Exemple #1
 def _run_interface(self, runtime):
     args = {}
     for key in [k for k,_ in self.inputs.items() if k not in BaseInterfaceInputSpec().trait_names()]:
         value = getattr(self.inputs, key)
         if isdefined(value):
             if key in ['mean_volume', 'reference_volume']:
                 nii = nb.load(value)
                 value = nii.get_data()
             args[key] = value
     brain_mask = compute_mask(**args)
     self._brain_mask_path = os.path.abspath("brain_mask.nii")
     nb.save(nb.Nifti1Image(brain_mask.astype(np.uint8), nii.get_affine()), self._brain_mask_path)
     return runtime
Exemple #2
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        from nipy.labs.mask import compute_mask

        args = {}
        for key in [k for k, _ in self.inputs.items() if k not in BaseInterfaceInputSpec().trait_names()]:
            value = getattr(self.inputs, key)
            if isdefined(value):
                if key in ["mean_volume", "reference_volume"]:
                    nii = nb.load(value)
                    value = nii.get_data()
                args[key] = value

        brain_mask = compute_mask(**args)
        _, name, ext = split_filename(self.inputs.mean_volume)
        self._brain_mask_path = os.path.abspath("%s_mask.%s" % (name, ext))
        nb.save(nb.Nifti1Image(brain_mask.astype(np.uint8), nii.get_affine()), self._brain_mask_path)

        return runtime
Exemple #3
def inter_run_mask(fnames, hist_m=.3, hist_M=.8):
    create the inter runs mask : 
        - first create a mask of all constant voxels on axis 3
        - second create a mask of the mean 
    EPSFCT = 10000. #  factor: multiply numpy epsilon by it
    imgs = [nib.load(fn) for fn in fnames]
    # initialize mask to ones
    mask = np.ones(imgs[0].shape[:3])
    for img in imgs:
        arrstd = np.asarray(img.get_data().std(axis=3))
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, arrstd > EPSFCT*np.finfo(arrstd.dtype).eps)
        mask_mean  = compute_mask(img.get_data().mean(axis=3), None, \
                            m=hist_m, M=hist_M, cc=True, opening=2, exclude_zeros=False)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, mask_mean)
    return mask
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):

        args = {}
        for key in [k for k, _ in self.inputs.items()
                    if k not in BaseInterfaceInputSpec().trait_names()]:
            value = getattr(self.inputs, key)
            if isdefined(value):
                if key in ['mean_volume', 'reference_volume']:
                    nii = nb.load(value)
                    value = nii.get_data()
                args[key] = value

        brain_mask = compute_mask(**args)
        _, name, ext = split_filename(self.inputs.mean_volume)
        self._brain_mask_path = os.path.abspath("%s_mask.%s" % (name, ext))
                nii.get_affine()), self._brain_mask_path)

        return runtime
def create_mask_pass1(img):
    This is the first pass in creating a mask. The skimage.exposure is used as it helps to get rid
    of the glue around the tissue. This also calls the compute_mask method which is part
    of the nipy package which you will need to install from github
    :param img: the raw image
    :return:  the 1st pass of the image
    img = exposure.adjust_log(img, 1)
    img = exposure.adjust_gamma(img, 2)

    mask = compute_mask(img, m=0.2, M=0.9, cc=False, opening=2, exclude_zeros=True)
    mask = mask.astype(int)
    mask[mask==0] = 0
    mask[mask==1] = 255
    kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
    mask = cv2.dilate(mask.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=2)
    mask = mask.astype(np.uint8)
    return mask
Exemple #6
    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        from nipy.labs.mask import compute_mask

        args = {}
        for key in [
                k for k, _ in list(self.inputs.items())
                if k not in BaseInterfaceInputSpec().trait_names()
            value = getattr(self.inputs, key)
            if isdefined(value):
                if key in ["mean_volume", "reference_volume"]:
                    value = np.asanyarray(nb.load(value).dataobj)
                args[key] = value

        brain_mask = compute_mask(**args)
        _, name, ext = split_filename(self.inputs.mean_volume)
        self._brain_mask_path = os.path.abspath("%s_mask.%s" % (name, ext))
            nb.Nifti1Image(brain_mask.astype(np.uint8), nii.affine),

        return runtime
    cv2.imwrite(ch1_outpath, ch1_img.astype(np.uint8))
    cv2.imwrite(ch2_outpath, ch2_img.astype(np.uint8))
    cv2.imwrite(ch3_outpath, ch3_img.astype(np.uint8))
max_width = 2000
max_height = 1000

for channel in [2]:
    INPUT = os.path.join(BASEINPUT, f'CH{channel}/thumbnail')
    files = sorted(os.listdir(INPUT))

    for file in tqdm(files):
        infile = os.path.join(INPUT, file)
        img = io.imread(infile)
        img, _ = remove_strip(img)
        mask = compute_mask(img, m=0.2, M=0.9, cc=False, opening=2, exclude_zeros=True)
        mask = mask.astype(int)
        mask[mask==0] = 0
        mask[mask==1] = 255
        kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
        mask = cv2.dilate(mask.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=2)
        mask = mask.astype(np.uint8)
        fixed = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask)
        fixed = equalized(fixed)
        BASEOUTPUT = os.path.join(BASEINPUT, f'CH{channel}/thumbnail_cleaned')
        outpath = os.path.join(BASEOUTPUT, file)
        os.makedirs(BASEOUTPUT, exist_ok=True)
        fixed = np.rot90(fixed, 3, axes=(1,0))
        fixed = np.flip(fixed, axis=1)
        fixed = place_image(fixed, file, max_width, max_height, 0)