Exemple #1
def init_spaces(checkpoint=True):
    """Initialize the :attr:`~workflow.spaces` setting."""
    from niworkflows.utils.spaces import Reference, SpatialReferences

    spaces = execution.output_spaces or SpatialReferences()
    if not isinstance(spaces, SpatialReferences):
        spaces = SpatialReferences([
            ref for s in spaces.split(" ") for ref in Reference.from_string(s)

    if checkpoint and not spaces.is_cached():

    # # Add the default standard space if not already present (required by several sub-workflows)
    # if "MNI152NLin2009cAsym" not in spaces.get_spaces(nonstandard=False, dim=(3,)):
    #     spaces.add(Reference("MNI152NLin2009cAsym", {}))

    # Ensure user-defined spatial references for outputs are correctly parsed.
    # Certain options require normalization to a space not explicitly defined by users.
    # These spaces will not be included in the final outputs.
    # if workflow.use_aroma:
    #     # Make sure there's a normalization to FSL for AROMA to use.
    #     spaces.add(Reference("MNI152NLin6Asym", {"res": "2"}))

    cifti_output = workflow.cifti_output
    if workflow.cifti_output:
        # CIFTI grayordinates to corresponding FSL-MNI resolutions.
        vol_res = "2" if cifti_output == "91k" else "1"
        spaces.add(Reference("fsaverage", {"den": "164k"}))
        spaces.add(Reference("MNI152NLin6Asym", {"res": vol_res}))

    # Make the SpatialReferences object available
    workflow.spaces = spaces
Exemple #2
def init_spaces(checkpoint=True):
    """Initialize the :attr:`~workflow.spaces` setting."""
    from niworkflows.utils.spaces import Reference, SpatialReferences
    spaces = execution.output_spaces or SpatialReferences()
    if not isinstance(spaces, SpatialReferences):
        spaces = SpatialReferences(
            [ref for s in spaces.split(' ')
             for ref in Reference.from_string(s)]

    if checkpoint and not spaces.is_cached():

    # Add the default standard space if not already present (required by several sub-workflows)
    if "Fischer344" not in spaces.get_spaces(nonstandard=False, dim=(3,)):
            Reference("Fischer344", {})

    # Make the SpatialReferences object available
    workflow.spaces = spaces
Exemple #3
def parse_args(args=None, namespace=None):
    """Parse args and run further checks on the command line."""
    import logging
    from niworkflows.utils.spaces import Reference, SpatialReferences
    parser = _build_parser()
    opts = parser.parse_args(args, namespace)
    config.execution.log_level = int(
        max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, logging.DEBUG))

    # Initialize --output-spaces if not defined
    if config.execution.output_spaces is None:
        config.execution.output_spaces = SpatialReferences(
            [Reference("MNI152NLin2009cAsym", {"res": "native"})])

    # Retrieve logging level
    build_log = config.loggers.cli

    if config.execution.fs_license_file is None:
        raise RuntimeError("""\
ERROR: a valid license file is required for FreeSurfer to run. fMRIPrep looked for an existing \
license file at several paths, in this order: 1) command line argument ``--fs-license-file``; \
2) ``$FS_LICENSE`` environment variable; and 3) the ``$FREESURFER_HOME/license.txt`` path. Get it \
(for free) by registering at https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/registration.html"""
    os.environ['FS_LICENSE'] = str(config.execution.fs_license_file)

    # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin
    if opts.use_plugin is not None:
        from yaml import load as loadyml
        with open(opts.use_plugin) as f:
            plugin_settings = loadyml(f)
        _plugin = plugin_settings.get('plugin')
        if _plugin:
            config.nipype.plugin = _plugin
            config.nipype.plugin_args = plugin_settings.get('plugin_args', {})
            config.nipype.nprocs = config.nipype.plugin_args.get(
                'nprocs', config.nipype.nprocs)

    # Resource management options
    # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args
    # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins
    if 1 < config.nipype.nprocs < config.nipype.omp_nthreads:
            'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total '
            'threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)', config.nipype.omp_nthread,

    bids_dir = config.execution.bids_dir
    output_dir = config.execution.output_dir
    work_dir = config.execution.work_dir
    version = config.environment.version

    if config.execution.fs_subjects_dir is None:
        config.execution.fs_subjects_dir = output_dir / 'freesurfer'

    # Wipe out existing work_dir
    if opts.clean_workdir and work_dir.exists():
        from niworkflows.utils.misc import clean_directory
        build_log.log("Clearing previous fMRIPrep working directory: %s",
        if not clean_directory(work_dir):
                "Could not clear all contents of working directory: %s",

    # Ensure input and output folders are not the same
    if output_dir == bids_dir:
            'The selected output folder is the same as the input BIDS folder. '
            'Please modify the output path (suggestion: %s).' % bids_dir /
            'derivatives' / ('fmriprep-%s' % version.split('+')[0]))

    if bids_dir in work_dir.parents:
            'The selected working directory is a subdirectory of the input BIDS folder. '
            'Please modify the output path.')

    # Validate inputs
    if not opts.skip_bids_validation:
        from ..utils.bids import validate_input_dir
            "Making sure the input data is BIDS compliant (warnings can be ignored in most "
        validate_input_dir(config.environment.exec_env, opts.bids_dir,

    # Setup directories
    config.execution.log_dir = output_dir / 'fmriprep' / 'logs'
    # Check and create output and working directories
    config.execution.log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    work_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    # Force initialization of the BIDSLayout
    all_subjects = config.execution.layout.get_subjects()
    if config.execution.participant_label is None:
        config.execution.participant_label = all_subjects

    participant_label = set(config.execution.participant_label)
    missing_subjects = participant_label - set(all_subjects)
    if missing_subjects:
            "One or more participant labels were not found in the BIDS directory: "
            "%s." % ", ".join(missing_subjects))

    config.execution.participant_label = sorted(participant_label)
    config.workflow.skull_strip_template = config.workflow.skull_strip_template[
Exemple #4
def parse_args(args=None, namespace=None):
    """Parse args and run further checks on the command line."""
    import logging
    from niworkflows.utils.spaces import Reference, SpatialReferences

    parser = _build_parser()
    opts = parser.parse_args(args, namespace)
    config.execution.log_level = int(
        max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, logging.DEBUG))

    # Initialize --output-spaces if not defined
    if config.execution.output_spaces is None:
        config.execution.output_spaces = SpatialReferences(
            [Reference("MNI152NLin2009cAsym", {"res": "native"})])

    # Retrieve logging level
    build_log = config.loggers.cli

    # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin
    if opts.use_plugin is not None:
        import yaml

        with open(opts.use_plugin) as f:
            plugin_settings = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
        _plugin = plugin_settings.get("plugin")
        if _plugin:
            config.nipype.plugin = _plugin
            config.nipype.plugin_args = plugin_settings.get("plugin_args", {})
            config.nipype.nprocs = opts.nprocs or config.nipype.plugin_args.get(
                "n_procs", config.nipype.nprocs)

    # Resource management options
    # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args
    # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins
    if 1 < config.nipype.nprocs < config.nipype.omp_nthreads:
            f"Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads={config.nipype.omp_nthreads}) exceed "
            f"total threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus={config.nipype.nprocs})")

    # Inform the user about the risk of using brain-extracted images
    if config.workflow.skull_strip_t1w == "auto":
Option ``--skull-strip-t1w`` was set to 'auto'. A heuristic will be \
applied to determine whether the input T1w image(s) have already been skull-stripped.
If that were the case, brain extraction and INU correction will be skipped for those T1w \
inputs. Please, BEWARE OF THE RISKS TO THE CONSISTENCY of results when using varying \
processing workflows across participants. To determine whether a participant has been run \
through the shortcut pipeline (meaning, brain extraction was skipped), please check the \
citation boilerplate. When reporting results with varying pipelines, please make sure you \
mention this particular variant of fMRIPrep listing the participants for which it was \

    bids_dir = config.execution.bids_dir
    output_dir = config.execution.output_dir
    work_dir = config.execution.work_dir
    version = config.environment.version

    if config.execution.fs_subjects_dir is None:
        config.execution.fs_subjects_dir = output_dir / "freesurfer"

    # Wipe out existing work_dir
    if opts.clean_workdir and work_dir.exists():
        from niworkflows.utils.misc import clean_directory

            f"Clearing previous fMRIPrep working directory: {work_dir}")
        if not clean_directory(work_dir):
                f"Could not clear all contents of working directory: {work_dir}"

    # Ensure input and output folders are not the same
    if output_dir == bids_dir:
            "The selected output folder is the same as the input BIDS folder. "
            "Please modify the output path (suggestion: %s)." % bids_dir /
            "derivatives" / ("fmriprep-%s" % version.split("+")[0]))

    if bids_dir in work_dir.parents:
            "The selected working directory is a subdirectory of the input BIDS folder. "
            "Please modify the output path.")

    # Validate inputs
    if not opts.skip_bids_validation:
        from ..utils.bids import validate_input_dir

            "Making sure the input data is BIDS compliant (warnings can be ignored in most "
        validate_input_dir(config.environment.exec_env, opts.bids_dir,

    # Setup directories
    config.execution.log_dir = output_dir / "fmriprep" / "logs"
    # Check and create output and working directories
    config.execution.log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    work_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    # Force initialization of the BIDSLayout
    all_subjects = config.execution.layout.get_subjects()
    if config.execution.participant_label is None:
        config.execution.participant_label = all_subjects

    participant_label = set(config.execution.participant_label)
    missing_subjects = participant_label - set(all_subjects)
    if missing_subjects:
            "One or more participant labels were not found in the BIDS directory: "
            "%s." % ", ".join(missing_subjects))

    config.execution.participant_label = sorted(participant_label)
    config.workflow.skull_strip_template = config.workflow.skull_strip_template[
Exemple #5
from ...resource import get as getresource
from ...utils import firststr, loadints

from ..constants import constants
from ..memory import MemoryCalculator

spaces = SpatialReferences([Reference("MNI152NLin6Asym", {"res": "2"})])
if not spaces.is_cached():

def _aroma_column_names(melodic_mix=None, aroma_noise_ics=None):
    import numpy as np
    from halfpipe.utils import ncol

    ncomponents = ncol(melodic_mix)
    leading_zeros = int(np.ceil(np.log10(ncomponents)))
    column_names = []
    for i in range(1, ncomponents + 1):
        if i in aroma_noise_ics: