Exemple #1
 def setUp(self):
     self.cache = CompilationCache()
     # All tests here should run without warnings
     self.w_cm = warnings.catch_warnings()
     # some builds of NumPy use a Cython that reports spurious
     # ufunc object size mismatch warnings.  These are safe to
     # ignore and not generated by later Cython versions.
     warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")
Exemple #2
    def setUp(self):
        self.inputs = [
            (0, types.uint32),
            (1, types.uint32),
            (-1, types.int32),
            (0, types.int32),
            (1, types.int32),
            (0, types.uint64),
            (1, types.uint64),
            (-1, types.int64),
            (0, types.int64),
            (1, types.int64),

            (-0.5, types.float32),
            (0.0, types.float32),
            (0.5, types.float32),

            (-0.5, types.float64),
            (0.0, types.float64),
            (0.5, types.float64),

            (np.array([0,1], dtype='u4'), types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([0,1], dtype='u8'), types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-1,0,1], dtype='i4'), types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-1,0,1], dtype='i8'), types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], dtype='f4'), types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], dtype='f8'), types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')),
        self.cache = CompilationCache()
Exemple #3
 def setUp(self):
     super(_TestHeapq, self).setUp()
     self.ccache = CompilationCache()
     self.rnd = np.random.RandomState(42)
Exemple #4
class TestDataFlow(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.cache = CompilationCache()
        # All tests here should run without warnings
        self.w_cm = warnings.catch_warnings()
        # some builds of NumPy use a Cython that reports spurious
        # ufunc object size mismatch warnings.  These are safe to
        # ignore and not generated by later Cython versions.
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")

    def tearDown(self):
        self.w_cm.__exit__(None, None, None)

    def test_assignments(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = assignments
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for x in [-1, 0, 1]:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

    def test_assignments2(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = assignments2
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for x in [-1, 0, 1]:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

        if flags is force_pyobj_flags:

    # The dataflow analysis must be good enough for native mode
    # compilation to succeed, hence the no_pyobj_flags in the following tests.

    def run_propagate_func(self, pyfunc, args):
        cr = self.cache.compile(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32),
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(*args), pyfunc(*args))

    def test_var_propagate1(self):
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate1, (2, 3))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate1, (3, 2))

    def test_var_propagate2(self):
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate2, (2, 3))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate2, (3, 2))

    def test_var_propagate3(self):
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (2, 3))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (3, 2))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (2, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (-1, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (0, 2))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (0, -1))

    def test_var_propagate4(self):
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (1, 1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (1, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (1, -1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (0, 1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (0, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (0, -1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (-1, 1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (-1, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (-1, -1))

    def test_chained_compare(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = chained_compare
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

    def test_chained_compare_npm(self):

    def test_stack_effect_error(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        # Issue #591: POP_BLOCK must undo all stack pushes done inside
        # the block.
        pyfunc = stack_effect_error
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for x in (0, 1, 2, 3):
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

    def test_stack_effect_error_npm(self):

    def test_var_swapping(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = var_swapping
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ) * 5, flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        args = tuple(range(0, 10, 2))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args))

    def test_var_swapping_npm(self):

    def test_for_break(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        # BREAK_LOOP must unwind the current inner syntax block.
        pyfunc = for_break
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.intp, types.intp), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for (n, x) in [(4, 2), (4, 6)]:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(n, x), cfunc(n, x))

    def test_for_break_npm(self):

    def test_unsupported_op_code(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = unsupported_op_code
        with self.assertRaises(errors.UnsupportedError) as raises:
            compile_isolated(pyfunc, (), flags=flags)
        msg = "SETUP_EXCEPT"
        self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
Exemple #5
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestArrayManipulation, self).setUp()
     self.ccache = CompilationCache()
Exemple #6
class TestArrayManipulation(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
    Check shape-changing operations on arrays.
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestArrayManipulation, self).setUp()
        self.ccache = CompilationCache()

    def test_array_reshape(self):
        pyfuncs_to_use = [array_reshape, numpy_array_reshape]

        def generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), typeof(shape)))
            return cres.entry_point(arr, shape)

        def check(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            expected = pyfunc(arr, shape)
            got = generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)
            del got

        def check_only_shape(pyfunc, arr, shape, expected_shape):
            # Only check Numba result to avoid Numpy bugs
            got = generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
            self.assertEqual(got.shape, expected_shape)
            self.assertEqual(got.size, arr.size)
            del got

        def check_err_shape(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as raises:
                generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
                             "incompatible shape for array")

        def check_err_size(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
                             "total size of new array must be unchanged")

        def check_err_multiple_negative(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
                             "multiple negative shape values")

        # C-contiguous
        arr = np.arange(24)
        check(arr, (24, ))
        check(arr, (4, 6))
        check(arr, (8, 3))
        check(arr, (8, 1, 3))
        check(arr, (1, 8, 1, 1, 3, 1))
        arr = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4))
        check(arr, (24, ))
        check(arr, (4, 6))
        check(arr, (8, 3))
        check(arr, (8, 1, 3))
        check(arr, (1, 8, 1, 1, 3, 1))
        check_err_size(arr, ())
        check_err_size(arr, (25, ))
        check_err_size(arr, (8, 4))
        arr = np.arange(24).reshape((1, 8, 1, 1, 3, 1))
        check(arr, (24, ))
        check(arr, (4, 6))
        check(arr, (8, 3))
        check(arr, (8, 1, 3))

        # F-contiguous
        arr = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4)).T
        check(arr, (4, 3, 2))
        check(arr, (1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1))
        check_err_shape(arr, (2, 3, 4))
        check_err_shape(arr, (6, 4))
        check_err_shape(arr, (2, 12))

        # Test negative shape value
        arr = np.arange(25).reshape(5, 5)
        check(arr, -1)
        check(arr, (-1, ))
        check(arr, (-1, 5))
        check(arr, (5, -1, 5))
        check(arr, (5, 5, -1))
        check_err_size(arr, (-1, 4))
        check_err_multiple_negative(arr, (-1, -2, 5, 5))
        check_err_multiple_negative(arr, (5, 5, -1, -1))

        # 0-sized arrays
        def check_empty(arr):
            check(arr, 0)
            check(arr, (0, ))
            check(arr, (1, 0, 2))
            check(arr, (0, 55, 1, 0, 2))
            # -1 is buggy in Numpy with 0-sized arrays
            check_only_shape(arr, -1, (0, ))
            check_only_shape(arr, (-1, ), (0, ))
            check_only_shape(arr, (0, -1), (0, 0))
            check_only_shape(arr, (4, -1), (4, 0))
            check_only_shape(arr, (-1, 0, 4), (0, 0, 4))
            check_err_size(arr, ())
            check_err_size(arr, 1)
            check_err_size(arr, (1, 2))

        arr = np.array([])
        check_empty(arr.reshape((3, 2, 0)))

        # Exceptions leak references

    def test_array_transpose_axes(self):
        pyfuncs_to_use = [
            numpy_transpose_array_axes_kwarg_copy, array_transpose_axes,

        def run(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), typeof(axes)))
            return cres.entry_point(arr, axes)

        def check(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            expected = pyfunc(arr, axes)
            got = run(pyfunc, arr, axes)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        def check_err_axis_repeated(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                run(pyfunc, arr, axes)
                             "repeated axis in transpose")

        def check_err_axis_oob(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                run(pyfunc, arr, axes)
                "axis is out of bounds for array of given dimension")

        def check_err_invalid_args(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            with self.assertRaises((TypeError, TypingError)):
                run(pyfunc, arr, axes)

        arrs = [
            np.arange(24).reshape(4, 6),
            np.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4),
            np.arange(24).reshape(1, 2, 3, 4),
            np.arange(64).reshape(8, 4, 2)[::3, ::2, :]

        for i in range(len(arrs)):
            # First check `None`, the default, which is to reverse dims
            check(arrs[i], None)
            # Check supplied axis permutations
            for axes in permutations(tuple(range(arrs[i].ndim))):
                ndim = len(axes)
                neg_axes = tuple([x - ndim for x in axes])
                check(arrs[i], axes)
                check(arrs[i], neg_axes)

        def check_issue_4708(pyfunc, m, n):
            expected = pyfunc(m, n)
            got = njit(pyfunc)(m, n)
            # values in arrays are equals,
            # but stronger assertions not hold (layout and strides equality)
            np.testing.assert_equal(got, expected)

        check_issue_4708(3, 2)
        check_issue_4708(2, 3)
        check_issue_4708(5, 4)

        # Exceptions leak references

        check_err_invalid_args(arrs[1], "foo")
        check_err_invalid_args(arrs[1], ("foo", ))
        check_err_invalid_args(arrs[1], 5.3)
        check_err_invalid_args(arrs[2], (1.2, 5))

        check_err_axis_repeated(arrs[1], (0, 0))
        check_err_axis_repeated(arrs[2], (2, 0, 0))
        check_err_axis_repeated(arrs[3], (3, 2, 1, 1))

        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[0], (1, ))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[0], (-2, ))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[1], (0, 2))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[1], (-3, 2))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[1], (0, -3))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[2], (3, 1, 2))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[2], (-4, 1, 2))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[3], (3, 1, 2, 5))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[3], (3, 1, 2, -5))

        with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as e:
            jit(nopython=True)(numpy_transpose_array)((np.array([0, 1]), ))
        self.assertIn("np.transpose does not accept tuples", str(e.exception))

    def test_expand_dims(self):
        pyfunc = expand_dims

        def run(arr, axis):
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), typeof(axis)))
            return cres.entry_point(arr, axis)

        def check(arr, axis):
            expected = pyfunc(arr, axis)
            got = run(arr, axis)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)
            del got

        def check_all_axes(arr):
            for axis in range(-arr.ndim - 1, arr.ndim + 1):
                check(arr, axis)

        # 1d
        arr = np.arange(5)
        # 3d (C, F, A)
        arr = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4))
        # 0d
        arr = np.array(42)

    def check_atleast_nd(self, pyfunc, cfunc):
        def check_result(got, expected):
            # We would like to check the result has the same contiguity,
            # but we can't rely on the "flags" attribute when there are
            # 1-sized dimensions.
            self.assertStridesEqual(got, expected)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got.flatten(), expected.flatten())

        def check_single(arg):
            check_result(cfunc(arg), pyfunc(arg))

        def check_tuple(*args):
            expected_tuple = pyfunc(*args)
            got_tuple = cfunc(*args)
            self.assertEqual(len(got_tuple), len(expected_tuple))
            for got, expected in zip(got_tuple, expected_tuple):
                check_result(got, expected)

        # 0d
        a1 = np.array(42)
        a2 = np.array(5j)
        check_tuple(a1, a2)
        # 1d
        b1 = np.arange(5)
        b2 = np.arange(6) + 1j
        b3 = b1[::-1]
        check_tuple(b1, b2, b3)
        # 2d
        c1 = np.arange(6).reshape((2, 3))
        c2 = c1.T
        c3 = c1[::-1]
        check_tuple(c1, c2, c3)
        # 3d
        d1 = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4))
        d2 = d1.T
        d3 = d1[::-1]
        check_tuple(d1, d2, d3)
        # 4d
        e = np.arange(16).reshape((2, 2, 2, 2))
        # mixed dimensions
        check_tuple(a1, b2, c3, d2)

    def test_atleast_1d(self):
        pyfunc = atleast_1d
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        self.check_atleast_nd(pyfunc, cfunc)

    def test_atleast_2d(self):
        pyfunc = atleast_2d
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        self.check_atleast_nd(pyfunc, cfunc)

    def test_atleast_3d(self):
        pyfunc = atleast_3d
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        self.check_atleast_nd(pyfunc, cfunc)

    def check_as_strided(self, pyfunc):
        def run(arr):
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), ))
            return cres.entry_point(arr)

        def check(arr):
            expected = pyfunc(arr)
            got = run(arr)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        arr = np.arange(24)
        check(arr.reshape((6, 4)))
        check(arr.reshape((4, 1, 6)))

    def test_as_strided(self):

    def test_flatten_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags, layout='C'):
        a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
        if layout == 'F':
            a = a.T

        pyfunc = flatten_array
        arraytype1 = typeof(a)
        if layout == 'A':
            # Force A layout
            arraytype1 = arraytype1.copy(layout='A')

        self.assertEqual(arraytype1.layout, layout)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point

        expected = pyfunc(a)
        got = cfunc(a)
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)

    def test_flatten_array_npm(self):
        self.test_flatten_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags, layout='F')
        self.test_flatten_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags, layout='A')

    def test_ravel_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        def generic_check(pyfunc, a, assume_layout):
            # compile
            arraytype1 = typeof(a)
            self.assertEqual(arraytype1.layout, assume_layout)
            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, ), flags=flags)
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            # Check result matches
            np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)
            # Check copying behavior
            py_copied = (a.ctypes.data != expected.ctypes.data)
            nb_copied = (a.ctypes.data != got.ctypes.data)
            self.assertEqual(py_copied, assume_layout != 'C')
            self.assertEqual(py_copied, nb_copied)

        check_method = partial(generic_check, ravel_array)
        check_function = partial(generic_check, numpy_ravel_array)

        def check(*args, **kwargs):
            check_method(*args, **kwargs)
            check_function(*args, **kwargs)

        # Check 2D
        check(np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3), assume_layout='C')
        check(np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3, order='F'), assume_layout='F')
        check(np.arange(18).reshape(3, 3, 2)[:, :, 0], assume_layout='A')

        # Check 3D
        check(np.arange(18).reshape(2, 3, 3), assume_layout='C')
        check(np.arange(18).reshape(2, 3, 3, order='F'), assume_layout='F')
        check(np.arange(36).reshape(2, 3, 3, 2)[:, :, :, 0], assume_layout='A')

    def test_ravel_array_size(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)

        pyfunc = ravel_array_size
        arraytype1 = typeof(a)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point

        expected = pyfunc(a)
        got = cfunc(a)
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)

    def test_ravel_array_npm(self):

    def test_ravel_array_size_npm(self):

    def test_transpose_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        @from_generic([transpose_array, numpy_transpose_array])
        def check(pyfunc):
            a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)

            arraytype1 = typeof(a)
            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, ), flags=flags)
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)


    def test_transpose_array_npm(self):

    def test_squeeze_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        a = np.arange(2 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 4).reshape(2, 1, 3, 1, 4)

        pyfunc = squeeze_array
        arraytype1 = typeof(a)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point

        expected = pyfunc(a)
        got = cfunc(a)
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)

    def test_squeeze_array_npm(self):
        with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:

        self.assertIn("squeeze", str(raises.exception))

    def test_add_axis2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)

        pyfunc = add_axis2
        arraytype1 = typeof(a)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point

        expected = pyfunc(a)
        got = cfunc(a)
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)

    def test_add_axis2_npm(self):
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
        self.assertIn("unsupported array index type none in",

    def test_bad_index_npm(self):
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
            arraytype1 = from_dtype(
                np.dtype([('x', np.int32), ('y', np.int32)]))
            arraytype2 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C')
            compile_isolated(bad_index, (arraytype1, arraytype2),
        self.assertIn('unsupported array index type', str(raises.exception))

    def test_bad_float_index_npm(self):
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
                             (types.Array(types.float64, 2, 'C'), ))
        self.assertIn('unsupported array index type float64',

    def test_fill_diagonal_basic(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_fill_diagonal
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def _shape_variations(n):
            # square
            yield (n, n)
            # tall and thin
            yield (2 * n, n)
            # short and fat
            yield (n, 2 * n)
            # a bit taller than wide; odd numbers of rows and cols
            yield ((2 * n + 1), (2 * n - 1))
            # 4d, all dimensions same
            yield (n, n, n, n)
            # weird edge case
            yield (1, 1, 1)

        def _val_variations():
            yield 1
            yield 3.142
            yield np.nan
            yield -np.inf
            yield True
            yield np.arange(4)
            yield (4, )
            yield [8, 9]
            yield np.arange(54).reshape(9, 3, 2, 1)  # contiguous C
            yield np.asfortranarray(np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3))  # contiguous F
            yield np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)[::-1]  # non-contiguous

        # contiguous arrays
        def _multi_dimensional_array_variations(n):
            for shape in _shape_variations(n):
                yield np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float64)
                yield np.asfortranarray(np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float64))

        # non-contiguous arrays
        def _multi_dimensional_array_variations_strided(n):
            for shape in _shape_variations(n):
                tmp = np.zeros(tuple([x * 2 for x in shape]), dtype=np.float64)
                slicer = tuple(slice(0, x * 2, 2) for x in shape)
                yield tmp[slicer]

        def _check_fill_diagonal(arr, val):
            for wrap in None, True, False:
                a = arr.copy()
                b = arr.copy()

                if wrap is None:
                    params = {}
                    params = {'wrap': wrap}

                pyfunc(a, val, **params)
                cfunc(b, val, **params)
                self.assertPreciseEqual(a, b)

        for arr in _multi_dimensional_array_variations(3):
            for val in _val_variations():
                _check_fill_diagonal(arr, val)

        for arr in _multi_dimensional_array_variations_strided(3):
            for val in _val_variations():
                _check_fill_diagonal(arr, val)

        # non-numeric input arrays
        arr = np.array([True] * 9).reshape(3, 3)
        _check_fill_diagonal(arr, False)
        _check_fill_diagonal(arr, [False, True, False])
        _check_fill_diagonal(arr, np.array([True, False, True]))

    def test_fill_diagonal_exception_cases(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_fill_diagonal
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        val = 1

        # Exceptions leak references

        # first argument unsupported number of dimensions
        for a in np.array([]), np.ones(5):
            with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
                cfunc(a, val)
            assert "The first argument must be at least 2-D" in str(

        # multi-dimensional input where dimensions are not all equal
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
            a = np.zeros((3, 3, 4))
            cfunc(a, val)
            self.assertEqual("All dimensions of input must be of equal length",

        # cases where val has incompatible type / value
        def _assert_raises(arr, val):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                cfunc(arr, val)
            self.assertEqual("Unable to safely conform val to a.dtype",

        arr = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.int32)
        val = np.nan
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        val = [3.3, np.inf]
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        val = np.array([1, 2, 1e10], dtype=np.int64)
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        arr = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        val = [1.4, 2.6, -1e100]
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        val = 1.1e100
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        val = np.array([-1e100])
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

    def test_broadcast_to(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_to
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        # Tests taken from
        # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/75f852edf94a7293e7982ad516bee314d7187c2d/numpy/lib/tests/test_stride_tricks.py#L234-L257  # noqa: E501
        data = [
            [np.array(0), (0, )],
            [np.array(0), (1, )],
            [np.array(0), (3, )],
            [np.ones(1), (1, )],
            [np.ones(1), (2, )],
            [np.ones(1), (1, 2, 3)],
            [np.arange(3), (3, )],
            [np.arange(3), (1, 3)],
            [np.arange(3), (2, 3)],
            # test if shape is not a tuple
            [np.ones(0), 0],
            [np.ones(1), 1],
            [np.ones(1), 2],
            # these cases with size 0 are strange, but they reproduce the behavior
            # of broadcasting with ufuncs
            [np.ones(1), (0, )],
            [np.ones((1, 2)), (0, 2)],
            [np.ones((2, 1)), (2, 0)],
            # numpy accepts scalar values as first argument to np.broadcast_to
            [2, (2, 2)],
            # tuple input
            [(1, 2), (2, 2)],
        for input_array, shape in data:
            expected = pyfunc(input_array, shape)
            got = cfunc(input_array, shape)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

    def test_broadcast_to_raises(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_to
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        # Tests taken from
        # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/75f852edf94a7293e7982ad516bee314d7187c2d/numpy/lib/tests/test_stride_tricks.py#L260-L276  # noqa: E501
        data = [
                np.zeros((0, )), (), TypingError,
                'The argument "shape" must be a tuple or an integer.'
                np.zeros((1, )), (), TypingError,
                'The argument "shape" must be a tuple or an integer.'
                np.zeros((3, )), (), TypingError,
                'The argument "shape" must be a tuple or an integer.'
                np.zeros((3, )), (1, ), ValueError,
                'operands could not be broadcast together with remapped shapes'
                np.zeros((3, )), (2, ), ValueError,
                'operands could not be broadcast together with remapped shapes'
                np.zeros((3, )), (4, ), ValueError,
                'operands could not be broadcast together with remapped shapes'
                np.zeros((1, 2)), (2, 1), ValueError,
                'operands could not be broadcast together with remapped shapes'
                np.zeros((1, 1)), (1, ), ValueError,
                'input operand has more dimensions than allowed by the axis remapping'
                np.zeros((2, 2)), (3, ), ValueError,
                'input operand has more dimensions than allowed by the axis remapping'
                np.zeros((1, )), -1, ValueError,
                'all elements of broadcast shape must be non-negative'
                np.zeros((1, )), (-1, ), ValueError,
                'all elements of broadcast shape must be non-negative'
                np.zeros((1, 2)), (-1, 2), ValueError,
                'all elements of broadcast shape must be non-negative'
                np.zeros((1, 2)), (1.1, 2.2), TypingError,
                'The second argument "shape" must be a tuple of integers'
                'hello', (3, ), TypingError,
                'The first argument "array" must be array-like'
        for arr, target_shape, err, msg in data:
            with self.assertRaises(err) as raises:
                cfunc(arr, target_shape)
            self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))

    def test_broadcast_to_change_view(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_to
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        input_array = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int32)
        shape = (2, 2)
        view = cfunc(input_array, shape)
        input_array[0] = 10

        self.assertEqual(input_array.sum(), 10)
        self.assertEqual(view.sum(), 20)

    def test_broadcast_to_indexing(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_to_indexing
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        data = [
            [np.ones(2), (2, 2), (1, )],
        for input_array, shape, idx in data:
            expected = pyfunc(input_array, shape, idx)
            got = cfunc(input_array, shape, idx)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

    @unittest.skipIf(numpy_version < (1, 20), "requires NumPy 1.20 or newer")
    def test_broadcast_shapes(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_shapes
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        # Tests taken from
        # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/623bc1fae1d47df24e7f1e29321d0c0ba2771ce0/numpy/lib/tests/test_stride_tricks.py#L296-L334
        data = [
            # [[], ()],  # cannot compute fingerprint of empty list
            [(), ()],
            [(7, )],
                (1, 2),
            [(1, 1)],
            [(1, 1), (3, 4)],
            [(6, 7), (5, 6, 1), (7, ), (5, 1, 7)],
            [(5, 6, 1)],
            [(1, 3), (3, 1)],
            [(1, 0), (0, 0)],
            [(0, 1), (0, 0)],
            [(1, 0), (0, 1)],
            [(1, 1), (0, 0)],
            [(1, 1), (1, 0)],
            [(1, 1), (0, 1)],
            [(), (0, )],
            [(0, ), (0, 0)],
            [(0, ), (0, 1)],
            [(1, ), (0, 0)],
            [(), (0, 0)],
            [(1, 1), (0, )],
            [(1, ), (0, 1)],
            [(1, ), (1, 0)],
            [(), (1, 0)],
            [(), (0, 1)],
            [(1, ), (3, )],
            [2, (3, 2)],
        for input_shape in data:
            expected = pyfunc(*input_shape)
            got = cfunc(*input_shape)
            self.assertIsInstance(got, tuple)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    @unittest.skipIf(numpy_version < (1, 20), "requires NumPy 1.20 or newer")
    def test_broadcast_shapes_raises(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_shapes
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)


        # Tests taken from
        # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/623bc1fae1d47df24e7f1e29321d0c0ba2771ce0/numpy/lib/tests/test_stride_tricks.py#L337-L351
        data = [
            [(3, ), (4, )],
            [(2, 3), (2, )],
            [(3, ), (3, ), (4, )],
            [(1, 3, 4), (2, 3, 3)],
            [(1, 2), (3, 1), (3, 2), (10, 5)],
            [2, (2, 3)],
        for input_shape in data:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:

                "shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape",

    @unittest.skipIf(numpy_version < (1, 20), "requires NumPy 1.20 or newer")
    def test_broadcast_shapes_negative_dimension(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_shapes
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
            cfunc((1, 2), (2), (-2))

        self.assertIn("negative dimensions are not allowed",

    @unittest.skipIf(numpy_version < (1, 20), "requires NumPy 1.20 or newer")
    def test_broadcast_shapes_invalid_type(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_shapes
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)


        inps = [
            ((1, 2), ('hello', )),
            (3.4, ),
            ('string', ),
            ((1.2, 'a')),
            (1, ((1.2, 'a'))),

        for inp in inps:
            with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:

            self.assertIn("must be either an int or tuple[int]",

    def test_shape(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_shape
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def check(x):
            expected = pyfunc(x)
            got = cfunc(x)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        # check arrays
        for t in [(), (1, ), (
        ), (4, 5, 6)]:
            arr = np.empty(t)

        # check some types that go via asarray
        for t in [1, False, [
        ], [[
        ], [3, 4]], (1, ), (1, 2, 3)]:

        with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:

        self.assertIn("The argument to np.shape must be array-like",

    def test_flatnonzero_basic(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_flatnonzero
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def a_variations():
            yield np.arange(-5, 5)
            yield np.full(5, fill_value=0)
            yield np.array([])
            a = self.random.randn(100)
            a[np.abs(a) > 0.2] = 0.0
            yield a
            yield a.reshape(5, 5, 4)
            yield a.reshape(50, 2, order='F')
            yield a.reshape(25, 4)[1::2]
            yield a * 1j

        for a in a_variations():
            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def test_argwhere_basic(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_argwhere
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def a_variations():
            yield np.arange(-5, 5) > 2
            yield np.full(5, fill_value=0)
            yield np.full(5, fill_value=1)
            yield np.array([])
            yield np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
            a = self.random.randn(100)
            yield a > 0.2
            yield a.reshape(5, 5, 4) > 0.5
            yield a.reshape(50, 2, order='F') > 0.5
            yield a.reshape(25, 4)[1::2] > 0.5
            yield a == a - 1
            yield a > -a

        for a in a_variations():
            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def array_like_variations():
        yield ((1.1, 2.2), (3.3, 4.4), (5.5, 6.6))
        yield (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -6.0)
        yield ([0, 1], [2, 3])
        yield ()
        yield np.nan
        yield 0
        yield 1
        yield False
        yield True
        yield (True, False, True)
        yield 2 + 1j
        # the following are not array-like, but NumPy does not raise
        yield None
        yield 'a_string'
        yield ''

    def test_flatnonzero_array_like(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_flatnonzero
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        for a in self.array_like_variations():
            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def test_argwhere_array_like(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_argwhere
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        for a in self.array_like_variations():
            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def broadcast_arrays_assert_correct_shape(self, input_shapes,
        # Broadcast a list of arrays with the given input shapes and check the
        # common output shape.
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_arrays
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        inarrays = [np.zeros(s) for s in input_shapes]
        outarrays = cfunc(*inarrays)
        expected = [expected_shape] * len(inarrays)
        got = [a.shape for a in outarrays]
        self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def test_broadcast_arrays_same_input_shapes(self):
        # Tests taken from
        # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/623bc1fae1d47df24e7f1e29321d0c0ba2771ce0/numpy/lib/tests/test_stride_tricks.py#L83-L107  # noqa: E501
        # Check that the final shape is just the input shape.
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_arrays
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        data = [
            # (),
                1, ),
            (3, ),
            (0, 1),
            (0, 3),
            (1, 0),
            (3, 0),
            (1, 3),
            (3, 1),
            (3, 3),
        for shape in data:
            input_shapes = [shape]
            # Single input.
            self.broadcast_arrays_assert_correct_shape(input_shapes, shape)
            # Double input.
            input_shapes2 = [shape, shape]
            self.broadcast_arrays_assert_correct_shape(input_shapes2, shape)
            # Triple input.
            input_shapes3 = [shape, shape, shape]
            self.broadcast_arrays_assert_correct_shape(input_shapes3, shape)

    def test_broadcast_arrays_two_compatible_by_ones_input_shapes(self):
        # Tests taken from
        # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/623bc1fae1d47df24e7f1e29321d0c0ba2771ce0/numpy/lib/tests/test_stride_tricks.py#L110-L132
        # Check that two different input shapes of the same length, but some have
        # ones, broadcast to the correct shape.

        data = [
            [[(1, ), (3, )], (3, )],
            [[(1, 3), (3, 3)], (3, 3)],
            [[(3, 1), (3, 3)], (3, 3)],
            [[(1, 3), (3, 1)], (3, 3)],
            [[(1, 1), (3, 3)], (3, 3)],
            [[(1, 1), (1, 3)], (1, 3)],
            [[(1, 1), (3, 1)], (3, 1)],
            [[(1, 0), (0, 0)], (0, 0)],
            [[(0, 1), (0, 0)], (0, 0)],
            [[(1, 0), (0, 1)], (0, 0)],
            [[(1, 1), (0, 0)], (0, 0)],
            [[(1, 1), (1, 0)], (1, 0)],
            [[(1, 1), (0, 1)], (0, 1)],
        for input_shapes, expected_shape in data:
            # Reverse the input shapes since broadcasting should be symmetric.

    def test_broadcast_arrays_two_compatible_by_prepending_ones_input_shapes(
        # Tests taken from
        # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/623bc1fae1d47df24e7f1e29321d0c0ba2771ce0/numpy/lib/tests/test_stride_tricks.py#L135-L164
        # Check that two different input shapes (of different lengths) broadcast
        # to the correct shape.

        data = [
            [[(), (3, )], (3, )],
            [[(3, ), (3, 3)], (3, 3)],
            [[(3, ), (3, 1)], (3, 3)],
            [[(1, ), (3, 3)], (3, 3)],
            [[(), (3, 3)], (3, 3)],
            [[(1, 1), (3, )], (1, 3)],
            [[(1, ), (3, 1)], (3, 1)],
            [[(1, ), (1, 3)], (1, 3)],
            [[(), (1, 3)], (1, 3)],
            [[(), (3, 1)], (3, 1)],
            [[(), (0, )], (0, )],
            [[(0, ), (0, 0)], (0, 0)],
            [[(0, ), (0, 1)], (0, 0)],
            [[(1, ), (0, 0)], (0, 0)],
            [[(), (0, 0)], (0, 0)],
            [[(1, 1), (0, )], (1, 0)],
            [[(1, ), (0, 1)], (0, 1)],
            [[(1, ), (1, 0)], (1, 0)],
            [[(), (1, 0)], (1, 0)],
            [[(), (0, 1)], (0, 1)],
        for input_shapes, expected_shape in data:
            # Reverse the input shapes since broadcasting should be symmetric.

    def test_broadcast_arrays_scalar_input(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_arrays
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        data = [
            [[True, False], (1, )],
            [[1, 2], (1, )],
            [[(1, 2), 2], (2, )],
        for inarrays, expected_shape in data:
            outarrays = cfunc(*inarrays)
            got = [a.shape for a in outarrays]
            expected = [expected_shape] * len(inarrays)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def test_broadcast_arrays_tuple_input(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_arrays
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        outarrays = cfunc((123, 456), (789, ))
        expected = [(2, ), (2, )]
        got = [a.shape for a in outarrays]
        self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def test_broadcast_arrays_non_array_input(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_arrays
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        outarrays = cfunc(np.intp(2), np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.intp))
        expected = [(1, 3), (1, 3)]
        got = [a.shape for a in outarrays]
        self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def test_broadcast_arrays_invalid_mixed_input_types(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_arrays
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)


        with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
            arr = np.arange(6).reshape((2, 3))
            b = True
            cfunc(arr, b)
        self.assertIn('Mismatch of argument types', str(raises.exception))

    def test_broadcast_arrays_invalid_input(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_arrays
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)


        with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
            arr = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.int64)
            s = 'hello world'
            cfunc(arr, s)
        self.assertIn('Argument "1" must be array-like', str(raises.exception))

    def test_broadcast_arrays_incompatible_shapes_raise_valueerror(self):
        # Check that a ValueError is raised for incompatible shapes.
        pyfunc = numpy_broadcast_arrays
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)


        data = [
            [(3, ), (4, )],
            [(2, 3), (2, )],
            [(3, ), (3, ), (4, )],
            [(1, 3, 4), (2, 3, 3)],
        for input_shapes in data:
            for shape in [input_shapes, input_shapes[::-1]]:
                # Reverse the input shapes since broadcasting should be symmetric.
                with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                    inarrays = [np.zeros(s) for s in shape]
                    "shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape",
class TestArrayManipulation(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
    Check shape-changing operations on arrays.

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestArrayManipulation, self).setUp()
        self.ccache = CompilationCache()

    def test_array_reshape(self):
        pyfuncs_to_use = [array_reshape, numpy_array_reshape]

        def generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), typeof(shape)))
            return cres.entry_point(arr, shape)

        def check(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            expected = pyfunc(arr, shape)
            got = generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)
            del got

        def check_only_shape(pyfunc, arr, shape, expected_shape):
            # Only check Numba result to avoid Numpy bugs
            got = generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
            self.assertEqual(got.shape, expected_shape)
            self.assertEqual(got.size, arr.size)
            del got

        def check_err_shape(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as raises:
                generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
                             "incompatible shape for array")

        def check_err_size(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
                             "total size of new array must be unchanged")

        def check_err_multiple_negative(pyfunc, arr, shape):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                generic_run(pyfunc, arr, shape)
                             "multiple negative shape values")

        # C-contiguous
        arr = np.arange(24)
        check(arr, (24,))
        check(arr, (4, 6))
        check(arr, (8, 3))
        check(arr, (8, 1, 3))
        check(arr, (1, 8, 1, 1, 3, 1))
        arr = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4))
        check(arr, (24,))
        check(arr, (4, 6))
        check(arr, (8, 3))
        check(arr, (8, 1, 3))
        check(arr, (1, 8, 1, 1, 3, 1))
        check_err_size(arr, ())
        check_err_size(arr, (25,))
        check_err_size(arr, (8, 4))
        arr = np.arange(24).reshape((1, 8, 1, 1, 3, 1))
        check(arr, (24,))
        check(arr, (4, 6))
        check(arr, (8, 3))
        check(arr, (8, 1, 3))

        # F-contiguous
        arr = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4)).T
        check(arr, (4, 3, 2))
        check(arr, (1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1))
        check_err_shape(arr, (2, 3, 4))
        check_err_shape(arr, (6, 4))
        check_err_shape(arr, (2, 12))

        # Test negative shape value
        arr = np.arange(25).reshape(5,5)
        check(arr, -1)
        check(arr, (-1,))
        check(arr, (-1, 5))
        check(arr, (5, -1, 5))
        check(arr, (5, 5, -1))
        check_err_size(arr, (-1, 4))
        check_err_multiple_negative(arr, (-1, -2, 5, 5))
        check_err_multiple_negative(arr, (5, 5, -1, -1))

        # 0-sized arrays
        def check_empty(arr):
            check(arr, 0)
            check(arr, (0,))
            check(arr, (1, 0, 2))
            check(arr, (0, 55, 1, 0, 2))
            # -1 is buggy in Numpy with 0-sized arrays
            check_only_shape(arr, -1, (0,))
            check_only_shape(arr, (-1,), (0,))
            check_only_shape(arr, (0, -1), (0, 0))
            check_only_shape(arr, (4, -1), (4, 0))
            check_only_shape(arr, (-1, 0, 4), (0, 0, 4))
            check_err_size(arr, ())
            check_err_size(arr, 1)
            check_err_size(arr, (1, 2))

        arr = np.array([])
        check_empty(arr.reshape((3, 2, 0)))

        # Exceptions leak references

    def test_array_transpose_axes(self):
        pyfuncs_to_use = [numpy_transpose_array_axes_kwarg,

        def run(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), typeof(axes)))
            return cres.entry_point(arr, axes)

        def check(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            expected = pyfunc(arr, axes)
            got = run(pyfunc, arr, axes)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        def check_err_axis_repeated(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                run(pyfunc, arr, axes)
                             "repeated axis in transpose")

        def check_err_axis_oob(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                run(pyfunc, arr, axes)
                             "axis is out of bounds for array of given dimension")

        def check_err_invalid_args(pyfunc, arr, axes):
            with self.assertRaises((TypeError, TypingError)):
                run(pyfunc, arr, axes)

        arrs = [np.arange(24),
                np.arange(24).reshape(4, 6),
                np.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4),
                np.arange(24).reshape(1, 2, 3, 4),
                np.arange(64).reshape(8, 4, 2)[::3,::2,:]]

        for i in range(len(arrs)):
            # First check `None`, the default, which is to reverse dims
            check(arrs[i], None)
            # Check supplied axis permutations
            for axes in permutations(tuple(range(arrs[i].ndim))):
                ndim = len(axes)
                neg_axes = tuple([x - ndim for x in axes])
                check(arrs[i], axes)
                check(arrs[i], neg_axes)

        def check_issue_4708(pyfunc, m, n):
            expected = pyfunc(m, n)
            got = njit(pyfunc)(m, n)
            # values in arrays are equals,
            # but stronger assertions not hold (layout and strides equality)
            np.testing.assert_equal(got, expected)

        check_issue_4708(3, 2)
        check_issue_4708(2, 3)
        check_issue_4708(5, 4)

        # Exceptions leak references

        check_err_invalid_args(arrs[1], "foo")
        check_err_invalid_args(arrs[1], ("foo",))
        check_err_invalid_args(arrs[1], 5.3)
        check_err_invalid_args(arrs[2], (1.2, 5))

        check_err_axis_repeated(arrs[1], (0, 0))
        check_err_axis_repeated(arrs[2], (2, 0, 0))
        check_err_axis_repeated(arrs[3], (3, 2, 1, 1))

        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[0], (1,))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[0], (-2,))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[1], (0, 2))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[1], (-3, 2))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[1], (0, -3))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[2], (3, 1, 2))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[2], (-4, 1, 2))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[3], (3, 1, 2, 5))
        check_err_axis_oob(arrs[3], (3, 1, 2, -5))

        with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as e:
            jit(nopython=True)(numpy_transpose_array)((np.array([0, 1]),))
        self.assertIn("np.transpose does not accept tuples",

    def test_expand_dims(self):
        pyfunc = expand_dims

        def run(arr, axis):
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), typeof(axis)))
            return cres.entry_point(arr, axis)

        def check(arr, axis):
            expected = pyfunc(arr, axis)
            got = run(arr, axis)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)
            del got

        def check_all_axes(arr):
            for axis in range(-arr.ndim - 1, arr.ndim + 1):
                check(arr, axis)

        # 1d
        arr = np.arange(5)
        # 3d (C, F, A)
        arr = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4))
        # 0d
        arr = np.array(42)

    def check_atleast_nd(self, pyfunc, cfunc):
        def check_result(got, expected):
            # We would like to check the result has the same contiguity,
            # but we can't rely on the "flags" attribute when there are
            # 1-sized dimensions.
            self.assertStridesEqual(got, expected)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got.flatten(), expected.flatten())

        def check_single(arg):
            check_result(cfunc(arg), pyfunc(arg))

        def check_tuple(*args):
            expected_tuple = pyfunc(*args)
            got_tuple = cfunc(*args)
            self.assertEqual(len(got_tuple), len(expected_tuple))
            for got, expected in zip(got_tuple, expected_tuple):
                check_result(got, expected)

        # 0d
        a1 = np.array(42)
        a2 = np.array(5j)
        check_tuple(a1, a2)
        # 1d
        b1 = np.arange(5)
        b2 = np.arange(6) + 1j
        b3 = b1[::-1]
        check_tuple(b1, b2, b3)
        # 2d
        c1 = np.arange(6).reshape((2, 3))
        c2 = c1.T
        c3 = c1[::-1]
        check_tuple(c1, c2, c3)
        # 3d
        d1 = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4))
        d2 = d1.T
        d3 = d1[::-1]
        check_tuple(d1, d2, d3)
        # 4d
        e = np.arange(16).reshape((2, 2, 2, 2))
        # mixed dimensions
        check_tuple(a1, b2, c3, d2)

    def test_atleast_1d(self):
        pyfunc = atleast_1d
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        self.check_atleast_nd(pyfunc, cfunc)

    def test_atleast_2d(self):
        pyfunc = atleast_2d
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        self.check_atleast_nd(pyfunc, cfunc)

    def test_atleast_3d(self):
        pyfunc = atleast_3d
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        self.check_atleast_nd(pyfunc, cfunc)

    def check_as_strided(self, pyfunc):
        def run(arr):
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr),))
            return cres.entry_point(arr)
        def check(arr):
            expected = pyfunc(arr)
            got = run(arr)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        arr = np.arange(24)
        check(arr.reshape((6, 4)))
        check(arr.reshape((4, 1, 6)))

    def test_as_strided(self):

    def test_flatten_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags, layout='C'):
        a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
        if layout == 'F':
            a = a.T

        pyfunc = flatten_array
        arraytype1 = typeof(a)
        if layout == 'A':
            # Force A layout
            arraytype1 = arraytype1.copy(layout='A')

        self.assertEqual(arraytype1.layout, layout)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point

        expected = pyfunc(a)
        got = cfunc(a)
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)

    def test_flatten_array_npm(self):
        self.test_flatten_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags, layout='F')
        self.test_flatten_array(flags=no_pyobj_flags, layout='A')

    def test_ravel_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        def generic_check(pyfunc, a, assume_layout):
            # compile
            arraytype1 = typeof(a)
            self.assertEqual(arraytype1.layout, assume_layout)
            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags)
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            # Check result matches
            np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)
            # Check copying behavior
            py_copied = (a.ctypes.data != expected.ctypes.data)
            nb_copied = (a.ctypes.data != got.ctypes.data)
            self.assertEqual(py_copied, assume_layout != 'C')
            self.assertEqual(py_copied, nb_copied)

        check_method = partial(generic_check, ravel_array)
        check_function = partial(generic_check, numpy_ravel_array)

        def check(*args, **kwargs):
            check_method(*args, **kwargs)
            check_function(*args, **kwargs)

        # Check 2D
        check(np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3), assume_layout='C')
        check(np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3, order='F'), assume_layout='F')
        check(np.arange(18).reshape(3, 3, 2)[:, :, 0], assume_layout='A')

        # Check 3D
        check(np.arange(18).reshape(2, 3, 3), assume_layout='C')
        check(np.arange(18).reshape(2, 3, 3, order='F'), assume_layout='F')
        check(np.arange(36).reshape(2, 3, 3, 2)[:, :, :, 0], assume_layout='A')

    def test_ravel_array_size(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)

        pyfunc = ravel_array_size
        arraytype1 = typeof(a)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point

        expected = pyfunc(a)
        got = cfunc(a)
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)

    def test_ravel_array_npm(self):

    def test_ravel_array_size_npm(self):

    def test_transpose_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        @from_generic([transpose_array, numpy_transpose_array])
        def check(pyfunc):
            a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)

            arraytype1 = typeof(a)
            cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags)
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)


    def test_transpose_array_npm(self):

    def test_squeeze_array(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        a = np.arange(2 * 1 * 3 * 1 * 4).reshape(2, 1, 3, 1, 4)

        pyfunc = squeeze_array
        arraytype1 = typeof(a)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point

        expected = pyfunc(a)
        got = cfunc(a)
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)

    def test_squeeze_array_npm(self):
        with self.assertRaises(errors.TypingError) as raises:

        self.assertIn("squeeze", str(raises.exception))

    def test_add_axis2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)

        pyfunc = add_axis2
        arraytype1 = typeof(a)
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype1,), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point

        expected = pyfunc(a)
        got = cfunc(a)
        np.testing.assert_equal(expected, got)

    def test_add_axis2_npm(self):
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
        self.assertIn("unsupported array index type none in",

    def test_bad_index_npm(self):
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
            arraytype1 = from_dtype(np.dtype([('x', np.int32),
                                              ('y', np.int32)]))
            arraytype2 = types.Array(types.int32, 2, 'C')
            compile_isolated(bad_index, (arraytype1, arraytype2),
        self.assertIn('unsupported array index type', str(raises.exception))

    def test_bad_float_index_npm(self):
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
                             (types.Array(types.float64, 2, 'C'),))
        self.assertIn('unsupported array index type float64',

    def test_fill_diagonal_basic(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_fill_diagonal
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def _shape_variations(n):
            # square
            yield (n, n)
            # tall and thin
            yield (2 * n, n)
            # short and fat
            yield (n, 2 * n)
            # a bit taller than wide; odd numbers of rows and cols
            yield ((2 * n + 1), (2 * n - 1))
            # 4d, all dimensions same
            yield (n, n, n, n)
            # weird edge case
            yield (1, 1, 1)

        def _val_variations():
            yield 1
            yield 3.142
            yield np.nan
            yield -np.inf
            yield True
            yield np.arange(4)
            yield (4,)
            yield [8, 9]
            yield np.arange(54).reshape(9, 3, 2, 1)  # contiguous C
            yield np.asfortranarray(np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3))  # contiguous F
            yield np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)[::-1]  # non-contiguous

        # contiguous arrays
        def _multi_dimensional_array_variations(n):
            for shape in _shape_variations(n):
                yield np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float64)
                yield np.asfortranarray(np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float64))

        # non-contiguous arrays
        def _multi_dimensional_array_variations_strided(n):
            for shape in _shape_variations(n):
                tmp = np.zeros(tuple([x * 2 for x in shape]), dtype=np.float64)
                slicer = tuple(slice(0, x * 2, 2) for x in shape)
                yield tmp[slicer]

        def _check_fill_diagonal(arr, val):
            for wrap in None, True, False:
                a = arr.copy()
                b = arr.copy()

                if wrap is None:
                    params = {}
                    params = {'wrap': wrap}

                pyfunc(a, val, **params)
                cfunc(b, val, **params)
                self.assertPreciseEqual(a, b)

        for arr in _multi_dimensional_array_variations(3):
            for val in _val_variations():
                _check_fill_diagonal(arr, val)

        for arr in _multi_dimensional_array_variations_strided(3):
            for val in _val_variations():
                _check_fill_diagonal(arr, val)

        # non-numeric input arrays
        arr = np.array([True] * 9).reshape(3, 3)
        _check_fill_diagonal(arr, False)
        _check_fill_diagonal(arr, [False, True, False])
        _check_fill_diagonal(arr, np.array([True, False, True]))

    def test_fill_diagonal_exception_cases(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_fill_diagonal
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        val = 1

        # Exceptions leak references

        # first argument unsupported number of dimensions
        for a in np.array([]), np.ones(5):
            with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
                cfunc(a, val)
            assert "The first argument must be at least 2-D" in str(raises.exception)

        # multi-dimensional input where dimensions are not all equal
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
            a = np.zeros((3, 3, 4))
            cfunc(a, val)
            self.assertEqual("All dimensions of input must be of equal length", str(raises.exception))

        # cases where val has incompatible type / value
        def _assert_raises(arr, val):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                cfunc(arr, val)
            self.assertEqual("Unable to safely conform val to a.dtype", str(raises.exception))

        arr = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.int32)
        val = np.nan
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        val = [3.3, np.inf]
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        val = np.array([1, 2, 1e10], dtype=np.int64)
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        arr = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        val = [1.4, 2.6, -1e100]
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        val = 1.1e100
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

        val = np.array([-1e100])
        _assert_raises(arr, val)

    def test_shape(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_shape
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def check(x):
            expected = pyfunc(x)
            got = cfunc(x)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        # check arrays
        for t in [(), (1,), (2, 3,), (4, 5, 6)]:
            arr = np.empty(t)

        # check some types that go via asarray
        for t in [1, False, [1,], [[1, 2,],[3, 4]], (1,), (1, 2, 3)]:

        with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:

        self.assertIn("The argument to np.shape must be array-like",

    def test_flatnonzero_basic(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_flatnonzero
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def a_variations():
            yield np.arange(-5, 5)
            yield np.full(5, fill_value=0)
            yield np.array([])
            a = self.random.randn(100)
            a[np.abs(a) > 0.2] = 0.0
            yield a
            yield a.reshape(5, 5, 4)
            yield a.reshape(50, 2, order='F')
            yield a.reshape(25, 4)[1::2]
            yield a * 1j

        for a in a_variations():
            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def test_argwhere_basic(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_argwhere
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def a_variations():
            yield np.arange(-5, 5) > 2
            yield np.full(5, fill_value=0)
            yield np.full(5, fill_value=1)
            yield np.array([])
            yield np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 1.0])
            a = self.random.randn(100)
            yield a > 0.2
            yield a.reshape(5, 5, 4) > 0.5
            yield a.reshape(50, 2, order='F') > 0.5
            yield a.reshape(25, 4)[1::2] > 0.5
            yield a == a - 1
            yield a > -a

        for a in a_variations():
            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def array_like_variations():
        yield ((1.1, 2.2), (3.3, 4.4), (5.5, 6.6))
        yield (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -6.0)
        yield ([0, 1], [2, 3])
        yield ()
        yield np.nan
        yield 0
        yield 1
        yield False
        yield True
        yield (True, False, True)
        yield 2 + 1j
        # the following are not array-like, but NumPy does not raise
        yield None
        yield 'a_string'
        yield ''

    def test_flatnonzero_array_like(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_flatnonzero
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        for a in self.array_like_variations():
            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

    def test_argwhere_array_like(self):
        pyfunc = numpy_argwhere
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        for a in self.array_like_variations():
            expected = pyfunc(a)
            got = cfunc(a)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)
Exemple #8
class TestMathLib(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.ccache = CompilationCache()

    def test_constants(self):
        self.run_nullary_func(get_constants, no_pyobj_flags)

    def run_unary(self,
        for tx, vx in zip(x_types, x_values):
            cr = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (tx, ), flags=flags)
            cfunc = cr.entry_point
            got = cfunc(vx)
            expected = pyfunc(vx)
            actual_prec = 'single' if tx is types.float32 else prec
            msg = 'for input %r' % (vx, )

    def run_binary(self,
        for ty, x, y in zip(x_types, x_values, y_values):
            cr = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (ty, ty), flags=flags)
            cfunc = cr.entry_point
            got = cfunc(x, y)
            expected = pyfunc(x, y)
            actual_prec = 'single' if ty is types.float32 else prec
            msg = 'for inputs (%r, %r)' % (x, y)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected, prec=actual_prec, msg=msg)

    def check_predicate_func(self, pyfunc, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float32, types.float32,
            types.float64, types.float64, types.float64
        x_values = [
            0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            float('inf'), 0.0,
            float('inf'), 0.0,
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_sin(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = sin
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_sin_npm(self):

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == 'win32',
                     "not exactly equal on win32 (issue #597)")
    def test_cos(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = cos
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_cos_npm(self):

    def test_tan(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = tan
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_tan_npm(self):

    def test_sqrt(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = sqrt
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_sqrt_npm(self):

    def test_npy_sqrt(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = npy_sqrt
        x_values = [2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        # XXX poor precision for int16 inputs
        x_types = [types.int16, types.uint16]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, prec='single')
        x_types = [
            types.int32, types.int64, types.uint32, types.uint64,
            types.float32, types.float64
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_npy_sqrt_npm(self):

    def test_exp(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = exp
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_exp_npm(self):

    def test_expm1(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = expm1
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_expm1_npm(self):

    def test_log(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = log
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 100000, 1000000, 0.1, 1.1]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_log_npm(self):

    def test_log1p(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = log1p
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 100000, 1000000, 0.1, 1.1]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_log1p_npm(self):

    def test_log10(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = log10
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 100000, 1000000, 0.1, 1.1]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_log10_npm(self):

    def test_asin(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = asin
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_asin_npm(self):

    def test_acos(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = acos
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_acos_npm(self):

    def test_atan(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = atan
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_atan_npm(self):

    def test_atan2(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = atan2
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        y_values = [x * 2 for x in x_values]
        self.run_binary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, y_values, flags)

    def test_atan2_npm(self):

    def test_asinh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = asinh
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, prec='double')

    def test_asinh_npm(self):

    def test_acosh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = acosh
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_acosh_npm(self):

    def test_atanh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = atanh
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, prec='double')

    def test_atanh_npm(self):

    def test_sinh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = sinh
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_sinh_npm(self):

    def test_cosh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = cosh
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_cosh_npm(self):

    def test_tanh(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = tanh
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_tanh_npm(self):

    def test_floor(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = floor
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.9]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_floor_npm(self):

    def test_ceil(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = ceil
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.9]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_ceil_npm(self):

    def test_trunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = trunc
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 1.9]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_trunc_npm(self):

    def test_isnan(self):
        self.check_predicate_func(isnan, flags=enable_pyobj_flags)

    def test_isnan_npm(self):
        self.check_predicate_func(isnan, flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_isinf(self):
        self.check_predicate_func(isinf, flags=enable_pyobj_flags)

    def test_isinf_npm(self):
        self.check_predicate_func(isinf, flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_isfinite(self):
        self.check_predicate_func(isfinite, flags=enable_pyobj_flags)

    def test_isfinite_npm(self):
        self.check_predicate_func(isfinite, flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_hypot(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = hypot
        x_types = [types.int64, types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64]
        x_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .21, .34]
        y_values = [x + 2 for x in x_values]
        # Issue #563: precision issues with math.hypot() under Windows.
        prec = 'single'
        self.run_binary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, y_values, flags, prec)

        # Check that values that overflow in naive implementations do not
        # in the numba impl

        def naive_hypot(x, y):
            return math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)

        for fltty in (types.float32, types.float64):
            cr = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (fltty, fltty), flags=flags)
            cfunc = cr.entry_point
            dt = numpy_support.as_dtype(fltty).type
            val = dt(np.finfo(dt).max / 30.)
            nb_ans = cfunc(val, val)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(nb_ans, pyfunc(val, val), prec='single')

            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.simplefilter("error", RuntimeWarning)
                                        'overflow encountered in .*_scalars',
                                        naive_hypot, val, val)

    def test_hypot_npm(self):

    def test_degrees(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = degrees
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_degrees_npm(self):

    def test_radians(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = radians
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1., 1.]
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags)

    def test_radians_npm(self):

    def test_erf(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = erf
        x_values = [1., 1., -1., -0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 5, float('inf')]
        x_types = [types.float32, types.float64] * (len(x_values) // 2)
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, prec='double', ulps=2)

    def test_erf_npm(self):

    def test_erfc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = erfc
        x_values = [1., 1., -1., -0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 5, float('inf')]
        x_types = [types.float32, types.float64] * (len(x_values) // 2)
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, prec='double', ulps=4)

    def test_erfc_npm(self):

    def test_gamma(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = gamma
        x_values = [1., -0.9, -0.5, 0.5]
        x_types = [types.float32, types.float64] * (len(x_values) // 2)
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, prec='double', ulps=3)
        x_values = [-0.1, 0.1, 2.5, 10.1, 50., float('inf')]
        x_types = [types.float64] * len(x_values)
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, prec='double', ulps=8)

    def test_gamma_npm(self):

    def test_lgamma(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = lgamma
        x_values = [1., -0.9, -0.1, 0.1, 200., 1e10, 1e30, float('inf')]
        x_types = [types.float32, types.float64] * (len(x_values) // 2)
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, prec='double')

    def test_lgamma_npm(self):

    def test_pow(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = pow
        x_types = [
            types.int16, types.int32, types.int64, types.uint16, types.uint32,
            types.uint64, types.float32, types.float64
        x_values = [-2, -1, -2, 2, 1, 2, .1, .2]
        y_values = [x * 2 for x in x_values]
        self.run_binary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, y_values, flags)

    def test_gcd(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        from itertools import product, repeat, chain
        pyfunc = gcd
        signed_args = product(sorted(types.signed_domain),
                              *repeat((-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 7, 10), 2))
        unsigned_args = product(sorted(types.unsigned_domain),
                                *repeat((0, 1, 2, 7, 9, 16), 2))
        x_types, x_values, y_values = zip(*chain(signed_args, unsigned_args))
        self.run_binary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, y_values, flags)

    def test_gcd_npm(self):

    def test_pow_npm(self):

    def test_copysign(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = copysign
        value_types = [types.float32, types.float64]
        values = [
            -2, -1, -0.0, 0.0, 1, 2,
        x_types, x_values, y_values = list(
            zip(*itertools.product(value_types, values, values)))
        self.run_binary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, y_values, flags)

    def test_copysign_npm(self):

    def test_frexp(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = frexp
        x_types = [types.float32, types.float64]
        x_values = [
            -2.5, -0.0, 0.0, 3.5,
        self.run_unary(pyfunc, x_types, x_values, flags, prec='exact')

    def test_frexp_npm(self):

    def test_ldexp(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = ldexp
        for fltty in (types.float32, types.float64):
            cr = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (fltty, types.int32), flags=flags)
            cfunc = cr.entry_point
            for args in [(2.5, -2), (2.5, 1), (0.0, 0), (0.0, 1), (-0.0, 0),
                         (-0.0, 1), (float('inf'), 0), (float('-inf'), 0),
                         (float('nan'), 0)]:
                msg = 'for input %r' % (args, )
                self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(*args), pyfunc(*args))

    def test_ldexp_npm(self):
Exemple #9
class TestUFuncs(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.inputs = [
            (0, types.uint32),
            (1, types.uint32),
            (-1, types.int32),
            (0, types.int32),
            (1, types.int32),
            (0, types.uint64),
            (1, types.uint64),
            (-1, types.int64),
            (0, types.int64),
            (1, types.int64),

            (-0.5, types.float32),
            (0.0, types.float32),
            (0.5, types.float32),

            (-0.5, types.float64),
            (0.0, types.float64),
            (0.5, types.float64),

            (np.array([0,1], dtype='u4'), types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([0,1], dtype='u8'), types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-1,0,1], dtype='i4'), types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-1,0,1], dtype='i8'), types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], dtype='f4'), types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-0.5, 0.0, 0.5], dtype='f8'), types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')),
        self.cache = CompilationCache()

    def unary_ufunc_test(self, ufunc_name, flags=enable_pyobj_flags,
                         skip_inputs=[], additional_inputs=[],
                         int_output_type=None, float_output_type=None):
        ufunc = _make_unary_ufunc_usecase(ufunc_name)

        inputs = list(self.inputs)

        pyfunc = ufunc

        for input_tuple in inputs:

            input_operand = input_tuple[0]
            input_type = input_tuple[1]

            if input_type in skip_inputs:

            ty = input_type
            if isinstance(ty, types.Array):
                ty = ty.dtype

            if ty in types.signed_domain:
                if int_output_type:
                    output_type = types.Array(int_output_type, 1, 'C')
                    output_type = types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C')
            elif ty in types.unsigned_domain:
                if int_output_type:
                    output_type = types.Array(int_output_type, 1, 'C')
                    output_type = types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')
                if float_output_type:
                    output_type = types.Array(float_output_type, 1, 'C')
                    output_type = types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')

            # Due to __ftol2 llvm bug, skip testing uint64 output on windows.
            # (llvm translates fptoui call to ftol2 call on windows which
            # causes a crash later.
            if iswindows and output_type.dtype is types.uint64:

            cr = self.cache.compile(pyfunc, (input_type, output_type),
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            if isinstance(input_operand, np.ndarray):
                result = np.zeros(input_operand.size,
                expected = np.zeros(input_operand.size,
                result = np.zeros(1, dtype=output_type.dtype.name)
                expected = np.zeros(1, dtype=output_type.dtype.name)

            invalid_flag = False
            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warnlist:

                pyfunc(input_operand, expected)

                warnmsg = "invalid value encountered"
                for thiswarn in warnlist:

                    if (issubclass(thiswarn.category, RuntimeWarning)
                        and str(thiswarn.message).startswith(warnmsg)):
                        invalid_flag = True

            cfunc(input_operand, result)

            # Need special checks if NaNs are in results
            if np.isnan(expected).any() or np.isnan(result).any():
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.isnan(result), np.isnan(expected)))
                if not np.isnan(expected).all() and not np.isnan(result).all():
                match = np.all(result == expected) or np.allclose(result,
                if not match:
                    if invalid_flag:
                        # Allow output to mismatch for invalid input
                        print("Output mismatch for invalid input",
                              input_tuple, result, expected)
                        self.fail("%s != %s" % (result, expected))

    def binary_ufunc_test(self, ufunc_name, flags=enable_pyobj_flags,
                         skip_inputs=[], additional_inputs=[],
                         int_output_type=None, float_output_type=None):

        ufunc = _make_binary_ufunc_usecase(ufunc_name)
#        ufunc = globals()[ufunc_name + '_usecase']

        inputs = list(self.inputs) + additional_inputs
        pyfunc = ufunc

        for input_tuple in inputs:

            input_operand = input_tuple[0]
            input_type = input_tuple[1]

            if input_type in skip_inputs:

            ty = input_type
            if isinstance(ty, types.Array):
                ty = ty.dtype

            if ty in types.signed_domain:
                if int_output_type:
                    output_type = types.Array(int_output_type, 1, 'C')
                    output_type = types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C')
            elif ty in types.unsigned_domain:
                if int_output_type:
                    output_type = types.Array(int_output_type, 1, 'C')
                    output_type = types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')
                if float_output_type:
                    output_type = types.Array(float_output_type, 1, 'C')
                    output_type = types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')

            # Due to __ftol2 llvm bug, skip testing uint64 output on windows.
            # (llvm translates fptoui call to ftol2 call on windows which
            # causes a crash later.
            if iswindows and output_type.dtype is types.uint64:

            cr = self.cache.compile(pyfunc, (input_type, input_type, output_type),
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            if isinstance(input_operand, np.ndarray):
                result = np.zeros(input_operand.size,
                expected = np.zeros(input_operand.size,
                result = np.zeros(1, dtype=output_type.dtype.name)
                expected = np.zeros(1, dtype=output_type.dtype.name)
            cfunc(input_operand, input_operand, result)
            pyfunc(input_operand, input_operand, expected)

            # Need special checks if NaNs are in results
            if np.isnan(expected).any() or np.isnan(result).any():
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.isnan(result), np.isnan(expected)))
                if not np.isnan(expected).all() and not np.isnan(result).all():
                self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected) or
                                np.allclose(result, expected))

    def unary_int_ufunc_test(self, name=None, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test(name, flags=flags,
            skip_inputs=[types.float32, types.float64,
                types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C'),
                types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')])

    def binary_int_ufunc_test(self, name=None, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.binary_ufunc_test(name, flags=flags,
            skip_inputs=[types.float32, types.float64,
                types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C'),
                types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')])

    # Math operations
    def test_add_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('add', flags=flags)

    def test_add_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_subtract_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('subtract', flags=flags)

    def test_subtract_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_multiply_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('multiply', flags=flags)

    def test_multiply_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_divide_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        # Bear in mind that in python3 divide IS true_divide
        # so the out type for int types will be a double
        int_out_type = None
        if PYVERSION >= (3, 0):
            int_out_type = types.float64

        self.binary_ufunc_test('divide', flags=flags, int_output_type=int_out_type)

    def test_divide_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_logaddexp_ufunc(self):

    def test_logaddexp_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('logaddexp', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_logaddexp2_ufunc(self):

    def test_logaddexp2_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('logaddexp2', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_true_divide_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('true_divide', flags=flags, int_output_type=types.float64)

    def test_true_divide_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_floor_divide_ufunc(self):

    def test_floor_divide_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('floor_divide', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_negative_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        # NumPy ufunc has bug with uint32 as input and int64 as output,
        # so skip uint32 input.
        self.unary_ufunc_test('negative', int_output_type=types.int64,
            skip_inputs=[types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C')], flags=flags)

    def test_negative_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_power_ufunc(self):

    def test_power_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('power', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_remainder_ufunc(self):

    def test_remainder_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('remainder', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_mod_ufunc(self):

    def test_mod_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('mod', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_fmod_ufunc(self):

    def test_fmod_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('fmod', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_abs_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('abs', flags=flags,
            additional_inputs = [(np.iinfo(np.uint32).max, types.uint32),
                                 (np.iinfo(np.uint64).max, types.uint64),
                                 (np.finfo(np.float32).min, types.float32),
                                 (np.finfo(np.float64).min, types.float64)

    def test_abs_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_absolute_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('absolute', flags=flags,
            additional_inputs = [(np.iinfo(np.uint32).max, types.uint32),
                                 (np.iinfo(np.uint64).max, types.uint64),
                                 (np.finfo(np.float32).min, types.float32),
                                 (np.finfo(np.float64).min, types.float64)

    def test_absolute_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_rint_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('rint', flags=flags)

    def test_rint_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_sign_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('sign', flags=flags)

    def test_sign_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_conj_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('conj', flags=flags)

    def test_conj_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_exp_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('exp', flags=flags)

    def test_exp_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_exp2_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('exp2', flags=flags)

    def test_exp2_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_log_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('log', flags=flags)

    def test_log_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_log2_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('log2', flags=flags)

    def test_log2_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_log10_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('log10', flags=flags)

    def test_log10_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_expm1_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('expm1', flags=flags)

    def test_expm1_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_log1p_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('log1p', flags=flags)

    def test_log1p_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_sqrt_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('sqrt', flags=flags)

    def test_sqrt_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_square_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('square', flags=flags)

    def test_square_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_reciprocal_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('reciprocal', flags=flags)

    def test_reciprocal_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_conjugate_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('reciprocal', flags=flags)

    def test_conjugate_ufunc_npm(self):

    # Trigonometric Functions

    def test_sin_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('sin', flags=flags)

    def test_sin_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_cos_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('cos', flags=flags)

    def test_cos_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_tan_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('tan', flags=flags)

    def test_tan_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_arcsin_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('arcsin', flags=flags)

    def test_arcsin_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_arccos_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('arccos', flags=flags)

    def test_arccos_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_arctan_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('arctan', flags=flags)

    def test_arctan_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_arctan2_ufunc(self):

    def test_arctan2_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('arctan2', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_hypot_ufunc(self):

    def test_hypot_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('hypot', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_sinh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('sinh', flags=flags)

    def test_sinh_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_cosh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('cosh', flags=flags)

    def test_cosh_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_tanh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('tanh', flags=flags)

    def test_tanh_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_arcsinh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('arcsinh', flags=flags)

    def test_arcsinh_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_arccosh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('arccosh', flags=flags)

    def test_arccosh_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_arctanh_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('arctanh', flags=flags)

    def test_arctanh_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_deg2rad_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('deg2rad', flags=flags)

    def test_deg2rad_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_rad2deg_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('rad2deg', flags=flags)

    def test_rad2deg_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_degrees_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('degrees', flags=flags)

    def test_degrees_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_radians_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('radians', flags=flags)

    def test_radians_ufunc_npm(self):

    # Bit-twiddling Functions

    def test_bitwise_and_ufunc(self):

    def test_bitwise_and_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_and', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_bitwise_or_ufunc(self):

    def test_bitwise_or_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_or', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_bitwise_xor_ufunc(self):

    def test_bitwise_xor_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_xor', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_invert_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_int_ufunc_test('invert', flags=flags)

    def test_invert_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_bitwise_not_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_int_ufunc_test('bitwise_not', flags=flags)

    def test_bitwise_not_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_left_shift_ufunc(self):

    def test_left_shift_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_int_ufunc_test('left_shift', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_right_shift_ufunc(self):

    def test_right_shift_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_int_ufunc_test('right_shift', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    # Comparison functions
    def test_greater_ufunc(self):

    def test_greater_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('greater', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_greater_equal_ufunc(self):

    def test_greater_equal_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('greater_equal', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_less_ufunc(self):

    def test_less_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('less', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_less_equal_ufunc(self):

    def test_less_equal_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('less_equal', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_not_equal_ufunc(self):

    def test_not_equal_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('not_equal', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_equal_ufunc(self):

    def test_equal_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('equal', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_logical_and_ufunc(self):

    def test_logical_and_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('logical_and', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_logical_or_ufunc(self):

    def test_logical_or_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('logical_or', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_logical_xor_ufunc(self):

    def test_logical_xor_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('logical_xor', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    #logical_not support should be coming soon
    def test_logical_not_ufunc(self):

    def test_logical_not_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('logical_not', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_maximum_ufunc(self):

    def test_maximum_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('maximum', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_minimum_ufunc(self):

    def test_minimum_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('minimum', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_fmax_ufunc(self):
    def test_fmax_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('fmax', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_fmin_ufunc(self):

    def test_fmin_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('fmin', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    # Floating functions
    def test_isfinite_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('isfinite', flags=flags)

    def test_isfinite_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_isinf_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('isinf', flags=flags)

    def test_isinf_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_isnan_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('isnan', flags=flags)

    def test_isnan_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_signbit_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('signbit', flags=flags)

    def test_signbit_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_copysign_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):

    def test_copysign_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_nextafter_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.binary_ufunc_test('nextafter', flags=flags)

    def test_nextafter_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_modf_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('modf', flags=flags)

    def test_modf_ufunc_npm(self):

    # FIXME - ldexp does not have homogeneous arguments, so the usual tests won't
    #         work as they reuse both inputs
    @unittest.skipIf(is32bits or iswindows, "Some types are not supported on "
                                       "32-bit "
    @unittest.skip("this test needs fixing")
    def test_ldexp_ufunc(self):

    # FIXME
    @unittest.skipIf(is32bits or iswindows,
                     "Some types are not supported on 32-bit platform")
    @unittest.skip("this tests needs fixing")
    def test_ldexp_ufunc_npm(self):
        self.binary_int_ufunc_test('ldexp', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_frexp_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('frexp', flags=flags)

    def test_frexp_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_floor_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('floor', flags=flags)

    def test_floor_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_ceil_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('ceil', flags=flags)

    def test_ceil_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_trunc_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('trunc', flags=flags)

    def test_trunc_ufunc_npm(self):

    def test_spacing_ufunc(self, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        self.unary_ufunc_test('spacing', flags=flags)

    def test_spacing_ufunc_npm(self):

    # Other tests
    def test_binary_ufunc_performance(self):

        pyfunc = _make_binary_ufunc_usecase('add')
        arraytype = types.Array(types.float32, 1, 'C')
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (arraytype, arraytype, arraytype))
        cfunc = cr.entry_point

        nelem = 5000
        x_operand = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.float32)
        y_operand = np.arange(nelem, dtype=np.float32)
        control = np.empty_like(x_operand)
        result = np.empty_like(x_operand)

        def bm_python():
            pyfunc(x_operand, y_operand, control)

        def bm_numba():
            cfunc(x_operand, y_operand, result)

        print(utils.benchmark(bm_python, maxsec=.1))
        print(utils.benchmark(bm_numba, maxsec=.1))
        assert np.allclose(control, result)

    def binary_ufunc_mixed_types_test(self, ufunc_name, flags=enable_pyobj_flags):
        ufunc = _make_binary_ufunc_usecase(ufunc_name)
        #ufunc = globals()[ufunc_name + '_usecase']

        inputs1 = [
            (1, types.uint64),
            (-1, types.int64),
            (0.5, types.float64),

            (np.array([0, 1], dtype='u8'), types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-1, 1], dtype='i8'), types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C')),
            (np.array([-0.5, 0.5], dtype='f8'), types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C'))]

        inputs2 = inputs1

        output_types = [types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'),
                        types.Array(types.float64, 1, 'C')]

        pyfunc = ufunc

        for input1, input2, output_type in itertools.product(inputs1, inputs2, output_types):

            input1_operand = input1[0]
            input1_type = input1[1]

            input2_operand = input2[0]
            input2_type = input2[1]

            # Skip division by unsigned int because of NumPy bugs
            if ufunc_name == 'divide' and (input2_type == types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C') or
                    input2_type == types.Array(types.uint64, 1, 'C')):

            # Skip some subtraction tests because of NumPy bugs
            if ufunc_name == 'subtract' and input1_type == types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C') and \
                    input2_type == types.uint32 and types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'):
            if ufunc_name == 'subtract' and input1_type == types.Array(types.uint32, 1, 'C') and \
                    input2_type == types.uint64 and types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C'):

            if ((isinstance(input1_type, types.Array) or
                    isinstance(input2_type, types.Array)) and
                    not isinstance(output_type, types.Array)):

            cr = self.cache.compile(pyfunc,
                                    (input1_type, input2_type, output_type),
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            if isinstance(input1_operand, np.ndarray):
                result = np.zeros(input1_operand.size,
                expected = np.zeros(input1_operand.size,
            elif isinstance(input2_operand, np.ndarray):
                result = np.zeros(input2_operand.size,
                expected = np.zeros(input2_operand.size,
                result = np.zeros(1, dtype=output_type.dtype.name)
                expected = np.zeros(1, dtype=output_type.dtype.name)

            cfunc(input1_operand, input2_operand, result)
            pyfunc(input1_operand, input2_operand, expected)

            # Need special checks if NaNs are in results
            if np.isnan(expected).any() or np.isnan(result).any():
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(np.isnan(result), np.isnan(expected)))
                if not np.isnan(expected).all() and not np.isnan(result).all():
                self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected) or
                                np.allclose(result, expected))

    def test_mixed_types(self):
        self.binary_ufunc_mixed_types_test('divide', flags=no_pyobj_flags)

    def test_broadcasting(self):

        # Test unary ufunc
        pyfunc = _make_unary_ufunc_usecase('negative')

        input_operands = [
            np.arange(3, dtype='i8'),
            np.arange(3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,1),
            np.arange(3, dtype='i8').reshape(1,3),
            np.arange(3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,1),
            np.arange(3, dtype='i8').reshape(1,3),
            np.arange(3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3)]

        output_operands = [
            np.zeros(3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3),
            np.zeros(3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3),
            np.zeros(3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3),
            np.zeros(3*3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3,3),
            np.zeros(3*3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3,3),
            np.zeros(3*3*3, dtype='i8').reshape(3,3,3)]

        for x, result in zip(input_operands, output_operands):

            input_type = types.Array(types.uint64, x.ndim, 'C')
            output_type = types.Array(types.int64, result.ndim, 'C')

            cr = self.cache.compile(pyfunc, (input_type, output_type),
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            expected = np.zeros(result.shape, dtype=result.dtype)
            np.negative(x, expected)

            cfunc(x, result)
            self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))

        # Test binary ufunc
        pyfunc = _make_binary_ufunc_usecase('add')

        input1_operands = [
            np.arange(3, dtype='u8'),
            np.arange(3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,3),
            np.arange(3*3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,3,3),
            np.arange(3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,1),
            np.arange(3, dtype='u8').reshape(1,3),
            np.arange(3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,1,1),
            np.arange(3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,3,1),
            np.arange(3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(3,1,3),
            np.arange(3*3, dtype='u8').reshape(1,3,3)]

        input2_operands = input1_operands

        for x, y in itertools.product(input1_operands, input2_operands):

            input1_type = types.Array(types.uint64, x.ndim, 'C')
            input2_type = types.Array(types.uint64, y.ndim, 'C')
            output_type = types.Array(types.uint64, max(x.ndim, y.ndim), 'C')

            cr = self.cache.compile(pyfunc, (input1_type, input2_type, output_type),
            cfunc = cr.entry_point

            expected = np.add(x, y)
            result = np.zeros(expected.shape, dtype='u8')

            cfunc(x, y, result)
            self.assertTrue(np.all(result == expected))
Exemple #10
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestArrayIterators, self).setUp()
     self.ccache = CompilationCache()
Exemple #11
class TestArrayIterators(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
    Test array.flat, np.ndenumerate(), etc.
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestArrayIterators, self).setUp()
        self.ccache = CompilationCache()

    def check_array_iter_1d(self, arr):
        pyfunc = array_iter
        cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [typeof(arr)])
        cfunc = cres.entry_point
        expected = pyfunc(arr)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr), expected)

    def check_array_iter_items(self, arr):
        pyfunc = array_iter_items
        cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [typeof(arr)])
        cfunc = cres.entry_point
        expected = pyfunc(arr)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr), expected)

    def check_array_view_iter(self, arr, index):
        pyfunc = array_view_iter
        cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, [typeof(arr), typeof(index)])
        cfunc = cres.entry_point
        expected = pyfunc(arr, index)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr, index), expected)

    def check_array_flat(self, arr, arrty=None):
        out = np.zeros(arr.size, dtype=arr.dtype)
        nb_out = out.copy()
        if arrty is None:
            arrty = typeof(arr)

        cres = compile_isolated(array_flat, [arrty, typeof(out)])
        cfunc = cres.entry_point

        array_flat(arr, out)
        cfunc(arr, nb_out)

        self.assertPreciseEqual(out, nb_out)

    def check_array_unary(self, arr, arrty, func):
        cres = compile_isolated(func, [arrty])
        cfunc = cres.entry_point
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr), func(arr))

    def check_array_flat_sum(self, arr, arrty):
        self.check_array_unary(arr, arrty, array_flat_sum)

    def check_array_ndenumerate_sum(self, arr, arrty):
        self.check_array_unary(arr, arrty, array_ndenumerate_sum)

    def test_array_iter(self):
        # Test iterating over a 1d array
        arr = np.arange(6)
        arr = arr[::2]
        arr = np.bool_([1, 0, 0, 1])
        arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])

    def test_array_view_iter(self):
        # Test iterating over a 1d view over a 2d array
        arr = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))
        self.check_array_view_iter(arr, 1)
        self.check_array_view_iter(arr.T, 1)
        arr = arr[::2]
        self.check_array_view_iter(arr, 1)
        arr = np.bool_([1, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((2, 2))
        self.check_array_view_iter(arr, 1)

    def test_array_flat_3d(self):
        arr = np.arange(24).reshape(4, 2, 3)

        arrty = typeof(arr)
        self.assertEqual(arrty.ndim, 3)
        self.assertEqual(arrty.layout, 'C')
        # Test with C-contiguous array
        # Test with Fortran-contiguous array
        arr = arr.transpose()
        self.assertEqual(typeof(arr).layout, 'F')
        # Test with non-contiguous array
        arr = arr[::2]
        self.assertEqual(typeof(arr).layout, 'A')
        # Boolean array
        arr = np.bool_([1, 0, 0, 1] * 2).reshape((2, 2, 2))

    def test_array_flat_empty(self):
        # Test .flat with various shapes of empty arrays, contiguous
        # and non-contiguous (see issue #846).
        arr = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
        arr = arr.reshape(0, 2)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='C')
        self.check_array_flat_sum(arr, arrty)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='F')
        self.check_array_flat_sum(arr, arrty)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='A')
        self.check_array_flat_sum(arr, arrty)
        arr = arr.reshape(2, 0)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='C')
        self.check_array_flat_sum(arr, arrty)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='F')
        self.check_array_flat_sum(arr, arrty)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='A')
        self.check_array_flat_sum(arr, arrty)

    def test_array_flat_getitem(self):
        # Test indexing of array.flat object
        pyfunc = array_flat_getitem

        def check(arr, ind):
            cr = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), typeof(ind)))
            expected = pyfunc(arr, ind)
            self.assertEqual(cr.entry_point(arr, ind), expected)

        arr = np.arange(24).reshape(4, 2, 3)
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        arr = arr.T
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        arr = arr[::2]
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        arr = np.array([42]).reshape(())
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        # Boolean array
        arr = np.bool_([1, 0, 0, 1])
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        arr = arr[::2]
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)

    def test_array_flat_setitem(self):
        # Test indexing of array.flat object
        pyfunc = array_flat_setitem

        def check(arr, ind):
            arrty = typeof(arr)
            cr = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (arrty, typeof(ind), arrty.dtype))
            # Use np.copy() to keep the layout
            expected = np.copy(arr)
            got = np.copy(arr)
            pyfunc(expected, ind, 123)
            cr.entry_point(got, ind, 123)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        arr = np.arange(24).reshape(4, 2, 3)
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        arr = arr.T
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        arr = arr[::2]
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        arr = np.array([42]).reshape(())
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        # Boolean array
        arr = np.bool_([1, 0, 0, 1])
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)
        arr = arr[::2]
        for i in range(arr.size):
            check(arr, i)

    def test_array_flat_len(self):
        # Test len(array.flat)
        pyfunc = array_flat_len

        def check(arr):
            cr = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), ))
            expected = pyfunc(arr)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(cr.entry_point(arr), expected)

        arr = np.arange(24).reshape(4, 2, 3)
        arr = arr.T
        arr = arr[::2]
        arr = np.array([42]).reshape(())

    def test_array_flat_premature_free(self):
        cres = compile_isolated(array_flat_premature_free, [types.intp])
        cfunc = cres.entry_point
        expect = array_flat_premature_free(6)
        got = cfunc(6)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(expect, got)

    def test_array_ndenumerate_2d(self):
        arr = np.arange(12).reshape(4, 3)
        arrty = typeof(arr)
        self.assertEqual(arrty.ndim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(arrty.layout, 'C')
        # Test with C-contiguous array
        self.check_array_ndenumerate_sum(arr, arrty)
        # Test with Fortran-contiguous array
        arr = arr.transpose()
        arrty = typeof(arr)
        self.assertEqual(arrty.layout, 'F')
        self.check_array_ndenumerate_sum(arr, arrty)
        # Test with non-contiguous array
        arr = arr[::2]
        arrty = typeof(arr)
        self.assertEqual(arrty.layout, 'A')
        self.check_array_ndenumerate_sum(arr, arrty)
        # Boolean array
        arr = np.bool_([1, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((2, 2))
        self.check_array_ndenumerate_sum(arr, typeof(arr))

    def test_array_ndenumerate_empty(self):
        arr = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int32)
        arr = arr.reshape(0, 2)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='C')
        self.check_array_ndenumerate_sum(arr, arrty)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='F')
        self.check_array_ndenumerate_sum(arr, arrty)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='A')
        self.check_array_ndenumerate_sum(arr, arrty)
        arr = arr.reshape(2, 0)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='C')
        self.check_array_flat_sum(arr, arrty)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='F')
        self.check_array_flat_sum(arr, arrty)
        arrty = types.Array(types.int32, 2, layout='A')
        self.check_array_flat_sum(arr, arrty)

    def test_array_ndenumerate_premature_free(self):
        cres = compile_isolated(array_ndenumerate_premature_free, [types.intp])
        cfunc = cres.entry_point
        expect = array_ndenumerate_premature_free(6)
        got = cfunc(6)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(expect, got)

    def test_np_ndindex(self):
        func = np_ndindex
        cres = compile_isolated(func, [types.int32, types.int32])
        cfunc = cres.entry_point
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(3, 4), func(3, 4))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(3, 0), func(3, 0))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(0, 3), func(0, 3))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(0, 0), func(0, 0))

    def test_np_ndindex_array(self):
        func = np_ndindex_array
        arr = np.arange(12, dtype=np.int32) + 10
        self.check_array_unary(arr, typeof(arr), func)
        arr = arr.reshape((4, 3))
        self.check_array_unary(arr, typeof(arr), func)
        arr = arr.reshape((2, 2, 3))
        self.check_array_unary(arr, typeof(arr), func)

    def test_np_ndindex_empty(self):
        func = np_ndindex_empty
        cres = compile_isolated(func, [])
        cfunc = cres.entry_point
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(), func())

    def test_iter_next(self):
        # This also checks memory management with iter() and next()
        func = iter_next
        arr = np.arange(12, dtype=np.int32) + 10
        self.check_array_unary(arr, typeof(arr), func)
Exemple #12
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestArrayAttr, self).setUp()
     self.ccache = CompilationCache()
     self.a = np.arange(20, dtype=np.int32).reshape(4, 5)
Exemple #13
class TestArrayAttr(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestArrayAttr, self).setUp()
        self.ccache = CompilationCache()
        self.a = np.arange(20, dtype=np.int32).reshape(4, 5)

    def check_unary(self, pyfunc, arr):
        aryty = typeof(arr)
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (aryty,))
        expected = pyfunc(arr)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr), expected)
        # Retry with forced any layout
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (aryty.copy(layout='A'),))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(arr), expected)

    def check_unary_with_arrays(self, pyfunc,):
        self.check_unary(pyfunc, self.a)
        self.check_unary(pyfunc, self.a.T)
        self.check_unary(pyfunc, self.a[::2])
        # 0-d array
        arr = np.array([42]).reshape(())
        self.check_unary(pyfunc, arr)
        # array with an empty dimension
        arr = np.zeros(0)
        self.check_unary(pyfunc, arr)

        # check with reshape
        self.check_unary(pyfunc, arr.reshape((1, 0, 2)))

    def get_cfunc(self, pyfunc, argspec):
        cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, argspec)
        return cres.entry_point

    def test_shape(self):
        pyfunc = array_shape
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (types.int32[:,:], types.int32))

        for i in range(self.a.ndim):
            self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a, i), cfunc(self.a, i))

    def test_strides(self):
        pyfunc = array_strides
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (types.int32[:,:], types.int32))

        for i in range(self.a.ndim):
            self.assertEqual(pyfunc(self.a, i), cfunc(self.a, i))

    def test_ndim(self):

    def test_size(self):

    def test_itemsize(self):

    def test_dtype(self):
        pyfunc = array_dtype
        self.check_unary(pyfunc, self.a)
        dtype = np.dtype([('x', np.int8), ('y', np.int8)])
        arr = np.zeros(4, dtype=dtype)
        self.check_unary(pyfunc, arr)

    def test_use_dtype(self):
        # Test using the dtype attribute inside the Numba function itself
        b = np.empty(1, dtype=np.int16)
        pyfunc = use_dtype
        cfunc = self.get_cfunc(pyfunc, (typeof(self.a), typeof(b)))
        expected = pyfunc(self.a, b)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(self.a, b), expected)

    def test_flags_contiguous(self):

    def test_flags_c_contiguous(self):

    def test_flags_f_contiguous(self):
Exemple #14
 def setUp(self):
     self.ccache = CompilationCache()
Exemple #15
class TestArrayMethods(MemoryLeakMixin, TestCase):
    Test various array methods and array-related functions.
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestArrayMethods, self).setUp()
        self.ccache = CompilationCache()

    def check_round_scalar(self, unary_pyfunc, binary_pyfunc):
        base_values = [-3.0, -2.5, -2.25, -1.5, 1.5, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75]
        complex_values = [x * (1 - 1j) for x in base_values]
        int_values = [int(x) for x in base_values]
        argtypes = (types.float64, types.float32, types.int32, types.complex64,
        argvalues = [
            base_values, base_values, int_values, complex_values,

        pyfunc = binary_pyfunc
        for ty, values in zip(argtypes, argvalues):
            cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (ty, types.int32))
            cfunc = cres.entry_point
            for decimals in (1, 0, -1):
                for v in values:
                    if decimals > 0:
                        v *= 10
                    expected = _fixed_np_round(v, decimals)
                    got = cfunc(v, decimals)
                    self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        pyfunc = unary_pyfunc
        for ty, values in zip(argtypes, argvalues):
            cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (ty, ))
            cfunc = cres.entry_point
            for v in values:
                expected = _fixed_np_round(v)
                got = cfunc(v)
                self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

    def test_round_scalar(self):
        self.check_round_scalar(np_round_unary, np_round_binary)

    def test_around_scalar(self):
        self.check_round_scalar(np_around_unary, np_around_binary)

    def check_round_array(self, pyfunc):
        def check_round(cfunc, values, inty, outty, decimals):
            # Create input and output arrays of the right type
            arr = values.astype(as_dtype(inty))
            out = np.zeros_like(arr).astype(as_dtype(outty))
            pyout = out.copy()
            _fixed_np_round(arr, decimals, pyout)
            cfunc(arr, decimals, out)
            np.testing.assert_allclose(out, pyout)
            # Output shape mismatch
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                cfunc(arr, decimals, out[1:])
            self.assertEqual(str(raises.exception), "invalid output shape")

        def check_types(argtypes, outtypes, values):
            for inty, outty in product(argtypes, outtypes):
                cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.Array(
                    inty, 1, 'A'), types.int32, types.Array(outty, 1, 'A')))
                cfunc = cres.entry_point
                check_round(cres.entry_point, values, inty, outty, 0)
                check_round(cres.entry_point, values, inty, outty, 1)
                if not isinstance(outty, types.Integer):
                    check_round(cres.entry_point, values * 10, inty, outty, -1)
                    # Avoid Numpy bug when output is an int:
                    # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/5777

        values = np.array([-3.0, -2.5, -2.25, -1.5, 1.5, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75])

        argtypes = (types.float64, types.float32)
        check_types(argtypes, argtypes, values)

        argtypes = (types.complex64, types.complex128)
        check_types(argtypes, argtypes, values * (1 - 1j))

        # Exceptions leak references

    def test_round_array(self):

    def test_around_array(self):

    def test_array_view(self):
        def run(arr, dtype):
            pyfunc = make_array_view(dtype)
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), ))
            return cres.entry_point(arr)

        def check(arr, dtype):
            expected = arr.view(dtype)
            got = run(arr, dtype)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)
            del got

        def check_err(arr, dtype):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                run(arr, dtype)
                             "new type not compatible with array")

        dt1 = np.dtype([('a', np.int8), ('b', np.int8)])
        dt2 = np.dtype([('u', np.int16), ('v', np.int8)])
        dt3 = np.dtype([('x', np.int16), ('y', np.int16)])

        # C-contiguous
        arr = np.arange(24, dtype=np.int8)
        check(arr, np.dtype('int16'))
        check(arr, np.int16)
        check(arr, np.int8)
        check(arr, np.float32)
        check(arr, np.complex64)
        check(arr, dt1)
        check(arr, dt2)
        check_err(arr, np.complex128)

        # Last dimension must have a compatible size
        arr = arr.reshape((3, 8))
        check(arr, np.int8)
        check(arr, np.float32)
        check(arr, np.complex64)
        check(arr, dt1)
        check_err(arr, dt2)
        check_err(arr, np.complex128)

        # F-contiguous
        arr = np.arange(24, dtype=np.int8).reshape((3, 8)).T
        check(arr, np.int8)
        check(arr, np.float32)
        check(arr, np.complex64)
        check(arr, dt1)
        check_err(arr, dt2)
        check_err(arr, np.complex128)

        # Non-contiguous: only a type with the same itemsize can be used
        arr = np.arange(16, dtype=np.int32)[::2]
        check(arr, np.uint32)
        check(arr, np.float32)
        check(arr, dt3)
        check_err(arr, np.int8)
        check_err(arr, np.int16)
        check_err(arr, np.int64)
        check_err(arr, dt1)
        check_err(arr, dt2)

        # Zero-dim array: only a type with the same itemsize can be used
        arr = np.array([42], dtype=np.int32).reshape(())
        check(arr, np.uint32)
        check(arr, np.float32)
        check(arr, dt3)
        check_err(arr, np.int8)
        check_err(arr, np.int16)
        check_err(arr, np.int64)
        check_err(arr, dt1)
        check_err(arr, dt2)

        # Exceptions leak references

    def test_array_sliced_view(self):
        Test .view() on A layout array but has contiguous innermost dimension.
        pyfunc = array_sliced_view
        cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (types.uint8[:], ))
        cfunc = cres.entry_point

        orig = np.array([1.5, 2], dtype=np.float32)
        byteary = orig.view(np.uint8)

        expect = pyfunc(byteary)
        got = cfunc(byteary)

        self.assertEqual(expect, got)

    def test_array_astype(self):
        def run(arr, dtype):
            pyfunc = make_array_astype(dtype)
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), ))
            return cres.entry_point(arr)

        def check(arr, dtype):
            expected = arr.astype(dtype).copy(order='A')
            got = run(arr, dtype)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        # C-contiguous
        arr = np.arange(24, dtype=np.int8)
        check(arr, np.dtype('int16'))
        check(arr, np.int32)
        check(arr, np.float32)
        check(arr, np.complex128)

        # F-contiguous
        arr = np.arange(24, dtype=np.int8).reshape((3, 8)).T
        check(arr, np.float32)

        # Non-contiguous
        arr = np.arange(16, dtype=np.int32)[::2]
        check(arr, np.uint64)

        # check read only attr does not get copied
        arr = np.arange(16, dtype=np.int32)
        arr.flags.writeable = False
        check(arr, np.int32)

        # Invalid conversion
        dt = np.dtype([('x', np.int8)])
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
            check(arr, dt)
        self.assertIn('cannot convert from int32 to Record',

    def check_np_frombuffer(self, pyfunc):
        def run(buf):
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(buf), ))
            return cres.entry_point(buf)

        def check(buf):
            old_refcnt = sys.getrefcount(buf)
            expected = pyfunc(buf)
            got = run(buf)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)
            del expected
            self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(buf), old_refcnt + 1)
            del got
            self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(buf), old_refcnt)

        b = bytearray(range(16))
        b = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))

        # Exceptions leak references

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
        self.assertEqual("buffer size must be a multiple of element size",

    def test_np_frombuffer(self):

    def test_np_frombuffer_dtype(self):

    def test_np_frombuffer_dtype_str(self):

    def test_np_frombuffer_dtype_non_const_str(self):
        def func(buf, dt):
            np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=dt)

        with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
            func(bytearray(range(16)), 'int32')

        excstr = str(raises.exception)
        self.assertIn('No match', excstr)
            'frombuffer(bytearray(uint8, 1d, C), dtype=unicode_type)', excstr)

    def check_layout_dependent_func(self, pyfunc, fac=np.arange):
        def is_same(a, b):
            return a.ctypes.data == b.ctypes.data

        def check_arr(arr):
            cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), ))
            expected = pyfunc(arr)
            got = cres.entry_point(arr)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)
            self.assertEqual(is_same(expected, arr), is_same(got, arr))

        arr = fac(24)
        check_arr(arr.reshape((3, 8)))
        check_arr(arr.reshape((3, 8)).T)
        check_arr(arr.reshape((3, 8))[::2])
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4)))
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4)).T)
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4))[::2])
        arr = np.array([0]).reshape(())

    def test_array_transpose(self):

    def test_array_T(self):

    def test_array_copy(self):

    def test_np_copy(self):

    def test_np_asfortranarray(self):

    def test_np_ascontiguousarray(self):

    def check_np_frombuffer_allocated(self, pyfunc):
        def run(shape):
            cres = self.ccache.compile(pyfunc, (typeof(shape), ))
            return cres.entry_point(shape)

        def check(shape):
            expected = pyfunc(shape)
            got = run(shape)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        check((16, ))
        check((4, 4))
        check((1, 0, 1))

    def test_np_frombuffer_allocated(self):

    def test_np_frombuffer_allocated2(self):

    def check_nonzero(self, pyfunc):
        def fac(N):
            arr = np.random.random(N)
            arr[arr < 0.3] = 0.0
            arr[arr > 0.7] = float('nan')
            return arr

        def check_arr(arr):
            cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (typeof(arr), ))
            expected = pyfunc(arr)
            expected = [a.copy() for a in expected]
            self.assertPreciseEqual(cres.entry_point(arr), expected)

        arr = np.int16([1, 0, -1, 0])
        arr = np.bool_([1, 0, 1])

        arr = fac(24)
        check_arr(arr.reshape((3, 8)))
        check_arr(arr.reshape((3, 8)).T)
        check_arr(arr.reshape((3, 8))[::2])
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4)))
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4)).T)
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4))[::2])
        for v in (0.0, 1.5, float('nan')):
            arr = np.array([v]).reshape(())

        arr = np.array(["Hello", "", "world"])

    def test_array_nonzero(self):

    def test_np_nonzero(self):

    def test_np_where_1(self):

    def test_np_where_3(self):
        pyfunc = np_where_3

        def fac(N):
            arr = np.random.random(N)
            arr[arr < 0.3] = 0.0
            arr[arr > 0.7] = float('nan')
            return arr

        layouts = cycle(['C', 'F', 'A'])
        _types = [
            np.int32, np.int64, np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64,


        def check_arr(arr, layout=False):
            if layout != False:
                x = np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=_types[0], order=layout)
                y = np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=_types[1], order=layout)
                arr = arr.copy(order=layout)
                x = np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=_types[0], order=next(layouts))
                y = np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=_types[1], order=next(layouts))
            cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc,
                                    (typeof(arr), typeof(x), typeof(y)))
            expected = pyfunc(arr, x, y)
            got = cres.entry_point(arr, x, y)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        def check_scal(scal):
            x = 4
            y = 5
            x = _types[0](4)
            y = _types[1](5)
            cres = compile_isolated(pyfunc,
                                    (typeof(scal), typeof(x), typeof(y)))
            expected = pyfunc(scal, x, y)
            got = cres.entry_point(scal, x, y)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        arr = np.int16([1, 0, -1, 0])
        arr = np.bool_([1, 0, 1])

        arr = fac(24)
        check_arr(arr.reshape((3, 8)))
        check_arr(arr.reshape((3, 8)).T)
        check_arr(arr.reshape((3, 8))[::2])
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4)))
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4)).T)
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4))[::2])

        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4)), layout='F')
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4)).T, layout='F')
        check_arr(arr.reshape((2, 3, 4))[::2], layout='F')

        for v in (0.0, 1.5, float('nan')):
            arr = np.array([v]).reshape(())

        for x in (0, 1, True, False, 2.5, 0j):

    def test_np_where_3_broadcast_x_y_scalar(self):
        pyfunc = np_where_3
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def check_ok(args):
            expected = pyfunc(*args)
            got = cfunc(*args)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        def a_variations():
            a = np.linspace(-2, 4, 20)
            yield a
            yield a.reshape(2, 5, 2)
            yield a.reshape(4, 5, order='F')
            yield a.reshape(2, 5, 2)[::-1]

        for a in a_variations():
            params = (a > 0, 0, 1)

            params = (a < 0, np.nan, 1 + 4j)

            params = (a > 1, True, False)

    def test_np_where_3_broadcast_x_or_y_scalar(self):
        pyfunc = np_where_3
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def check_ok(args):
            condition, x, y = args

            expected = pyfunc(condition, x, y)
            got = cfunc(condition, x, y)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

            # swap x and y
            expected = pyfunc(condition, y, x)
            got = cfunc(condition, y, x)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        def array_permutations():
            x = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
            yield x
            yield x * 1.1
            yield np.asfortranarray(x)
            yield x[::-1]
            yield np.linspace(-10, 10, 60).reshape(3, 4, 5) * 1j

        def scalar_permutations():
            yield 0
            yield 4.3
            yield np.nan
            yield True
            yield 8 + 4j

        for x in array_permutations():
            for y in scalar_permutations():
                x_mean = np.mean(x)
                condition = x > x_mean
                params = (condition, x, y)

    def test_arange_1_arg(self):

        all_pyfuncs = (np_arange_1, lambda x: np.arange(x, 10),
                       lambda x: np.arange(7, step=max(1, abs(x))))

        for pyfunc in all_pyfuncs:
            cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

            def check_ok(arg0):
                expected = pyfunc(arg0)
                got = cfunc(arg0)
                np.testing.assert_allclose(expected, got)

            check_ok(np.complex(4, 4))

    def test_arange_2_arg(self):
        def check_ok(arg0, arg1, pyfunc, cfunc):
            expected = pyfunc(arg0, arg1)
            got = cfunc(arg0, arg1)
            np.testing.assert_allclose(expected, got)

        all_pyfuncs = (
            lambda x, y: np.arange(x, y, 5),
            lambda x, y: np.arange(2, y, step=x),

        for pyfunc in all_pyfuncs:
            cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

            check_ok(-1, 5, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(-8, -1, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(4, 0.5, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(0.5, 4, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(np.complex(1, 1), np.complex(4, 4), pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(np.complex(4, 4), np.complex(1, 1), pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(3, None, pyfunc, cfunc)

        pyfunc = np_arange_1_dtype
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        check_ok(5, np.float32, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(2.0, np.int32, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(10, np.complex128, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(np.complex64(10), np.complex128, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(7, None, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(np.int8(0), None, pyfunc, cfunc)

    def test_arange_3_arg(self):
        windows64 = sys.platform.startswith('win32') and sys.maxsize > 2**32

        def check_ok(arg0, arg1, arg2, pyfunc, cfunc, check_dtype=False):
            expected = pyfunc(arg0, arg1, arg2)
            got = cfunc(arg0, arg1, arg2)
            np.testing.assert_allclose(expected, got)
            # windows 64 cannot differentiate between a python int and a
            # np.int64 which means the result from numba is int64 more often
            # than in NumPy.
            if not windows64:
                self.assertEqual(expected.dtype, got.dtype)

        for pyfunc in (np_arange_3, np_arange_2_step,
            cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

            check_ok(0, 5, 1, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(-8, -1, 3, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(0, -10, -2, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(0.5, 4, 2, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(0, 1, 0.1, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(0, np.complex(4, 4), np.complex(1, 1), pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(3, 6, None, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(3, None, None, pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(np.int8(0), np.int8(5), np.int8(1), pyfunc, cfunc)
            check_ok(np.int8(0), np.int16(5), np.int32(1), pyfunc, cfunc)
            # check upcasting logic, this matters most on windows
            i8 = np.int8
            check_ok(i8(0), i8(5), i8(1), pyfunc, cfunc, True)  # C int
            check_ok(np.int64(0), i8(5), i8(1), pyfunc, cfunc, True)  # int64

        pyfunc = np_arange_2_dtype
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        check_ok(1, 5, np.float32, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(2.0, 8, np.int32, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(-2, 10, np.complex128, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(3, np.complex64(10), np.complex128, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(1, 7, None, pyfunc, cfunc)
        check_ok(np.int8(0), np.int32(5), None, pyfunc, cfunc, True)

    def test_arange_4_arg(self):
        for pyfunc in (np_arange_4, np_arange_start_stop_step_dtype):
            cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

            def check_ok(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3):
                expected = pyfunc(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
                got = cfunc(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
                np.testing.assert_allclose(expected, got)

            check_ok(0, 5, 1, np.float64)
            check_ok(-8, -1, 3, np.int32)
            check_ok(0, -10, -2, np.float32)
            check_ok(0.5, 4, 2, None)
            check_ok(0, 1, 0.1, np.complex128)
            check_ok(0, np.complex(4, 4), np.complex(1, 1), np.complex128)
            check_ok(3, 6, None, None)
            check_ok(3, None, None, None)

    def test_arange_throws(self):
        # Exceptions leak references

        bad_funcs_1 = [
            lambda x: np.arange(stop=x),
            lambda x: np.arange(step=x),
            lambda x: np.arange(dtype=x),
        bad_funcs_2 = [
            lambda x, y: np.arange(stop=x, step=y),
            lambda x, y: np.arange(stop=x, dtype=y),

        for pyfunc in bad_funcs_1:
            with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
                cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        for pyfunc in bad_funcs_2:
            with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
                cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
                cfunc(2, 6)

        # check step size = 0, this is nonsense
        pyfunc = np_arange_3
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        for f in (
            for inputs in [(1, np.int16(2), 0), (1, 2, 0)]:
                # there's a different error depending on whether any of the
                # input values are np scalars
                permitted_errors = (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError)
                with self.assertRaises(permitted_errors) as raises:
                    # this will raise RuntimeWarning's about zero division
                    with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    self.assertIn("Maximum allowed size exceeded",

    def test_item(self):
        pyfunc = array_item
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def check_ok(arg):
            expected = pyfunc(arg)
            got = cfunc(arg)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        def check_err(arg):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                "item(): can only convert an array of size 1 to a Python scalar",

        # Exceptions leak references

        # Test on different kinds of scalars and 1-item arrays

        check_err(np.array([1, 2]))

    def test_itemset(self):
        pyfunc = array_itemset
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def check_ok(a, v):
            expected = a.copy()
            got = a.copy()
            pyfunc(expected, v)
            cfunc(got, v)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)

        def check_err(a):
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
                cfunc(a, 42)
            self.assertIn("itemset(): can only write to an array of size 1",

        # Exceptions leak references

        # Test on different kinds of 1-item arrays
        check_ok(np.float32([1.5]), 42)
        check_ok(np.complex128([[1.5j]]), 42)
        check_ok(np.array(1.5), 42)

        check_err(np.array([1, 2]))

    def test_sum(self):
        """ test sum over a whole range of dtypes, no axis or dtype parameter
        pyfunc = array_sum
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        all_dtypes = [
            np.float64, np.float32, np.int64, np.int32, np.complex64,
            np.complex128, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.timedelta64
        all_test_arrays = [[
            np.ones((7, 6, 5, 4, 3), arr_dtype),
            np.ones(1, arr_dtype),
            np.ones((7, 3), arr_dtype) * -5
        ] for arr_dtype in all_dtypes]

        for arr_list in all_test_arrays:
            for arr in arr_list:
                with self.subTest("Test np.sum with {} input ".format(
                    self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr), cfunc(arr))

    def test_sum_axis_kws1(self):
        """ test sum with axis parameter over a whole range of dtypes  """
        pyfunc = array_sum_axis_kws
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        all_dtypes = [
            np.float64, np.float32, np.int64, np.uint64, np.complex64,
            np.complex128, TIMEDELTA_M
        all_test_arrays = [[
            np.ones((7, 6, 5, 4, 3), arr_dtype),
            np.ones(1, arr_dtype),
            np.ones((7, 3), arr_dtype) * -5
        ] for arr_dtype in all_dtypes]
        for arr_list in all_test_arrays:
            for arr in arr_list:
                for axis in (0, 1, 2):
                    if axis > len(arr.shape) - 1:
                    with self.subTest("Testing np.sum(axis) with {} "
                                      "input ".format(arr.dtype)):
                        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr, axis=axis),
                                                cfunc(arr, axis=axis))

    def test_sum_axis_kws2(self):
        """  testing uint32 and int32 separately

        uint32 and int32 must be tested separately because Numpy's current
        behaviour is different in 64bits Windows (accumulates as int32)
        and 64bits Linux (accumulates as int64), while Numba has decided to always
        accumulate as int64, when the OS is 64bits. No testing has been done
        for behaviours in 32 bits platforms.
        pyfunc = array_sum_axis_kws
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        all_dtypes = [
        # expected return dtypes in Numba
        out_dtypes = {
            np.dtype('int32'): np.int64,
            np.dtype('uint32'): np.uint64,
            np.dtype('int64'): np.int64,
            np.dtype(TIMEDELTA_M): np.dtype(TIMEDELTA_M)
        all_test_arrays = [[
            np.ones((7, 6, 5, 4, 3), arr_dtype),
            np.ones(1, arr_dtype),
            np.ones((7, 3), arr_dtype) * -5
        ] for arr_dtype in all_dtypes]

        for arr_list in all_test_arrays:
            for arr in arr_list:
                for axis in (0, 1, 2):
                    if axis > len(arr.shape) - 1:
                    with self.subTest("Testing np.sum(axis) with {} "
                                      "input ".format(arr.dtype)):
                        npy_res = pyfunc(arr, axis=axis)
                        numba_res = cfunc(arr, axis=axis)
                        if isinstance(numba_res, np.ndarray):
                            # the results are scalars
                            self.assertEqual(npy_res, numba_res)

    def test_sum_dtype_kws(self):
        """ test sum with dtype parameter over a whole range of dtypes """
        pyfunc = array_sum_dtype_kws
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        all_dtypes = [
            np.float64, np.float32, np.int64, np.int32, np.uint32, np.uint64,
            np.complex64, np.complex128, TIMEDELTA_M
        all_test_arrays = [[
            np.ones((7, 6, 5, 4, 3), arr_dtype),
            np.ones(1, arr_dtype),
            np.ones((7, 3), arr_dtype) * -5
        ] for arr_dtype in all_dtypes]

        out_dtypes = {
            np.dtype('float64'): [np.float64],
            np.dtype('float32'): [np.float64, np.float32],
            np.dtype('int64'): [np.float64, np.int64, np.float32],
            np.dtype('int32'): [np.float64, np.int64, np.float32, np.int32],
            np.dtype('uint32'): [np.float64, np.int64, np.float32],
            np.dtype('uint64'): [np.float64, np.int64],
            np.dtype('complex64'): [np.complex64, np.complex128],
            np.dtype('complex128'): [np.complex128],
            np.dtype(TIMEDELTA_M): [np.dtype(TIMEDELTA_M)]

        for arr_list in all_test_arrays:
            for arr in arr_list:
                for out_dtype in out_dtypes[arr.dtype]:
                    subtest_str = (
                        "Testing np.sum with {} input and {} output".format(
                            arr.dtype, out_dtype))
                    with self.subTest(subtest_str):
                        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr, dtype=out_dtype),
                                                cfunc(arr, dtype=out_dtype))

    def test_sum_axis_dtype_kws(self):
        """ test sum with axis and dtype parameters over a whole range of dtypes """
        pyfunc = array_sum_axis_dtype_kws
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        all_dtypes = [
            np.float64, np.float32, np.int64, np.int32, np.uint32, np.uint64,
            np.complex64, np.complex128, TIMEDELTA_M
        all_test_arrays = [[
            np.ones((7, 6, 5, 4, 3), arr_dtype),
            np.ones(1, arr_dtype),
            np.ones((7, 3), arr_dtype) * -5
        ] for arr_dtype in all_dtypes]

        out_dtypes = {
            np.dtype('float64'): [np.float64],
            np.dtype('float32'): [np.float64, np.float32],
            np.dtype('int64'): [np.float64, np.int64, np.float32],
            np.dtype('int32'): [np.float64, np.int64, np.float32, np.int32],
            np.dtype('uint32'): [np.float64, np.int64, np.float32],
            np.dtype('uint64'): [np.float64, np.uint64],
            np.dtype('complex64'): [np.complex64, np.complex128],
            np.dtype('complex128'): [np.complex128],
            np.dtype(TIMEDELTA_M): [np.dtype(TIMEDELTA_M)],
            np.dtype(TIMEDELTA_Y): [np.dtype(TIMEDELTA_Y)]

        for arr_list in all_test_arrays:
            for arr in arr_list:
                for out_dtype in out_dtypes[arr.dtype]:
                    for axis in (0, 1, 2):
                        if axis > len(arr.shape) - 1:
                        subtest_str = (
                            "Testing np.sum with {} input and {} output ".
                            format(arr.dtype, out_dtype))
                        with self.subTest(subtest_str):
                            py_res = pyfunc(arr, axis=axis, dtype=out_dtype)
                            nb_res = cfunc(arr, axis=axis, dtype=out_dtype)
                            self.assertPreciseEqual(py_res, nb_res)

    def test_sum_axis_dtype_pos_arg(self):
        """ testing that axis and dtype inputs work when passed as positional """
        pyfunc = array_sum_axis_dtype_pos
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        dtype = np.float64
        # OK
        a = np.ones((7, 6, 5, 4, 3))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(a, 1, dtype), cfunc(a, 1, dtype))

        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(a, 2, dtype), cfunc(a, 2, dtype))

    def test_sum_1d_kws(self):
        # check 1d reduces to scalar
        pyfunc = array_sum_axis_kws
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        a = np.arange(10.)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(a, axis=0), cfunc(a, axis=0))
        pyfunc = array_sum_const_axis_neg_one
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        a = np.arange(10.)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(a, axis=-1), cfunc(a, axis=-1))

    def test_sum_const(self):
        pyfunc = array_sum_const_multi
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        arr = np.ones((3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
        axis = 1
        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr, axis), cfunc(arr, axis))
        axis = 2
        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(arr, axis), cfunc(arr, axis))

    def test_sum_exceptions(self):
        # Exceptions leak references
        pyfunc = array_sum
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        a = np.ones((7, 6, 5, 4, 3))
        b = np.ones((4, 3))
        # BAD: axis > dimensions
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            cfunc(b, 2)
        # BAD: negative axis
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            cfunc(a, -1)
        # BAD: axis greater than 3
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            cfunc(a, 4)

    def test_sum_const_negative(self):
        # Exceptions leak references

        def foo(arr):
            return arr.sum(axis=-3)

        # ndim == 4, axis == -3, OK
        a = np.ones((1, 2, 3, 4))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(foo(a), foo.py_func(a))
        # ndim == 3, axis == -3, OK
        a = np.ones((1, 2, 3))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(foo(a), foo.py_func(a))
        # ndim == 2, axis == -3, BAD
        a = np.ones((1, 2))
        with self.assertRaises(LoweringError) as raises:
        errmsg = "'axis' entry is out of bounds"
        self.assertIn(errmsg, str(raises.exception))
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
        self.assertIn("out of bounds", str(raises.exception))

    def test_cumsum(self):
        pyfunc = array_cumsum
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        # OK
        a = np.ones((2, 3))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(a), cfunc(a))
        # BAD: with axis
        with self.assertRaises(TypingError):
            cfunc(a, 1)
        # BAD: with kw axis
        pyfunc = array_cumsum_kws
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        with self.assertRaises(TypingError):
            cfunc(a, axis=1)

    def test_take(self):
        pyfunc = array_take
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def check(arr, ind):
            expected = pyfunc(arr, ind)
            got = cfunc(arr, ind)
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)
            if hasattr(expected, 'order'):
                self.assertEqual(expected.order == got.order)

        # need to check:
        # 1. scalar index
        # 2. 1d array index
        # 3. nd array index, >2d and F order
        # 4. reflected list
        # 5. tuples

        test_indices = []
        test_indices.append(np.array([1, 5, 1, 11, 3]))
        test_indices.append(np.array([[1, 5, 1], [11, 3, 0]], order='F'))
        test_indices.append(np.array([[[1, 5, 1], [11, 3, 0]]]))
        test_indices.append(np.array([[[[1, 5]], [[11, 0]], [[1, 2]]]]))
        test_indices.append([1, 5, 1, 11, 3])
        test_indices.append((1, 5, 1))
        test_indices.append(((1, 5, 1), (11, 3, 2)))
        test_indices.append((((1, ), (5, ), (1, )), ((11, ), (3, ), (2, ))))

        layouts = cycle(['C', 'F', 'A'])

        for dt in [np.float64, np.int64, np.complex128]:
            A = np.arange(12, dtype=dt).reshape((4, 3), order=next(layouts))
            for ind in test_indices:
                check(A, ind)

        #check illegal access raises
        A = np.arange(12, dtype=dt).reshape((4, 3), order=next(layouts))
        szA = A.size
        illegal_indices = [
            szA, -szA - 1,
            np.array(-szA - 1), [szA], [-szA - 1]
        for x in illegal_indices:
            with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
                cfunc(A, x)  #  oob raises

        # check float indexing raises
        with self.assertRaises(TypingError):
            cfunc(A, [1.7])

        # check unsupported arg raises
        with self.assertRaises(TypingError):
            take_kws = jit(nopython=True)(array_take_kws)
            take_kws(A, 1, 1)

        # check kwarg unsupported raises
        with self.assertRaises(TypingError):
            take_kws = jit(nopython=True)(array_take_kws)
            take_kws(A, 1, axis=1)

        #exceptions leak refs

    def test_fill(self):
        pyfunc = array_fill
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def check(arr, val):
            expected = np.copy(arr)
            erv = pyfunc(expected, val)
            self.assertTrue(erv is None)
            got = np.copy(arr)
            grv = cfunc(got, val)
            self.assertTrue(grv is None)
            # check mutation is the same
            self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)

        # scalar
        A = np.arange(1)
        for x in [np.float64, np.bool_]:
            check(A, x(10))

        # 2d
        A = np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4)
        for x in [np.float64, np.bool_]:
            check(A, x(10))

        # 4d
        A = np.arange(48, dtype=np.complex64).reshape(2, 3, 4, 2)
        for x in [np.float64, np.complex128, np.bool_]:
            check(A, x(10))

    def test_real(self):
        pyfunc = array_real
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        x = np.linspace(-10, 10)
        np.testing.assert_equal(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

        x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x)
        z = x + 1j * y
        np.testing.assert_equal(pyfunc(z), cfunc(z))

    def test_imag(self):
        pyfunc = array_imag
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        x = np.linspace(-10, 10)
        np.testing.assert_equal(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

        x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x)
        z = x + 1j * y
        np.testing.assert_equal(pyfunc(z), cfunc(z))

    def test_conj(self):
        for pyfunc in [array_conj, array_conjugate]:
            cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

            x = np.linspace(-10, 10)
            np.testing.assert_equal(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

            x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x)
            z = x + 1j * y
            np.testing.assert_equal(pyfunc(z), cfunc(z))

    def test_unique(self):
        pyfunc = np_unique
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)

        def check(a):
            np.testing.assert_equal(pyfunc(a), cfunc(a))

        check(np.array([[1, 1, 3], [3, 4, 5]]))
        check(np.array([[3.1, 3.1], [1.7, 2.29], [3.3, 1.7]]))

    def test_array_dot(self):
        # just ensure that the dot impl dispatches correctly, do
        # not test dot itself, this is done in test_linalg.
        pyfunc = array_dot
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        a = np.arange(20.).reshape(4, 5)
        b = np.arange(5.)
        np.testing.assert_equal(pyfunc(a, b), cfunc(a, b))

        # check that chaining works
        pyfunc = array_dot_chain
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        a = np.arange(16.).reshape(4, 4)
        np.testing.assert_equal(pyfunc(a, a), cfunc(a, a))

    def test_array_ctor_with_dtype_arg(self):
        # Test using np.dtype and np.generic (i.e. np.dtype.type) has args
        pyfunc = array_ctor
        cfunc = jit(nopython=True)(pyfunc)
        n = 2
        args = n, np.int32
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args))
        args = n, np.dtype('int32')
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args))
        args = n, np.float32
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args))
        args = n, np.dtype('f4')
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args))
Exemple #16
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestArrayMethods, self).setUp()
     self.ccache = CompilationCache()
Exemple #17
class TestDataFlow(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.cache = CompilationCache()

    def test_assignments(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = assignments
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for x in [-1, 0, 1]:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

    def test_assignments2(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = assignments2
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for x in [-1, 0, 1]:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

        if flags is force_pyobj_flags:

    # The dataflow analysis must be good enough for native mode
    # compilation to succeed, hence the no_pyobj_flags in the following tests.

    def run_propagate_func(self, pyfunc, args):
        cr = self.cache.compile(pyfunc, (types.int32, types.int32),
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        self.assertPreciseEqual(cfunc(*args), pyfunc(*args))

    def test_var_propagate1(self):
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate1, (2, 3))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate1, (3, 2))

    def test_var_propagate2(self):
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate2, (2, 3))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate2, (3, 2))

    def test_var_propagate3(self):
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (2, 3))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (3, 2))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (2, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (-1, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (0, 2))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate3, (0, -1))

    def test_var_propagate4(self):
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (1, 1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (1, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (1, -1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (0, 1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (0, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (0, -1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (-1, 1))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (-1, 0))
        self.run_propagate_func(var_propagate4, (-1, -1))

    def test_chained_compare(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = chained_compare
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for x in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

    def test_chained_compare_npm(self):

    def test_stack_effect_error(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        # Issue #591: POP_BLOCK must undo all stack pushes done inside
        # the block.
        pyfunc = stack_effect_error
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for x in (0, 1, 2, 3):
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(x), cfunc(x))

    def test_stack_effect_error_npm(self):

    def test_var_swapping(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        pyfunc = var_swapping
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.int32, ) * 5, flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        args = tuple(range(0, 10, 2))
        self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(*args), cfunc(*args))

    def test_var_swapping_npm(self):

    def test_for_break(self, flags=force_pyobj_flags):
        # BREAK_LOOP must unwind the current inner syntax block.
        pyfunc = for_break
        cr = compile_isolated(pyfunc, (types.intp, types.intp), flags=flags)
        cfunc = cr.entry_point
        for (n, x) in [(4, 2), (4, 6)]:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(pyfunc(n, x), cfunc(n, x))

    def test_for_break_npm(self):