def __init__(self, methodName): self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.fileutil = Filerepe2e_Util() self.gpstate = Gpstate() self.gpprimarymirror = Gpprimarymirror() self.gpstart = GpStart() self.gpstop = GpStop() super(FtsTransitions,self).__init__(methodName)
def __init__(self, methodName): self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.fileutil = Filerepe2e_Util() self.gpconfig = GPDBConfig() self.gprecover = GpRecover(self.gpconfig) self.gpstate = Gpstate() self.gpprimarymirror = Gpprimarymirror() self.base = GPDBStorageBaseTestCase(self.gpconfig) super(FtsTransitions, self).__init__(methodName)
def __init__(self, methodName): self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.fileutil = Filerepe2e_Util() self.gpconfig = GPDBConfig() self.gprecover = GpRecover(self.gpconfig) self.gpstate = Gpstate() self.gpprimarymirror = Gpprimarymirror() self.base = GPDBStorageBaseTestCase(self.gpconfig) super(FtsTransitions,self).__init__(methodName)
class FtsTransitions(MPPTestCase): def __init__(self, methodName): self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.fileutil = Filerepe2e_Util() self.gpstate = Gpstate() self.gpprimarymirror = Gpprimarymirror() self.gpstart = GpStart() self.gpstop = GpStop() super(FtsTransitions,self).__init__(methodName) def kill_first_mirror(self): mirror_data_loc = self.get_default_fs_loc(role='m',content=0) gpconfig = GPDBConfig() (host, port) = gpconfig.get_hostandport_of_segment(psegmentNumber = 0, pRole = 'm') cmdString = 'ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep \'%s\'|awk \'{print $2}\'|xargs kill -9'%mirror_data_loc remote = Command(name ='kill first mirror', cmdStr = cmdString, ctxt=2, remoteHost=host)'run command %s'%cmdString) rc = remote.get_results().rc result = remote.get_results().stdout'Command returning, rc: %s, result: %s'%(rc,result)) def kill_master_process(self, ProcName=None): cmdString = 'ps -ef|grep postgres| grep %s | grep \'%s\'| awk \'{print $2}\'|xargs kill -9'%(self.pgport,ProcName) cmd = Command('kill process on master', cmdStr = cmdString)'run command %s'%cmdString) rc = cmd.get_results().rc result = cmd.get_results().stdout'Command returning, rc: %s, result: %s'%(rc,result)) def get_default_fs_loc(self, role='m', content=0): fs_sql = '''select fselocation from pg_filespace_entry where fsefsoid = 3052 and fsedbid = (select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where role = \'%s\' and content = %s);'''%(role,content) result = PSQL.run_sql_command(fs_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'template1') result = result.strip() filespace_loc = result.split('\n') return filespace_loc[0] def set_faults(self,fault_name, type, role='mirror', port=None, occurence=None, sleeptime=None, seg_id=None): ''' Reset the fault and then issue the fault with the given type''' self.fileutil.inject_fault(f=fault_name, y=type, r=role, p=port , o=occurence, sleeptime=sleeptime, seg_id=seg_id) def resume_faults(self,fault_name, role='mirror'): ''' Resume the fault issues ''' self.fileutil.inject_fault(f=fault_name, y='resume', r=role) def incremental_recoverseg(self, workerPool=False): gprecover = GpRecover(GPDBConfig()) gprecover.incremental(workerPool) def run_recoverseg_if_ct(self): gpconfig = GPDBConfig() num_down = gpconfig.count_of_nodes_in_mode('c') if (int(num_down) > 0): self.incremental_recoverseg() def wait_till_change_tracking(self): self.fileutil.wait_till_change_tracking_transition() def wait_till_insync(self): gprecover = GpRecover(GPDBConfig()) gprecover.wait_till_insync_transition() def run_gpstate(self, type, phase): self.gpstate.run_gpstate(type, phase) def run_gpprimarymirror(self): self.gpprimarymirror.run_gpprimarymirror() def verify_gpprimarymirror_output(self, total_resync=0, cur_resync=0): status = self.gpprimarymirror.verify_gpprimarymirror_output(total_resync, cur_resync) self.assertTrue(status, 'Total and Cur resync object count mismatch') def run_gpstate_shell_cmd(self, options): self.gpstate.run_gpstate_shell_cmd(options) def verify_gpstate_output(self): status = self.gpstate.verify_gpstate_output() self.assertTrue(status, 'Total and Cur resync object count mismatch') def run_trigger_sql(self, wait_for_db=True): ''' Run a sql statement to trigger postmaster reset ''' PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('test_ddl.sql')) if wait_for_db: PSQL.wait_for_database_up() def run_fts_test_ddl_dml(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('fts_test_ddl_dml.sql')) def run_fts_test_ddl_dml_before_ct(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('fts_test_ddl_dml_before_ct.sql')) def run_fts_test_ddl_dml_ct(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('fts_test_ddl_dml_ct.sql')) def restart_db(self): self.gpstop.run_gpstop_cmd(immediate = True) self.gpstart.run_gpstart_cmd() def stop_db_with_no_rc_check(self): ''' Gpstop and dont check for rc ''' cmd = Command('Gpstop_a', 'gpstop -a')'Executing command: gpstop -a') def start_db_with_no_rc_check(self): ''' Gpstart and dont check for rc ''' cmd = Command('Gpstart_a', 'gpstart -a')'Executing command: gpstart -a') def restart_db_with_no_rc_check(self): self.stop_db_with_no_rc_check() self.start_db_with_no_rc_check() def check_fault_status(self, fault_name, seg_id=None, role=None): status = self.fileutil.check_fault_status(fault_name = fault_name, status ='triggered', max_cycle=20, role=role, seg_id=seg_id) self.assertTrue(status, 'The fault is not triggered in the time expected') def cluster_state(self): gpconfig = GPDBConfig() state = gpconfig.is_not_insync_segments() self.assertTrue(state,'The cluster is not up and in sync')
class FtsTransitions(MPPTestCase): def __init__(self, methodName): self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.fileutil = Filerepe2e_Util() self.gpconfig = GPDBConfig() self.gprecover = GpRecover(self.gpconfig) self.gpstate = Gpstate() self.gpprimarymirror = Gpprimarymirror() self.base = GPDBStorageBaseTestCase(self.gpconfig) super(FtsTransitions,self).__init__(methodName) def kill_first_mirror(self): mirror_data_loc = self.get_default_fs_loc(role='m',content=0) (host, port) = self.gpconfig.get_hostandport_of_segment(psegmentNumber = 0, pRole = 'm') cmdString = 'ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep \'%s\'|awk \'{print $2}\'|xargs kill -9'%mirror_data_loc remote = Command(name ='kill first mirror', cmdStr = cmdString, ctxt=2, remoteHost=host)'run command %s'%cmdString) rc = remote.get_results().rc result = remote.get_results().stdout'Command returning, rc: %s, result: %s'%(rc,result)) def kill_master_process(self, ProcName=None): cmdString = 'ps -ef|grep postgres| grep %s | grep \'%s\'| awk \'{print $2}\'|xargs kill -9'%(self.pgport,ProcName) cmd = Command('kill process on master', cmdStr = cmdString)'run command %s'%cmdString) rc = cmd.get_results().rc result = cmd.get_results().stdout'Command returning, rc: %s, result: %s'%(rc,result)) def get_default_fs_loc(self, role='m', content=0): fs_sql = '''select fselocation from pg_filespace_entry where fsefsoid = 3052 and fsedbid = (select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where role = \'%s\' and content = %s);'''%(role,content) result = PSQL.run_sql_command(fs_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'template1') result = result.strip() filespace_loc = result.split('\n') return filespace_loc[0] def gpconfig_alter(self,type,bool): ''' Alter postgres configuration ''' if bool == 'true': fault_string = "filerep_inject_listener_fault=true" elif bool == 'false': fault_string = "filerep_inject_listener_fault=false" for record in self.gpconfig.record: if type == 'primary': if record.role and record.content != -1: fse_location = record.datadir else: continue if type == 'mirror': if (not record.role) and record.content != -1: fse_location = record.datadir else: continue run_shell_command('ssh ' + record.hostname + ' \'echo '+fault_string + ' >> ' + fse_location +'/postgresql.conf\'') "\n ssh %s 'echo %s >> %s/postgresql.conf'" % (record.hostname, fault_string, fse_location)) "\n Done set %s in postgresql.conf on all primary segments" % fault_string) def set_faults(self,fault_name, type, role='mirror', port=None, occurence=None, sleeptime=None, seg_id=None): ''' Reset the fault and then issue the fault with the given type''' self.fileutil.inject_fault(f=fault_name, y=type, r=role, p=port , o=occurence, sleeptime=sleeptime, seg_id=seg_id) def resume_faults(self,fault_name, role='mirror'): ''' Resume the fault issues ''' self.fileutil.inject_fault(f=fault_name, y='resume', r=role) def run_validation(self):'Veriy the integrity between primary and mirror ...') self.dbstate = DbStateClass('run_validation') self.dbstate.check_mirrorintegrity() def incremental_recoverseg(self, workerPool=False): self.gprecover.incremental(workerPool) def run_recoverseg_if_ct(self): num_down = self.gpconfig.count_of_nodes_in_mode('c') if (int(num_down) > 0): self.incremental_recoverseg() def wait_till_change_tracking(self): self.fileutil.wait_till_change_tracking_transition() def wait_till_insync(self): self.gprecover.wait_till_insync_transition() def run_gpstate(self, type, phase): self.gpstate.run_gpstate(type, phase) def run_gpprimarymirror(self): self.gpprimarymirror.run_gpprimarymirror() def verify_gpprimarymirror_output(self, total_resync=0, cur_resync=0): status = self.gpprimarymirror.verify_gpprimarymirror_output(total_resync, cur_resync) self.assertTrue(status, 'Total and Cur resync object count mismatch') def run_gpstate_shell_cmd(self, options): self.gpstate.run_gpstate_shell_cmd(options) def verify_gpstate_output(self): status = self.gpstate.verify_gpstate_output() self.assertTrue(status, 'Total and Cur resync object count mismatch') def run_trigger_sql(self): ''' Run a sql statement to trigger postmaster reset ''' PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('test_ddl.sql')) def run_fts_test_ddl_dml(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('fts_test_ddl_dml.sql')) def run_fts_test_ddl_dml_before_ct(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('fts_test_ddl_dml_before_ct.sql')) def run_fts_test_ddl_dml_ct(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('fts_test_ddl_dml_ct.sql')) def run_sql_in_background(self): PSQL.run_sql_command('drop table if exists bar; create table bar(i int);', background=True) def sleep_for_transition(self): #gp_segment_connect_timeout is set to 10s , still need a little more time than that to complete the transition to ct sleep(100) def restart_db(self): self.base.stop_db() self.base.start_db() def stop_db_with_no_rc_check(self): ''' Gpstop and dont check for rc ''' cmd = Command('Gpstop_a', 'gpstop -a')'Executing command: gpstop -a') def start_db_with_no_rc_check(self): ''' Gpstart and dont check for rc ''' cmd = Command('Gpstart_a', 'gpstart -a')'Executing command: gpstart -a') def restart_db_with_no_rc_check(self): self.stop_db_with_no_rc_check() self.start_db_with_no_rc_check() def set_gpconfig(self, param, value): ''' Set the configuration parameter using gpconfig ''' command = "gpconfig -c %s -v %s --skipvalidation " % (param, value) run_shell_command(command) self.restart_db() def check_db(self): checkDBUp() def check_fault_status(self, fault_name, seg_id=None, role=None): status = self.fileutil.check_fault_status(fault_name = fault_name, status ='triggered', max_cycle=20, role=role, seg_id=seg_id) self.assertTrue(status, 'The fault is not triggered in the time expected') def cluster_state(self): state = self.gpconfig.is_not_insync_segments() self.assertTrue(state,'The cluster is not up and in sync')
class FtsTransitions(MPPTestCase): def __init__(self, methodName): self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT') self.fileutil = Filerepe2e_Util() self.gpconfig = GPDBConfig() self.gprecover = GpRecover(self.gpconfig) self.gpstate = Gpstate() self.gpprimarymirror = Gpprimarymirror() self.base = GPDBStorageBaseTestCase(self.gpconfig) super(FtsTransitions, self).__init__(methodName) def kill_first_mirror(self): mirror_data_loc = self.get_default_fs_loc(role='m', content=0) (host, port) = self.gpconfig.get_hostandport_of_segment(psegmentNumber=0, pRole='m') cmdString = 'ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep \'%s\'|awk \'{print $2}\'|xargs kill -9' % mirror_data_loc remote = Command(name='kill first mirror', cmdStr=cmdString, ctxt=2, remoteHost=host)'run command %s' % cmdString) rc = remote.get_results().rc result = remote.get_results().stdout'Command returning, rc: %s, result: %s' % (rc, result)) def kill_master_process(self, ProcName=None): cmdString = 'ps -ef|grep postgres| grep %s | grep \'%s\'| awk \'{print $2}\'|xargs kill -9' % ( self.pgport, ProcName) cmd = Command('kill process on master', cmdStr=cmdString)'run command %s' % cmdString) rc = cmd.get_results().rc result = cmd.get_results().stdout'Command returning, rc: %s, result: %s' % (rc, result)) def get_default_fs_loc(self, role='m', content=0): fs_sql = '''select fselocation from pg_filespace_entry where fsefsoid = 3052 and fsedbid = (select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where role = \'%s\' and content = %s);''' % (role, content) result = PSQL.run_sql_command(fs_sql, flags='-q -t', dbname='template1') result = result.strip() filespace_loc = result.split('\n') return filespace_loc[0] def gpconfig_alter(self, type, bool): ''' Alter postgres configuration ''' if bool == 'true': fault_string = "filerep_inject_listener_fault=true" elif bool == 'false': fault_string = "filerep_inject_listener_fault=false" for record in self.gpconfig.record: if type == 'primary': if record.role and record.content != -1: fse_location = record.datadir else: continue if type == 'mirror': if (not record.role) and record.content != -1: fse_location = record.datadir else: continue run_shell_command('ssh ' + record.hostname + ' \'echo ' + fault_string + ' >> ' + fse_location + '/postgresql.conf\'') "\n ssh %s 'echo %s >> %s/postgresql.conf'" % (record.hostname, fault_string, fse_location)) "\n Done set %s in postgresql.conf on all primary segments" % fault_string) def set_faults(self, fault_name, type, role='mirror', port=None, occurence=None, sleeptime=None, seg_id=None): ''' Reset the fault and then issue the fault with the given type''' self.fileutil.inject_fault(f=fault_name, y=type, r=role, p=port, o=occurence, sleeptime=sleeptime, seg_id=seg_id) def resume_faults(self, fault_name, role='mirror'): ''' Resume the fault issues ''' self.fileutil.inject_fault(f=fault_name, y='resume', r=role) def run_validation(self): 'Veriy the integrity between primary and mirror ...') self.dbstate = DbStateClass('run_validation') self.dbstate.check_mirrorintegrity() def incremental_recoverseg(self, workerPool=False): self.gprecover.incremental(workerPool) def run_recoverseg_if_ct(self): num_down = self.gpconfig.count_of_nodes_in_mode('c') if (int(num_down) > 0): self.incremental_recoverseg() def wait_till_change_tracking(self): self.fileutil.wait_till_change_tracking_transition() def wait_till_insync(self): self.gprecover.wait_till_insync_transition() def run_gpstate(self, type, phase): self.gpstate.run_gpstate(type, phase) def run_gpprimarymirror(self): self.gpprimarymirror.run_gpprimarymirror() def verify_gpprimarymirror_output(self, total_resync=0, cur_resync=0): status = self.gpprimarymirror.verify_gpprimarymirror_output( total_resync, cur_resync) self.assertTrue(status, 'Total and Cur resync object count mismatch') def run_gpstate_shell_cmd(self, options): self.gpstate.run_gpstate_shell_cmd(options) def verify_gpstate_output(self): status = self.gpstate.verify_gpstate_output() self.assertTrue(status, 'Total and Cur resync object count mismatch') def run_trigger_sql(self): ''' Run a sql statement to trigger postmaster reset ''' PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('test_ddl.sql')) def run_fts_test_ddl_dml(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('fts_test_ddl_dml.sql')) def run_fts_test_ddl_dml_before_ct(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('fts_test_ddl_dml_before_ct.sql')) def run_fts_test_ddl_dml_ct(self): PSQL.run_sql_file(local_path('fts_test_ddl_dml_ct.sql')) def run_sql_in_background(self): PSQL.run_sql_command( 'drop table if exists bar; create table bar(i int);', background=True) def sleep_for_transition(self): #gp_segment_connect_timeout is set to 10s , still need a little more time than that to complete the transition to ct sleep(100) def restart_db(self): self.base.stop_db() self.base.start_db() def stop_db_with_no_rc_check(self): ''' Gpstop and dont check for rc ''' cmd = Command('Gpstop_a', 'gpstop -a')'Executing command: gpstop -a') def start_db_with_no_rc_check(self): ''' Gpstart and dont check for rc ''' cmd = Command('Gpstart_a', 'gpstart -a')'Executing command: gpstart -a') def restart_db_with_no_rc_check(self): self.stop_db_with_no_rc_check() self.start_db_with_no_rc_check() def set_gpconfig(self, param, value): ''' Set the configuration parameter using gpconfig ''' command = "gpconfig -c %s -v %s --skipvalidation " % (param, value) run_shell_command(command) self.restart_db() def check_db(self): checkDBUp() def check_fault_status(self, fault_name, seg_id=None, role=None): status = self.fileutil.check_fault_status(fault_name=fault_name, status='triggered', max_cycle=20, role=role, seg_id=seg_id) self.assertTrue(status, 'The fault is not triggered in the time expected') def cluster_state(self): state = self.gpconfig.is_not_insync_segments() self.assertTrue(state, 'The cluster is not up and in sync')