def _histogram(self, prefix, channel, version, dates, metric, value,
        if metric.endswith('CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED'
                           ):  # Ignore USE_COUNTER2_ support histograms

        resp = self.as_json(
                format(prefix, channel, version, ','.join(dates), metric)))
        self.assertEqual(len(resp['data']), len(dates))


        for res in resp['data']:
            # From pings before bug 1218576 (old), `count` is the number of processes.
            # From pings after bug 1218576 (new), `count` is the number of process types.
            old_pings_expected_count = expected_count * (
                NUM_PINGS_PER_DIMENSIONS -
            new_pings_expected_count = expected_count * NUM_AGGREGATED_CHILD_PINGS / NUM_PINGS_PER_DIMENSIONS
                res['count'], new_pings_expected_count * NUM_PROCESS_TYPES +
                old_pings_expected_count * (NUM_CHILDREN_PER_PING + 1))

            if value['histogram_type'] == 4:  # Count histogram
                current = pd.Series(res['histogram'],
                                    index=map(int, resp['buckets']))
                expected = pd.Series(index=COUNT_HISTOGRAM_LABELS, data=0)
                expected[COUNT_SCALAR_BUCKET] = res['count']

                self.assertEqual(res['histogram'][bucket_index], res['count'])
                self.assertEqual(res['sum'], value['sum'] * res['count'])
                self.assertTrue((current == expected).all())

            elif metric.startswith('USE_COUNTER2_'):
                if metric.endswith('_PAGE'):
                    destroyed = histograms_template[
                    destroyed = histograms_template[
                value['values']['0'] = destroyed - value['values']['1']

                current = pd.Series(res['histogram'],
                                    index=map(int, resp['buckets']))
                expected = Histogram(metric, value).get_value() * res['count']

                self.assertTrue((current == expected).all())
                self.assertEqual(res['sum'], value['sum'] * res['count'])

                ind_type = int if value[
                    'histogram_type'] != 5 else str  # Categorical histograms
                current = pd.Series(res['histogram'],
                                    index=map(ind_type, resp['buckets']))
                expected = Histogram(metric, value).get_value() * res['count']

                self.assertTrue((current == expected).all())
                self.assertEqual(res['sum'], value['sum'] * res['count'])
Exemple #2
def test_categorical_histogram_dict_value():
    cat2 = Histogram('TELEMETRY_TEST_CATEGORICAL',
                     {'values': {
                         u'0': 2,
                         u'1': 1,
                         u'2': 0,
                         u'3': 0
    assert all(cat2.get_value() == series)
def get_dates_metrics(prefix, channel):
    mapping = {"true": True, "false": False}
    dimensions = {k: mapping.get(v, v) for k, v in request.args.iteritems()}

    # Get dates
    dates = dimensions.pop('dates', "").split(',')
    version = dimensions.pop('version', None)
    metric = dimensions.get('metric', None)

    if not dates or not version or not metric:

    if metric == "SEARCH_COUNTS":

    # Get bucket labels
    if metric.startswith("SIMPLE_MEASURES_"):
        labels = simple_measures_labels
        kind = "exponential"
        description = ""
        revision = histogram_revision_map.get(channel, "nightly")  # Use nightly revision if the channel is unknown
            definition = Histogram(metric, {"values": {}}, revision=revision)
        except KeyError:
            # Couldn't find the histogram definition

        kind = definition.kind
        description = definition.definition.description()

        if kind == "count":
            labels = count_histogram_labels
            dimensions["metric"] = "[[COUNT]]_{}".format(metric)
        elif kind == "flag":
            labels = [0, 1]
            labels = definition.get_value().keys().tolist()

    # Fetch metrics
    result = execute_query("select * from batched_get_metric(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (prefix, channel, version, dates, json.dumps(dimensions)))
    if not result:

    pretty_result = {"data": [], "buckets": labels, "kind": kind, "description": description}
    for row in result:
        date = row[0]
        label = row[1]
        histogram = row[2][:-2]
        sum = row[2][-2]
        count = row[2][-1]
        pretty_result["data"].append({"date": date, "label": label, "histogram": histogram, "count": count, "sum": sum})

    return json.dumps(pretty_result)
def _get_complete_histogram(channel, metric, values):
    revision = histogram_revision_map[channel]

    for prefix, labels in SCALAR_MEASURE_MAP.iteritems():
        if metric.startswith(prefix):
            histogram = pd.Series({int(k): v for k, v in values.iteritems()},
        histogram = Histogram(metric, {"values": values},

    return {str(k): long(v) for k, v in histogram.to_dict().iteritems()}
Exemple #5
def _get_complete_histogram(channel, metric, values):
    revision = histogram_revision_map[channel]

    for prefix, labels in SCALAR_MEASURE_MAP.iteritems():
        if metric.startswith(prefix):
            histogram = pd.Series({int(k): v
                                   for k, v in values.iteritems()},
        histogram = Histogram(metric, {
            "values": values
        }, revision=revision).get_value(autocast=False)

    return {str(k): long(v) for k, v in histogram.to_dict().iteritems()}
Exemple #6
def test_histogram(prefix, channel, version, dates, metric, value,
    if metric.endswith("CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED"
                       ):  # Ignore USE_COUNTER2_ support histograms

    reply = requests.get(
            SERVICE_URI, prefix, channel, version, ",".join(dates),
    assert (len(reply["data"]) == len(dates))

    bucket_index = count_histogram_labels.index(COUNT_SCALAR_BUCKET)

    for res in reply["data"]:
        assert (res["count"] == expected_count * (NUM_CHILDREN_PER_PING + 1))

        if value["histogram_type"] == 4:  # Count histogram
            current = pd.Series(res["histogram"],
                                index=map(int, reply["buckets"]))
            expected = pd.Series(index=count_histogram_labels, data=0)
            expected[COUNT_SCALAR_BUCKET] = res["count"]

            assert (res["histogram"][bucket_index] == res["count"])
            assert (res["sum"] == value["sum"] * res["count"])
            assert ((current == expected).all())
        elif metric.startswith("USE_COUNTER2_"):
            if metric.endswith("_PAGE"):
                destroyed = histograms_template[
                destroyed = histograms_template["CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED"][
            value["values"]["0"] = destroyed - value["values"]["1"]

            current = pd.Series(res["histogram"],
                                index=map(int, reply["buckets"]))
            expected = Histogram(metric, value).get_value() * res["count"]

            assert ((current == expected).all())
            assert (res["sum"] == value["sum"] * res["count"])
            current = pd.Series(res["histogram"],
                                index=map(int, reply["buckets"]))
            expected = Histogram(metric, value).get_value() * res["count"]

            assert ((current == expected).all())
            assert (res["sum"] == value["sum"] * res["count"])
Exemple #7
def test_categorical_histogram_add():
    cat2 = Histogram("TELEMETRY_TEST_CATEGORICAL", [1, 1, 0, 1])
    added = categorical_hist + cat2
    assert added.buckets['CommonLabel'] == 3
    assert added.buckets['Label2'] == 2
    assert added.buckets['Label3'] == 0
    assert added.buckets[CATEGORICAL_HISTOGRAM_SPILL_BUCKET_NAME] == 1
Exemple #8
def test_histogram_with_revision():
    # Histogram with revision
        0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 1, 0.693147182464599, 0.480453014373779, -1, -1
    ], "")
    def _keyed_histogram(self, prefix, channel, version, dates, metric,
                         histograms, expected_count):
        resp = self.as_json(
                format(prefix, channel, version, ','.join(dates), metric)))
        self.assertEqual(len(resp['data']), len(histograms) * len(dates))

        for label, value in histograms.iteritems():
            resp = self.as_json(
                    .format(prefix, channel, version, ','.join(dates), metric,
            self.assertEqual(len(resp['data']), len(dates))

            for res in resp['data']:
                old_pings_expected_count = expected_count * (
                    NUM_PINGS_PER_DIMENSIONS -
                new_pings_expected_count = expected_count * NUM_AGGREGATED_CHILD_PINGS / NUM_PINGS_PER_DIMENSIONS
                    new_pings_expected_count * NUM_PROCESS_TYPES +
                    old_pings_expected_count * (NUM_CHILDREN_PER_PING + 1))

                current = pd.Series(res['histogram'],
                                    index=map(int, resp['buckets']))
                expected = Histogram(metric, value).get_value() * res['count']

                self.assertTrue((current == expected).all())
                self.assertEqual(res['sum'], value['sum'] * res['count'])
Exemple #10
def test_keyed_histogram(prefix, channel, version, dates, metric, histograms,
    reply = requests.get(
            SERVICE_URI, prefix, channel, version, ",".join(dates),
    assert (len(reply["data"]) == len(histograms) * len(dates))

    for label, value in histograms.iteritems():
        reply = requests.get(
            .format(SERVICE_URI, prefix, channel, version, ",".join(dates),
                    metric, label)).json()
        assert (len(reply["data"]) == len(dates))

        for res in reply["data"]:
            assert (res["count"] == expected_count *
                    (NUM_CHILDREN_PER_PING + 1))

            current = pd.Series(res["histogram"],
                                index=map(int, reply["buckets"]))
            expected = Histogram(metric, value).get_value() * res["count"]

            assert ((current == expected).all())
            assert (res["sum"] == value["sum"] * res["count"])
def test_startup_histogram():
    # Startup histogram
              [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0.693147182464599, 0.480453014373779,
               -1, -1])
Exemple #12
def setup_module():
    global categorical_hist, series
    categorical_hist = Histogram("TELEMETRY_TEST_CATEGORICAL", [2, 1, 0, 0])
    series = pd.Series([2, 1, 0, 0],
                           'CommonLabel', 'Label2', 'Label3',
def test_histogram_with_computed_value():
    # Histogram with computed value
              [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
               0, 0, 0, 11, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
               0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2517, -1, -1,
               116979, 0])
Exemple #14
def test_histogram(prefix, channel, version, dates, metric, value, expected_count):
    if metric.endswith("CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED"):  # Ignore USE_COUNTER2_ support histograms

    reply = requests.get("{}/aggregates_by/{}/channels/{}?version={}&dates={}&metric={}".format(SERVICE_URI, prefix, channel, version, ",".join(dates), metric)).json()
    assert(len(reply["data"]) == len(dates))


    for res in reply["data"]:
        # From pings before bug 1218576 (old), `count` is the number of processes.
        # From pings after bug 1218576 (new), `count` is the number of process types.
        old_pings_expected_count = expected_count * (NUM_PINGS_PER_DIMENSIONS - NUM_AGGREGATED_CHILD_PINGS) / NUM_PINGS_PER_DIMENSIONS
        new_pings_expected_count = expected_count * NUM_AGGREGATED_CHILD_PINGS / NUM_PINGS_PER_DIMENSIONS
        assert(res["count"] == new_pings_expected_count*NUM_PROCESS_TYPES + old_pings_expected_count*(NUM_CHILDREN_PER_PING + 1))

        if value["histogram_type"] == 4:  # Count histogram
            current = pd.Series(res["histogram"], index=map(int, reply["buckets"]))
            expected = pd.Series(index=COUNT_HISTOGRAM_LABELS, data=0)
            expected[COUNT_SCALAR_BUCKET] = res["count"]

            assert(res["histogram"][bucket_index] == res["count"])
            assert(res["sum"] == value["sum"]*res["count"])
            assert((current == expected).all())
        elif metric.startswith("USE_COUNTER2_"):
            if metric.endswith("_PAGE"):
                destroyed = histograms_template["TOP_LEVEL_CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED"]["sum"]
                destroyed = histograms_template["CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED"]["sum"]
            value["values"]["0"] = destroyed - value["values"]["1"]

            current = pd.Series(res["histogram"], index=map(int, reply["buckets"]))
            expected = Histogram(metric, value).get_value()*res["count"]

            assert((current == expected).all())
            assert(res["sum"] == value["sum"]*res["count"])
            ind_type = int if value["histogram_type"] != 5 else str #categorical histograms
            current = pd.Series(res["histogram"], index=map(ind_type, reply["buckets"]))
            expected = Histogram(metric, value).get_value()*res["count"]

            assert((current == expected).all())
            assert(res["sum"] == value["sum"]*res["count"])
Exemple #15
def get_dates_metrics(prefix, channel):
    mapping = {"true": True, "false": False}
    dimensions = {k: mapping.get(v, v) for k, v in request.args.iteritems()}

    # Get dates
    dates = dimensions.pop('dates', "").split(',')
    version = dimensions.pop('version', None)
    metric = dimensions.get('metric', None)

    if not dates or not version or not metric:

    # Get bucket labels
    if metric.startswith("SIMPLE_MEASURES_"):
        labels = simple_measures_labels
        kind = "exponential"
        description = ""
        revision = histogram_revision_map.get(
            "nightly")  # Use nightly revision if the channel is unknown
            definition = Histogram(metric, {"values": {}}, revision=revision)
        except KeyError:
            # Couldn't find the histogram definition

        kind = definition.kind
        description = definition.definition.description()

        if kind == "count":
            labels = count_histogram_labels
            dimensions["metric"] = "[[COUNT]]_{}".format(metric)
        elif kind == "flag":
            labels = [0, 1]
            labels = definition.get_value().keys().tolist()

    # Fetch metrics
    result = execute_query(
        "select * from batched_get_metric(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
        (prefix, channel, version, dates, json.dumps(dimensions)))
    if not result:

    pretty_result = {
        "data": [],
        "buckets": labels,
        "kind": kind,
        "description": description
    for row in result:
        date = row[0]
        label = row[1]
        histogram = row[2][:-2]
        sum = row[2][-2]
        count = row[2][-1]
            "date": date,
            "label": label,
            "histogram": histogram,
            "count": count,
            "sum": sum

    return json.dumps(pretty_result)
def get_dates_metrics(prefix, channel):
    mapping = {"true": True, "false": False}
    dimensions = {k: mapping.get(v, v) for k, v in request.args.iteritems()}

    extra_dimensions = dimensions.viewkeys() - ALLOWED_DIMENSIONS
    if extra_dimensions:
        # We received an unsupported query string to filter by, return 405.
        valid_url = '{}?{}'.format(
            urlencode({k: v for k, v in dimensions.items() if k in ALLOWED_DIMENSIONS}))
        raise MethodNotAllowed(valid_methods=[valid_url])

    if 'child' in dimensions:
        # Process types in the db are true/false, not content/process
        new_process_map = {"content": True, "parent": False}
        dimensions['child'] = new_process_map.get(dimensions['child'], dimensions['child'])

    # Get dates
    dates = dimensions.pop('dates', '').split(',')
    version = dimensions.pop('version', None)
    metric = dimensions.get('metric')

    if not dates or not version or not metric:
        abort(404, description="Missing date or version or metric. All three are required.")

    if not _allow_metric(channel, metric):
        abort(404, description="This metric is not allowed to be served.")

    # Get bucket labels
    for _prefix, _labels in SCALAR_MEASURE_MAP.iteritems():
        if metric.startswith(_prefix) and _prefix != COUNT_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX:
            labels = _labels
            kind = "exponential"
                description = _get_description(channel, _prefix, metric)
            except MissingScalarError:
                abort(404, description="Cannot find this scalar definition.")
        revision = histogram_revision_map[channel]
            definition = Histogram(metric, {"values": {}}, revision=revision)
        except KeyError:
            # Couldn't find the histogram definition
            abort(404, description="Cannot find this histogram definition.")

        kind = definition.kind
        description = definition.definition.description()

        if kind == "count":
            labels = COUNT_HISTOGRAM_LABELS
            dimensions["metric"] = "{}_{}".format(COUNT_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX, metric)
        elif kind == "flag":
            labels = [0, 1]
            labels = definition.get_value().keys().tolist()

    altered_dimensions = deepcopy(dimensions)
    if 'child' in dimensions:
        # Bug 1339139 - when adding gpu processes, child process went from True/False to "true"/"false"/"gpu"
        reverse_map = {True: 'true', False: 'false'}
        altered_dimensions['child'] = reverse_map.get(altered_dimensions['child'], altered_dimensions['child'])

    # Fetch metrics
    if metric.startswith("USE_COUNTER2_"):
        # Bug 1412382 - Use Counters need to be composed from reported True
        # values and False values supplied by *CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED.
        if metric.endswith("_DOCUMENT"):
            denominator = "CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED"
        denominator = "{}_{}".format(COUNT_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX, denominator)
        denominator_dimensions = deepcopy(dimensions)
        denominator_dimensions["metric"] = denominator
        denominator_new_dimensions = deepcopy(altered_dimensions)
        denominator_new_dimensions["metric"] = denominator
        result = execute_query(
            "select * from batched_get_use_counter(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (
                prefix, channel, version, dates, json.dumps(denominator_dimensions),
                json.dumps(denominator_new_dimensions), json.dumps(dimensions), json.dumps(altered_dimensions)))
        result = execute_query(
            "select * from batched_get_metric(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (
                prefix, channel, version, dates, json.dumps(dimensions), json.dumps(altered_dimensions)))

    if not result:
        abort(404, description="No data found for this metric.")

    pretty_result = {"data": [], "buckets": labels, "kind": kind, "description": description}
    for row in result:
        date = row[0]
        label = row[1]
        histogram = row[2][:-2]
        sum = row[2][-2]
        count = row[2][-1]
        pretty_result["data"].append({"date": date, "label": label, "histogram": histogram, "count": count, "sum": sum})

    return Response(json.dumps(pretty_result), mimetype="application/json")
def test_histogram_without_revision():
    # Histogram without revision
              [1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0],
def get_dates_metrics(prefix, channel):
    mapping = {"true": True, "false": False}
    dimensions = {k: mapping.get(v, v) for k, v in request.args.iteritems()}

    extra_dimensions = dimensions.viewkeys() - ALLOWED_DIMENSIONS
    if extra_dimensions:
        # We received an unsupported query string to filter by, return 405.
        valid_url = '{}?{}'.format(
            urlencode({k: v for k, v in dimensions.items() if k in ALLOWED_DIMENSIONS}))
        raise MethodNotAllowed(valid_methods=[valid_url])

    if 'child' in dimensions:
        # Process types in the db are true/false, not content/process
        new_process_map = {"content": True, "parent": False}
        dimensions['child'] = new_process_map.get(dimensions['child'], dimensions['child'])

    # Get dates
    dates = dimensions.pop('dates', '').split(',')
    version = dimensions.pop('version', None)
    metric = dimensions.get('metric')

    if not dates or not version or not metric:
        abort(404, description="Missing date or version or metric. All three are required.")

    if not _allow_metric(channel, metric):
        abort(404, description="This metric is not allowed to be served.")

    # Get bucket labels
    for _prefix, _labels in SCALAR_MEASURE_MAP.iteritems():
        if metric.startswith(_prefix) and _prefix != COUNT_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX:
            labels = _labels
            kind = "exponential"
                description = _get_description(channel, _prefix, metric)
            except MissingScalarError:
                abort(404, description="Cannot find this scalar definition.")
        revision = histogram_revision_map[channel]
            definition = Histogram(metric, {"values": {}}, revision=revision)
        except KeyError:
            # Couldn't find the histogram definition
            abort(404, description="Cannot find this histogram definition.")

        kind = definition.kind
        description = definition.definition.description()

        if kind == "count":
            labels = COUNT_HISTOGRAM_LABELS
            dimensions["metric"] = "{}_{}".format(COUNT_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX, metric)
        elif kind == "flag":
            labels = [0, 1]
            labels = definition.get_value().keys().tolist()

    altered_dimensions = deepcopy(dimensions)
    if 'child' in dimensions:
        # Bug 1339139 - when adding gpu processes, child process went from True/False to "true"/"false"/"gpu"
        reverse_map = {True: 'true', False: 'false'}
        altered_dimensions['child'] = reverse_map.get(altered_dimensions['child'], altered_dimensions['child'])

    # Fetch metrics
    if metric.startswith("USE_COUNTER2_"):
        # Bug 1412382 - Use Counters need to be composed from reported True
        # values and False values supplied by *CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED.
        if metric.endswith("_DOCUMENT"):
            denominator = "CONTENT_DOCUMENTS_DESTROYED"
        denominator = "{}_{}".format(COUNT_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX, denominator)
        denominator_dimensions = deepcopy(dimensions)
        denominator_dimensions["metric"] = denominator
        denominator_new_dimensions = deepcopy(altered_dimensions)
        denominator_new_dimensions["metric"] = denominator
        result = execute_query(
            "select * from batched_get_use_counter(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (
                prefix, channel, version, dates, json.dumps(denominator_dimensions),
                json.dumps(denominator_new_dimensions), json.dumps(dimensions), json.dumps(altered_dimensions)))
        result = execute_query(
            "select * from batched_get_metric(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (
                prefix, channel, version, dates, json.dumps(dimensions), json.dumps(altered_dimensions)))

    if not result:
        abort(404, description="No data found for this metric.")

    pretty_result = {"data": [], "buckets": labels, "kind": kind, "description": description}
    for row in result:
        date = row[0]
        label = row[1]
        histogram = row[2][:-2]
        sum = row[2][-2]
        count = row[2][-1]
        pretty_result["data"].append({"date": date, "label": label, "histogram": histogram, "count": count, "sum": sum})

    return Response(json.dumps(pretty_result), mimetype="application/json")
def test_categorical_histogram_dict_value():
    cat2 = Histogram('TELEMETRY_TEST_CATEGORICAL', {'values': {u'0': 2, u'1': 1, u'2': 0, u'3': 0}})
    assert all(cat2.get_value() == series)
def test_histogram_without_revision():
    # Histogram without revision
              [1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0],
def test_malformed_categorical():
    # See bug 1353196
    cat2 = Histogram('TELEMETRY_TEST_CATEGORICAL', {})
    assert all(cat2.get_value() == 0)
def test_malformed_non_categorical():
    hist = Histogram('GC_REASON_2', {})
    assert all(hist.get_value() == 0)
def test_large_categorical_values():
    hist = Histogram('TELEMETRY_TEST_CATEGORICAL', {'values': {u'3.0683611344442837e+257': 1}})
    assert all(hist.get_value() == 0)
def test_large_values():
    hist = Histogram('GC_REASON_2', {'values': {u'3.0683611344442837e+257': 1}})
    assert all(hist.get_value() == 0)