Exemple #1
def test_make_correlated_xy(corr, size, tol, seed):
    out = datasets.make_correlated_xy(corr=corr, size=size,
                                      tol=tol, seed=seed)
    # ensure output is expected shape
    assert out.shape[1:] == size
    assert len(out) == len(corr) if hasattr(corr, '__len__') else 2

    # check outputs are correlated within specified tolerance
    realcorr = np.corrcoef(out.reshape(len(out), -1))
    if len(realcorr) == 2 and not hasattr(corr, '__len__'):
        realcorr = realcorr[0, 1]
    assert np.all(np.abs(realcorr - corr) < tol)

    # check that seed generates reproducible values
    duplicate = datasets.make_correlated_xy(corr=corr, size=size,
                                            tol=tol, seed=seed)
    assert np.allclose(out, duplicate)
Exemple #2
def test_permtest_pearsonr():
    x, y = datasets.make_correlated_xy(corr=0.1, size=100)
    r, p = stats.permtest_pearsonr(x, y)
    assert np.allclose([r, p], [0.10032564626876286, 0.3046953046953047])

    x, y = datasets.make_correlated_xy(corr=0.5, size=100)
    r, p = stats.permtest_pearsonr(x, y)
    assert np.allclose([r, p], [0.500040365781984, 0.000999000999000999])

    z = x + np.random.normal(loc=1, size=100)
    r, p = stats.permtest_pearsonr(x, np.column_stack([y, z]))
    assert np.allclose(r, np.array([0.50004037, 0.25843187]))
    assert np.allclose(p, np.array([0.000999, 0.01098901]))

    a, b = datasets.make_correlated_xy(corr=0.9, size=100)
    r, p = stats.permtest_pearsonr(np.column_stack([x, a]),
                                   np.column_stack([y, b]))
    assert np.allclose(r, np.array([0.50004037, 0.89927523]))
    assert np.allclose(p, np.array([0.000999, 0.000999]))
def test_make_correlated_xy_errors(corr):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

This example shows how to perform "spin-tests" (a la Alexander-Bloch et al.,
2018, NeuroImage) to assess whether two brain patterns are correlated above and
beyond what would be expected from a spatially-autocorrelated null model.

For the original MATLAB toolbox published alongside the paper by
Alexander-Bloch and colleagues refer to https://github.com/spin-test/spin-test.

# First let's generate some randomly correlated data. We'll set a random seed
# to make sure that things are reproducible:

from netneurotools import datasets
x, y = datasets.make_correlated_xy(size=68, seed=1234)

# We can correlate the resulting vectors to see how related they are:

from scipy.stats import pearsonr
r, p = pearsonr(x, y)
print(r, p)

# The p-value suggests that our data are, indeed, highly correlated.
# Unfortunately, when doing this sort of correlation with brain data the null
# model used in generating the p-value does not take into account that the data
# are constrained by a spatial toplogy (i.e., the brain) and thus spatially
# auto-correlated. The p-values will be "inflated" because our true degrees of
# freedom are less than the number of samples we have!
Exemple #5
def matching_multinorm_grfs(corr,
    Generates two surface GRFs (fsaverage5) that correlate at r = `corr`

    Starts by generating two random variables from a multivariate normal
    distribution with correlation `corr`, adds spatial autocorrelation with
    specified `alpha`, and projects to the surface. Continues this procedure
    until two variables are generated that have correlation `corr` on the

    corr : float
        Desired correlation of generated GRFs
    tol : float
        Tolerance for correlation between generated GRFs
    alpha : float (positive), optional
        Exponent of the power-law distribution. Only used if `use_gstools` is
        set to False. Default: 3.0
    normalize : bool, optional
        Whether to normalize the returned field to unit variance. Default: True
    seed : None, int, default_rng, optional
        Random state to seed GRF generation. Default: None
    debug : bool, optional
        Whether to print debug info

    x, y : (20484,) np.ndarray
        Generated surface GRFs

    rs = np.random.default_rng(seed)

    acorr, n = np.inf, 0
    while np.abs(np.abs(acorr) - corr) > tol:
        if alpha > 0:
            x, y = make_correlated_xy(corr,
            # smooth correlated noise vectors + project to surface
            xs = create_surface_grf(noise=x, alpha=alpha, normalize=normalize)
            ys = create_surface_grf(noise=y, alpha=alpha, normalize=normalize)
            xs, ys = make_correlated_xy(corr,

        # remove medial wall to ensure data are still sufficiently correlated.
        # this is important for parcellations that will ignore the medial wall
        xs, ys = _mod_medial(xs, remove=True), _mod_medial(ys, remove=True)
        acorr = np.corrcoef(xs, ys)[0, 1]

        if debug:
            # n:>3 because dear lord i hope it doesn't take more than 999 tries
            print(f'{n:>3}: {acorr:>6.3f}')
            n += 1

    if acorr < 0:
        ys *= -1

    if normalize:
        xs, ys = sstats.zscore(xs), sstats.zscore(ys)

    return _mod_medial(xs, remove=False), _mod_medial(ys, remove=False)
Exemple #6
        np.random.normal(scale=0.2, size=500))
print(nnstats.permtest_rel(rvs1, rvs3))

# Permutation tests for correlations
# ----------------------------------
# Sometimes rather than assessing differences in means we want to assess the
# strength of a relationship between two variables. While we might normally do
# this with a Pearson (or Spearman) correlation, we can assess the significance
# of this relationship via permutation tests.
# First, we'll generate two correlated variables:

from netneurotools import datasets
x, y = datasets.make_correlated_xy(corr=0.2, size=100)

# We can generate the Pearson correlation with the standard parametric p-value:

print(stats.pearsonr(x, y))

# Or use permutation testing to derive the p-value:

print(nnstats.permtest_pearsonr(x, y))

# All the same arguments as with :func:`~.permtest_1samp` and
# :func:`~.permtest_rel` apply here, so you can provide same-sized arrays and
# correlations will only be calculated for paired columns: