Exemple #1
                    3.14159 / 2,

            # create REBOUND simulation
            sim = generate(objects)

            # year long integrations, timestep = 1 hour
            sim_data = integrate(sim, objects, 20 * objects[-1]['P'],
                                 int(20 * objects[-1]['P'] * 24))

            # collect the analytics from the simulation
            ttv_data = analyze(sim_data)

            #if name=='Kepler-30':
            #    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

            # save simulation data
            for i in range(pmask.sum()):
                iname = data[pmask].iloc[i].name
                data.at[iname, 'ttv'] = np.percentile(
                    np.abs(ttv_data['planets'][i]['ttv']) * 24 * 60, 90)

    mask = (data.ttv > 1) & (data.pl_ttvflag == 1)
    print(data[mask].sort_values('ttv', ascending=False).get([
            'e': [0.025, 0.05],
            'omega': [np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2],
            # add longitude of ascending node
            'm': [2 * mjup / msun, 10 * mjup / msun],
            'P': [6, 9],
            'inc': [np.pi / 2 * 0.8, np.pi / 2 * 0.9],
            'e': [0.05, 0.075],
            'omega': [np.pi / 4, np.pi / 2],

    # run original simulation
    sim = generate(objects)
    sim_data = integrate(sim, objects, 180, 180 *
                         24)  # year long integrations, timestep = 1 minute
    ttv_data_og = analyze(sim_data)

    # create a plot
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 13))
    ax = [
        plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (0, 0)),
        plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (1, 0)),
        plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (2, 0)),
        plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (3, 0)),
        plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (4, 0)),
        plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (5, 0)),
        plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (1, 1)),
        plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (2, 1)),
        plt.subplot2grid((6, 2), (3, 1)),
Exemple #3
def get_ttv(objects, ndays=60, ttvfast=True):
    sim = generate(objects)
    sim_data = integrate(sim, objects, ndays, ndays * 24 * 2)  # dt=30 minutes
    return analyze(sim_data, ttvfast=ttvfast)
Exemple #4
            'e': 0.0457
        },  # Uranus
            'm': 17.15 * mearth / msun,
            'P': 59799.9,
            'inc': 3.14159 / 2,
            'e': 0.0113
        },  # Neptune      
    # inclination does not have a strong effect on TTVs so ignore

    # create REBOUND simulation
    sim = generate(objects)

    # integrate the simulation (Ndays, Noutputs) so dt = Ndays/Noutputs
    sim_data = integrate(sim, objects, 1000 * 365, 1000 * 365 * 24)

    # collect the analytics of interest from the simulation
    ttv_data = analyze(sim_data)

    # plot the results
    report(ttv_data)  #, savefile='report.png')

    # TTV results:
    # Mercury ~ 0-1 min
    # Venus   ~ 3-5 min
    # Earth   ~ 4-6 min
    # Mars    ~ 20-40 minutes
    # Jupiter ~ 500-1000 minutes
    # Saturn  ~ 1000-1500 minutes