Exemple #1
def nbdev_trust(
    fname: str = None,  # A notebook name or glob to trust
    force_all: bool = False  # Also trust notebooks that haven't changed
    "Trust notebooks matching `fname`"
        from nbformat.sign import NotebookNotary
        import warnings
        warnings.warn("Please install jupyter and try again")

    fname = Path(fname if fname else config_key("nbs_path", '.'))
    path = fname if fname.is_dir() else fname.parent
    check_fname = path / ".last_checked"
    last_checked = os.path.getmtime(
        check_fname) if check_fname.exists() else None
    nbs = globtastic(fname, file_glob='*.ipynb',
                     skip_folder_re='^[_.]') if fname.is_dir() else [fname]
    for fn in nbs:
        if last_checked and not force_all:
            last_changed = os.path.getmtime(fn)
            if last_changed < last_checked: continue
        nb = read_nb(fn)
        if not NotebookNotary().check_signature(nb): NotebookNotary().sign(nb)
Exemple #2
def nbdev_trust_nbs(fname:Param("A notebook name or glob to convert", str)=None,
                    force_all:Param("Trust even notebooks that haven't changed", bool)=False):
    "Trust notebooks matching `fname`"
    check_fname = Config().path("nbs_path")/".last_checked"
    last_checked = os.path.getmtime(check_fname) if check_fname.exists() else None
    files = Config().path("nbs_path").glob('**/*.ipynb') if fname is None else glob.glob(fname)
    for fn in files:
        if last_checked and not force_all:
            last_changed = os.path.getmtime(fn)
            if last_changed < last_checked: continue
        nb = read_nb(fn)
        if not NotebookNotary().check_signature(nb): NotebookNotary().sign(nb)
Exemple #3
def link_nb(nb_path):
    nb = read_nb(nb_path)
    cells = nb['cells']
    link_markdown_cells(cells, get_imported_modules(cells))
    add_nb_metadata(nb, nb_path)
    json.dump(nb, open(nb_path, 'w'))
Exemple #4
def _script2notebook(fname, dic, silent=False):
    "Put the content of `fname` back in the notebooks it came from."
    if os.environ.get('IN_TEST', 0): return  # don't export if running tests
    fname = Path(fname)
    with open(fname, encoding='utf8') as f:
        code = f.read()
    splits = _split(code)
    rel_name = fname.absolute().resolve().relative_to(
    key = str(rel_name.with_suffix(''))
    assert len(splits) == len(
    ), f'"{rel_name}" exported from notebooks should have {len(dic[key])} cells but has {len(splits)}.'
    assert all([c1[0] == c2[1]] for c1, c2 in zip(splits, dic[key]))
    splits = [(c2[0], c1[0], c1[1]) for c1, c2 in zip(splits, dic[key])]
    nb_fnames = {Config().path("nbs_path") / s[1] for s in splits}
    for nb_fname in nb_fnames:
        nb = read_nb(nb_fname)
        for i, f, c in splits:
            c = _deal_loc_import(c, str(fname))
            if f == nb_fname.name:
                flags = split_flags_and_code(nb['cells'][i], str)[0]
                nb['cells'][i]['source'] = flags + '\n' + c.replace('', '')
        nbformat.write(nb, str(nb_fname), version=4)

    if not silent: print(f"Converted {rel_name}.")
Exemple #5
def create_notebook(template, notebook_dir, args, kargs):

    all_args = ' '.join(args)
    if all_args and kargs: all_args += ' '
    all_args += ' '.join(kargs[key] for key in sorted(kargs.keys()))
    all_args = sub(r'\s+', '-', all_args)

    vars = dict(kargs)
    for name, value in zip(getfullargspec(template).args, args):
        vars[name] = value

    template = template.__name__
    base = join(notebook_dir, template)
    all_args = all_args if all_args else template
    name = all_args + IPYNB
    path = join(base, name)
    makedirs(base, exist_ok=True)

    log.info(f'Creating {template} at {path} with {vars}')
    notebook = load_notebook(template, vars)
    # https://testnb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/security.html
    if exists(path):
        log.warning(f'Deleting old version of {path}')
    with open(path, 'w') as out:
        log.info(f'Writing {template} to {path}')
        nb.write(notebook, out)
    return join(template, name)
def link_nb(nb_path):
    nb = read_nb(nb_path)
    cells = nb['cells']
    link_markdown_cells(cells, get_imported_modules(cells))
    add_nb_metadata(nb, nb_path)
    write_nb(nb, nb_path)
Exemple #7
def nbdev_trust_nbs(
    fname: str = None,  # A notebook name or glob to convert
    force_all: bool = False  # Trust even notebooks that havent changed
    "Trust notebooks matching `fname`"
    check_fname = get_config().path("nbs_path") / ".last_checked"
    last_checked = os.path.getmtime(
        check_fname) if check_fname.exists() else None
    files = nbglob(fname)
    for fn in files:
        if last_checked and not force_all:
            last_changed = os.path.getmtime(fn)
            if last_changed < last_checked: continue
        nb = read_nb(fn)
        if not NotebookNotary().check_signature(nb): NotebookNotary().sign(nb)
Exemple #8
def update_nb_metadata(nb_path=None, title=None, summary=None, keywords='fastai', overwrite=True, **kwargs):
    "Creates jekyll metadata for given notebook path."
    nb = read_nb(nb_path)
    data = {'title': title, 'summary': summary, 'keywords': keywords, **kwargs}
    data = {k:v for (k,v) in data.items() if v is not None} # remove none values
    if not data: return
    nb['metadata']['jekyll'] = data
    write_nb(nb, nb_path)
Exemple #9
def execute_nb(fname, metadata=None):
    "Execute notebook `fname` with `metadata` for preprocessing."
    # Any module used in the notebook that isn't inside must be in the same directory as this script
    with open(fname) as f: nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)
    ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name='python3')
    metadata = metadata or {}
    ep.preprocess(nb, metadata)
    with open(fname, 'wt') as f: nbformat.write(nb, f)
def execute_nb(fname, metadata=None, save=True, show_doc_only=False):
    "Execute notebook `fname` with `metadata` for preprocessing."
    # Any module used in the notebook that isn't inside must be in the same directory as this script
    with open(fname) as f: nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)
    ep_class = ExecuteShowDocPreprocessor if show_doc_only else ExecutePreprocessor
    ep = ep_class(timeout=600, kernel_name='python3')
    metadata = metadata or {}
    ep.preprocess(nb, metadata)
    if save:
        with open(fname, 'wt') as f: nbformat.write(nb, f)
def update_nb_metadata(
    nb_path=None, title=None, summary=None, keywords="fastai", overwrite=True, **kwargs
    "Creates jekyll metadata for given notebook path."
    nb = read_nb(nb_path)
    data = {"title": title, "summary": summary, "keywords": keywords, **kwargs}
    data = {k: v for (k, v) in data.items() if v is not None}  # remove none values
    if not data:
    nb["metadata"]["jekyll"] = data
    write_nb(nb, nb_path)
def update_nb_metadata(nb_path=None,
    "Creates jekyll metadata for given notebook path."
    nb = read_nb(nb_path)
    jm = {'title': title, 'summary': summary, 'keywords': keywords, **kwargs}
    update_metadata(nb, jm, overwrite)
    write_nb(nb, nb_path)
Exemple #13
def _script2notebook(fname, silent=False):
    "Put the content of `fname` back in the notebooks it came from."
    if os.environ.get('IN_TEST',0): return  # don't export if running tests
    fname = Path(fname)
    with open(fname) as f: code = f.read()
    splits = _split(code)
    nb_fnames = {s[1] for s in splits}
    for nb_fname in nb_fnames:
        nb = read_nb(nb_fname)
        for i,f,c in splits:
            c = _deal_loc_import(c, str(fname))
            if f == nb_fname:
                l = nb['cells'][i]['source'].split('\n')[0]
                nb['cells'][i]['source'] = l + '\n' + c
        nbformat.write(nb, nb_fname, version=4)
    if not silent: print(f"Converted {fname}.")
Exemple #14
def _script2notebook(fname, dic, silent=False):
    "Put the content of `fname` back in the notebooks it came from."
    if os.environ.get('IN_TEST',0): return  # don't export if running tests
    fname = Path(fname)
    with open(fname) as f: code = f.read()
    splits = _split(code)
    assert len(splits) == len(dic[fname]), f"Exported file from notebooks should have {len(dic[fname])} cells but has {len(splits)}."
    assert np.all([c1[0]==c2[1]] for c1,c2 in zip(splits, dic[fname]))
    splits = [(c2[0],c1[0],c1[1]) for c1,c2 in zip(splits, dic[fname])]
    nb_fnames = {s[1] for s in splits}
    for nb_fname in nb_fnames:
        nb = read_nb(nb_fname)
        for i,f,c in splits:
            c = _deal_loc_import(c, str(fname))
            if f == nb_fname:
                l = nb['cells'][i]['source'].split('\n')[0]
                nb['cells'][i]['source'] = l + '\n' + c
        nbformat.write(nb, nb_fname, version=4)
    if not silent: print(f"Converted {fname}.")
Exemple #15
def create_notebook(template, base, args, kargs):

    if hasattr(template, '_original'):  # drop wrapper
        template = template._original

    all_args = ' '.join(args)
    if all_args and kargs: all_args += ' '
    all_args += ' '.join(kargs[key] for key in sorted(kargs.keys()))
    all_args = sub(r'\s+', '-', all_args)
    all_args = sub(escape(sep), '-', all_args)

    vars = dict(kargs)
    vars[BASE] = base
    spec = getfullargspec(template)
    for name, value in zip_longest(spec.args, args):
        if name:
            vars[name] = value
            if spec.varargs not in vars:
                vars[spec.varargs] = []

    template = template.__name__
    notebook_dir = base_system_path(base, subdir=NOTEBOOKS)
    root = join(notebook_dir, template)
    all_args = all_args if all_args else template
    name = all_args + IPYNB
    path = join(root, name)
    makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)

    log.info(f'Creating {template} at {path} with {vars}')
    notebook = load_notebook(template, vars)
    # https://testnb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/security.html
    if exists(path):
        log.debug(f'Deleting old version of {path}')
    with open(path, 'w') as out:
        log.info(f'Writing {template} to {path}')
        nb.write(notebook, out)
    return join(template, name)
Exemple #16
def create_notebook(config, template, args):

    if hasattr(template, '_original'):  # drop wrapper
        template = template._original

    all_args = ' '.join(args)
    all_args = sub(r'\s+', '-', all_args)
    all_args = sub(escape(sep), '-', all_args)

    vars = {BASE: config.args[BASE], URI: config.args._format(name=URI)}
    spec = getfullargspec(template)
    for name, value in zip_longest(spec.args, args):
        if name:
            vars[name] = value
            if spec.varargs not in vars:
                vars[spec.varargs] = []

    template = template.__name__
    notebook_dir = config.args._format_path(NOTEBOOK_DIR)
    root = join(notebook_dir, template)
    all_args = all_args if all_args else template
    name = all_args + IPYNB
    path = join(root, name)
    makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)

    log.info(f'Creating {template} at {path} with {vars}')
    notebook = load_notebook(template, vars)
    # https://testnb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/security.html
    log.debug(f'Notary using DB at {notebook_dir}')
    if exists(path):
        log.debug(f'Deleting old version of {path}')
    with open(path, 'w') as out:
        log.info(f'Writing {template} to {path}')
        nb.write(notebook, out)
    return join(template, name)
def link_nb(nb_path):
    nb = read_nb(nb_path)
    cells = nb['cells']
    link_markdown_cells(cells, get_imported_modules(cells, Path(nb_path).stem))
    write_nb(nb, nb_path)
Exemple #18
 def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
 	return nb, resources
Exemple #19
import os
import re
import traceback
from collections import UserString
from typing import List, TextIO

import nbformat
from nbformat.sign import NotebookNotary
from nbformat.notebooknode import NotebookNode, from_dict

notebook_notary = NotebookNotary()

class TestCell(UserString):
    A class for Jupyter Notebook code cell.
    ignore : bool    
        Whether the cell magic line contained the `-t` option.
    name : str    
        The user defined name of the test cell block.
    def __init__(self, data, notebook):
        magic_args = self.parse_cell_magic(self)
        if "-n" in magic_args:
            self.ignore = True
Exemple #20
 def sign(self):
     notary = Notary()
     signature = notary.compute_signature(self.notebook)
     if not signature.startswith("sha256:"):
         signature = "sha256:" + signature
     self.notebook['metadata']['signature'] = signature