Exemple #1
class _EnvironmentVariable(CFObject):
    """ An environment variable to set when running a component. """
    name = CFField('name').name_field()
    value = CFField('value').value_field()

    def __init__(self):
        super(_EnvironmentVariable, self).__init__('Environment Variable')
Exemple #2
class _RestartPolicy(CFObject):
    """ A restart policy for how a container should or should not be restarted on exit. """
    name = CFField('name').name_field().default('')
    max_retry_count = CFField('max_retry_count').kind(int).default(0)

    def __init__(self):
        super(_RestartPolicy, self).__init__('Restart Policy')
Exemple #3
class _RequiredComponentLink(CFObject):
    """ A network link required by a component. """
    name = CFField('name').name_field()
    alias = CFField('alias').value_field()

    def __init__(self):
        super(_RequiredComponentLink, self).__init__('Required Component Link')
Exemple #4
class _VolumeBinding(CFObject):
    """ A port mapping of an internal container port to the outside world. """
    external = CFField('external').name_field()
    volume = CFField('volume').value_field()

    def __init__(self):
        super(_VolumeBinding, self).__init__('Volume Binding')
Exemple #5
class _PortMapping(CFObject):
    """ A port mapping of an internal container port to the outside world. """
    external = CFField('external').kind(int).name_field()
    container = CFField('container').kind(int).value_field()
    kind = CFField('kind').default('tcp')

    def __init__(self):
        super(_PortMapping, self).__init__('Port Mapping')
Exemple #6
class _HealthCheck(CFObject):
    """ A single check to perform to verify that a component is ready to be
      pushed or is running properly.
    id = CFField('id').default('').name_field()
    kind = CFField('kind').value_field()
    timeout = CFField('timeout').kind(int).default(3)

    def __init__(self):
        super(_HealthCheck, self).__init__('Health Check')

    def getTitle(self):
        """ Returns a descriptive title for the check. """
        if self.id != '':
            return self.id

        return self.kind
Exemple #7
class _TerminationSignal(CFObject):
    """ A single signal that is sent to a component when the component should shut
      itself down.
    id = CFField('id').default('').name_field()
    kind = CFField('kind').value_field()
    timeout = CFField('timeout').kind(int).default(3)

    def __init__(self):
        super(_TerminationSignal, self).__init__('Termination Signal')

    def getTitle(self):
        """ Returns a descriptive title for the check. """
        if self.id != '':
            return self.id

        return self.kind
Exemple #8
class _DefinedComponentLink(CFObject):
    """ A network link exported by a component. """
    name = CFField('name').name_field()
    port = CFField('port').kind(int).value_field()
    kind = CFField('kind').default('tcp')

    def __init__(self):
        super(_DefinedComponentLink, self).__init__('Component Link')

    def getHostPort(self):
        """ Returns the port used by the component link on the host. """
        key = 'link-' + self.name + '-port'
        port = getComponentField(self.parent.name, key, 0)
        if not port:
            port = pickUnusedPort()
            setComponentField(self.parent.name, key, port)

        return port
Exemple #9
class Configuration(CFObject):
    """ The overall gantry configuration. """
    components = CFField('components').list_of(_Component)

    def __init__(self):
        super(Configuration, self).__init__('Configuration')

    def lookupComponent(self, name):
        """ Looks up the component with the given name under this config. """
        for component in self.components:
            if component.name == name:
                return component

        return None
Exemple #10
class _Component(CFObject):
    """ A single gantry component. """
    name = CFField('name')
    repo = CFField('repo')
    tag = CFField('tag').default('latest')
    command = CFField('command').list_of(str).default([])
    user = CFField('user').default('')
    ports = CFField('ports').list_of(_PortMapping).default([])
    bindings = CFField('bindings').list_of(_VolumeBinding).default([])
    volumes_from = CFField('volumesFrom').list_of(str).default([])
    ready_checks = CFField('readyChecks').list_of(_HealthCheck).default([])
    health_checks = CFField('healthChecks').list_of(_HealthCheck).default([])
    ready_timeout = CFField('readyTimeout').kind(int).default(10000)
    termination_signals = CFField('terminationSignals').list_of(
    privileged = CFField('privileged').kind(bool).default(False)
    defined_component_links = CFField('defineComponentLinks').list_of(
    required_component_links = CFField('requireComponentLinks').list_of(
    environment_variables = CFField('environmentVariables').list_of(

    connection_check = _HealthCheck().build({'kind': 'connection'})
    termination_checks = CFField('terminationChecks').list_of(

    def __init__(self):
        super(_Component, self).__init__('Component')

    def getFullImage(self):
        """ Returns the full image ID for this component, of the form 'repo:tag' """
        return self.repo + ':' + self.tag

    def getUser(self):
        """ Returns the user under which to run the container or None if none. """
        if not self.user:
            return None

        return self.user

    def getCommand(self):
        """ Returns the command string to run on component startup or None if none. """
        if not self.command:
            return None

        return ' '.join(self.command)

    def getContainerPorts(self):
        """ Returns the full set of ports exposed by this component. """
        return set([p.container for p in self.ports] +
                   [l.port for l in self.defined_component_links])

    def getReadyCheckTimeout(self):
        """ Returns the maximum amount of time, in seconds, before ready checks time out. """
        return self.ready_timeout / 1000

    def getVolumes(self):
        """ Returns the volumes exposed by this component. """
        return [binding.volume for binding in self.bindings]

    def getBindings(self, container_id):
        """ Returns the volumes exposed by this component. """
        def substitute_id(external_dir):
            return external_dir.format(container_id=container_id[:12])

        return {
            substitute_id(binding.external): binding.volume
            for binding in self.bindings

    def getDefinedComponentLinks(self):
        """ Returns the dict of defined components links. """
        return {l.name: l for l in self.defined_component_links}

    def getComponentLinks(self):
        """ Returns a dict of aliases for component links required, with the values being the links' names. """
        return {l.alias: l.name for l in self.required_component_links}

    def getEnvironmentVariables(self):
        """ Returns a dict of the defined environments variables and their values. """
        return {v.name: v.value for v in self.environment_variables}