Exemple #1
    def test_ops(self):
        x = K.variable(np.random.rand(8, 12))
        y = K.variable(np.random.rand(12, 25))
        z = K.placeholder((25, 18, 13))
        w = K.placeholder((18, 18))

        # ====== dot ====== #
        t = K.dot(x, y)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(t), (8, 25))
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(t), K.eval(t).shape)
        t = K.dot(t, K.dimshuffle(z, (1, 0, 2)))
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(t), (8, 18, 13))

        # ====== transpose ====== #
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.transpose(z)), (13, 18, 25))
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.transpose(t, axes=(2, 0, 1))),
                          (13, 8, 18))

        # ====== eye ====== #
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.eye(5)), K.eval(K.eye(5)).shape)
        # ====== diag ====== #
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.diag(w)), (18, ))
        # self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.diag(x)),
        # K.eval(K.diag(y)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.square(x)), K.eval(K.square(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.abs(x)), K.eval(K.abs(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.sqrt(x)), K.eval(K.sqrt(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.exp(x)), K.eval(K.exp(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.log(x)), K.eval(K.log(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.round(x)), K.eval(K.round(x)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.pow(x, 2)), K.eval(K.pow(x, 2)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.clip(x, -1, 1)),
                          K.eval(K.clip(x, -1, 1)).shape)
        self.assertEquals(K.get_shape(K.inv(x)), K.eval(K.inv(x)).shape)
Exemple #2
 def get_mean_logsigma(self, x):
     b_mean = 0. if not hasattr(self, 'b_mean') else self.b_mean
     b_logsigma = 0. if not hasattr(self, 'b_logsigma') else self.b_logsigma
     mean = self.activation(K.dot(x, self.W_mean) + b_mean)
     logsigma = self.activation(K.dot(x, self.W_logsigma) + b_logsigma)
     mean.name = 'variational_mean'
     logsigma.name = 'variational_logsigma'
     add_role(mean, VARIATIONAL_MEAN)
     add_role(logsigma, VARIATIONAL_LOGSIGMA)
     return mean, logsigma
Exemple #3
 def _rnn(self, X, h0, mask=None):
     # X: sequences inputs (included bias)
     # init: prev_states
     # W: concatenated [W_update, W_reset]
     # mask: mask inputs (optional)
     prev_states = h0
     nb_units = self.num_units
     # hidden connection of all gates and states update
     hid_connection = K.dot(prev_states, self.W_hid)
     # hidden to hidden connection
     hid_gate = _slice_x(hid_connection, slice(None, nb_units * 2))
     X_gate = _slice_x(X, slice(None, nb_units * 2))
     b_gate = 0 if self.b_init is None else _slice_x(
         self.b, slice(None, nb_units * 2))
     # states
     hid_states = _slice_x(hid_connection, slice(nb_units * 2, None))
     X_states = _slice_x(X, slice(nb_units * 2, None))
     b_states = 0 if self.b_init is None else _slice_x(
         self.b, slice(nb_units * 2, None))
     # new gates
     _ = self.gate_activation(X_gate + hid_gate + b_gate)
     update_values = _slice_x(_, slice(None, nb_units))
     reset_values = _slice_x(_, slice(nb_units, nb_units * 2))
     # calculate new gates
     new_states = self.activation(X_states + reset_values * hid_states +
     # final new states
     next_states = (new_states * update_values + prev_states *
                    (1 - update_values))
     # mask the next state
     if mask is not None:
         next_states = K.switch(mask, next_states, prev_states)
     return next_states
Exemple #4
 def _apply(self, X, h0=None, mask=None, **kwargs):
     input_shape = K.get_shape(X)
     # ====== check mask ====== #
     if mask is not None and (K.ndim(mask) != K.ndim(X) - 1
                              or K.get_shape(mask)[-1] != input_shape[1]):
         raise Exception(
             'Mask must has "%d" dimensions and the time dimension '
             '(i.e. the second dimension) must equal to "%d"'
             ', but the given mask has shape "%s".' %
             (K.ndim(X) - 1, input_shape[1], K.get_shape(mask)))
     # ====== initialize states ====== #
     h0 = _check_rnn_hidden_states(h0, self, input_shape, 'h0')
     # turn off repeat_states if batch_size already included
     if K.get_shape(h0)[0] != 1:
         self.repeat_states = False
     # ====== precompute input ====== #
     X = K.dot(X, self.W_in) if self.input_mode != 'skip' else X
     if self.input_mode == 'norm':
         # normalize all axes except the time dimension
         bn = BatchNorm(axes=(0, 1),
         X = bn(X)
     out = self._rnn(X, h0=h0, mask=mask, **self.get_recurrent_info(kwargs))
     for i in out:
         K.add_shape(i, shape=tuple(input_shape[:-1]) + (self.num_units, ))
     # only care about the first state
     return out[0] if len(out) == 1 else out
 def _time_step(o, ids):
   ctx = X[:, ids:ids + self.n_time_context, :]
   ctx.set_shape((ctx.shape[0], self.n_time_context, ctx.shape[2]))
   ctx = tf.reshape(ctx, shape=(-1, ctx.shape[2]))
   # applying deep dense network
   for l in range(self.n_layers):
     ctx = K.dot(ctx, self.get('W%d' % l))
     if self.b_init is not None:
       ctx = ctx + self.get('b%d' % l)
     ctx = self.activation[l](ctx)
   ctx = tf.reshape(ctx, shape=(-1, self.n_time_context, new_feat_dim))
   # applying pooling
   if self.time_pool in ('concat', 'none'):
     ctx = tf.reshape(ctx,
                      shape=(tf.shape(ctx)[0], self.n_time_context * new_feat_dim))
   elif self.time_pool == 'max':
     ctx = tf.reduce_max(ctx, axis=1)
   elif self.time_pool == 'min':
     ctx = tf.reduce_min(ctx, axis=1)
   elif self.time_pool == 'sum':
     ctx = tf.reduce_sum(ctx, axis=1)
   elif self.time_pool == 'avg':
     ctx = tf.reduce_mean(ctx, axis=1)
   elif self.time_pool == 'stat':
     mean, var = tf.nn.moments(ctx, axes=1)
     ctx = tf.concat([mean, tf.sqrt(var)], -1)
   return ctx
Exemple #6
 def _apply(self, x):
     input_shape = K.get_shape(x)
     # calculate projection
     activation = K.dot(x, self.W)
     if hasattr(self, 'b') and self.b is not None:
         activation = activation + self.b
     # set shape for output
     K.add_shape(activation, input_shape[:-1] + (self.num_units, ))
     # Nonlinearity might change the shape of activation
     activation = self.activation(activation)
     return activation
Exemple #7
 def _apply(self, X, h0=None, c0=None, mask=None):
     batch_size = K.get_shape(X, native=True)[0]
     is_bidirectional = self.direction_mode == 'bidirectional'
     input_mode = ('skip' if self.input_mode == 'skip'
                   or self.input_mode == 'norm' else 'linear')
     # ====== precompute input ====== #
     # linear or norm input mode
     if self.input_mode == 'norm':
         X = K.dot(X, self.W_in)
         # normalize all axes except the time dimension
         bn = BatchNorm(axes=(0, 1),
         X = bn(X)
         # cudnnRNN doesnt' support multiple inputs
         shapeX = K.get_shape(X, native=True)
         ndims = K.ndim(X)
         if 'rnn' in self.rnn_mode: N = 1
         elif self.rnn_mode == 'gru': N = 3
         else: N = 4
         newshape = [shapeX[i]
                     for i in range(ndims - 1)] + [self.num_units, N]
         X = K.mean(K.reshape(X, newshape), axis=-1)
     # ====== hidden state ====== #
     num_layers = self.num_layers * 2 if is_bidirectional else self.num_layers
     require_shape = (num_layers, batch_size, self.num_units)
     h0 = _check_cudnn_hidden_init(h0, require_shape, self, 'h0')
     c0 = _check_cudnn_hidden_init(c0, require_shape, self, 'c0')
     # ====== parameters ====== #
     if self.params_split:
         parameters = K.concatenate([
             K.flatten(i, outdim=1) for i in self.parameters
             if not has_roles(i, INITIAL_STATE)
         parameters = self.params
     # ====== return CuDNN RNN ====== #
     results = K.rnn_dnn(X,
     if not self.return_states:
         results = results[0]  # only get the output
     return results
Exemple #8
 def _apply(self, X, h0=None, c0=None, mask=None, **kwargs):
     # check input_shape
     input_shape = K.get_shape(X)
     # ====== check mask ====== #
     if mask is not None and (K.ndim(mask) != 2
                              or K.get_shape(mask)[-1] != input_shape[1]):
         raise Exception('Mask must be a 2-D matrix and the time dimension '
                         '(i.e. the second dimension) must equal to "%d"'
                         ', but the given mask has shape "%s".' %
                         (input_shape[1], K.get_shape(mask)))
     # add broadcastable dimension for mask
     if mask is not None:
         mask = K.expand_dims(mask, dim=-1)
     # ====== initialize states ====== #
     # hidden states
     h0 = _check_rnn_hidden_states(h0, self, input_shape, 'h0')
     c0 = _check_rnn_hidden_states(c0, self, input_shape, 'c0')
     # turn off repeat_states if batch_size already included
     if K.get_shape(h0)[0] != 1 and K.get_shape(c0)[0] != 1:
         self.repeat_states = False
     # ====== precompute input ====== #
     # linear or norm input mode
     if self.input_mode != 'skip':
         X = K.dot(X, self.W_in)
         if self.input_mode == 'norm':
             # normalize all axes except the time dimension
             bn = BatchNorm(axes=(0, 1),
             X = bn(X)
     # skip input
     elif input_shape[-1] == self.num_units:
         X = K.repeat(X, 4, axes=-1)
     # ====== compute recurrent output ====== #
     out = self._rnn(X,
     if not self.return_cell_memory:
         out = out[:-1]
     for i in out:
         K.add_shape(i, shape=input_shape[:-1] + (self.num_units, ))
     # only care about the first state
     return out[0] if len(out) == 1 else out
Exemple #9
    def test_linear_algebra_value(self):
        x = K.variable(np.random.randn(2, 4, 3))
        y = K.variable(np.random.rand(1, 2, 3, 5))

        z = K.dot(x, y)
        self.assertEqual(K.get_shape(z), (2, 4, 1, 2, 5))
            repr(np.sum(K.eval(z)))[:8], "-1.0198305134529524"[:8])

        x = K.variable(np.random.randn(100, 3, 4, 5))
        y = K.variable(np.random.rand(100, 12, 5, 6))
        z = K.batched_dot(x, y)
        self.assertEqual(K.get_shape(z), K.eval(z).shape)
        self.assertEqual(repr(K.eval(z).sum())[:7], "1655.44")
Exemple #10
    def _rnn(self, X, h0, c0, mask=None):
        # X: sequences inputs (included bias)
        # init: prev_states
        # W: concatenated [W_update, W_reset]
        # mask: mask inputs (optional)
        prev_states = h0
        prev_memory = c0
        nb_units = self.num_units
        # hidden to hidden connection
        bias = 0 if self.b_init is None else self.b
        _ = X + K.dot(prev_states, self.W_hid) + bias
        hid_input = _slice_x(_, slice(None, nb_units))
        hid_forget = _slice_x(_, slice(nb_units, nb_units * 2))
        hid_hidden = _slice_x(_, slice(nb_units * 2, nb_units * 3))
        hid_output = _slice_x(_, slice(nb_units * 3, None))
        # peepholes connection
        if hasattr(self, 'peepholes'):
            hid_input += prev_memory * _slice_x(self.peepholes,
                                                slice(None, nb_units))
            hid_forget += prev_memory * _slice_x(self.peepholes,
                                                 slice(nb_units, nb_units * 2))

        # calculate new gates
        input_gate = self.gate_activation(hid_input)
        forget_gate = self.gate_activation(hid_forget)
        new_memory = self.activation(hid_hidden)
        # next cell memory
        next_memory = (forget_gate * prev_memory + input_gate * new_memory)
        # output gate
        if hasattr(self, 'peepholes'):
            hid_output += next_memory * _slice_x(self.peepholes,
                                                 slice(nb_units * 2, None))
        output_gate = self.gate_activation(hid_output)
        # new hidden state
        next_states = output_gate * self.activation(next_memory)
        # mask the next state
        if mask is not None:
            next_states = K.switch(mask, next_states, prev_states)
            next_memory = K.switch(mask, next_memory, prev_memory)
        return next_states, next_memory
Exemple #11
    def test_computational_graph2(self):

        X = K.variable(np.zeros((8, 12)), name='X')
        Y = K.variable(np.random.rand(12, 8), name='Y')
        Z = K.placeholder(shape=(8, 8), name='Z')
        a = K.dot(X, Y)
        add_roles(a, Auxiliary)
        a = a + Z
        g1 = K.ComputationGraph(a)

        self.assertEqual(len(g1.trainable_variables), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(g1.placeholders), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(g1.updates), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(g1.auxiliary_variables), 1)

        f = K.function(Z, [a] + g1.auxiliary_variables)

        output = f(np.random.rand(8, 8))
        self.assertEqual(repr(np.sum(output[0]))[:5], "32.20")
        self.assertEqual(np.sum(output[1]), 0)
        self.assertEqual(np.unique(K.eval(X)).tolist(), [12.])
Exemple #12
 def _rnn(self, X, h0, mask=None):
     bias = 0. if self.b_init is None else self.b
     next_states = self.activation(X + K.dot(h0, self.W_hid) + bias)
     if mask is not None:
         next_states = K.switch(mask, next_states, h0)
     return next_states
Exemple #13
import numpy as np

from odin.utils import UnitTimer, Progbar
from odin import backend as K, nnet as N

X1 = K.placeholder(shape=(10000, 1000), name='X1')
X2 = K.placeholder(shape=(10000, 1000), name='X2')

X3 = K.placeholder(shape=(10000, 2000), name='X3')

y1 = K.placeholder(shape=(1000, 2000), name='y1')
y2 = K.placeholder(shape=(2000, 3000), name='y2')
y3 = K.placeholder(shape=(3000, 4000), name='y3')
y4 = K.placeholder(shape=(4000, 5000), name='y4')

z = K.dot(X1, y1) + K.dot(X2, y1)
z = K.dot(z, y2)
z = K.dot(z, y3)
z = K.dot(z, y4)
f = K.function([X1, X2, y1, y2, y3, y4], outputs=z)

X1 = X3[:, :1000]
X2 = X3[:, 1000:]
z1 = K.dot(X1, y1) + K.dot(X2, y1)
z1 = K.dot(z1, y2)
z1 = K.dot(z1, y3)
z1 = K.dot(z1, y4)
f1 = K.function([X3, y1, y2, y3, y4], outputs=z1)