Exemple #1
def getUnit(coord):
    pmat = ref.pmat
    mzaxes = np.array([pmat[2][0], pmat[2][1], pmat[2][2]])
    mxaxes = np.array([pmat[0][0], pmat[0][1], pmat[0][2]])
    myaxes = cross(mzaxes, mxaxes)
    myaxes /= norm(myaxes)
    mxaxes = cross(myaxes, mzaxes)
    xaxe = np.array([mxaxes[0], mxaxes[1], mxaxes[2], 0])
    yaxe = np.array([myaxes[0], myaxes[1], myaxes[2], 0])
    fx = xaxe @ pmat[0]
    fy = yaxe @ pmat[1]
    ftmp = fx + fy
    if ftmp == 0:
        return 1
    fz = norm(coord - ref.center)

    return 2 * fz / ftmp

    # coord : -0.0093028 0.0375282 -0.0426621 1
    # mcenter : -0.0093028 0.0375282 -0.0426621 1 // optical center
    # mrays : -0.400778 -0.210337 0.891703 0 // optical ray
    # mdscales : 0.000583982
    # image : 0
    # mx : -0.143964 0.969653 0.197606
    # my : -0.903665 -0.0474331 -0.425605
    # mz : -0.403316 -0.239841 0.88307
    # proj : 0.400778 0.210337 -0.891703
    # fx : -0.0299498
    # fy : -0.0299498
    # fz : -0.0299498
    # vec0 : 0
    # vec1 : -0.457662
    # vec2 : 0.112559

    return DoF
Exemple #2
def calibrateImages(images):
    for image in images:
        logging.info(f'IMAGE {image.id:02d}:Calibrating images...')
        ins = image.ins
        ex = image.ex
        pmat = ins @ ex
        R = np.array([[ex[0][0], ex[0][1], ex[0][2]],
                      [ex[1][0], ex[1][1], ex[1][2]],
                      [ex[2][0], ex[2][1], ex[2][2]]])
        t = np.array([ex[0][3], ex[1][3], ex[2][3]])
        center = -inv(R) @ t
        center = np.array([center[0], center[1], center[2], 1])
        zaxis = np.array(pmat[2])
        zaxis[3] = 0
        ftmp = norm(zaxis)
        zaxis /= ftmp
        zaxis = np.array([zaxis[0], zaxis[1], zaxis[2]])
        xaxis = np.array([pmat[0][0], pmat[0][1], pmat[0][2]])
        yaxis = cross(zaxis, xaxis)
        yaxis /= norm(yaxis)
        xaxis = cross(yaxis, zaxis)

        image.pmat = pmat
        image.center = center
        image.xaxis = xaxis
        image.yaxis = yaxis
        image.zaxis = zaxis
Exemple #3
def processInput(window):
    global camPos, power, iterations, cameraSpeed
    deltaTime = 0.0
    lastFrame = 0.0
    currentFrame = glfw.get_time()
    deltaTime = currentFrame - lastFrame
    lastFrame = currentFrame
    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_W) == glfw.PRESS):
        camPos[0] += cameraSpeed * camFront[0]
        camPos[1] += cameraSpeed * camFront[1]
        camPos[2] += cameraSpeed * camFront[2]
    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_S) == glfw.PRESS):
        camPos[0] -= cameraSpeed * camFront[0]
        camPos[1] -= cameraSpeed * camFront[1]
        camPos[2] -= cameraSpeed * camFront[2]
    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_A) == glfw.PRESS):
        camPos -= cross(camFront, camUp) * cameraSpeed
    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_D) == glfw.PRESS):
        camPos += cross(camFront, camUp) * cameraSpeed
    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_SPACE) == glfw.PRESS):
        camPos[1] += cameraSpeed
    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) == glfw.PRESS):
        camPos[1] -= cameraSpeed

    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_R) == glfw.PRESS):
        camPos = [0.0, 0.0, 2.0]

    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_O) == glfw.PRESS):
        cameraSpeed /= 2.0
    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_I) == glfw.PRESS):
        cameraSpeed *= 2.0

    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_KP_ADD) == glfw.PRESS):
        power += 0.1
    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_KP_SUBTRACT) == glfw.PRESS):
        power -= 0.1

    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_UP) == glfw.PRESS):
        iterations += 1
    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_DOWN) == glfw.PRESS):
        iterations -= 1

    if (glfw.get_key(window, glfw.KEY_ESCAPE) == glfw.PRESS):
        glfw.set_window_should_close(window, True)
Exemple #4
def decode(vect):
    center = m_center + m_dscales * vect[0] * m_ray
    angle1 = vect[1] * m_ascales
    angle2 = vect[2] * m_ascales

    fx = sin(angle1) * cos(angle2)
    fy = sin(angle2)
    fz = -cos(angle1) * cos(angle2)

    pmat = ref.pmat
    mzaxes = np.array([pmat[2][0], pmat[2][1], pmat[2][2]])
    mxaxes = np.array([pmat[0][0], pmat[0][1], pmat[0][2]])
    myaxes = cross(mzaxes, mxaxes)
    myaxes /= norm(myaxes)
    mxaxes = cross(myaxes, mzaxes)
    ftmp = mxaxes * fx + myaxes * fy + mzaxes * fz
    normal = np.array([ftmp[0], ftmp[1], ftmp[2], 0])

    return center, normal
Exemple #5
def encode(patch):
    vect = []
    unit = getUnit(patch.center)
    unit2 = 2 * unit
    ray = patch.center - ref.center
    ray /= norm(ray)
    global m_dscales
    for image in VpStar:
        diff = image.pmat @ patch.center - image.pmat @ (patch.center -
                                                         ray * unit2)
        m_dscales += norm(diff)

    m_dscales /= len(VpStar) - 1
    m_dscales = unit2 / m_dscales
    global m_ascales
    m_ascales = pi / 48
    vect.append((patch.center - m_center) @ m_ray / m_dscales)
    pmat = ref.pmat
    mzaxes = np.array([pmat[2][0], pmat[2][1], pmat[2][2]])
    mxaxes = np.array([pmat[0][0], pmat[0][1], pmat[0][2]])
    myaxes = cross(mzaxes, mxaxes)
    myaxes /= norm(myaxes)
    mxaxes = cross(myaxes, mzaxes)
    proj_normal = np.array([patch.normal[0], patch.normal[1], patch.normal[2]])
    fx = mxaxes @ proj_normal
    fy = myaxes @ proj_normal
    fz = mzaxes @ proj_normal
    temp2 = asin(max(-1, min(1, fy)))
    cosb = cos(temp2)
    if cosb == 0:
        temp1 = 0
        sina = fx / cosb
        cosa = -fz / cosb
        temp1 = acos(max(-1, min(1, cosa)))
        if sina < 0:
            temp1 = -temp1
    vect.append(temp1 / m_ascales)
    vect.append(temp2 / m_ascales)

    return vect
Exemple #6
    def getPatchAxes(self) : 
        pmat= self.ref.pmat
        xaxis = self.ref.xaxis
        yaxis = self.ref.yaxis
        normal3 = np.array([self.normal[0], self.normal[1], self.normal[2]])
        yaxis3 = cross(normal3, xaxis)
        yaxis3 /= norm(yaxis3)
        xaxis3 = cross(yaxis3, normal3)
        xaxe = np.array([xaxis[0], xaxis[1], xaxis[2], 0])
        yaxe = np.array([yaxis[0], yaxis[1], yaxis[2], 0])
        fx = xaxe @ pmat[0]
        fy = yaxe @ pmat[1]
        fz = norm(self.center - self.ref.center)
        ftmp = fx + fy
        pscale = fz / ftmp
        pscale = 2 * fz / ftmp
        pxaxis = np.array([xaxis3[0], xaxis3[1], xaxis3[2], 0])
        pyaxis = np.array([yaxis3[0], yaxis3[1], yaxis3[2], 0])

        pxaxis *= pscale
        pyaxis *= pscale

        a = pmat @ (self.center + pxaxis)
        b = pmat @ (self.center + pyaxis)
        c = pmat @ (self.center)
        a /= a[2]
        b /= b[2]
        c /= c[2]

        xdis = norm(a - c)
        ydis = norm(b - c)

        if xdis != 0 :
            pxaxis /= xdis 
        if ydis != 0 :
            pyaxis /= ydis

        return pxaxis, pyaxis
Exemple #7
 def _distancePointToLineSegment(self, a, b, p):
   Returns tuple of minimum distance to the directed line segment AB from p, and the distance along AB of the point of intersection
   ab_mag2 = dot((b-a),(b-a))
   pa_mag2 = dot((a-p),(a-p))
   pb_mag2 = dot((b-p),(b-p))
   if pa_mag2 + ab_mag2 <= pb_mag2:
     return (sqrt(pa_mag2),0)
   elif pb_mag2 + ab_mag2 <= pa_mag2:
     return (sqrt(pb_mag2), sqrt(ab_mag2))
     c = cross((b-a),(p-a))
     if ab_mag2 == 0:
       raise ValueError, 'Division by zero magnitude line segment AB'
     dist_to_line2 = dot(c,c)/ab_mag2
     dist_to_line = sqrt(dist_to_line2)
     dist_along_segment = sqrt(pa_mag2 - dist_to_line2)
     return (dist_to_line, dist_along_segment)