Exemple #1
 def from_clips(cls, instance):
     if not isinstance(instance, clips._clips_wrap.Instance):
         instance = clips.FindInstance(instance)
     s = instance.GetSlot('subject')
     if isinstance(instance, clips._clips_wrap.Class):
         s = Word.from_clips(s)
         s = Namable.from_clips(s)
     p = Exists.from_clips(instance.GetSlot('predicate'))
     t = Time.from_clips(instance.GetSlot('time'))
     truth = instance.GetSlot('truth')
     return Fact(s, p, t, truth=truth)
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, subj, pred, t='now', truth=1):
     self.truth = truth
     if isinstance(pred, str):
         self.predicate = Exists(pred)
         if not isinstance(pred, Exists) and \
            not isinstance(pred, ClassVarVar):
             raise ValueError('The predicate of a fact has to be a verb')
         self.predicate = pred
     if isinstance(subj, str):
         if utils.varpat.match(subj):
             self.subject = self.pred.subject(subj)
             from nl import kb
                 self.subject = kb.ask_obj(Thing(subj))[0]
             except IndexError:
                 self.subject = utils.get_class(subj)
             if not self.subject:
                 raise ValueError('If Fact receives a string as subject'
                                  'It has to be a variable or a thing'
                                  'already defined in the knowledge base')
         if not isinstance(subj, Thing) and \
            not isinstance(subj, Word) and \
            not isinstance(subj, ClassVar) and \
            not isinstance(subj, ClassVarVar):
             raise ValueError('Not a proper subject for fact')
         self.subject = subj
     subj = self.subject
     if not isinstance(subj, ClassVar) and \
        not isinstance(subj, ClassVarVar) and \
            (not isinstance(self.predicate, ClassVar) and
             not isinstance(self.predicate, ClassVarVar) and
             not isinstance(subj, self.predicate.subject)):
         raise ValueError('Not a proper subject for %s' %
     if isinstance(t, Namable):
         self.time = t
         self.time = Instant(t)
Exemple #3
class Fact(Namable):
    A fact is built with a subj and a pred positional arguments.
    subj is either an object of Thing or any of its subclasses,
    or a class chosen among Thing, Exists, or any subclass of them.
    It can also take a named argument, often given as a 3rd
    positional arg, that has to be of type Time,
    and a named arg 'truth', that is either 0 or 1.
    def __init__(self, subj, pred, t=Instant('now'), truth=1):
        self.truth = truth
        if isinstance(pred, str):
            self.predicate = Exists(pred)
            if not isinstance(pred, Exists) and \
               not isinstance(pred, ClassVarVar):
                raise ValueError('The predicate of a fact has to be a verb')
            self.predicate = pred
        if isinstance(subj, str):
            if utils.varpat.match(subj):
                self.subject = self.pred.subject(subj)
                from nl import kb
                self.subject = kb.ask_obj(Thing(subj))[0]
                if not self.subject:
                    raise ValueError('If Fact receives a string as subject'
                                     'It has to be a variable or a thing'
                                     'already defined in the knowledge base')
            if not isinstance(subj, Thing) and \
               not isinstance(subj, Word) and \
               not isinstance(subj, ClassVar) and \
               not isinstance(subj, ClassVarVar):
                raise ValueError('Not a proper subject for fact')
            self.subject = subj
        if not isinstance(subj, ClassVar) and \
           not isinstance(subj, ClassVarVar) and \
               (not isinstance(self.predicate, ClassVar) and
                not isinstance(self.predicate, ClassVarVar) and
                not isinstance(subj, self.predicate.subject)):
            raise ValueError('Not a proper subject for %s' %
        if isinstance(t, Namable):
            self.time = t
            self.time = Instant(t)

    def __str__(self):
        negation = not self.truth and ' not' or ''
        return '%s%s %s at %s' % (str(self.subject),

    def from_clips(cls, instance):
        if not isinstance(instance, clips._clips_wrap.Instance):
            instance = clips.FindInstance(instance)
        s = instance.GetSlot('subject')
        if isinstance(instance, clips._clips_wrap.Class):
            s = Word.from_clips(s)
            s = Namable.from_clips(s)
        p = Exists.from_clips(instance.GetSlot('predicate'))
        t = Time.from_clips(instance.GetSlot('time'))
        truth = instance.GetSlot('truth')
        return Fact(s, p, t, truth=truth)

    def negate(self):
        self.truth = not self.truth and 1 or 0
        negated = str(self)
        self.truth = not self.truth and 1 or 0
        return negated

    def get_ism(self, templs, queries, vrs, newvar='fact'):
        get instance-set method;
        return (instance-set templates, instance-set queries)
        templs.append((newvar, self.__class__.__name__))
        isc_meth = getattr(self.subject, 'get_isc_cls', self.subject.get_isc)
        isc_meth(queries, vrs, newvar, ('subject',))
        self.predicate.get_isc(queries, vrs, newvar, ('predicate',))
        self.time.get_isc(queries, vrs, newvar, ('time',))
        queries.append('(eq ?%s:truth %s)' % (newvar,
        return newvar

    def get_ce(self, vrs=None):
        put proposition in clips as a conditional element of a rule
        if vrs is None: vrs = []
        ce = '(logical (object (is-a Fact) (subject %s) (predicate %s) (time %s) (truth %s)))'
        constraint_meth = getattr(self.subject, 'clsput', self.subject.get_slot_constraint)
        s = constraint_meth(vrs)
        constraint_meth = getattr(self.predicate, 'clsput', self.predicate.get_slot_constraint)
        p = constraint_meth(vrs)
        return ce % (s, p,

    def put_action(self, vrs=None):
        put proposition in clips as an action that makes the proposition
        if vrs is None:
            vrs = {}
        put_meth = getattr(self.subject, 'clsput', self.subject.put)
        s = put_meth(vrs)
        put_meth = getattr(self.predicate, 'clsput', self.predicate.put)
        p = put_meth(vrs)
        t = self.time.put(vrs)
        return '(add-prop %s %s %s %s)' % (s, p, t, self.truth)