result': True } )
    return jsonify({"message": "The request is invalid."},errors = [error for error in errors])  ,400
Exemple #8
def get_sanitized_proposals():
    proposals = Proposal.objects(archived=False)
    for proposal in proposals:
        if not proposal.votes_revealed:
            for vote in proposal.votes:
                vote.vote = "[hidden]"
                vote.hate_upon = "[hidden]"
                vote.love = "[hidden]"
    return proposals
Exemple #9
 def post(self, confid):
     """Accept proposals via POST requests"""
     # get parameters from request
     name = self.request.get("name")
     surname = self.request.get("surname")
     email = self.request.get("email")
     bio = self.request.get("bio")
     useOld = self.request.get("use-old")
     title = self.request.get("title")
     abstract = self.request.get("abstract")
     duration = int(self.request.get("duration"))
     comment = self.request.get("comment")
     # timestamp 'now'
     now = datetime.now()
     # search for conference
     conference = Conference.get_by_id(confid)
     if not conference:
         self.error("Conference not found", 404)
     # search for speaker?
     speakerKey = None
     if useOld:
         # get speakers for email
         speakers = Speaker.query(Speaker.email == email)
         # and order by modified-date (reverse) to get the last one
         speakers = speakers.order(-Speaker.modified).iter()
         if speakers.has_next():
             speaker = speakers.next()
             speakerKey = speaker.key
     if not speakerKey:
         # create speaker object
         speaker = Speaker(name=name, surname=surname, email=email,
                           bio=bio, created=now, modified=now)
         speakerKey = speaker.put()
     # submit proposal
     proposal = Proposal(parent=conference.key, speaker=speakerKey,
                         abstract=abstract, duration=duration,
                         title=title, comment=comment, created=now,
     proposalKey = proposal.put()
     if proposalKey:
         self.error("Error when storing proposal", 500)
Exemple #10
 def submitProposal(self, request):
     """Submit a new talk proposal"""
     if not request.title or not request.speaker:
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             "Required field (title and/or speaker key) missing"
     # get the speaker (check if it exists)
     speaker = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.speaker).get()
     if not speaker:
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             "Speaker entity not found"
     if speaker.key.kind() != "Speaker":
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             "Invalid key kind for speaker specified"
     # get the conference (check if it exists)
     conf = Conference.get_by_id(request.conferenceId)
     if not conf:
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             "Invalid conference identifier specified"
     # TODO: check if call for papers is still open
     # fill the data structure for creating the entity
     data = {field.name: getattr(request, field.name)
             for field in request.all_fields()}
     # delete conference id, link to parent
     del data['conferenceId']
     data['parent'] = conf.key
     # update the speaker reference
     data['speaker'] = speaker.key
     # set the created date/time stamp
     data['created'] = datetime.now()
     data['modified'] = data['created']
     # store in Datastore - with correct parent
     proposalKey = Proposal(**data).put()
     # return value
     retVal = ProposalKeyForm()
     retVal.key = proposalKey.urlsafe()
     retVal.title = request.title
     return retVal
def new_proposal():
    user = g.user
    if not request.json:
    errors = Proposal.validate(request.json)
    if len(errors) == 0:
        request_id = request.json.get('request_id')
        r = session.query(Request).filter_by(id = request_id).first()
        if r is None:
            return jsonify({"message": "The request is invalid."},errors = [dict({"request_id":"Request does not exist"})])  ,400
        if user.id == r.user_id:
        proposal = Proposal(user_proposed_from = user.id, user_proposed_to = r.user_id, request_id = r.id  )
        return  jsonify( { 'result': True } )
    return jsonify({"message": "The request is invalid."},errors = [error for error in errors])  ,400
Exemple #12
 def get(self, confid):
     user = users.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         login_url = users.create_login_url(self.request.url)
     new_only = confid.startswith('new:')
     if new_only:
         confid = confid[4:]
     # get the conference
     conference = Conference.get_by_id(confid)
     # check if the user is an admin
     if user.email() not in conference.reviewers:
         self.response.out.write("You are not authorized")
     # get existing proposals
     proposals = Proposal.query(ancestor=conference.key).fetch()
     # get existing reviews
     reviews = Review.query(ancestor=conference.key).fetch()
     # filter by this users
     reviews = [r for r in reviews if r.key.id() == user.email()]
     proposals_reviewed = []
     # add the review to the matching proposal
     for r in reviews:
         for p in proposals:
             if r.key.parent() == p.key:
                 p.review = r
     if new_only:
         proposals = [p for p in proposals
                      if p.key not in proposals_reviewed]
     # set of stuff to display in the template
     template_values = {
         'user': user,
         'logout_url': users.create_logout_url(self.request.url),
         'conference': conference,
         'proposals': proposals,
         'reviews': reviews,
     # display template with the reviews & proposals
     template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('review.html')
superblockcycle = node1.superblockcycle()
nextsuperblock = node1.next_superblock_height()
curblock = node1.last_superblock_height()

if nextsuperblock - curblock > 10:
    start_epoch = curunixtime
    start_epoch = int(curunixtime + (superblockcycle * 2.6 * 60))

end_epoch = int(start_epoch + payout_month * (superblockcycle * 2.6 * 60) +
                ((superblockcycle / 2) * 2.6 * 60))

proposal = Proposal(name='proposal_' + str(curblock),
                    url='https://dashcentral.com/proposal_' + str(curblock) +
                    '_' + str(curunixtime),

print proposal.govobj_type
proposal.govobj_type = 0

#cmd = ['gobject', 'submit', '0', '1', str(curunixtime), proposal.dashd_serialise(), '0463c5b7194605e598441422a3dc99c7c96df4c943dd047310646ae2d8c43add']
cmd = [
    'gobject', 'submit', '0', '1',
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from zerooned import ZeroOneDaemon
import zeroonelib
from decimal import Decimal
zerooned = ZeroOneDaemon.from_zeroone_conf(config.zeroone_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'zerooned' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemple #15
def prune_expired_proposals(allgamescoind):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(allgamescoind.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(allgamescoind, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
Exemple #16
def NewProposalEndpoint(session, wallet):
    proposals = Proposal.select().join(ProposalDecision).where(
        Proposal.wallet == wallet.id, ProposalDecision.source != wallet.source)

    return jsonify([proposal.serialize() for proposal in proposals])
def prune_expired_proposals(sparksd):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(sparksd.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(sparksd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
def setup():
    # clear tables first
Exemple #19
def post_submit(user=None, community=None):
    entry = Proposal(community='', title='', content='')

    if community is None:
        community = request.form.get('community') or None
        if community and community[0:2] == "c/":
            community = community[2:]

    if request.method == 'POST':
            entry.title = request.form.get('title') or ''
            entry.content = request.form.get('content') or ''
            entry.published = request.form.get('published') or True
            entry.vote_options = request.form.get('internalvote') or None
            entry.usepositions = (True if request.form.get('use-positions')
                                  == '' else False)
            entry.author = User.get(User.id == current_user.id)
            entry.community = Community.get(Community.name == community)

            if not (entry.title and entry.community and entry.author):
                flash('Community and Title are required.', 'error')


                # Wrap the call to save in a transaction so we can roll it back
                # cleanly in the event of an integrity error.
                    with database.atomic():

                except peewee.IntegrityError:
                    flash('This title is already in use.', 'error')

                    if entry.published:
                        return redirect(

        except peewee.DoesNotExist:
            flash('Community and Title are required.', 'error')

    if community is not None:
        community = Community.get_or_none(Community.name == community)

    return render_template('submit.html', entry=entry, community=community)
Exemple #20
def post_details(community, slug):
    query = Proposal.public()
    community_id = Community.get_or_none(Community.name == community)
    entry = get_object_or_404(query, Proposal.slug == slug,
                              Proposal.community == community_id)
    return render_template('post.html', entry=entry, community=community_id)
Exemple #21
import sys
import os
    os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../lib')))
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
quantisnetd = QuantisnetDaemon.from_quantisnet_conf(config.quantisnet_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'dashd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemple #22
def prune_expired_proposals(quantisnetd):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(quantisnetd.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(quantisnetd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
Exemple #23
def prune_expired_proposals(genesisd):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(genesisd.governanceblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(genesisd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
Exemple #24
    if Superblock.is_voted_funding(event_block_height):
        # printdbg("ALREADY VOTED! 'til next time!")

        # vote down any new SBs because we've already chosen a winner
        for sb in Superblock.at_height(event_block_height):
            icbet sb.voted_on(signal=VoteSignals.funding):
                sb.vote(comboded, VoteSignals.funding, VoteOutcomes.no)

        # now return, we're done

    icbet comboded.is_govobj_maturity_phase():
        printdbg("Not in maturity phase yet -- will not attempt Superblock")

    proposals = Proposal.approved_and_ranked(proposal_quorum=comboded.governance_quorum(), next_superblock_max_budget=comboded.next_superblock_max_budget())
    budget_max = comboded.get_superblock_budget_allocation(event_block_height)
    sb_epoch_time = comboded.block_height_to_epoch(event_block_height)

    maxgovobjdatasize = comboded.govinfo['maxgovobjdatasize']
    sb = combodelib.create_superblock(proposals, event_block_height, budget_max, sb_epoch_time, maxgovobjdatasize)
    icbet sb:
        printdbg("No superblock created, sorry. Returning.")

    # find the deterministic SB w/highest object_hash in the DB
    dbrec = Superblock.find_highest_deterministic(sb.hex_hash())
    if dbrec:
        dbrec.vote(comboded, VoteSignals.funding, VoteOutcomes.yes)

        # any other blocks which match the sb_hash are duplicates, delete them
def test_proposal_is_valid(proposal):
    from bitgreend import BitgreenDaemon
    import bitgreenlib
    bitgreend = BitgreenDaemon.from_bitgreen_conf(config.bitgreen_conf)

    orig = Proposal(**proposal.get_dict())  # make a copy

    # fixture as-is should be valid
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # ============================================================
    # ensure end_date not greater than start_date
    # ============================================================
    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch - 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 0
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid proposal name
    # ============================================================

    proposal.name = '   heya!@209h '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = "anything' OR 'x'='x"
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ''
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = '0'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'R66-Y'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = '   mostly-valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'also-mostly-valid-name   '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' similarly-kinda-valid-name '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-millerà-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # binary gibberish
    proposal.name = bitgreenlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid payment address
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_address = '7'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'GX8OZ5XBZABWU3VSJOP1QGPTO69MQTUK2K'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Uj'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = '221 B Baker St., London, United Kingdom'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # this is actually the Dash foundation multisig address...
    proposal.payment_address = '7gnwGHt17heGpG9Crfeh4KGpYNFugPhJdh'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'gX8oZ5xbzAbwu3VSjoP1qgPTo69mqTuk2k'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.payment_address = ' gX8oZ5xbzAbwu3VSjoP1qgPTo69mqTuk2k'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'gX8oZ5xbzAbwu3VSjoP1qgPTo69mqTuk2k '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = ' gX8oZ5xbzAbwu3VSjoP1qgPTo69mqTuk2k '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # validate URL
    proposal.url = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = '    '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://::]/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://[::1/foo/bad]/bad'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://dashcentral.org/dean-miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://dashcentralisé.org/dean-miller-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://dashcentralisé.org/dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'https://example.com/resource.ext?param=1&other=2'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'www.com'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'v.ht/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ipfs:///ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = '/ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 's3://bucket/thing/anotherthing/file.pdf'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/standards/RFC/rfc959.txt'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # gibberish URL
    proposal.url = bitgreenlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure proposal can't request negative dash
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_amount = -1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False
Exemple #26
superblockcycle = node1.superblockcycle()
nextsuperblock = node1.next_superblock_height()
curblock = node1.last_superblock_height()

if nextsuperblock - curblock > 10:
    start_epoch = curunixtime
    start_epoch = int(curunixtime + (superblockcycle * 2.6 * 60))

end_epoch = int(start_epoch + payout_month * (superblockcycle * 2.6 * 60) +
                ((superblockcycle / 2) * 2.6 * 60))

proposal = Proposal(name='proposal_' + str(curblock),
                    url='https://dashcentral.com/proposal_' + str(curblock) +
                    '_' + str(curunixtime),

print '\ntry to submit proposal with 0 confirmations'
# should be permanently rejected by all nodes

tx_hash0 = node1.rpc_command(*proposal.get_prepare_command())
print 'collateral tx hash: {0}\n'.format(tx_hash0)
log1.expect_minimum('push_inventory:tx {0}'.format(tx_hash0), 1)
cmd = [
    'gobject', 'submit', '0', '1',
    proposal.dashd_serialise(), tx_hash0
Exemple #27
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from comboded import CombodeDaemon
import combodelib
from decimal import Decimal
comboded = CombodeDaemon.from_combode_conf(config.combode_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'comboded' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemple #28
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from dynamicd import DynamicDaemon
import dynamiclib
from decimal import Decimal
dynamicd = DynamicDaemon.from_dynamic_conf(config.dynamic_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'dynamicd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
def test_proposal_is_valid(proposal):
    from emixild import EmixilDaemon
    import emixillib
    emixild = EmixilDaemon.from_emixil_conf(config.emixil_conf)

    orig = Proposal(**proposal.get_dict())  # make a copy

    # fixture as-is should be valid
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # ============================================================
    # ensure end_date not greater than start_date
    # ============================================================
    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch - 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 0
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid proposal name
    # ============================================================

    proposal.name = '   heya!@209h '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = "anything' OR 'x'='x"
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ''
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = '0'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'R66-Y'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # binary gibberish
    proposal.name = emixillib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid payment address
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_address = '7'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'YYE8KWYAUU5YSWSYMB3Q3RYX8XTUU9Y7UI'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Uj'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = '221 B Baker St., London, United Kingdom'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # this is actually the Emixil foundation multisig address...
    proposal.payment_address = '7gnwGHt17heGpG9Crfeh4KGpYNFugPhJdh'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # validate URL
    proposal.url = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = '    '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'https://example.com/resource.ext?param=1&other=2'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'www.com'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'v.ht/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ipfs:///ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = '/ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 's3://bucket/thing/anotherthing/file.pdf'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/standards/RFC/rfc959.txt'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # gibberish URL
    proposal.url = emixillib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure proposal can't request negative emixil
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_amount = -1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False
Exemple #30
def prune_expired_proposals(monsternoded):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(monsternoded.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(monsternoded, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
def attempt_superblock_creation(sparksd):
    import sparkslib

    if not sparksd.is_masternode():
        print("We are not a Masternode... can't submit superblocks!")

    # query votes for this specific ebh... if we have voted for this specific
    # ebh, then it's voted on. since we track votes this is all done using joins
    # against the votes table
    # has this masternode voted on *any* superblocks at the given event_block_height?
    # have we voted FUNDING=YES for a superblock for this specific event_block_height?

    event_block_height = sparksd.next_superblock_height()

    if Superblock.is_voted_funding(event_block_height):
        # printdbg("ALREADY VOTED! 'til next time!")

        # vote down any new SBs because we've already chosen a winner
        for sb in Superblock.at_height(event_block_height):
            if not sb.voted_on(signal=VoteSignals.funding):
                sb.vote(sparksd, VoteSignals.funding, VoteOutcomes.no)

        # now return, we're done

    if not sparksd.is_govobj_maturity_phase():
        printdbg("Not in maturity phase yet -- will not attempt Superblock")

    proposals = Proposal.approved_and_ranked(
    budget_max = sparksd.get_superblock_budget_allocation(event_block_height)
    sb_epoch_time = sparksd.block_height_to_epoch(event_block_height)

    maxgovobjdatasize = sparksd.govinfo['maxgovobjdatasize']
    sb = sparkslib.create_superblock(proposals, event_block_height, budget_max,
                                     sb_epoch_time, maxgovobjdatasize)
    if not sb:
        printdbg("No superblock created, sorry. Returning.")

    # find the deterministic SB w/highest object_hash in the DB
    dbrec = Superblock.find_highest_deterministic(sb.hex_hash())
    if dbrec:
        dbrec.vote(sparksd, VoteSignals.funding, VoteOutcomes.yes)

        # any other blocks which match the sb_hash are duplicates, delete them
        for sb in Superblock.select().where(
                Superblock.sb_hash == sb.hex_hash()):
            if not sb.voted_on(signal=VoteSignals.funding):
                sb.vote(sparksd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)

            "VOTED FUNDING FOR SB! We're done here 'til next superblock cycle."
        printdbg("The correct superblock wasn't found on the network...")

    # if we are the elected masternode...
    if (sparksd.we_are_the_winner()):
        printdbg("we are the winner! Submit SB to network")
Exemple #32
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from galactrumd import GalactrumDaemon
import galactrumlib
from decimal import Decimal
galactrumd = GalactrumDaemon.from_galactrum_conf(config.galactrum_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'galactrumd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
def setup():
    # clear tables first...
Exemple #34
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from polisd import PolisDaemon
import polislib
from decimal import Decimal
polisd = PolisDaemon.from_polis_conf(config.polis_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "TXDSaTXerg68SCyLkWw2ERsqoTMWRBZiZQ|TDWz9KfMo55wzj2brbgaXxnDz28nAbdPcY",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'polisd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
def prune_expired_proposals(crowdclassicd):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(crowdclassicd.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(crowdclassicd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from lucentd import lucentDaemon
import lucentlib
from decimal import Decimal
lucentd = lucentDaemon.from_lucent_conf(config.lucent_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "n7mzEvBy6JdP2QQUqJrLjitucQKgTBZAR2|nJUUwdV8JvDXjoMLhmqi9mQCgiA86xPL4h",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'gobyted' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemple #37
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from trivechaind import TrivechainDaemon
import trivechainlib
from decimal import Decimal
trivechaind = TrivechainDaemon.from_trivechain_conf(config.trivechain_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK|t7RKTBNZsTbjwAoXYfsSsTSwimxzDKh5Fu",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'trivechaind' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemple #38
def test_proposal_is_valid(proposal):
    from trivechaind import TrivechainDaemon
    import trivechainlib
    trivechaind = TrivechainDaemon.from_trivechain_conf(config.trivechain_conf)

    orig = Proposal(**proposal.get_dict())  # make a copy

    # fixture as-is should be valid
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # ============================================================
    # ensure end_date not greater than start_date
    # ============================================================
    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch - 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 0
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid proposal name
    # ============================================================

    proposal.name = '   heya!@209h '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = "anything' OR 'x'='x"
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ''
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = '0'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'R66-Y'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = '   mostly-valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'also-mostly-valid-name   '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' similarly-kinda-valid-name '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-millerà-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # binary gibberish
    proposal.name = trivechainlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid payment address
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_address = '7'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oo'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'tRzq9nmzqzrLztMFj15LQzZQhvhrs7WyCN '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = '221 B Baker St., London, United Kingdom'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # this is actually the Trivechain foundation multisig address...
    proposal.payment_address = 'sPnVo5H4HsWqYAc5aWHJxtAB3oGYa25nPz'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.payment_address = ' tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = ' tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # validate URL
    proposal.url = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = '    '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://::]/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://[::1/foo/bad]/bad'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://gov.trivechain.com/dean-miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://trivechaincentralisé.org/dean-miller-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://trivechaincentralisé.org/dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'https://example.com/resource.ext?param=1&other=2'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'www.com'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'v.ht/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ipfs:///ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = '/ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 's3://bucket/thing/anotherthing/file.pdf'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/standards/RFC/rfc959.txt'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # gibberish URL
    proposal.url = trivechainlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure proposal can't request negative trivechain
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_amount = -1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False
Exemple #39
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from dashd import DashDaemon
import dashlib
from decimal import Decimal

dashd = DashDaemon.from_dash_conf(config.dash_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'dashd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemple #40
def proposal():
    from models import Proposal
    return Proposal()
Exemple #41
def test_proposal_is_valid(proposal):
    from martkistd import MartkistDaemon
    import martkistlib
    martkistd = MartkistDaemon.from_martkist_conf(config.martkist_conf)

    orig = Proposal(**proposal.get_dict())  # make a copy

    # fixture as-is should be valid
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # ============================================================
    # ensure end_date not greater than start_date
    # ============================================================
    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch - 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 0
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid proposal name
    # ============================================================

    proposal.name = '   heya!@209h '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = "anything' OR 'x'='x"
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ''
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = '0'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'R66-Y'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = '   mostly-valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'also-mostly-valid-name   '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' similarly-kinda-valid-name '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-millerà-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # binary gibberish
    proposal.name = martkistlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid payment address
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_address = '7'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'TSTFEMEWWQICDWMSTWRAJ9WWVGNJZFFVFK'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'TSTfeMeWwQiCDwMSTWRaj9wwVGNjZFfvFK'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = '221 B Baker St., London, United Kingdom'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # TODO:  multisig address
    proposal.payment_address = '7gnwGHt17heGpG9Crfeh4KGpYNFugPhJdh'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'TFcpmdvna59VuWdhCQQYsKE4jm6tUMeuEJ'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.payment_address = ' TFcpmdvna59VuWdhCQQYsKE4jm6tUMeuEJ'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'TFcpmdvna59VuWdhCQQYsKE4jm6tUMeuEJ '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = ' TFcpmdvna59VuWdhCQQYsKE4jm6tUMeuEJ '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # validate URL
    proposal.url = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = '    '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://::]/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://[::1/foo/bad]/bad'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://martkistcentral.org/dean-miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://martkistcentralisé.org/dean-miller-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://martkistcentralisé.org/dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'https://example.com/resource.ext?param=1&other=2'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'www.com'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'v.ht/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ipfs:///ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = '/ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 's3://bucket/thing/anotherthing/file.pdf'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/standards/RFC/rfc959.txt'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # gibberish URL
    proposal.url = martkistlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure proposal can't request negative martkist
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_amount = -1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False
Exemple #42
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from quantisnetd import quantisnetDaemon
import quantisnetlib
from decimal import Decimal
quantisnetd = quantisnetDaemon.from_quantisnet_conf(config.quantisnet_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "QM1sn2HmMcuVWtRXLbYP8RvwsZfGCK9tD1|QMFF2uEjWCRMS8U8pjjcNQXxaHgHJhm5wL",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'quantisnetd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.