Exemple #1
    def generate_output_matrix(self):
        M1 = self.input_matrix[0:3, :]
        M2 = self.input_matrix[3:6, :]

        G1 = nx.from_numpy_matrix(M1, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
        G2 = nx.from_numpy_matrix(M2, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
        OG = compose(G1, G2)
        output_matrix = nx.to_numpy_array(OG, dtype=int)

        output_matrix[output_matrix == 0] = 2
        output_matrix[output_matrix != 2] = 0
        return output_matrix
Exemple #2
def extract_subgraph(graph, object, task, hop=3):
    This function extract n-hop neighbors for an object and task pairs.

    ToDo: using the subgraph is slightly more involved since node index in the subgraph needs to be adjusted

    :param object:
    :param task:
    :param hop:
    object_subgraph = ego_graph(graph, object, radius=hop, undirected=True)
    task_subgraph = ego_graph(graph, task, radius=hop, undirected=True)
    subgraph = compose(object_subgraph, task_subgraph)
    return subgraph
Exemple #3
def path_contradiction_free_merge(graph_clusts, trace=False, trace_lemma=None):
    def filter_merge(weight):
        def filtered_graphs():
            for g in graph_clusts:

                def filter_edge(n1, n2):
                        return g.edges[n1, n2]['weight'] == weight
                    except KeyError:
                        return False

                yield subgraph_view(g, filter_edge=filter_edge)

        return reduce(compose, filtered_graphs())

    same_merged = filter_merge(1)
    diff_merged = filter_merge(-1)
    rm = set()
    # Iterate through all diff edges
    for u, v in diff_merged.edges:
        # Find all same paths between them
        found_contradiction = False
        for path in all_simple_paths(same_merged, u, v):
            # Found some? Okay delete the negative edge and all positive paths
            found_contradiction = True
            if trace:
                print(f"Contradiction in clustering for {trace_lemma}",
                print((u, v), file=sys.stderr)
                print(path, file=sys.stderr)
        if found_contradiction:
            rm.add((u, v))

    # Put them back together and remove all the invalid edges
    merged = compose(same_merged, diff_merged)
    return merged
Exemple #4
    def union(self, other_graph):
        """Union two graphs - add all vertices and edges of other graph

        :type other_graph: NXGraph
        self._g = compose(self._g, other_graph._g)
 def get_composed(self, other):
     # TODO: asssert same config
     return Graph(agraph=binary_op.compose(self.g, other.g),
    def union(self, other_graph):
        """Union two graphs - add all vertices and edges of other graph

        :type other_graph: NXGraph
        self._g = compose(self._g, other_graph._g)
def inoutgraph(g, vertex, distance=None):
    i = ingraph(g, vertex, distance=distance)
    o = outgraph(g, vertex, distance=distance)
    return compose(i, o)

# Compare datasets.
print 'Edges in both datasets:', binary.intersection(SEM_adult, white_adult).number_of_edges()
print 'Edges not annotated by John White:', binary.difference(SEM_adult, white_adult).number_of_edges()
print 'Edges only annotated by John White:', binary.difference(white_adult, SEM_adult).number_of_edges()

for (pre, post) in binary.difference(SEM_adult, white_adult).edges():
    print pre, post, SEM_adult[pre][post]['weight']

# Export for Cytoscape.
gml.write_gml(SEM_adult, 'data/SEM_adult.gml')
combined_graph = binary.compose(SEM_adult, white_adult)
specific_to_SEM_adult = binary.difference(SEM_adult, white_adult)
specific_to_white_adult = binary.difference(white_adult, SEM_adult)
for (pre, post) in combined_graph.edges():
    if specific_to_SEM_adult.has_edge(pre, post):
        combined_graph[pre][post]['dataset'] = 'only_SEM_adult'
    elif specific_to_white_adult.has_edge(pre, post):
        combined_graph[pre][post]['dataset'] = 'only_white_adult'
        combined_graph[pre][post]['dataset'] = 'shared'
gml.write_gml(combined_graph, 'data/combined_graph.gml')