Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialise a new TdmsFile object

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        :param memmap_dir: The directory to store memory mapped data files in,
            or None to read data into memory. The data files are created
            as temporary files and are deleted when the channel data is no
            longer used. tempfile.gettempdir() can be used to get the default
            temporary file directory.
        :param read_metadata_only: If this parameter is enabled then only the
            metadata of the TDMS file will read.
        :param keep_open: Keeps the file open so data can be read if only metadata
            is read initially.

        self._memmap_dir = memmap_dir
        self._groups = OrderedDict()
        self._properties = {}
        self._channel_data = {}
        self._reader = None
        self.data_read = False

        reader = TdmsReader(file)
            self._read_file(reader, read_metadata_only)
            if keep_open:
                self._reader = reader
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, file, memmap_dir=None, read_metadata_only=False):
        """Initialise a new TDMS file object, reading all data.

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read or an already
            opened file.
        :param memmap_dir: The directory to store memmapped data files in,
            or None to read data into memory. The data files are created
            as temporary files and are deleted when the channel data is no
            longer used. tempfile.gettempdir() can be used to get the default
            temporary file directory.
        :param read_metadata_only: If this parameter is enabled then the
            metadata of the TDMS file will only be read.

        self.read_metadata_only = read_metadata_only
        self.segments = []
        self.objects = OrderedDict()
        self.memmap_dir = memmap_dir

        if hasattr(file, "read"):
            # Is a file
            # Is path to a file
            with open(file, 'rb') as open_file:
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, tdms_file):
        """ Initialise a new TdmsReader

        :param tdms_file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        self._segments = None
        self._prev_segment_objects = {}
        self.object_metadata = OrderedDict()
        self._file_path = None
        self._index_file_path = None

        self._segment_channel_offsets = None
        self._segment_chunk_sizes = None

        if hasattr(tdms_file, "read"):
            # Is a file
            self._file = tdms_file
            # Is path to a file
            self._file_path = str(tdms_file)
            self._file = open(self._file_path, 'rb')
            index_file_path = self._file_path + '_index'
            if os.path.isfile(index_file_path):
                self._index_file_path = index_file_path
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, tdms_file, group, raw_data_chunk, channel_offsets):
     self.name = group.name
     self._channels = OrderedDict(
              tdms_file, channel,
         for channel in group.channels())
Exemple #5
def _channels_to_dataframe(channels_to_export,
    import pandas as pd

    dataframe_dict = OrderedDict()
    for column_name, channel in channels_to_export.items():
        index = channel.time_track(absolute_time) if time_index else None
        if scaled_data:
            dataframe_dict[column_name] = pd.Series(data=_array_for_pd(
        elif channel.scaler_data_types:
            # Channel has DAQmx raw data
            raw_data = channel.read_data(scaled=False)
            for scale_id, scaler_data in raw_data.items():
                scaler_column_name = column_name + "[{0:d}]".format(scale_id)
                dataframe_dict[scaler_column_name] = pd.Series(
                    data=scaler_data, index=index)
            # Raw data for normal TDMS file
            raw_data = channel.read_data(scaled=False)
            dataframe_dict[column_name] = pd.Series(
                data=_array_for_pd(raw_data), index=index)
    return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dataframe_dict)
Exemple #6
class GroupDataChunk(object):
    """ A chunk of data for a group in a TDMS file

    Can be indexed by channel name to get the data for a channel in this chunk.
    For example::

        channel_chunk = group_chunk[channel_name]

    :ivar ~.name: Name of the group
    def __init__(self, tdms_file, group, raw_data_chunk, channel_offsets):
        self.name = group.name
        self._channels = OrderedDict(
                 tdms_file, channel,
            for channel in group.channels())

    def __getitem__(self, channel_name):
        """ Get a chunk of data for a channel in this group
        return self._channels[channel_name]

    def channels(self):
        """ Returns chunks of channel data for all channels in this group

        :rtype: List of :class:`ChannelDataChunk`
        return list(self._channels.values())
Exemple #7
    def as_dataframe(self, absolute_time=False, scaled_data=True):
        Converts the TDMS object to a DataFrame

        :param absolute_time: Whether times should be absolute rather than
            relative to the start time.
        :return: The TDMS object data.
        :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

        import pandas as pd

        def get_data(chan):
            if scaled_data:
                return chan.data
                return chan.raw_data

        # When absolute_time is True,
        # use the wf_start_time as offset for the time_track()
            time = self.time_track(absolute_time)
        except KeyError:
            time = None
        if self.channel is None:
            return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
                    (ch.channel, pd.Series(get_data(ch)))
                    for ch in self.tdms_file.group_channels(self.group)))
            return pd.DataFrame(get_data(self),
Exemple #8
class DataChunk(object):
    """ A chunk of data in a TDMS file

    Can be indexed by group name to get the data for a group in this channel,
    which can then be indexed by channel name to get the data for a channel in this chunk.
    For example::

        group_chunk = data_chunk[group_name]
        channel_chunk = group_chunk[channel_name]
    def __init__(self, tdms_file, raw_data_chunk, channel_offsets):
        self._groups = OrderedDict(
             GroupDataChunk(tdms_file, group, raw_data_chunk, channel_offsets))
            for group in tdms_file.groups())

    def __getitem__(self, group_name):
        """ Get a chunk of data for a group
        return self._groups[group_name]

    def groups(self):
        """ Returns chunks of data for all groups

        :rtype: List of :class:`GroupDataChunk`
        return list(self._groups.values())
Exemple #9
    def _convert_properties(self, properties):
        def convert_prop(val):
            if isinstance(val, TdmsTimestamp) and not self._raw_timestamps:
                # Convert timestamps to numpy datetime64 if raw timestamps are not requested
                return val.as_datetime64()
            return val

        return OrderedDict(
            (k, convert_prop(v)) for (k, v) in properties.items())
Exemple #10
 def __init__(self, path, tdms_file=None):
     self.path = path
     self.tdms_file = tdms_file
     self._data = None
     self._data_scaled = None
     self.properties = OrderedDict()
     self.data_type = None
     self.dimension = 1
     self.number_values = 0
     self.has_data = False
     self._previous_segment_object = None
Exemple #11
    def _read_file(self, tdms_reader, read_metadata_only):

        # Use object metadata to build group and channel objects
        group_properties = OrderedDict()
        group_channels = OrderedDict()
        object_properties = {
            path_string: self._convert_properties(obj.properties)
            for path_string, obj in tdms_reader.object_metadata.items()
            self._properties = object_properties['/']
        except KeyError:

        for (path_string, obj) in tdms_reader.object_metadata.items():
            properties = object_properties[path_string]
            path = ObjectPath.from_string(path_string)
            if path.is_root:
            elif path.is_group:
                group_properties[path.group] = properties
                # Object is a channel
                    channel_group_properties = object_properties[
                except KeyError:
                    channel_group_properties = OrderedDict()
                channel = TdmsChannel(path, obj.data_type,
                                      obj.scaler_data_types, obj.num_values,
                                      properties, channel_group_properties,
                                      self._properties, tdms_reader,
                                      self._raw_timestamps, self._memmap_dir)
                if path.group in group_channels:
                    group_channels[path.group] = [channel]

        # Create group objects containing channels and properties
        for group_name, properties in group_properties.items():
                channels = group_channels[group_name]
            except KeyError:
                channels = []
            group_path = ObjectPath(group_name)
            self._groups[group_name] = TdmsGroup(group_path, properties,
        for group_name, channels in group_channels.items():
            if group_name not in self._groups:
                # Group with channels but without any corresponding object metadata in the file:
                group_path = ObjectPath(group_name)
                self._groups[group_name] = TdmsGroup(group_path, {}, channels)

        if not read_metadata_only:
Exemple #12
def from_group(group, time_index=False, absolute_time=False, scaled_data=True):
    Converts a TDMS group object to a DataFrame. DataFrame columns are named using the channel names.

    :param group: Group object to convert.
    :param time_index: Whether to include a time index for the dataframe.
    :param absolute_time: If time_index is true, whether the time index
        values are absolute times or relative to the start time.
    :param scaled_data: By default the scaled data will be used.
        Set to False to use raw unscaled data.
    :return: The TDMS object data.
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

    channels_to_export = OrderedDict((ch.name, ch) for ch in group.channels())
    return _channels_to_dataframe(channels_to_export, time_index,
                                  absolute_time, scaled_data)
Exemple #13
    def as_dataframe(self, time_index=False, absolute_time=False):
        Converts the TDMS file to a DataFrame

        :param time_index: Whether to include a time index for the dataframe.
        :param absolute_time: If time_index is true, whether the time index
            values are absolute times or relative to the start time.
        :return: The full TDMS file data.
        :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

        import pandas as pd

        dataframe_dict = OrderedDict()
        for key, value in self.objects.items():
            if value.has_data:
                index = value.time_track(absolute_time) if time_index else None
                dataframe_dict[key] = pd.Series(data=value.data, index=index)
        return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dataframe_dict)
Exemple #14
    def objects(self):
        """ (Deprecated) A dictionary of objects in the TDMS file, where the keys are the object paths.

            "Use TdmsFile.groups() to access all groups in the file, " +
            "and group.channels() to access all channels in a group.")

        objects = OrderedDict()
        root_path = ObjectPath()
        objects[str(root_path)] = RootObject(self._properties)

        for group in self.groups():
            objects[group.path] = group
            for channel in group.channels():
                objects[channel.path] = channel

        return objects
Exemple #15
    def groups(self):
        """Return the names of groups in the file

        Note that there is not necessarily a TDMS object associated with
        each group name.

        :rtype: List of strings.


        # Split paths into components and take the first (group) component.
        object_paths = (path_components(path) for path in self.objects)
        group_names = (path[0] for path in object_paths if len(path) > 0)

        # Use an ordered dict as an ordered set to find unique
        # groups in order.
        groups_set = OrderedDict()
        for group in group_names:
            groups_set[group] = None
        return list(groups_set)
Exemple #16
def from_tdms_file(tdms_file,
    Converts the TDMS file to a DataFrame. DataFrame columns are named using the TDMS object paths.

    :param tdms_file: TDMS file object to convert.
    :param time_index: Whether to include a time index for the dataframe.
    :param absolute_time: If time_index is true, whether the time index
        values are absolute times or relative to the start time.
    :param scaled_data: By default the scaled data will be used.
        Set to False to use raw unscaled data.
    :return: The full TDMS file data.
    :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

    channels_to_export = OrderedDict()
    for group in tdms_file.groups():
        for channel in group.channels():
            channels_to_export[channel.path] = channel
    return _channels_to_dataframe(channels_to_export, time_index,
                                  absolute_time, scaled_data)
Exemple #17
class TdmsFile(object):
    """Reads and stores data from a TDMS file.

    :ivar objects: A dictionary of objects in the TDMS file, where the keys are
        the object paths.

    def __init__(self, file, memmap_dir=None, read_metadata_only=False):
        """Initialise a new TDMS file object, reading all data.

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read or an already
            opened file.
        :param memmap_dir: The directory to store memmapped data files in,
            or None to read data into memory. The data files are created
            as temporary files and are deleted when the channel data is no
            longer used. tempfile.gettempdir() can be used to get the default
            temporary file directory.
        :param read_metadata_only: If this parameter is enabled then the
            metadata of the TDMS file will only be read.

        self.read_metadata_only = read_metadata_only
        self.segments = []
        self.objects = OrderedDict()
        self.memmap_dir = memmap_dir

        if hasattr(file, "read"):
            # Is a file
            # Is path to a file
            with open(file, 'rb') as open_file:

    def _read_segments(self, open_file):
        with Timer(log, "Read metadata"):
            # Read metadata first to work out how much space we need
            previous_segment = None
            while True:
                    segment = TdmsSegment(open_file, self)
                except EOFError:
                    # We've finished reading the file
                segment.read_metadata(open_file, self.objects,

                previous_segment = segment
                if segment.next_segment_pos is None:
        if not self.read_metadata_only:

            with Timer(log, "Allocate space"):
                # Allocate space for data
                for obj in self.objects.values():

            with Timer(log, "Read data"):
                # Now actually read all the data
                for segment in self.segments:

    def object(self, *path):
        """Get a TDMS object from the file

        :param path: The object group and channel. Providing no channel
            returns a group object, and providing no channel or group
            will return the root object.
        :rtype: :class:`TdmsObject`

        For example, to get the root object::


        To get a group::


        To get a channel::

            object("group_name", "channel_name")

        object_path = components_to_path(*path)
            return self.objects[object_path]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("Invalid object path: %s" % object_path)

    def groups(self):
        """Return the names of groups in the file

        Note that there is not necessarily a TDMS object associated with
        each group name.

        :rtype: List of strings.


        # Split paths into components and take the first (group) component.
        object_paths = (path_components(path) for path in self.objects)
        group_names = (path[0] for path in object_paths if len(path) > 0)

        # Use an ordered dict as an ordered set to find unique
        # groups in order.
        groups_set = OrderedDict()
        for group in group_names:
            groups_set[group] = None
        return list(groups_set)

    def group_channels(self, group):
        """Returns a list of channel objects for the given group

        :param group: Name of the group to get channels for.
        :rtype: List of :class:`TdmsObject` objects.


        path = components_to_path(group)
        return [
            self.objects[p] for p in self.objects if p.startswith(path + '/')

    def channel_data(self, group, channel):
        """Get the data for a channel

        :param group: The name of the group the channel is in.
        :param channel: The name of the channel to get data for.
        :returns: The channel data.
        :rtype: NumPy array.


        return self.object(group, channel).data

    def as_dataframe(self, time_index=False, absolute_time=False):
        Converts the TDMS file to a DataFrame

        :param time_index: Whether to include a time index for the dataframe.
        :param absolute_time: If time_index is true, whether the time index
            values are absolute times or relative to the start time.
        :return: The full TDMS file data.
        :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

        import pandas as pd

        dataframe_dict = OrderedDict()
        for key, value in self.objects.items():
            if value.has_data:
                index = value.time_track(absolute_time) if time_index else None
                dataframe_dict[key] = pd.Series(data=value.data, index=index)
        return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dataframe_dict)

    def as_hdf(self, filepath, mode='w', group='/'):
        Converts the TDMS file into an HDF5 file

        :param filepath: The path of the HDF5 file you want to write to.
        :param mode: The write mode of the HDF5 file. This can be w, a ...
        :param group: A group in the HDF5 file that will contain the TDMS data.
        import h5py

        # Groups in TDMS are mapped to the first level of the HDF5 hierarchy

        # Channels in TDMS are then mapped to the second level of the HDF5
        # hierarchy, under the appropriate groups.

        # Properties in TDMS are mapped to attributes in HDF5.
        # These all exist under the appropriate, channel group etc.

        h5file = h5py.File(filepath, mode)

        container_group = None
        if group in h5file:
            container_group = h5file[group]
            container_group = h5file.create_group(group)

        # First write the properties at the root level
            root = self.object()
            for property_name, property_value in root.properties.items():
                container_group.attrs[property_name] = property_value
        except KeyError:
            # No root object present

        # Now iterate through groups and channels,
        # writing the properties and data
        for group_name in self.groups():
                group = self.object(group_name)

                # Write the group's properties
                for prop_name, prop_value in group.properties.items():
                    container_group[group_name].attrs[prop_name] = prop_value

            except KeyError:
                # No group object present

            # Write properties and data for each channel
            for channel in self.group_channels(group_name):
                for prop_name, prop_value in channel.properties.items():
                    container_group.attrs[prop_name] = prop_value

                container_group[group_name + '/' +
                                channel.channel] = channel.data

        return h5file
Exemple #18
class TdmsFile(object):
    """ Reads and stores data from a TDMS file.

    There are two main ways to create a new TdmsFile object.
    TdmsFile.read will read all data into memory::

        tdms_file = TdmsFile.read(tdms_file_path)

    or you can use TdmsFile.open to read file metadata but not immediately read all data,
    for cases where a file is too large to easily fit in memory or you don't need to
    read data for all channels::

        with TdmsFile.open(tdms_file_path) as tdms_file:
            # Use tdms_file

    This class acts like a dictionary, where the keys are names of groups in the TDMS
    files and the values are TdmsGroup objects.
    A TdmsFile can be indexed by group name to access a group within the TDMS file, for example::

        tdms_file = TdmsFile.read(tdms_file_path)
        group = tdms_file[group_name]

    Iterating over a TdmsFile produces the names of groups in this file,
    or you can use the groups method to directly access all groups::

        for group in tdms_file.groups():
            # Use group
    def read(file, memmap_dir=None):
        """ Creates a new TdmsFile object and reads all data in the file

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        :param memmap_dir: The directory to store memory mapped data files in,
            or None to read data into memory. The data files are created
            as temporary files and are deleted when the channel data is no
            longer used. tempfile.gettempdir() can be used to get the default
            temporary file directory.
        return TdmsFile(file, memmap_dir=memmap_dir)

    def open(file, memmap_dir=None):
        """ Creates a new TdmsFile object and reads metadata, leaving the file open
            to allow reading channel data

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        :param memmap_dir: The directory to store memory mapped data files in,
            or None to read data into memory. The data files are created
            as temporary files and are deleted when the channel data is no
            longer used. tempfile.gettempdir() can be used to get the default
            temporary file directory.
        return TdmsFile(file,

    def read_metadata(file):
        """ Creates a new TdmsFile object and only reads the metadata

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        return TdmsFile(file, read_metadata_only=True)

    def __init__(self,
        """Initialise a new TdmsFile object

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        :param memmap_dir: The directory to store memory mapped data files in,
            or None to read data into memory. The data files are created
            as temporary files and are deleted when the channel data is no
            longer used. tempfile.gettempdir() can be used to get the default
            temporary file directory.
        :param read_metadata_only: If this parameter is enabled then only the
            metadata of the TDMS file will read.
        :param keep_open: Keeps the file open so data can be read if only metadata
            is read initially.

        self._memmap_dir = memmap_dir
        self._groups = OrderedDict()
        self._properties = {}
        self._channel_data = {}
        self._reader = None
        self.data_read = False

        reader = TdmsReader(file)
            self._read_file(reader, read_metadata_only)
            if keep_open:
                self._reader = reader

    def groups(self):
        """Returns a list of the groups in this file

        :rtype: List of TdmsGroup.

        return list(self._groups.values())

    def properties(self):
        """ Return the properties of this file as a dictionary

        These are the properties associated with the root TDMS object.

        return self._properties

    def as_dataframe(self,
        Converts the TDMS file to a DataFrame. DataFrame columns are named using the TDMS object paths.

        :param time_index: Whether to include a time index for the dataframe.
        :param absolute_time: If time_index is true, whether the time index
            values are absolute times or relative to the start time.
        :param scaled_data: By default the scaled data will be used.
            Set to False to use raw unscaled data.
            For DAQmx data, there will be one column per DAQmx raw scaler and column names will include the scale id.
        :return: The full TDMS file data.
        :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

        return pandas_export.from_tdms_file(self, time_index, absolute_time,

    def as_hdf(self, filepath, mode='w', group='/'):
        Converts the TDMS file into an HDF5 file

        :param filepath: The path of the HDF5 file you want to write to.
        :param mode: The write mode of the HDF5 file. This can be 'w' or 'a'
        :param group: A group in the HDF5 file that will contain the TDMS data.
        return hdf_export.from_tdms_file(self, filepath, mode, group)

    def data_chunks(self):
        """ A generator that streams chunks of data from disk.
        This method may only be used when the TDMS file was opened without reading all data immediately.

        :rtype: Generator that yields :class:`DataChunk` objects
        reader = self._get_reader()
        channel_offsets = defaultdict(int)
        for chunk in reader.read_raw_data():
            yield DataChunk(self, chunk, channel_offsets)
            for path, data in chunk.channel_data.items():
                channel_offsets[path] += len(data)

    def close(self):
        """ Close the underlying file if it was opened by this TdmsFile

            If this TdmsFile was initialised with an already open file
            then the reference to it is released but the file is not closed.
        if self._reader is not None:
            self._reader = None

    def __len__(self):
        """ Returns the number of groups in this file
        return len(self._groups)

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Returns an iterator over the names of groups in this file
        return iter(self._groups)

    def __getitem__(self, group_name):
        """ Retrieve a TDMS group from the file by name
            return self._groups[group_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("There is no group named '%s' in the TDMS file" %

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

    def _get_reader(self):
        if self._reader is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot read data after the underlying TDMS reader is closed")
        return self._reader

    def _read_file(self, tdms_reader, read_metadata_only):

        # Use object metadata to build group and channel objects
        group_properties = OrderedDict()
        group_channels = OrderedDict()
        for (path_string, obj) in tdms_reader.object_metadata.items():
            path = ObjectPath.from_string(path_string)
            if path.is_root:
                # Root object provides properties for the whole file
                self._properties = obj.properties
            elif path.is_group:
                group_properties[path.group] = obj.properties
                # Object is a channel
                channel = TdmsChannel(self, path, obj.properties,
                                      obj.data_type, obj.scaler_data_types,
                if path.group in group_channels:
                    group_channels[path.group] = [channel]

        # Create group objects containing channels and properties
        for group_name, properties in group_properties.items():
                channels = group_channels[group_name]
            except KeyError:
                channels = []
            group_path = ObjectPath(group_name)
            self._groups[group_name] = TdmsGroup(group_path, properties,
        for group_name, channels in group_channels.items():
            if group_name not in self._groups:
                # Group with channels but without any corresponding object metadata in the file:
                group_path = ObjectPath(group_name)
                self._groups[group_name] = TdmsGroup(group_path, {}, channels)

        if not read_metadata_only:

    def _read_data(self, tdms_reader):
        with Timer(log, "Allocate space"):
            # Allocate space for data
            for group in self.groups():
                for channel in group.channels():
                    self._channel_data[channel.path] = get_data_receiver(
                        channel, len(channel), self._memmap_dir)

        with Timer(log, "Read data"):
            # Now actually read all the data
            for chunk in tdms_reader.read_raw_data():
                for (path, data) in chunk.channel_data.items():
                    channel_data = self._channel_data[path]
                    if data.data is not None:
                    elif data.scaler_data is not None:
                        for scaler_id, scaler_data in data.scaler_data.items():
                                scaler_id, scaler_data)

            for group in self.groups():
                for channel in group.channels():
                    channel_data = self._channel_data[channel.path]
                    if channel_data is not None:

        self.data_read = True

    def _read_channel_data_chunks(self, channel):
        reader = self._get_reader()
        for chunk in reader.read_raw_data_for_channel(channel.path):
            yield chunk

    def _read_channel_data_chunk_for_index(self, channel, index):
        return self._get_reader().read_channel_chunk_for_index(
            channel.path, index)

    def _read_channel_data(self, channel, offset=0, length=None):
        if offset < 0:
            raise ValueError("offset must be non-negative")
        if length is not None and length < 0:
            raise ValueError("length must be non-negative")
        reader = self._get_reader()

        with Timer(log, "Allocate space for channel"):
            # Allocate space for data
            if length is None:
                num_values = len(channel) - offset
                num_values = min(length, len(channel) - offset)
            num_values = max(0, num_values)
            channel_data = get_data_receiver(channel, num_values,

        with Timer(log, "Read data for channel"):
            # Now actually read all the data
            for chunk in reader.read_raw_data_for_channel(
                    channel.path, offset, length):
                if chunk.data is not None:
                if chunk.scaler_data is not None:
                    for scaler_id, scaler_data in chunk.scaler_data.items():
                        channel_data.append_scaler_data(scaler_id, scaler_data)

        return channel_data

    def object(self, *path):
        """(Deprecated) Get a TDMS object from the file

        :param path: The object group and channel names. Providing no channel
            returns a group object, and providing no channel or group
            will return the root object.
        :rtype: One of :class:`TdmsGroup`, :class:`TdmsChannel`, :class:`RootObject`

        For example, to get the root object::


        To get a group::


        To get a channel::

            object("group_name", "channel_name")

            "Use TdmsFile.properties to access properties of the root object, "
            + "TdmsFile[group_name] to access a group object and " +
            "TdmsFile[group_name][channel_name] to access a channel object.")

        def get_name(component):
                return component.name
            except AttributeError:
                return component

        path = [get_name(c) for c in path]
        object_path = ObjectPath(*path)
            return self.objects[str(object_path)]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("Invalid object path: %s" % object_path)

    def group_channels(self, group):
        """(Deprecated) Returns a list of channel objects for the given group

        :param group: Group or name of the group to get channels for.
        :rtype: List of :class:`TdmsObject` objects.

                    "Use TdmsFile[group_name].channels().")

        if isinstance(group, TdmsGroup):
            return group.channels()

        return self._groups[group].channels()

    def channel_data(self, group, channel):
        """(Deprecated)  Get the data for a channel

        :param group: The name of the group the channel is in.
        :param channel: The name of the channel to get data for.
        :returns: The channel data.
        :rtype: NumPy array.

                    "Use TdmsFile[group_name][channel_name].data.")

        if self._reader is None:
            # Data should have already been loaded
            return self[group][channel].data
            # Data must be lazily loaded
            return self[group][channel].read_data()

    def objects(self):
        """ (Deprecated) A dictionary of objects in the TDMS file, where the keys are the object paths.

            "Use TdmsFile.groups() to access all groups in the file, " +
            "and group.channels() to access all channels in a group.")

        objects = OrderedDict()
        root_path = ObjectPath()
        objects[str(root_path)] = RootObject(self._properties)

        for group in self.groups():
            objects[group.path] = group
            for channel in group.channels():
                objects[channel.path] = channel

        return objects
Exemple #19
 def __init__(self):
     self.properties = OrderedDict()
     self.data_type = None
     self.scaler_data_types = None
     self.num_values = 0
Exemple #20
class TdmsReader(object):
    """ Reads metadata and data from a TDMS file.

    :ivar object_metadata: Dictionary of object path to ObjectMetadata
    def __init__(self, tdms_file):
        """ Initialise a new TdmsReader

        :param tdms_file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        self._segments = None
        self._prev_segment_objects = {}
        self.object_metadata = OrderedDict()
        self._file_path = None
        self._index_file_path = None

        self._segment_channel_offsets = None
        self._segment_chunk_sizes = None

        if hasattr(tdms_file, "read"):
            # Is a file
            self._file = tdms_file
            # Is path to a file
            self._file_path = str(tdms_file)
            self._file = open(self._file_path, 'rb')
            index_file_path = self._file_path + '_index'
            if os.path.isfile(index_file_path):
                self._index_file_path = index_file_path

    def close(self):
        if self._file is None:
            # Already closed

        if self._file_path is not None:
            # File path was provided so we opened the file and
            # should close it.
        # Otherwise always remove reference to the file
        self._file = None

    def read_metadata(self):
        """ Read all metadata and structure information from a TdmsFile

        if self._index_file_path is not None:
            reading_index_file = True
            file = open(self._index_file_path, 'rb')
            reading_index_file = False
            file = self._file

        self._segments = []
        segment_position = 0
            with Timer(log, "Read metadata"):
                # Read metadata first to work out how much space we need
                previous_segment = None
                while True:
                    start_position = file.tell()
                        segment = self._read_segment_metadata(
                            file, segment_position, previous_segment,
                    except EOFError:
                        # We've finished reading the file

                    previous_segment = segment

                    segment_position = segment.next_segment_pos
                    if reading_index_file:
                        lead_size = 7 * 4
                            start_position + lead_size +
                            segment.raw_data_offset, os.SEEK_SET)
                        file.seek(segment.next_segment_pos, os.SEEK_SET)
            if reading_index_file:

    def read_raw_data(self):
        """ Read raw data from all segments, chunk by chunk

        :returns: A generator that yields RawDataChunk objects
        if self._segments is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot read data unless metadata has first been read")
        for segment in self._segments:
            for chunk in segment.read_raw_data(self._file):
                yield chunk

    def read_raw_data_for_channel(self, channel_path, offset=0, length=None):
        """ Read raw data for a single channel, chunk by chunk

        :param channel_path: The path of the channel object to read data for
        :param offset: Initial position to read data from.
        :param length: Number of values to attempt to read.
            If None, then all values starting from the offset will be read.
            Fewer values will be returned if attempting to read beyond the end of the available data.
        :returns: A generator that yields RawChannelDataChunk objects
        if self._segments is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot read data unless metadata has first been read")

        if self._segment_channel_offsets is None:
            with Timer(log, "Build data index"):
        segment_offsets = self._segment_channel_offsets[channel_path]
        chunk_sizes = self._segment_chunk_sizes[channel_path]

        object_metadata = self.object_metadata[channel_path]
        if length is None:
            length = object_metadata.num_values - offset
        end_index = offset + length

        # Binary search to find first and last segments to read
        start_segment = np.searchsorted(segment_offsets, offset, side='right')
        end_segment = np.searchsorted(segment_offsets, end_index, side='left')

        segment_index = start_segment
        for segment in self._segments[start_segment:end_segment + 1]:
            # By default, read all chunks in a segment
            chunk_offset = 0
            num_chunks = segment.num_chunks
            chunk_size = chunk_sizes[segment_index]
            segment_start_index = 0 if segment_index == 0 else segment_offsets[
                segment_index - 1]
            remaining_values_to_skip = 0
            remaining_values_to_trim = 0

            # For the first and last segments, we may not need to read all chunks,
            # and may need to trim some data from the beginning or end of the chunk.
            if segment_index == start_segment:
                num_values_to_skip = offset - segment_start_index
                chunk_offset = num_values_to_skip // chunk_size
                remaining_values_to_skip = num_values_to_skip % chunk_size
                num_chunks -= chunk_offset
            if segment_index == end_segment:
                # Note: segment_index may be both start and end
                segment_end_index = segment_offsets[segment_index]
                num_values_to_trim = segment_end_index - end_index

                # Account for segments where the final chunk is truncated
                final_chunk_size = (segment_end_index -
                                    segment_start_index) % chunk_size
                final_chunk_size = chunk_size if final_chunk_size == 0 else final_chunk_size
                if num_values_to_trim >= final_chunk_size:
                    num_chunks -= 1
                    num_values_to_trim -= final_chunk_size

                num_chunks -= num_values_to_trim // chunk_size
                remaining_values_to_trim = num_values_to_trim % chunk_size

            for i, chunk in enumerate(
                    segment.read_raw_data_for_channel(self._file, channel_path,
                skip = remaining_values_to_skip if i == 0 else 0
                trim = remaining_values_to_trim if i == (num_chunks - 1) else 0
                yield _trim_channel_chunk(chunk, skip, trim)

            segment_index += 1

    def read_channel_chunk_for_index(self, channel_path, index):
        """ Read the chunk containing the given index

        :returns: Tuple of raw channel data chunk and the integer offset to the beginning of the chunk
        :rtype: (RawChannelDataChunk, int)
        if self._segments is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot read data unless metadata has first been read")

        if self._segment_channel_offsets is None:
            with Timer(log, "Build data index"):
        segment_offsets = self._segment_channel_offsets[channel_path]

        # Binary search to find the segment to read
        segment_index = np.searchsorted(segment_offsets, index, side='right')
        segment = self._segments[segment_index]
        chunk_size = self._segment_chunk_sizes[channel_path][segment_index]
        segment_start_index = segment_offsets[segment_index -
                                              1] if segment_index > 0 else 0

        index_in_segment = index - segment_start_index
        chunk_index = index_in_segment // chunk_size

        chunk_data = next(
            segment.read_raw_data_for_channel(self._file, channel_path,
                                              chunk_index, 1))
        chunk_offset = segment_start_index + chunk_index * chunk_size
        return chunk_data, chunk_offset

    def _read_segment_metadata(self,
        (position, toc_mask, endianness, data_position, raw_data_offset,
         next_segment_pos) = self._read_lead_in(file, segment_position,

        segment_args = (position, toc_mask, endianness, next_segment_offset,
                        next_segment_pos, raw_data_offset, data_position)
        if toc_mask & toc_properties['kTocDAQmxRawData']:
            segment = DaqmxSegment(*segment_args)
        elif toc_mask & toc_properties['kTocInterleavedData']:
            segment = InterleavedDataSegment(*segment_args)
            segment = ContiguousDataSegment(*segment_args)

        segment.read_segment_objects(file, self._prev_segment_objects,
        return segment

    def _read_lead_in(self, file, segment_position, is_index_file=False):
        expected_tag = b'TDSh' if is_index_file else b'TDSm'
        tag = file.read(4)
        if tag == b'':
            raise EOFError
        if tag != expected_tag:
            raise ValueError("Segment does not start with %r, but with %r" %
                             (expected_tag, tag))

        log.debug("Reading segment at %d", segment_position)

        # Next four bytes are table of contents mask
        toc_mask = types.Int32.read(file)

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            for prop_name, prop_mask in toc_properties.items():
                prop_is_set = (toc_mask & prop_mask) != 0
                log.debug("Property %s is %s", prop_name, prop_is_set)

        endianness = '>' if (toc_mask
                             & toc_properties['kTocBigEndian']) else '<'

        # Next four bytes are version number
        version = types.Int32.read(file, endianness)
        if version not in (4712, 4713):
            log.warning("Unrecognised version number.")

        # Now 8 bytes each for the offset values
        next_segment_offset = types.Uint64.read(file, endianness)
        raw_data_offset = types.Uint64.read(file, endianness)

        # Calculate data and next segment position
        lead_size = 7 * 4
        data_position = segment_position + lead_size + raw_data_offset
        if next_segment_offset == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:
            # Segment size is unknown. This can happen if LabVIEW crashes.
            # Try to read until the end of the file.
            log.warning("Last segment of file has unknown size, "
                        "will attempt to read to the end of the file")
            next_segment_pos = self._get_data_file_size()
            next_segment_offset = next_segment_pos - segment_position - lead_size
            log.debug("Next segment offset = %d, raw data offset = %d",
                      next_segment_offset, raw_data_offset)
            log.debug("Data size = %d b",
                      next_segment_offset - raw_data_offset)
            next_segment_pos = (segment_position + next_segment_offset +

        return (segment_position, toc_mask, endianness, data_position,
                raw_data_offset, next_segment_offset, next_segment_pos)

    def _verify_segment_start(self, segment):
        """ When reading data for a segment, check for the TDSm tag at the start of the segment in an attempt
            to detect any mismatch between tdms and tdms_index files.
        position = segment.position
        expected_tag = b'TDSm'
        tag = self._file.read(4)
        if tag != expected_tag:
            raise ValueError(
                "Attempted to read data segment at position {0} but did not find segment start header. "
                .format(position) +
                "Check that the tdms_index file matches the tdms data file.")

    def _get_data_file_size(self):
        current_pos = self._file.tell()
        self._file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
        end_pos = self._file.tell()
        self._file.seek(current_pos, os.SEEK_SET)
        return end_pos

    def _update_object_metadata(self, segment):
        """ Update object metadata using the metadata read from a single segment
        for segment_object in segment.ordered_objects:
            path = segment_object.path
            self._prev_segment_objects[path] = segment_object

            object_metadata = self._get_or_create_object(path)
            object_metadata.num_values += _number_of_segment_values(
                segment_object, segment)
            _update_object_data_type(path, object_metadata, segment_object)
            _update_object_scaler_data_types(path, object_metadata,

    def _update_object_properties(self, segment):
        """ Update object properties using any properties in a segment
        if segment.object_properties is not None:
            for path, properties in segment.object_properties.items():
                object_metadata = self._get_or_create_object(path)
                for prop, val in properties:
                    object_metadata.properties[prop] = val

    def _get_or_create_object(self, path):
        """ Get existing object metadata or create metadata for a new object
            return self.object_metadata[path]
        except KeyError:
            obj = ObjectMetadata()
            self.object_metadata[path] = obj
            return obj

    def _build_index(self):
        """ Builds an index into the segment data for faster lookup of values

            _segment_channel_offsets provides data offset at the end of each segment per channel
            _segment_chunk_sizes provides chunk sizes in each segment per channel
        data_objects = [
            path for (path, obj) in self.object_metadata.items()
            if ObjectPath.from_string(path).is_channel
        num_segments = len(self._segments)

        segment_num_values = {
            path: np.zeros(num_segments, dtype=np.int64)
            for path in data_objects
        segment_chunk_sizes = {
            path: np.zeros(num_segments, dtype=np.int64)
            for path in data_objects

        for i, segment in enumerate(self._segments):
            for obj in segment.ordered_objects:
                if not obj.has_data:
                    obj.path][i] = obj.number_values if obj.has_data else 0
                segment_num_values[obj.path][i] = _number_of_segment_values(
                    obj, segment)

        self._segment_chunk_sizes = segment_chunk_sizes
        self._segment_channel_offsets = {
            path: np.cumsum(segment_count)
            for (path, segment_count) in segment_num_values.items()

    def _ensure_open(self):
        if self._file is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot read data after the underlying TDMS reader is closed")
Exemple #21
 def __init__(self, tdms_file, raw_data_chunk, channel_offsets):
     self._groups = OrderedDict(
          GroupDataChunk(tdms_file, group, raw_data_chunk, channel_offsets))
         for group in tdms_file.groups())
Exemple #22
class TdmsFile(object):
    """ Reads and stores data from a TDMS file.

    There are two main ways to create a new TdmsFile object.
    TdmsFile.read will read all data into memory::

        tdms_file = TdmsFile.read(tdms_file_path)

    or you can use TdmsFile.open to read file metadata but not immediately read all data,
    for cases where a file is too large to easily fit in memory or you don't need to
    read data for all channels::

        with TdmsFile.open(tdms_file_path) as tdms_file:
            # Use tdms_file

    This class acts like a dictionary, where the keys are names of groups in the TDMS
    files and the values are TdmsGroup objects.
    A TdmsFile can be indexed by group name to access a group within the TDMS file, for example::

        tdms_file = TdmsFile.read(tdms_file_path)
        group = tdms_file[group_name]

    Iterating over a TdmsFile produces the names of groups in this file,
    or you can use the groups method to directly access all groups::

        for group in tdms_file.groups():
            # Use group
    def read(file, raw_timestamps=False, memmap_dir=None):
        """ Creates a new TdmsFile object and reads all data in the file

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        :param raw_timestamps: By default TDMS timestamps are read as numpy datetime64
            but this loses some precision.
            Setting this to true will read timestamps as a custom TdmsTimestamp type.
        :param memmap_dir: The directory to store memory mapped data files in,
            or None to read data into memory. The data files are created
            as temporary files and are deleted when the channel data is no
            longer used. tempfile.gettempdir() can be used to get the default
            temporary file directory.
        return TdmsFile(file,

    def open(file, raw_timestamps=False, memmap_dir=None):
        """ Creates a new TdmsFile object and reads metadata, leaving the file open
            to allow reading channel data

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        :param raw_timestamps: By default TDMS timestamps are read as numpy datetime64
            but this loses some precision.
            Setting this to true will read timestamps as a custom TdmsTimestamp type.
        :param memmap_dir: The directory to store memory mapped data files in,
            or None to read data into memory. The data files are created
            as temporary files and are deleted when the channel data is no
            longer used. tempfile.gettempdir() can be used to get the default
            temporary file directory.
        return TdmsFile(file,

    def read_metadata(file, raw_timestamps=False):
        """ Creates a new TdmsFile object and only reads the metadata

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        :param raw_timestamps: By default TDMS timestamps are read as numpy datetime64
            but this loses some precision.
            Setting this to true will read timestamps as a custom TdmsTimestamp type.
        return TdmsFile(file,

    def __init__(self,
        """Initialise a new TdmsFile object

        :param file: Either the path to the tdms file to read
            as a string or pathlib.Path, or an already opened file.
        :param raw_timestamps: By default TDMS timestamps are read as numpy datetime64
            but this loses some precision.
            Setting this to true will read timestamps as a custom TdmsTimestamp type.
        :param memmap_dir: The directory to store memory mapped data files in,
            or None to read data into memory. The data files are created
            as temporary files and are deleted when the channel data is no
            longer used. tempfile.gettempdir() can be used to get the default
            temporary file directory.
        :param read_metadata_only: If this parameter is enabled then only the
            metadata of the TDMS file will read.
        :param keep_open: Keeps the file open so data can be read if only metadata
            is read initially.

        self._memmap_dir = memmap_dir
        self._raw_timestamps = raw_timestamps
        self._groups = OrderedDict()
        self._properties = OrderedDict()
        self._channel_data = {}
        self.data_read = False

        self._reader = TdmsReader(file)
            self._read_file(self._reader, read_metadata_only)
            if not keep_open:

    def groups(self):
        """Returns a list of the groups in this file

        :rtype: List of TdmsGroup.

        return list(self._groups.values())

    def properties(self):
        """ Return the properties of this file as a dictionary

        These are the properties associated with the root TDMS object.

        return self._properties

    def as_dataframe(self,
        Converts the TDMS file to a DataFrame. DataFrame columns are named using the TDMS object paths.

        :param time_index: Whether to include a time index for the dataframe.
        :param absolute_time: If time_index is true, whether the time index
            values are absolute times or relative to the start time.
        :param scaled_data: By default the scaled data will be used.
            Set to False to use raw unscaled data.
            For DAQmx data, there will be one column per DAQmx raw scaler and column names will include the scale id.
        :return: The full TDMS file data.
        :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

        return pandas_export.from_tdms_file(self, time_index, absolute_time,

    def as_hdf(self, filepath, mode='w', group='/'):
        Converts the TDMS file into an HDF5 file

        :param filepath: The path of the HDF5 file you want to write to.
        :param mode: The write mode of the HDF5 file. This can be 'w' or 'a'
        :param group: A group in the HDF5 file that will contain the TDMS data.
        return hdf_export.from_tdms_file(self, filepath, mode, group)

    def data_chunks(self):
        """ A generator that streams chunks of data from disk.
        This method may only be used when the TDMS file was opened without reading all data immediately.

        :rtype: Generator that yields :class:`DataChunk` objects
        channel_offsets = defaultdict(int)
        for chunk in self._reader.read_raw_data():
            _convert_data_chunk(chunk, self._raw_timestamps)
            yield DataChunk(self, chunk, channel_offsets)
            for path, data in chunk.channel_data.items():
                channel_offsets[path] += len(data)

    def close(self):
        """ Close the underlying file if it was opened by this TdmsFile

            If this TdmsFile was initialised with an already open file
            then the reference to it is released but the file is not closed.
        if self._reader is not None:
            self._reader = None

    def __len__(self):
        """ Returns the number of groups in this file
        return len(self._groups)

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Returns an iterator over the names of groups in this file
        return iter(self._groups)

    def __getitem__(self, group_name):
        """ Retrieve a TDMS group from the file by name
            return self._groups[group_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("There is no group named '%s' in the TDMS file" %

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):

    def _read_file(self, tdms_reader, read_metadata_only):

        # Use object metadata to build group and channel objects
        group_properties = OrderedDict()
        group_channels = OrderedDict()
        object_properties = {
            path_string: self._convert_properties(obj.properties)
            for path_string, obj in tdms_reader.object_metadata.items()
            self._properties = object_properties['/']
        except KeyError:

        for (path_string, obj) in tdms_reader.object_metadata.items():
            properties = object_properties[path_string]
            path = ObjectPath.from_string(path_string)
            if path.is_root:
            elif path.is_group:
                group_properties[path.group] = properties
                # Object is a channel
                    channel_group_properties = object_properties[
                except KeyError:
                    channel_group_properties = OrderedDict()
                channel = TdmsChannel(path, obj.data_type,
                                      obj.scaler_data_types, obj.num_values,
                                      properties, channel_group_properties,
                                      self._properties, tdms_reader,
                                      self._raw_timestamps, self._memmap_dir)
                if path.group in group_channels:
                    group_channels[path.group] = [channel]

        # Create group objects containing channels and properties
        for group_name, properties in group_properties.items():
                channels = group_channels[group_name]
            except KeyError:
                channels = []
            group_path = ObjectPath(group_name)
            self._groups[group_name] = TdmsGroup(group_path, properties,
        for group_name, channels in group_channels.items():
            if group_name not in self._groups:
                # Group with channels but without any corresponding object metadata in the file:
                group_path = ObjectPath(group_name)
                self._groups[group_name] = TdmsGroup(group_path, {}, channels)

        if not read_metadata_only:

    def _read_data(self, tdms_reader):
        with Timer(log, "Allocate space"):
            # Allocate space for data
            for group in self.groups():
                for channel in group.channels():
                    self._channel_data[channel.path] = get_data_receiver(
                        channel, len(channel), self._raw_timestamps,

        with Timer(log, "Read data"):
            # Now actually read all the data
            for chunk in tdms_reader.read_raw_data():
                for (path, data) in chunk.channel_data.items():
                    channel_data = self._channel_data[path]
                    if data.data is not None:
                    elif data.scaler_data is not None:
                        for scaler_id, scaler_data in data.scaler_data.items():
                                scaler_id, scaler_data)

            for group in self.groups():
                for channel in group.channels():
                    channel_data = self._channel_data[channel.path]
                    if channel_data is not None:

        self.data_read = True

    def _convert_properties(self, properties):
        def convert_prop(val):
            if isinstance(val, TdmsTimestamp) and not self._raw_timestamps:
                # Convert timestamps to numpy datetime64 if raw timestamps are not requested
                return val.as_datetime64()
            return val

        return OrderedDict(
            (k, convert_prop(v)) for (k, v) in properties.items())
Exemple #23
    def __init__(self, f, tdms_file):
        """Read the lead in section of a segment"""

        self.tdms_file = tdms_file
        self.position = f.tell()
        self.num_chunks = 0
        self.endianness = "<"
        # A list of TdmsSegmentObject
        self.ordered_objects = []
        self.final_chunk_proportion = 1.0

        # First four bytes should be TDSm
            tag = f.read(4).decode('utf-8')
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            raise ValueError("Segment does not start with TDSm")
        if tag == '':
            raise EOFError
        if tag != 'TDSm':
            raise ValueError(
                "Segment does not start with TDSm, but with %s" % tag)

        log.debug("Reading segment at %d", self.position)

        # Next four bytes are table of contents mask
        toc_mask = types.Int32.read(f)

        self.toc = OrderedDict()
        for prop_name, prop_mask in toc_properties.items():
            prop_is_set = (toc_mask & prop_mask) != 0
            self.toc[prop_name] = prop_is_set
            log.debug("Property %s is %s", prop_name, prop_is_set)

        if self.toc['kTocBigEndian']:
            self.endianness = '>'

        # Next four bytes are version number
        self.version = types.Int32.read(f, self.endianness)
        if self.version not in (4712, 4713):
            log.warning("Unrecognised version number.")

        # Now 8 bytes each for the offset values
        self.next_segment_offset = types.Uint64.read(f, self.endianness)
        self.raw_data_offset = types.Uint64.read(f, self.endianness)

        # Calculate data and next segment position
        lead_size = 7 * 4
        self.data_position = self.position + lead_size + self.raw_data_offset
        if self.next_segment_offset == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:
            # This can happen if Labview crashes
                "Last segment of file has unknown size, "
                "not attempting to read it")
            self.next_segment_pos = None
            self.next_segment_offset = None
            # Could try to read as much as possible but for now
            # don't attempt to read last segment
            raise EOFError
            self.next_segment_pos = (
                self.position + self.next_segment_offset + lead_size)