Exemple #1
def test_setup():
    registry = mock.Mock()

    ext = Extension()

    registry.add.assert_called_with("backend", backend_lib.SpotifyBackend)
Exemple #2
def test_get_default_config():
    ext = Extension()

    config = ext.get_default_config()

    assert "[spotify]" in config
    assert "enabled = true" in config
def test_get_default_config():
    ext = Extension()

    config = ext.get_default_config()

    assert '[spotify]' in config
    assert 'enabled = true' in config
Exemple #4
    def test_get_default_config(self):
        ext = Extension()

        config = ext.get_default_config()

        self.assertIn('[spotify]', config)
        self.assertIn('enabled = true', config)
Exemple #5
    def test_get_config_schema(self):
        ext = Extension()

        schema = ext.get_config_schema()

        self.assertIn('username', schema)
        self.assertIn('password', schema)
        self.assertIn('bitrate', schema)
        self.assertIn('timeout', schema)
        self.assertIn('cache_dir', schema)
Exemple #6
def test_get_config_schema():
    ext = Extension()

    schema = ext.get_config_schema()

    assert "username" in schema
    assert "password" in schema
    assert "bitrate" in schema
    assert "volume_normalization" in schema
    assert "private_session" in schema
    assert "timeout" in schema
    assert "cache_dir" in schema
    assert "settings_dir" in schema
    assert "allow_cache" in schema
    assert "allow_network" in schema
    assert "allow_playlists" in schema
    assert "search_album_count" in schema
    assert "search_artist_count" in schema
    assert "search_track_count" in schema
    assert "toplist_countries" in schema
def test_get_config_schema():
    ext = Extension()

    schema = ext.get_config_schema()

    assert 'username' in schema
    assert 'password' in schema
    assert 'bitrate' in schema
    assert 'volume_normalization' in schema
    assert 'private_session' in schema
    assert 'timeout' in schema
    assert 'cache_dir' in schema
    assert 'settings_dir' in schema
    assert 'allow_cache' in schema
    assert 'allow_network' in schema
    assert 'allow_playlists' in schema
    assert 'search_album_count' in schema
    assert 'search_artist_count' in schema
    assert 'search_track_count' in schema
    assert 'toplist_countries' in schema
Exemple #8
    def _get_spotify_config(self, config):
        ext = Extension()
        spotify_config = spotify.Config()

            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'spotify_appkey.key'))

        if config['spotify']['allow_cache']:
            spotify_config.cache_location = ext.get_cache_dir(config)
            spotify_config.cache_location = None

        spotify_config.settings_location = ext.get_data_dir(config)

        proxy_uri = httpclient.format_proxy(config['proxy'], auth=False)
        if proxy_uri is not None:
            logger.debug('Connecting to Spotify through proxy: %s', proxy_uri)

        spotify_config.proxy = proxy_uri
        spotify_config.proxy_username = config['proxy'].get('username')
        spotify_config.proxy_password = config['proxy'].get('password')

        return spotify_config
Exemple #9
    def _get_spotify_config(self, config):
        ext = Extension()
        spotify_config = spotify.Config()

            pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "spotify_appkey.key")

        if config["spotify"]["allow_cache"]:
            spotify_config.cache_location = bytes(ext.get_cache_dir(config))
            spotify_config.cache_location = None

        spotify_config.settings_location = bytes(ext.get_data_dir(config))

        proxy_uri = httpclient.format_proxy(config["proxy"], auth=False)
        if proxy_uri is not None:
            logger.debug(f"Connecting to Spotify through proxy: {proxy_uri}")

        spotify_config.proxy = proxy_uri
        spotify_config.proxy_username = config["proxy"].get("username")
        spotify_config.proxy_password = config["proxy"].get("password")

        return spotify_config