Exemple #1
def _create_jdk_bundle(jdkBuildDir, debugLevel, jdkImageDir):
    Creates a tar.gz JDK archive, an accompanying tar.gz.sha1 file with its
    SHA1 signature plus symlinks to the archive for non-canonical architecture names.

    arches = _get_jdk_bundle_arches()
    jdkTgzPath = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk-bundles', 'jdk9-{}-{}-{}.tar.gz'.format(debugLevel, _get_openjdk_os(), arches[0]))
    with mx.Archiver(jdkTgzPath, kind='tgz') as arc:
        mx.log('Creating ' + jdkTgzPath)
        for root, _, filenames in os.walk(jdkImageDir):
            for name in filenames:
                f = join(root, name)
                arcname = 'jdk1.9.0/' + os.path.relpath(f, jdkImageDir)
                arc.zf.add(name=f, arcname=arcname, recursive=False)

    with open(jdkTgzPath + '.sha1', 'w') as fp:
        mx.log('Creating ' + jdkTgzPath + '.sha1')

    def _create_link(source, link_name):
        if exists(link_name):
        mx.log('Creating ' + link_name + ' -> ' + source)
        os.symlink(source, link_name)

    for arch in arches[1:]:
        link_name = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk-bundles', 'jdk9-{}-{}-{}.tar.gz'.format(debugLevel, _get_openjdk_os(), arch))
        jdkTgzName = os.path.basename(jdkTgzPath)
        _create_link(jdkTgzName, link_name)
        _create_link(jdkTgzName + '.sha1', link_name + '.sha1')
Exemple #2
def _create_jdk_bundle(jdkBuildDir):
    Creates a tar.gz JDK archive, an accompanying tar.gz.sha1 file with its
    SHA1 signature plus symlinks to the archive for non-canonical architecture names.
    jdkImageDir = join(jdkBuildDir, 'images', 'jdk')

    arches = _get_jdk_bundle_arches()
    jdkTgzPath = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk-bundles',
                      'jdk9-{}-{}.tar.gz'.format(_get_openjdk_os(), arches[0]))
    with mx.Archiver(jdkTgzPath, kind='tgz') as arc:
        mx.log('Creating ' + jdkTgzPath)
        for root, _, filenames in os.walk(jdkImageDir):
            for name in filenames:
                f = join(root, name)
                arcname = 'jdk1.9.0/' + os.path.relpath(f, jdkImageDir)
                arc.zf.add(name=f, arcname=arcname, recursive=False)
        # The OpenJDK build creates an empty cacerts file so grab one from
        # the default JDK which is assumed to be an OracleJDK
        cacerts = join(
            mx.get_jdk(tag='default').home, 'jre', 'lib', 'security',
        arc.zf.add(name=cacerts, arcname='jdk1.9.0/lib/security/cacerts')

    with open(jdkTgzPath + '.sha1', 'w') as fp:
        mx.log('Creating ' + jdkTgzPath + '.sha1')

    def _create_link(source, link_name):
        if exists(link_name):
        mx.log('Creating ' + link_name + ' -> ' + source)
        os.symlink(source, link_name)

    for arch in arches[1:]:
        link_name = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk-bundles',
                         'jdk9-{}-{}.tar.gz'.format(_get_openjdk_os(), arch))
        jdkTgzName = os.path.basename(jdkTgzPath)
        _create_link(jdkTgzName, link_name)
        _create_link(jdkTgzName + '.sha1', link_name + '.sha1')
Exemple #3
def _update_JVMCI_library():
    Updates the "path" and "sha1" attributes of the "JVMCI" library to
    refer to a jvmci.jar created from the JVMCI classes in JDK9.
    suiteDict = _suite.suiteDict
    jvmciLib = suiteDict['libraries']['JVMCI']
    d = join(_suite.get_output_root(), abspath(_jdk.home)[1:])
    path = join(d, 'jvmci.jar')

    explodedModule = join(_jdk.home, 'modules', 'jdk.vm.ci')
    if exists(explodedModule):
        jarInputs = {}
        newestJarInput = None
        for root, _, files in os.walk(explodedModule):
            relpath = root[len(explodedModule) + 1:]
            for f in files:
                arcname = join(relpath, f).replace(os.sep, '/')
                jarInput = join(root, f)
                jarInputs[arcname] = jarInput
                t = mx.TimeStampFile(jarInput)
                if newestJarInput is None or t.isNewerThan(newestJarInput):
                    newestJarInput = t
        if not exists(path) or newestJarInput.isNewerThan(path):
            with mx.Archiver(path, kind='zip') as arc:
                for arcname, jarInput in jarInputs.iteritems():
                    with open(jarInput, 'rb') as fp:
                        contents = fp.read()
                        arc.zf.writestr(arcname, contents)
        # Use the jdk.internal.jimage utility since it's the only way
        # to partially read .jimage files as the JDK9 jimage tool
        # does not support partial extraction.
        bootmodules = join(_jdk.home, 'lib', 'modules', 'bootmodules.jimage')
        if not exists(bootmodules):
            mx.abort('Could not find JVMCI classes at ' + bootmodules + ' or ' + explodedModule)
        if not exists(path) or mx.TimeStampFile(bootmodules).isNewerThan(path):
            javaSource = join(d, 'ExtractJVMCI.java')
            with open(javaSource, 'w') as fp:
                print >> fp, """import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
    import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
    import jdk.internal.jimage.BasicImageReader;

    public class ExtractJVMCI {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        BasicImageReader image = BasicImageReader.open(args[0]);
        String[] names = image.getEntryNames();
        if (names.length == 0) {
        try (JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(args[1]))) {
            for (String name : names) {
                if (name.startsWith("/jdk.vm.ci/")) {
                    String ename = name.substring("/jdk.vm.ci/".length());
                    JarEntry je = new JarEntry(ename);
            mx.run([_jdk.javac, '-d', d, javaSource])
            mx.run([_jdk.java, '-cp', d, 'ExtractJVMCI', bootmodules, path])
            if not exists(path):
                mx.abort('Could not find the JVMCI classes in ' + bootmodules)

    jvmciLib['path'] = path
    jvmciLib['sha1'] = mx.sha1OfFile(path)
Exemple #4
    def build(self):
        if os.environ.has_key('FASTR_NO_RELEASE'):
            mx.log('FastR: not updating release project')
        # copy the release directories
        output_dir = self.subject.dir
        fastr_dir = mx_fastr._fastr_suite.dir
        for d in ['bin', 'include', 'lib', 'library', 'etc', 'share', 'doc']:
            target_dir = join(output_dir, d)
            if os.path.exists(target_dir):
            shutil.copytree(join(fastr_dir, d), target_dir)

        # copyrights
        copyrights_dir = join(fastr_dir, 'mx.fastr', 'copyrights')
        with open(join(output_dir, 'COPYRIGHT'), 'w') as outfile:
            for copyright_file in os.listdir(copyrights_dir):
                basename = os.path.basename(copyright_file)
                if basename.endswith('copyright.star'):
                    with open(join(copyrights_dir, copyright_file)) as infile:
                        data = infile.read()
        # license/README
        shutil.copy(join(fastr_dir, 'LICENSE'), output_dir)
        shutil.copy(join(fastr_dir, 'README.md'), output_dir)

        # canonicalize R_HOME_DIR in bin/R
        bin_dir = join(output_dir, 'bin')
        rcmd = join(bin_dir, 'R')
        # R is the generic shell script (taken essentially verbatim from GNU R)
        with open(rcmd) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        with open(rcmd, 'w') as f:
            for line in lines:
                if line.startswith('R_HOME_DIR='):
                    f.write('R_HOME_DIR="$(dirname $0)/.."\n')
                    # produces a canonical path
                    line = 'R_HOME_DIR="$(unset CDPATH && cd ${R_HOME_DIR} && pwd)"\n'
        # jar files for the launchers
        jars_dir = join(bin_dir, 'fastr_jars')
        if not os.path.exists(jars_dir):
        fastr_classfiles = dict()

        # visitor to collect/copy all the classes/jar files needed by the launchers
        def dep_visit(dep, edge):
            if isinstance(dep, mx.JARDistribution):
                shutil.copy(join(dep.suite.dir, dep.path), jars_dir)
            elif isinstance(dep, mx.Library):
                jar_name = dep.name.lower() + '.jar'
                shutil.copyfile(join(dep.suite.dir, dep.path), join(jars_dir, jar_name))
            elif isinstance(dep, mx.JavaProject):
                if 'com.oracle.truffle.r' in dep.name:
                    classfiles_dir = dep.output_dir()
                    for root, _, classfiles in os.walk(classfiles_dir):
                        for classfile in classfiles:
                            fastr_classfiles[os.path.relpath(join(root, classfile), classfiles_dir)] = join(root, classfile)


        # create the fastr.jar file
        with mx.Archiver(join(jars_dir, 'fastr.jar')) as arc:
            arc.zf.writestr("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "Manifest-Version: 1.0\n")
            for arcname, path in fastr_classfiles.iteritems():
                with open(path, 'r') as f:
                    contents = f.read()
                arc.zf.writestr(arcname, contents)

        # create the classpath string
        classpath = []
        for _, _, jars in os.walk(jars_dir):
            for jar in jars:
                classpath.append(join("$R_HOME/bin/fastr_jars", jar))
        classpath_string = ":".join(classpath)

        # replace the mx exec scripts with native Java launchers, setting the classpath from above
        bin_exec_dir = join(bin_dir, 'exec')
        r_launcher = join(self.subject.dir, 'src', 'R_launcher')
        template_dict = {'CLASSPATH': classpath_string}
        self._template(r_launcher, join(bin_exec_dir, 'R'), template_dict)
        shutil.rmtree(join(bin_dir, 'execRextras'))
        rscript_launcher = join(self.subject.dir, 'src', 'Rscript_launcher')
        self._template(rscript_launcher, join(bin_dir, 'Rscript'), template_dict)
Exemple #5
def coverage_upload(args):
    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx coverage-upload')
    parser.add_argument('--upload-url', required=False, default=mx.get_env('COVERAGE_UPLOAD_URL'), help='Format is like rsync: user@host:/directory')
    parser.add_argument('--build-name', required=False, default=mx.get_env('BUILD_NAME'))
    parser.add_argument('--build-url', required=False, default=mx.get_env('BUILD_URL'))
    parser.add_argument('--build-number', required=False, default=mx.get_env('BUILD_NUMBER'))
    args, other_args = parser.parse_known_args(args)
    if not args.upload_url:
    remote_host, remote_basedir = args.upload_url.split(':')
    if not remote_host:
        mx.abort('Cannot determine remote host from {}'.format(args.upload_url))

    primary = mx.primary_suite()
    info = primary.vc.parent_info(primary.dir)
    rev = primary.vc.parent(primary.dir)
    if len(remote_basedir) > 0 and not remote_basedir.endswith('/'):
        remote_basedir += '/'
    remote_dir = '{}_{}_{}'.format(primary.name, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(info['author-ts']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M'), rev[:7])
    if args.build_name:
        remote_dir += '_' + args.build_name
    if args.build_number:
        remote_dir += '_' + args.build_number
    upload_dir = remote_basedir + remote_dir
    includes, excludes = _jacocoreport(['--omit-excluded'] + other_args)

    # Upload jar+sources
    coverage_sources = 'java_sources.tar.gz'
    coverage_binaries = 'java_binaries.tar.gz'

    with mx.Archiver(os.path.realpath(coverage_sources), kind='tgz') as sources, mx.Archiver(os.path.realpath(coverage_binaries), kind='tgz') as binaries:
        def _visit_deps(dep, edge):
            if dep.isJavaProject() and not dep.is_test_project():
                binaries.zf.add(dep.output_dir(), dep.name)
                for d in dep.source_dirs():
                    sources.zf.add(d, dep.name)
                if os.path.exists(dep.source_gen_dir()):
                    sources.zf.add(dep.source_gen_dir(), dep.name)
        mx.walk_deps(mx.projects(), visit=_visit_deps)

    files = [get_jacoco_dest_file(), 'coverage', coverage_sources, coverage_binaries]
    print("Syncing {} to {}:{}".format(" ".join(files), remote_host, upload_dir))
        r'tar -czf - {files} | ssh {remote} bash -c \'"mkdir -p {remotedir} && cd {remotedir} && cat | tar -x{verbose}z && chmod -R 755 ."\''
                files=" ".join(files),
                verbose='v' if mx._opts.verbose else '')
    def upload_string(content, path):
        mx.run(['ssh', remote_host, 'bash', '-c', 'cat > "' + path + '"'], stdin=content)

        'timestamp': time.time(),
        'suite': primary.name,
        'revision': rev,
        'directory': remote_dir,
        'build_name': args.build_name,
        'build_url': args.build_url,
        'jdk_version': str(mx.get_jdk().version),
        'build_number': args.build_number,
        'primary_info': info,
        'excludes': [str(e) for e in excludes],
        'includes': [str(i) for i in includes]}), upload_dir + '/description.json')
    mx.run(['ssh', remote_host, 'bash', '-c', r'"(echo \[; for i in {remote_basedir}/*/description.json; do if \[ -s \$i \];then cat \$i; echo ,; fi done; echo null\]) > {remote_basedir}/index.json"'.format(remote_basedir=remote_basedir)])
<script language="javascript">
  function urlChange(url) {
    if (url.pathname !== "blank") {
      window.history.replaceState(null, null, url.pathname.replace("/coverage_upload/", "/coverage_upload/#"))
<frameset rows="40,*">
  <frame id="navigation" src="navigation.html"/>
  <frame id="content" src="" onload="urlChange(this.contentWindow.location);" />
</html>""", remote_basedir + '/index.html')
    js_library_url = rewriteurl("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.7.7/angular.js")
        <script src="%js_library_url"></script>
        <script language="javascript">
        var App = angular.module('myApp', [])
            .controller('IndexCtrl', function IndexCtrl($scope, $http) {
                var hash = parent.window.location.hash;
                if(hash) {
                    hash = hash.substring(1, hash.length); // remove leading hash
                $http.get('index.json').then(function(response, status) {
                    var data = response.data.filter(x => x != null);
                        Filter build that are unique per suite with revision as key and merge builds.
                    data = data
                        .filter(x => !x.hasOwnProperty('merge'))
                        .filter( // filter builds that are unique per suite with revision as key
                            x => !data
                                .filter(z => x != z && x.suite == z.suite) // exclude self build and build for other suites.
                                .map(z => z.revision) // map from array of build to array of revision
                                .includes(x.revision) // check if revision of x is index data.
                        ).concat(data.filter(x => x.hasOwnProperty('merge'))); // concat unique build with merged build.

                    data.sort((l,r) => r.timestamp - l.timestamp);
                    if(data.length > 0) {
                        var startdir;
                        if(hash) {
                            startdir = data.find(build => hash.includes(build.directory));
                            startdir.hash = hash;
                        if(!startdir) {
                            startdir = data[0];
                        $scope.directory = startdir;
                    $scope.data = data;
                $scope.$watch('directory', (dir, olddir) => {
                    if(dir) {
                        var content = parent.document.getElementById("content");
                        var contentDocument = content.contentDocument || content.contentWindow.document;
                        var newpath;
                        if(olddir && olddir.suite === dir.suite) {
                            newpath = contentDocument.location.href.replace(olddir.directory, dir.directory);
                        } else {
                            newpath = dir.hasOwnProperty('hash') ? hash : dir.directory + "/coverage/";
                        contentDocument.location.href = newpath;
                        parent.window.history.replaceState(undefined, undefined, "#" + newpath.replace(/^.+coverage_upload\//, ""));
                $scope.step = (i) => $scope.directory = $scope.data[$scope.data.indexOf($scope.directory)+i];
        function copy(url) {
            var content = parent.document.getElementById("content");
            var contentDocument = content.contentDocument || content.contentWindow.document;
            var copyText = document.getElementById("copy");
            copyText.value = contentDocument.location.href.replace("coverage_upload/", "coverage_upload/#");
    <body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
       <button ng-click="step(1)" ng-disabled="data.indexOf(directory) >= data.length-1">&lt;&lt;</button>
       <button ng-click="step(-1)" ng-disabled="data.indexOf(directory) <= 0">&gt;&gt;</button>
       <select ng-model="directory" ng-options="(i.primary_info['author-ts']*1000|date:'yy-MM-dd hh:mm') + ' ' + i.build_name + ' ' + i.revision.substr(0,8) group by i.suite for i in data"></select>
       <a href="{{directory.build_url}}" ng-if="directory.build_url" target="_blank">Build</a> Commit: {{directory.revision.substr(0,5)}}: {{directory.primary_info.description}}
       <input type="text" style="opacity: 0;width: 20;" id="copy" />
       <button style="float: right;" onclick="copy(window.location);">Share url</button>
</html>""".replace("%js_library_url", js_library_url), remote_basedir + '/navigation.html')
    def build(self):
        if not os.environ.has_key('FASTR_RELEASE'):
            mx.log('FastR: set FASTR_RELEASE to update release project')
        # copy the release directories
        output_dir = self.subject.dir
        fastr_dir = mx_fastr._fastr_suite.dir
        for d in ['bin', 'include', 'library', 'etc', 'share', 'doc']:
            target_dir = join(output_dir, d)
            if os.path.exists(target_dir):
            shutil.copytree(join(fastr_dir, d), target_dir)

        lib_fastr_dir = join(fastr_dir, 'lib')
        lib_output_dir = join(output_dir, 'lib')
        if os.path.exists(lib_output_dir):
        for f in os.listdir(lib_fastr_dir):
            source_file = join(lib_fastr_dir, f)
            target_file = join(lib_output_dir, f)
            if f != '.DS_Store':
                if os.path.islink(source_file):
                    os.symlink(os.readlink(source_file), target_file)
                    shutil.copy(source_file, target_file)

        # copyrights
        copyrights_dir = join(fastr_dir, 'mx.fastr', 'copyrights')
        with open(join(output_dir, 'COPYRIGHT'), 'w') as outfile:
            for copyright_file in os.listdir(copyrights_dir):
                basename = os.path.basename(copyright_file)
                if basename.endswith('copyright.star'):
                    with open(join(copyrights_dir, copyright_file)) as infile:
                        data = infile.read()
        # license/README
        shutil.copy(join(fastr_dir, 'LICENSE'), output_dir)
        shutil.copy(join(fastr_dir, 'README.md'), output_dir)

        # canonicalize R_HOME_DIR in bin/R
        bin_dir = join(output_dir, 'bin')
        rcmd = join(bin_dir, 'R')
        # R is the generic shell script (taken essentially verbatim from GNU R)
        with open(rcmd) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        with open(rcmd, 'w') as f:
            for line in lines:
                if line.startswith('R_HOME_DIR='):
while [ -h "$source" ] ; do
  source="$(readlink "$source")";
  if [[ "$source" != /* ]]; then
    # if the link was relative, it was relative to where it came from
    dir="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$prev_source" )" && pwd )"
r_bin="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$source" )" && pwd )"
R_HOME_DIR="$( dirname "$r_bin" )"
                elif line.strip() == "#!/bin/sh":
                    f.write("#!/usr/bin/env bash\n")
        # jar files for the launchers
        jars_dir = join(bin_dir, 'fastr_jars')
        if not os.path.exists(jars_dir):
        fastr_classfiles = dict()

        # visitor to collect/copy all the classes/jar files needed by the launchers
        def dep_visit(dep, edge):
            if isinstance(dep, mx.JARDistribution):
                shutil.copy(join(dep.suite.dir, dep.path), jars_dir)
            elif isinstance(dep, mx.Library):
                if not dep.name.lower() == 'jdk_tools':
                    jar_name = dep.name.lower() + '.jar'
                    shutil.copyfile(join(dep.suite.dir, dep.path), join(jars_dir, jar_name))
            elif isinstance(dep, mx.JavaProject):
                if 'com.oracle.truffle.r' in dep.name:
                    classfiles_dir = dep.output_dir()
                    for root, _, classfiles in os.walk(classfiles_dir):
                        for classfile in classfiles:
                            fastr_classfiles[os.path.relpath(join(root, classfile), classfiles_dir)] = join(root, classfile)


        # create the fastr.jar file
        with mx.Archiver(join(jars_dir, 'fastr.jar')) as arc:
            arc.zf.writestr("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", "Manifest-Version: 1.0\n")
            for arcname, path in fastr_classfiles.iteritems():
                with open(path, 'r') as f:
                    contents = f.read()
                arc.zf.writestr(arcname, contents)

        # create the classpath string
        classpath = []
        for _, _, jars in os.walk(jars_dir):
            for jar in jars:
                classpath.append(join("$R_HOME/bin/fastr_jars", jar))
        classpath_string = ":".join(classpath)

        # replace the mx exec scripts with native Java launchers, setting the classpath from above
        bin_exec_dir = join(bin_dir, 'exec')
        r_launcher = join(self.subject.dir, 'src', 'R_launcher')
        template_dict = {'CLASSPATH': classpath_string}
        self._template(r_launcher, join(bin_exec_dir, 'R'), template_dict)
        shutil.rmtree(join(bin_dir, 'execRextras'))
        rscript_launcher = join(self.subject.dir, 'src', 'Rscript_launcher')
        self._template(rscript_launcher, join(bin_dir, 'Rscript'), template_dict)