Exemple #1

# Set the name for the final output item (with NO file extension)

# BSP directory that contains the vector table
#bsp_objects = '_BUILT_DIR_.src/Bsp/Adafruit/grand_central_m4/gcc'

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.inc += " -I{}{}src\Bsp\Adafruit\grand_central_m4\gcc\FreeRTOS\Source\Include".format(
    NQBP_PKG_ROOT(), os.sep)
base_release.inc += ' -I{}{}src\Bsp\Adafruit\grand_central_m4\gcc\FreeRTOS\Source\portable\GCC\ARM_CM4F'.format(
    NQBP_PKG_ROOT(), os.sep)
base_release.inc += ' -I' + ARDUINO_SKETCH_FOLDER + r'\libraries\Adafruit_NeoPixel'
base_release.linkflags = '-Tflash_without_bootloader.ld'
#base_release.firstobjs    = bsp_objects;

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
#debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'
Exemple #2


# Set the name for the final output item (with NO file extension)

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
#build_options         = ''
base_release.cflags = ' -Wall -DF_CPU=64000000 -DARDUINO=10802 ' + build_options
base_release.asmflags = ' -Wall -DF_CPU=64000000 -DARDUINO=10802'
base_release.inc      = ' -I' + ARDUINO_SKETCH_FOLDER + r'\libraries\Adafruit_BNO055' + \
                        ' -I' + ARDUINO_SKETCH_FOLDER + r'\libraries\Adafruit_Unified_Sensor'

# Set project specific 'optimzed' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
#debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

ARDUINO_SUPPORT = "colony.arduino"


# Set the name for the final output item (with NO file extension)

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = ' -Wall -DF_CPU=120000000L -DARDUINO=10810 -DVARIANT_QSPI_BAUD_DEFAULT=50000000 -DENABLE_CACHE '
base_release.linkflags = '-Tflash_with_bootloader.ld'

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
#debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

# ONLY edit this section if you are ADDING options
# for build configurations/variants OTHER than the
# 'release' build
Exemple #4
#            .linklibs

# get definition of the Options structure
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues


# Set the name for the final output item

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-m32 -std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -x c++ -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage'
base_release.linkflags = '-m32 -fprofile-arcs'

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '-O3'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
#debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

# For build config/variant: "win64"
# (note: uses same internal toolchain options as the 'Release' variant,
#        only the 'User' options will/are different)
Exemple #5


# Set the name for the final output item (with NO file extension)

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = ' -Wall -DF_CPU=64000000 -DARDUINO=10802'
base_release.asmflags = ' -Wall -DF_CPU=64000000 -DARDUINO=10802'

# Set project specific 'optimzed' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
#debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

# ONLY edit this section if you are ADDING options
# for build configurations/variants OTHER than the
# 'release' build
Exemple #6

# Set the name for the final output item

# Link unittest directory by object module so that Catch's self-registration mechanism 'works'
unit_test_objects = '_BUILT_DIR_.src/Cpl/Container/_0test'

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '/W3 /WX /EHsc /D CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE'  # /EHsc enables exceptions
base_release.firstobjs = unit_test_objects

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '/O2'
optimzed_release.linklibs = ''

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.cflags = '/D "_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_"'
debug_release.linklibs = ''

# For build config/variant: "cpp11"
# Set the name for the final output item
FINAL_OUTPUT_NAME = 'thermostat-simulation.out'

# Main directory by object module to work around static object creation issues with the MS compiler
main_objects = '_BUILT_DIR_.src/Storm/Thermostat/Main'

# For build config/variant: "Release" (aka posix build variant)

# For build config/variant: "Release" (aka posix build variant)

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-m32 -std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -x c++'
base_release.linkflags = '-m32'
base_release.linklibs = '-lpthread -lm'
base_release.firstobjs = main_objects

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '-O3'
optimzed_release.linklibs = '-lstdc++'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.linklibs = '-lstdc++'

Exemple #8
# get definition of the Options strcuture
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues


# Set the name for the final output item

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-Wall'

# Set project specific 'optimzed' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '-O3'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

# ONLY edit this section if you are ADDING options
# for build configurations/variants OTHER than the
# 'release' build
Exemple #9
# Define include path for the above libraries
INC_PATH1 = os.path.join(KPIT_ROOT, 'lib' 'gcc', 'rx-elf', KPIT_VER, 'include')
INC_PATH2 = os.path.join(KPIT_ROOT, 'rx-elf', 'include')

# Define include path for the FreeRTOS include directory
INC_FREERTOS1 = os.path.join(NQBP_WORK_ROOT(), "xpkgs", "freertos", "src",
INC_FREERTOS2 = os.path.join(NQBP_WORK_ROOT(), "xpkgs", "freertos", "src",
                             "portable", "GCC", "RX600")

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections  -Wall -Werror -D__RX_LITTLE_ENDIAN__=1 -mlittle-endian-data -m64bit-doubles -mint-register=0 -DCPPAPP'
base_release.cppflags = '-std=c++11 -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti'
base_release.asmflags = base_release.cflags + ' -x assembler-with-cpp '
base_release.inc = ' -I{} -I{} -I{} -I{}'.format(INC_PATH1, INC_PATH2,
                                                 INC_FREERTOS1, INC_FREERTOS2)
base_release.asminc = base_release.inc

base_release.firstobjs = '..\\xpkgs\\colony.bsp.renesas.rx\src\\Bsp\\Renesas\Rx\\u62n\\Yrdkr62n\\Gnurx\\_no_c++_exceptions\*.o '
base_release.lastobjs = '..\\xpkgs\\colony.bsp.renesas.rx\src\\Bsp\\Renesas\Rx\\u62n\\Yrdkr62n\\Gnurx\\_libc\*.a '
base_release.linkflags = '-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wl,--gc-sections -T ..\\{} -e {} -L {} -L {}'.format(

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = ' -Os '
Exemple #10
# get definition of the Options strcuture
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues


# Set the name for the final output item

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-m32 -std=c++03 -Wall -Werror -x c++ -Wl,-static-libgcc -Wl,-static-libstdc++ -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage'
base_release.linkflags = '-m32 -fprofile-arcs'
base_release.linklibs = '-lgcov'

# Set project specific 'optimzed' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '-O3'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
#debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

# For build config/variant: "cpp11"
# (note: uses same internal toolchain options as the 'Release' variant,
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues


# Set the name for the final output item

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()        # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '/W3 /WX'

# Set project specific 'optimzed' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()    # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '/O2'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()       # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.cflags = '/D "_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_"'

# ONLY edit this section if you are ADDING options
Exemple #12
# Define include path for the above libraries
INC_PATH1 = os.path.join( KPIT_ROOT, 'lib' 'gcc', 'rx-elf', KPIT_VER, 'include' )
INC_PATH2 = os.path.join( KPIT_ROOT, 'rx-elf', 'include' )

# Define include path for the FreeRTOS include directory
INC_FREERTOS1 = os.path.join( NQBP_WORK_ROOT(), "xpkgs", "freertos", "src", "include" )
INC_FREERTOS2 = os.path.join( NQBP_WORK_ROOT(), "xpkgs", "freertos", "src", "portable", "GCC", "RX600" )

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()        # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags    = '-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections  -Wall -Werror -D__RX_LITTLE_ENDIAN__=1 -mlittle-endian-data -m64bit-doubles -mint-register=0 -DCPPAPP'
base_release.cppflags  = '-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti'
base_release.asmflags  = base_release.cflags + ' -x assembler-with-cpp ' 
base_release.inc       = ' -I{} -I{} -I{} -I{}'.format( INC_PATH1, INC_PATH2, INC_FREERTOS1, INC_FREERTOS2 )
base_release.asminc    = base_release.inc

#base_release.firstobjs  = '..\\xpkgs\\colony.bsp.renesas.rx\src\\Bsp\\Renesas\Rx\\u62n\\Yrdkr62n\\Gnurx\\_no_c++_exceptions\*.o '
#base_release.lastobjs  = '..\\xpkgs\\colony.bsp.renesas.rx\src\\Bsp\\Renesas\Rx\\u62n\\Yrdkr62n\\Gnurx\\_libc\*.a '
base_release.linkflags = '-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wl,--gc-sections -T ..\\{} -e {} -L {} -L {}'.format(LINKER_SCRIPT, RESET_VECTOR_NAME, LIB_PATH1, LIB_PATH2 )
# Set project specific 'optimzed' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()    # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags   = ' -Os '
optimzed_release.asmflags = optimzed_release.cflags
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues


# Set the name for the final output item

# For build config/variant: "Release" (aka C++11 threading)

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()        # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '/W3 /WX /EHsc'  # /EHsc enables exceptions

# Set project specific 'optimzed' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()    # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '/O2'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()       # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.cflags = '/D "_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_"'

# For build config/varint: "cpp11"
# (note: uses same internal toolchain options as the 'Release' variant, 
#        only the 'User' options will/are different)
Exemple #14
# get definition of the Options structure
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues


# Set the name for the final output item

# For build config/variant: "Release" (aka posix build variant)

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-m32 -std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -x c++ -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage'
base_release.linkflags = '-m32 -fprofile-arcs'
base_release.linklibs = '-lpthread'

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '-O3'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
#debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

# For build config/variant: "posix64" (same as release, except 64bit target)
# (note: uses same internal toolchain options as the 'Release' variant,

# Set the name for the final output item (with NO file extension)

# BSP directory that contains the vector table 
bsp_objects = '_BUILT_DIR_.src/Bsp/Adafruit/grand_central_m4/gcc'

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()        # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags       = ' -DUSING_FREERTOS -Wall -DF_CPU=120000000L -DARDUINO=10810 -DVARIANT_QSPI_BAUD_DEFAULT=50000000 -DENABLE_CACHE '
base_release.inc         += r' -I{}\src\Bsp\Adafruit\grand_central_m4\gcc\FreeRTOS\Source\Include'.format( NQBP_PKG_ROOT() )
base_release.inc         += r' -I{}\src\Bsp\Adafruit\grand_central_m4\gcc\FreeRTOS\Source\portable\GCC\ARM_CM4F'.format( NQBP_PKG_ROOT() )

base_release.linkflags    = '-Tflash_without_bootloader.ld'
base_release.firstobjs    = bsp_objects;

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()    # Do NOT comment out this line

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()       # Do NOT comment out this line
#debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

Exemple #16
# get definition of the Options structure
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues
from nqbplib.my_globals import NQBP_WORK_ROOT


# Set the name for the final output item

# Link unittest directory by object module so that Catch's self-registration mechanism 'works'
unit_test_objects = '_BUILT_DIR_.src/Storm/Utils/_0test'

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-m32 -std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -x c++  -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS=1 -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS=1'
base_release.linkflags = '-m32 -fprofile-arcs'
base_release.linklibs = '-lgcov'
base_release.firstobjs = unit_test_objects

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '-O3'
optimzed_release.linklibs = ''
optimzed_release.linklibs += ' -lstdc++'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.linklibs = ''
debug_release.linklibs += ' -lstdc++'
# Define include path for the above libraries
INC_PATH1 = os.path.join(KPIT_ROOT, 'lib' 'gcc', 'rx-elf', KPIT_VER, 'include')
INC_PATH2 = os.path.join(KPIT_ROOT, 'rx-elf', 'include')

# Define include path for the FreeRTOS include directory
INC_FREERTOS1 = os.path.join(NQBP_WORK_ROOT(), "xpkgs", "freertos", "src",
INC_FREERTOS2 = os.path.join(NQBP_WORK_ROOT(), "xpkgs", "freertos", "src",
                             "portable", "GCC", "RX600")

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-Wall -Werror -D__RX_LITTLE_ENDIAN__=1 -mlittle-endian-data -m64bit-doubles -mint-register=0 -DCPPAPP'
base_release.cppflags = '-fno-exceptions -fno-rtti'
base_release.asmflags = base_release.cflags + ' -x assembler-with-cpp '
base_release.inc = ' -I{} -I{} -I{} -I{}'.format(INC_PATH1, INC_PATH2,
                                                 INC_FREERTOS1, INC_FREERTOS2)
base_release.asminc = base_release.inc

base_release.linkflags = '-T ..\\{} -e {} -L {} -L {}'.format(

# Set project specific 'optimzed' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = ' -Os '
optimzed_release.asmflags = optimzed_release.cflags
Exemple #18
# get definition of the Options structure
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues


# Set the name for the final output item

# For build config/variant: "Release" (aka C++11 threading)

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '/W3 /WX /EHsc'  # /EHsc enables exceptions

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '/O2'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.cflags = '/D "_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_"'

# For build config/variant: "cpp11"
# (note: uses same internal toolchain options as the 'Release' variant,
#        only the 'User' options will/are different)

# Set the name for the final output item


# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-Wall'

# Set project specific 'optimzed' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '-O3'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

base_xyz = BuildValues()
optimzed_xyz = BuildValues()
debug_xyz = BuildValues()
base_xyz.cflags = '-D_XYZ_BUILD_VARIANT'
#            .linklibs

# get definition of the Options structure
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues


# Set the name for the final output item

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-m32 -std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -x c++ '
base_release.linkflags = '-m32'

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '-O3'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
#debug_release.cflags = '-D_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_'

# For build config/variant: "cpp11"
# (note: uses same internal toolchain options as the 'Release' variant,
#        only the 'User' options will/are different)

# Set the name for the final output item
FINAL_OUTPUT_NAME = 'thermostat-simulation.exe'

# Main directory by object module to work around static object creation issues with the MS compiler
main_objects = '_BUILT_DIR_.src/Storm/Thermostat/Main'

# For build config/variant: "Release" (aka C++11 threading)

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '/W3 /WX /EHsc'  # /EHsc enables exceptions
base_release.firstobjs = main_objects

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '/O2'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.cflags = '/D "_MY_APP_DEBUG_SWITCH_"'

# ONLY edit this section if you are ADDING options
# for build configurations/variants OTHER than the
# 'release' build

# Set the name for the final output item

# Link unittest directory by object module so that Catch's self-registration mechanism 'works'
unit_test_objects = '_BUILT_DIR_.src/Cpl/Text/Frame/_0test'

# For build config/variant: "Release"

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags = '-m32 -std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -x c++  -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -DCATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE'
base_release.linkflags = '-m32 -fprofile-arcs'
base_release.linklibs = '-lgcov'
base_release.firstobjs = unit_test_objects

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags = '-O3'
optimzed_release.linklibs = '-lstdc++'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()  # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.linklibs = '-lstdc++'

# get definition of the Options structure
from nqbplib.base import BuildValues
from nqbplib.my_globals import NQBP_WORK_ROOT


# Set the name for the final output item
FINAL_OUTPUT_NAME = 'thermostat-simulation.exe'

# Set project specific 'base' (i.e always used) options
base_release           = BuildValues()        # Do NOT comment out this line
base_release.cflags    = '-m32 -std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -x c++  -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS=1 -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS=1'
base_release.linkflags = '-m32'
base_release.linklibs  = '-lws2_32'

# Set project specific 'optimized' options
optimzed_release           = BuildValues()    # Do NOT comment out this line
optimzed_release.cflags    = '-O3'
optimzed_release.linklibs  = ''
optimzed_release.linklibs += ' -lstdc++'

# Set project specific 'debug' options
debug_release = BuildValues()       # Do NOT comment out this line
debug_release.linklibs  = ''
debug_release.linklibs += ' -lstdc++'