Exemple #1
 def mask_background(self, mask_background):
     check_type('plot mask background', mask_background, Iterable, Integral)
     check_length('plot mask background', mask_background, 3)
     for rgb in mask_background:
         check_greater_than('plot mask background', rgb, 0, True)
         check_less_than('plot mask background', rgb, 256)
     self._mask_background = mask_background
Exemple #2
 def albedo(self, albedo):
     check_type('CMFD mesh albedo', albedo, Iterable, Real)
     check_length('CMFD mesh albedo', albedo, 6)
     for a in albedo:
         check_greater_than('CMFD mesh albedo', a, 0, True)
         check_less_than('CMFD mesh albedo', a, 1, True)
     self._albedo = albedo
Exemple #3
    def set_source_angle(self, stype, params=[]):
        """Defined the angular distribution of the external/starting source.

        stype : str
            The type of angular distribution. Valid options are "isotropic" and
            "monodirectional". The angle of the particle emitted from a source
            site is isotropic if the "isotropic" option is given. The angle of
            the particle emitted from a source site is the direction specified
            in ``params`` if the "monodirectional" option is given.
        params : Iterable of float
            For an "isotropic" angular distribution, ``params`` should not
            be specified.

            For a "monodirectional" angular distribution, ``params`` should
            be given as three floats which specify the angular cosines
            with respect to each axis.


        check_type("source angle type", stype, basestring)
        check_value("source angle type", stype, ["isotropic", "monodirectional"])
        check_type("source angle parameters", params, Iterable, Real)
        if stype == "isotropic" and params is not None:
            msg = (
                "Unable to set source angle parameters since they are not "
                "it is not supported for isotropic type sources"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        elif stype == "monodirectional":
            check_length("source angle parameters for a monodirectional " "source", params, 3)

        self._source_angle_type = stype
        self._source_angle_params = params
Exemple #4
 def background(self, background):
     cv.check_type('plot background', background, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('plot background', background, 3)
     for rgb in background:
         cv.check_greater_than('plot background', rgb, 0, True)
         cv.check_less_than('plot background', rgb, 256)
     self._background = background
Exemple #5
 def background(self, background):
     cv.check_type('plot background', background, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('plot background', background, 3)
     for rgb in background:
         cv.check_greater_than('plot background',rgb, 0, True)
         cv.check_less_than('plot background', rgb, 256)
     self._background = background
Exemple #6
 def trace(self, trace):
     cv.check_type('trace', trace, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('trace', trace, 3)
     cv.check_greater_than('trace batch', trace[0], 0)
     cv.check_greater_than('trace generation', trace[1], 0)
     cv.check_greater_than('trace particle', trace[2], 0)
     self._trace = trace
Exemple #7
    def meshlines(self, meshlines):
        cv.check_type('plot meshlines', meshlines, dict)
        if 'type' not in meshlines:
            msg = 'Unable to set on plot the meshlines "{0}" which ' \
                  'does not have a "type" key'.format(meshlines)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        elif meshlines['type'] not in ['tally', 'entropy', 'ufs', 'cmfd']:
            msg = 'Unable to set the meshlines with ' \
                  'type "{0}"'.format(meshlines['type'])
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if 'id' in meshlines:
            cv.check_type('plot meshlines id', meshlines['id'], Integral)
            cv.check_greater_than('plot meshlines id', meshlines['id'], 0,

        if 'linewidth' in meshlines:
            cv.check_type('plot mesh linewidth', meshlines['linewidth'], Integral)
            cv.check_greater_than('plot mesh linewidth', meshlines['linewidth'],
                                  0, equality=True)

        if 'color' in meshlines:
            cv.check_type('plot meshlines color', meshlines['color'], Iterable,
            cv.check_length('plot meshlines color', meshlines['color'], 3)
            for rgb in meshlines['color']:
                cv.check_greater_than('plot meshlines color', rgb, 0, True)
                cv.check_less_than('plot meshlines color', rgb, 256)

        self._meshlines = meshlines
Exemple #8
 def trace(self, trace):
     check_type('trace', trace, Iterable, Integral)
     check_length('trace', trace, 3)
     check_greater_than('trace batch', trace[0], 0)
     check_greater_than('trace generation', trace[1], 0)
     check_greater_than('trace particle', trace[2], 0)
     self._trace = trace
Exemple #9
 def albedo(self, albedo):
     check_type('CMFD mesh albedo', albedo, Iterable, Real)
     check_length('CMFD mesh albedo', albedo, 6)
     for a in albedo:
         check_greater_than('CMFD mesh albedo', a, 0, True)
         check_less_than('CMFD mesh albedo', a, 1, True)
     self._albedo = albedo
Exemple #10
    def set_source_space(self, stype, params):
        """Defined the spatial bounds of the external/starting source.

        stype : str
            The type of spatial distribution. Valid options are "box",
            "fission", and "point". A "box" spatial distribution has coordinates
            sampled uniformly in a parallelepiped. A "fission" spatial
            distribution samples locations from a "box" distribution but only
            locations in fissionable materials are accepted. A "point" spatial
            distribution has coordinates specified by a triplet.
        params : Iterable of float
            For a "box" or "fission" spatial distribution, ``params`` should be
            given as six real numbers, the first three of which specify the
            lower-left corner of a parallelepiped and the last three of which
            specify the upper-right corner. Source sites are sampled uniformly
            through that parallelepiped.

            For a "point" spatial distribution, ``params`` should be given as
            three real numbers which specify the (x,y,z) location of an
            isotropic point source


        check_type("source space type", stype, basestring)
        check_value("source space type", stype, ["box", "fission", "point"])
        check_type("source space parameters", params, Iterable, Real)
        if stype in ["box", "fission"]:
            check_length("source space parameters for a " "box/fission distribution", params, 6)
        elif stype == "point":
            check_length("source space parameters for a point source", params, 3)

        self._source_space_type = stype
        self._source_space_params = params
Exemple #11
 def trace(self, trace):
     check_type("trace", trace, Iterable, Integral)
     check_length("trace", trace, 3)
     check_greater_than("trace batch", trace[0], 0)
     check_greater_than("trace generation", trace[1], 0)
     check_greater_than("trace particle", trace[2], 0)
     self._trace = trace
Exemple #12
 def mask_background(self, mask_background):
     cv.check_type('plot mask background', mask_background, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('plot mask background', mask_background, 3)
     for rgb in mask_background:
         cv.check_greater_than('plot mask background', rgb, 0, True)
         cv.check_less_than('plot mask background', rgb, 256)
     self._mask_background = mask_background
Exemple #13
    def upper_right(self, upper_right):
        cv.check_type('mesh upper_right', upper_right, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('mesh upper_right', upper_right, 1, 3)
        self._upper_right = upper_right

        if self._width is not None:
            self._width = None
            warnings.warn("Unsetting width attribute.")
Exemple #14
    def dd_mesh_dimension(self, dimension):
        # TODO: remove this when domain decomposition is merged
        warnings.warn("This feature is not yet implemented in a release " "version of openmc")

        check_type("DD mesh dimension", dimension, Iterable, Integral)
        check_length("DD mesh dimension", dimension, 3)

        self._dd_mesh_dimension = dimension
Exemple #15
 def __init__(self, alpha, theta, alpha0):
     check_type("alpha", alpha, np.ndarray, numbers.Complex)
     check_type("theta", theta, np.ndarray, numbers.Complex)
     check_length("theta", theta, alpha.size)
     check_type("alpha0", alpha0, numbers.Real)
     self.alpha = alpha
     self.theta = theta
     self.alpha0 = alpha0
Exemple #16
    def dd_mesh_upper_right(self, upper_right):
        # TODO: remove this when domain decomposition is merged
        warnings.warn("This feature is not yet implemented in a release " "version of openmc")

        check_type("DD mesh upper right corner", upper_right, Iterable, Real)
        check_length("DD mesh upper right corner", upper_right, 3)

        self._dd_mesh_upper_right = upper_right
Exemple #17
    def width(self, width):
        cv.check_type('mesh width', width, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('mesh width', width, 1, 3)
        self._width = width

        if self._upper_right is not None:
            self._upper_right = None
            warnings.warn("Unsetting upper_right attribute.")
Exemple #18
    def dd_mesh_dimension(self, dimension):
        # TODO: remove this when domain decomposition is merged
        warnings.warn('This feature is not yet implemented in a release '
                      'version of openmc')

        check_type('DD mesh dimension', dimension, Iterable, Integral)
        check_length('DD mesh dimension', dimension, 3)

        self._dd_mesh_dimension = dimension
Exemple #19
    def dd_mesh_lower_left(self, lower_left):
        # TODO: remove this when domain decomposition is merged
        warnings.warn('This feature is not yet implemented in a release '
                      'version of openmc')

        cv.check_type('DD mesh lower left corner', lower_left, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('DD mesh lower left corner', lower_left, 3)

        self._dd_mesh_lower_left = lower_left
Exemple #20
    def get_condensed_groups(self, coarse_groups):
        """Return a coarsened version of this EnergyGroups object.

        This method merges together energy groups in this object into wider
        energy groups as defined by the list of groups specified by the user,
        and returns a new, coarse EnergyGroups object.

        coarse_groups : Iterable of 2-tuple
            The energy groups of interest - a list of 2-tuples, each directly
            corresponding to one of the new coarse groups. The values in the
            2-tuples are upper/lower energy groups used to construct a new
            coarse group. For example, if [(1,2), (3,4)] was used as the coarse
            groups, fine groups 1 and 2 would be merged into coarse group 1
            while fine groups 3 and 4 would be merged into coarse group 2.

            A coarsened version of this EnergyGroups object.

            If the group edges have not yet been set.

        cv.check_type('group edges', coarse_groups, Iterable)
        for group in coarse_groups:
            cv.check_type('group edges', group, Iterable)
            cv.check_length('group edges', group, 2)
            cv.check_greater_than('lower group', group[0], 1, True)
            cv.check_less_than('lower group', group[0], self.num_groups, True)
            cv.check_greater_than('upper group', group[0], 1, True)
            cv.check_less_than('upper group', group[0], self.num_groups, True)
            cv.check_less_than('lower group', group[0], group[1], False)

        # Compute the group indices into the coarse group
        group_bounds = [group[1] for group in coarse_groups]
        group_bounds.insert(0, coarse_groups[0][0])

        # Determine the indices mapping the fine-to-coarse energy groups
        group_bounds = np.asarray(group_bounds)
        group_indices = np.flipud(self.num_groups - group_bounds)
        group_indices[-1] += 1

        # Determine the edges between coarse energy groups and sort
        # in increasing order in case the user passed in unordered groups
        group_edges = self.group_edges[group_indices]
        group_edges = np.sort(group_edges)

        # Create a new condensed EnergyGroups object
        condensed_groups = EnergyGroups()
        condensed_groups.group_edges = group_edges

        return condensed_groups
Exemple #21
    def get_condensed_groups(self, coarse_groups):
        """Return a coarsened version of this EnergyGroups object.

        This method merges together energy groups in this object into wider
        energy groups as defined by the list of groups specified by the user,
        and returns a new, coarse EnergyGroups object.

        coarse_groups : Iterable of 2-tuple
            The energy groups of interest - a list of 2-tuples, each directly
            corresponding to one of the new coarse groups. The values in the
            2-tuples are upper/lower energy groups used to construct a new
            coarse group. For example, if [(1,2), (3,4)] was used as the coarse
            groups, fine groups 1 and 2 would be merged into coarse group 1
            while fine groups 3 and 4 would be merged into coarse group 2.

            A coarsened version of this EnergyGroups object.

            If the group edges have not yet been set.

        cv.check_type('group edges', coarse_groups, Iterable)
        for group in coarse_groups:
            cv.check_type('group edges', group, Iterable)
            cv.check_length('group edges', group, 2)
            cv.check_greater_than('lower group', group[0], 1, True)
            cv.check_less_than('lower group', group[0], self.num_groups, True)
            cv.check_greater_than('upper group', group[0], 1, True)
            cv.check_less_than('upper group', group[0], self.num_groups, True)
            cv.check_less_than('lower group', group[0], group[1], False)

        # Compute the group indices into the coarse group
        group_bounds = [group[1] for group in coarse_groups]
        group_bounds.insert(0, coarse_groups[0][0])

        # Determine the indices mapping the fine-to-coarse energy groups
        group_bounds = np.asarray(group_bounds)
        group_indices = np.flipud(self.num_groups - group_bounds)
        group_indices[-1] += 1

        # Determine the edges between coarse energy groups and sort
        # in increasing order in case the user passed in unordered groups
        group_edges = self.group_edges[group_indices]
        group_edges = np.sort(group_edges)

        # Create a new condensed EnergyGroups object
        condensed_groups = EnergyGroups()
        condensed_groups.group_edges = group_edges

        return condensed_groups
Exemple #22
    def dd_mesh_lower_left(self, lower_left):
        # TODO: remove this when domain decomposition is merged
        warnings.warn('This feature is not yet implemented in a release '
                      'version of openmc')

        check_type('DD mesh lower left corner', lower_left, Iterable, Real)
        check_length('DD mesh lower left corner', lower_left, 3)

        self._dd_mesh_lower_left = lower_left
Exemple #23
    def dd_mesh_upper_right(self, upper_right):
        # TODO: remove this when domain decomposition is merged
        warnings.warn('This feature is not yet implemented in a release '
                      'version of openmc')

        check_type('DD mesh upper right corner', upper_right, Iterable, Real)
        check_length('DD mesh upper right corner', upper_right, 3)

        self._dd_mesh_upper_right = upper_right
Exemple #24
 def mask_background(self, mask_background):
     cv.check_type('plot mask background', mask_background, Iterable)
     if isinstance(mask_background, string_types):
         if mask_background.lower() not in _SVG_COLORS:
             raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid color.".format(mask_background))
         cv.check_length('plot mask_background', mask_background, 3)
         for rgb in mask_background:
             cv.check_greater_than('plot mask background', rgb, 0, True)
             cv.check_less_than('plot mask background', rgb, 256)
     self._mask_background = mask_background
Exemple #25
 def _check_color(err_string, color):
     cv.check_type(err_string, color, Iterable)
     if isinstance(color, str):
         if color.lower() not in _SVG_COLORS:
             raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid color.".format(color))
         cv.check_length(err_string, color, 3)
         for rgb in color:
             cv.check_type(err_string, rgb, Real)
             cv.check_greater_than('RGB component', rgb, 0, True)
             cv.check_less_than('RGB component', rgb, 256)
Exemple #26
    def __init__(self,
        self.mesh = mesh
        self.id = id
        self.particle_type = particle_type
        self.energy_bins = energy_bins
        self.lower_ww_bounds = lower_ww_bounds

        cv.check_length('Lower window bounds', self.lower_ww_bounds,

        if upper_ww_bounds is not None and upper_bound_ratio:
            raise ValueError("Exactly one of upper_ww_bounds and "
                             "upper_bound_ratio must be present.")

        if upper_ww_bounds is None and upper_bound_ratio is None:
            raise ValueError("Exactly one of upper_ww_bounds and "
                             "upper_bound_ratio must be present.")

        if upper_bound_ratio:
            self.upper_ww_bounds = [
                lb * upper_bound_ratio for lb in self.lower_ww_bounds

        if upper_ww_bounds is not None:
            self.upper_ww_bounds = upper_ww_bounds

        if len(self.lower_ww_bounds) != len(self.upper_ww_bounds):
            raise ValueError(
                'Size of the lower and upper weight window bounds '
                'do not match')

        self.survival_ratio = survival_ratio

        self._max_lower_bound_ratio = None
        if max_lower_bound_ratio is not None:
            self.max_lower_bound_ratio = max_lower_bound_ratio

        self.max_split = max_split
        self.weight_cutoff = weight_cutoff
Exemple #27
    def rotation(self, rotation):
        cv.check_type('cell rotation', rotation, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('cell rotation', rotation, 3)
        self._rotation = np.asarray(rotation)

        # Save rotation matrix -- the reason we do this instead of having it be
        # automatically calculated when the rotation_matrix property is accessed
        # is so that plotting on a rotated geometry can be done faster.
        phi, theta, psi = self.rotation * (-pi / 180.)
        c3, s3 = cos(phi), sin(phi)
        c2, s2 = cos(theta), sin(theta)
        c1, s1 = cos(psi), sin(psi)
        self._rotation_matrix = np.array(
            [[c1 * c2, c1 * s2 * s3 - c3 * s1, s1 * s3 + c1 * c3 * s2],
             [c2 * s1, c1 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3, c3 * s1 * s2 - c1 * s3],
             [-s2, c2 * s3, c2 * c3]])
Exemple #28
    def colors(self, colors):
        cv.check_type('plot colors', colors, Mapping)
        for key, value in colors.items():
            cv.check_type('plot color key', key, (openmc.Cell, openmc.Material))
            cv.check_type('plot color value', value, Iterable)
            if isinstance(value, string_types):
                if value.lower() not in _SVG_COLORS:
                    raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid color.".format(value))
                cv.check_length('plot color (RGB)', value, 3)
                for component in value:
                    cv.check_type('RGB component', component, Real)
                    cv.check_greater_than('RGB component', component, 0, True)
                    cv.check_less_than('RGB component', component, 255, True)

        self._colors = colors
Exemple #29
    def rotation(self, rotation):
        if not isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Universe):
            raise RuntimeError('Cell rotation can only be applied if the cell '
                               'is filled with a Universe')

        cv.check_type('cell rotation', rotation, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('cell rotation', rotation, 3)
        self._rotation = np.asarray(rotation)

        # Save rotation matrix
        phi, theta, psi = self.rotation*(-pi/180.)
        c3, s3 = cos(phi), sin(phi)
        c2, s2 = cos(theta), sin(theta)
        c1, s1 = cos(psi), sin(psi)
        self._rotation_matrix = np.array([
            [c1*c2, c1*s2*s3 - c3*s1, s1*s3 + c1*c3*s2],
            [c2*s1, c1*c3 + s1*s2*s3, c3*s1*s2 - c1*s3],
            [-s2, c2*s3, c2*c3]])
Exemple #30
    def rotation(self, rotation):
        if not isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Universe):
            raise RuntimeError('Cell rotation can only be applied if the cell '
                               'is filled with a Universe')

        cv.check_type('cell rotation', rotation, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('cell rotation', rotation, 3)
        self._rotation = np.asarray(rotation)

        # Save rotation matrix
        phi, theta, psi = self.rotation * (-pi / 180.)
        c3, s3 = cos(phi), sin(phi)
        c2, s2 = cos(theta), sin(theta)
        c1, s1 = cos(psi), sin(psi)
        self._rotation_matrix = np.array(
            [[c1 * c2, c1 * s2 * s3 - c3 * s1, s1 * s3 + c1 * c3 * s2],
             [c2 * s1, c1 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3, c3 * s1 * s2 - c1 * s3],
             [-s2, c2 * s3, c2 * c3]])
Exemple #31
    def rotation(self, rotation):
        if not isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Universe):
            raise TypeError('Cell rotation can only be applied if the cell '
                            'is filled with a Universe.')

        cv.check_type('cell rotation', rotation, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('cell rotation', rotation, 3)
        self._rotation = np.asarray(rotation)

        # Save rotation matrix -- the reason we do this instead of having it be
        # automatically calculated when the rotation_matrix property is accessed
        # is so that plotting on a rotated geometry can be done faster.
        phi, theta, psi = self.rotation*(-pi/180.)
        c3, s3 = cos(phi), sin(phi)
        c2, s2 = cos(theta), sin(theta)
        c1, s1 = cos(psi), sin(psi)
        self._rotation_matrix = np.array([
            [c1*c2, c1*s2*s3 - c3*s1, s1*s3 + c1*c3*s2],
            [c2*s1, c1*c3 + s1*s2*s3, c3*s1*s2 - c1*s3],
            [-s2, c2*s3, c2*c3]])
Exemple #32
    def rotation(self, rotation):
        if not isinstance(self.fill, openmc.Universe):
            raise TypeError('Cell rotation can only be applied if the cell '
                            'is filled with a Universe.')

        cv.check_type('cell rotation', rotation, Iterable, Real)
        cv.check_length('cell rotation', rotation, 3)
        self._rotation = np.asarray(rotation)

        # Save rotation matrix -- the reason we do this instead of having it be
        # automatically calculated when the rotation_matrix property is accessed
        # is so that plotting on a rotated geometry can be done faster.
        phi, theta, psi = self.rotation * (-pi / 180.)
        c3, s3 = cos(phi), sin(phi)
        c2, s2 = cos(theta), sin(theta)
        c1, s1 = cos(psi), sin(psi)
        self._rotation_matrix = np.array(
            [[c1 * c2, c1 * s2 * s3 - c3 * s1, s1 * s3 + c1 * c3 * s2],
             [c2 * s1, c1 * c3 + s1 * s2 * s3, c3 * s1 * s2 - c1 * s3],
             [-s2, c2 * s3, c2 * c3]])
Exemple #33
    def set_source_energy(self, stype, params=[]):
        """Defined the energy distribution of the external/starting source.

        stype : str
            The type of energy distribution. Valid options are "monoenergetic",
            "watt", and "maxwell". The "monoenergetic" option produces source
            sites at a single energy. The "watt" option produces source sites
            whose energy is sampled from a Watt fission spectrum. The "maxwell"
            option produce source sites whose energy is sampled from a Maxwell
            fission spectrum.
        params : Iterable of float
            For a "monoenergetic" energy distribution, ``params`` should be
            given as the energy in MeV of the source sites.

            For a "watt" energy distribution, ``params`` should be given as two
            real numbers :math:`a` and :math:`b` that parameterize the
            distribution :math:`p(E) dE = c e^{-E/a} \sinh \sqrt{b \, E} dE`.

            For a "maxwell" energy distribution, ``params`` should be given as
            one real number :math:`a` that parameterizes the distribution
            :math:`p(E) dE = c E e^{-E/a} dE`.


        check_type('source energy type', stype, basestring)
        check_value('source energy type', stype,
                    ['monoenergetic', 'watt', 'maxwell'])
        check_type('source energy parameters', params, Iterable, Real)
        if stype in ['monoenergetic', 'maxwell']:
                'source energy parameters for a monoenergetic '
                'or Maxwell source', params, 1)
        elif stype == 'watt':
            check_length('source energy parameters for a Watt source', params,

        self._source_energy_type = stype
        self._source_energy_params = params
Exemple #34
    def temperature(self, temperature):

        cv.check_type('temperature settings', temperature, Mapping)
        for key, value in temperature.items():
                'temperature key', key,
                ['default', 'method', 'tolerance', 'multipole', 'range'])
            if key == 'default':
                cv.check_type('default temperature', value, Real)
            elif key == 'method':
                cv.check_value('temperature method', value,
                               ['nearest', 'interpolation'])
            elif key == 'tolerance':
                cv.check_type('temperature tolerance', value, Real)
            elif key == 'multipole':
                cv.check_type('temperature multipole', value, bool)
            elif key == 'range':
                cv.check_length('temperature range', value, 2)
                for T in value:
                    cv.check_type('temperature', T, Real)

        self._temperature = temperature
Exemple #35
    def temperature(self, temperature):

        cv.check_type('temperature settings', temperature, Mapping)
        for key, value in temperature.items():
            cv.check_value('temperature key', key,
                           ['default', 'method', 'tolerance', 'multipole',
            if key == 'default':
                cv.check_type('default temperature', value, Real)
            elif key == 'method':
                cv.check_value('temperature method', value,
                               ['nearest', 'interpolation'])
            elif key == 'tolerance':
                cv.check_type('temperature tolerance', value, Real)
            elif key == 'multipole':
                cv.check_type('temperature multipole', value, bool)
            elif key == 'range':
                cv.check_length('temperature range', value, 2)
                for T in value:
                    cv.check_type('temperature', T, Real)

        self._temperature = temperature
Exemple #36
    def set_source_energy(self, stype, params=[]):
        """Defined the energy distribution of the external/starting source.

        stype : str
            The type of energy distribution. Valid options are "monoenergetic",
            "watt", and "maxwell". The "monoenergetic" option produces source
            sites at a single energy. The "watt" option produces source sites
            whose energy is sampled from a Watt fission spectrum. The "maxwell"
            option produce source sites whose energy is sampled from a Maxwell
            fission spectrum.
        params : Iterable of float
            For a "monoenergetic" energy distribution, ``params`` should be
            given as the energy in MeV of the source sites.

            For a "watt" energy distribution, ``params`` should be given as two
            real numbers :math:`a` and :math:`b` that parameterize the
            distribution :math:`p(E) dE = c e^{-E/a} \sinh \sqrt{b \, E} dE`.

            For a "maxwell" energy distribution, ``params`` should be given as
            one real number :math:`a` that parameterizes the distribution
            :math:`p(E) dE = c E e^{-E/a} dE`.


        check_type('source energy type', stype, basestring)
        check_value('source energy type', stype,
                    ['monoenergetic', 'watt', 'maxwell'])
        check_type('source energy parameters', params, Iterable, Real)
        if stype in ['monoenergetic', 'maxwell']:
            check_length('source energy parameters for a monoenergetic '
                         'or Maxwell source', params, 1)
        elif stype == 'watt':
            check_length('source energy parameters for a Watt source',
                         params, 2)

        self._source_energy_type = stype
        self._source_energy_params = params
Exemple #37
 def entropy_mesh(self, entropy):
     cv.check_type('entropy mesh', entropy, Mesh)
     cv.check_length('entropy mesh dimension', entropy.dimension, 3)
     cv.check_length('entropy mesh lower-left corner', entropy.lower_left,
     cv.check_length('entropy mesh upper-right corner', entropy.upper_right,
     self._entropy_mesh = entropy
Exemple #38
    def set_source_space(self, stype, params):
        """Defined the spatial bounds of the external/starting source.

        stype : str
            The type of spatial distribution. Valid options are "box",
            "fission", and "point". A "box" spatial distribution has coordinates
            sampled uniformly in a parallelepiped. A "fission" spatial
            distribution samples locations from a "box" distribution but only
            locations in fissionable materials are accepted. A "point" spatial
            distribution has coordinates specified by a triplet.
        params : Iterable of float
            For a "box" or "fission" spatial distribution, ``params`` should be
            given as six real numbers, the first three of which specify the
            lower-left corner of a parallelepiped and the last three of which
            specify the upper-right corner. Source sites are sampled uniformly
            through that parallelepiped.

            For a "point" spatial distribution, ``params`` should be given as
            three real numbers which specify the (x,y,z) location of an
            isotropic point source


        check_type('source space type', stype, basestring)
        check_value('source space type', stype, ['box', 'fission', 'point'])
        check_type('source space parameters', params, Iterable, Real)
        if stype in ['box', 'fission']:
                'source space parameters for a '
                'box/fission distribution', params, 6)
        elif stype == 'point':
            check_length('source space parameters for a point source', params,

        self._source_space_type = stype
        self._source_space_params = params
Exemple #39
    def set_source_angle(self, stype, params=[]):
        """Defined the angular distribution of the external/starting source.

        stype : str
            The type of angular distribution. Valid options are "isotropic" and
            "monodirectional". The angle of the particle emitted from a source
            site is isotropic if the "isotropic" option is given. The angle of
            the particle emitted from a source site is the direction specified
            in ``params`` if the "monodirectional" option is given.
        params : Iterable of float
            For an "isotropic" angular distribution, ``params`` should not
            be specified.

            For a "monodirectional" angular distribution, ``params`` should
            be given as three floats which specify the angular cosines
            with respect to each axis.


        check_type('source angle type', stype, basestring)
        check_value('source angle type', stype,
                    ['isotropic', 'monodirectional'])
        check_type('source angle parameters', params, Iterable, Real)
        if stype == 'isotropic' and params is not None:
            msg = 'Unable to set source angle parameters since they are not ' \
                  'it is not supported for isotropic type sources'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        elif stype == 'monodirectional':
                'source angle parameters for a monodirectional '
                'source', params, 3)

        self._source_angle_type = stype
        self._source_angle_params = params
Exemple #40
 def width(self, width):
     cv.check_type('mesh width', width, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh width', width, 1, 3)
     self._width = width
Exemple #41
 def upper_right(self, upper_right):
     cv.check_type('mesh upper_right', upper_right, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh upper_right', upper_right, 1, 3)
     self._upper_right = upper_right
Exemple #42
 def lower_left(self, lower_left):
     cv.check_type('mesh lower_left', lower_left, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh lower_left', lower_left, 1, 3)
     self._lower_left = lower_left
Exemple #43
 def dimension(self, dimension):
     cv.check_type('mesh dimension', dimension, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('mesh dimension', dimension, 1, 3)
     self._dimension = dimension
Exemple #44
 def gauss_seidel_tolerance(self, gauss_seidel_tolerance):
     check_type('CMFD Gauss-Seidel tolerance', gauss_seidel_tolerance,
                Iterable, Real)
     check_length('Gauss-Seidel tolerance', gauss_seidel_tolerance, 2)
     self._gauss_seidel_tolerance = gauss_seidel_tolerance
Exemple #45
 def ufs_lower_left(self, lower_left):
     check_type("UFS mesh lower left corner", lower_left, Iterable, Real)
     check_length("UFS mesh lower left corner", lower_left, 3)
     self._ufs_lower_left = lower_left
Exemple #46
 def lower_left(self, lower_left):
     cv.check_type('mesh lower_left', lower_left, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh lower_left', lower_left, 2, 3)
     self._lower_left = lower_left
Exemple #47
 def pixels(self, pixels):
     cv.check_type('plot pixels', pixels, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('plot pixels', pixels, 2, 3)
     for dim in pixels:
         cv.check_greater_than('plot pixels', dim, 0)
     self._pixels = pixels
Exemple #48
 def origin(self, origin):
     cv.check_type('plot origin', origin, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('plot origin', origin, 3)
     self._origin = origin
Exemple #49
    def build_cells(self, bc=['reflective'] * 6):
        """Generates a lattice of universes with the same dimensionality
        as the mesh object.  The individual cells/universes produced
        will not have material definitions applied and so downstream code
        will have to apply that information.

        bc : iterable of {'reflective', 'periodic', 'transmission', or 'vacuum'}
            Boundary conditions for each of the four faces of a rectangle
            (if aplying to a 2D mesh) or six faces of a parallelepiped
            (if applying to a 3D mesh) provided in the following order:
            [x min, x max, y min, y max, z min, z max].  2-D cells do not
            contain the z min and z max entries.

        root_cell : openmc.Cell
            The cell containing the lattice representing the mesh geometry;
            this cell is a single parallelepiped with boundaries matching
            the outermost mesh boundary with the boundary conditions from bc
        cells : iterable of openmc.Cell
            The list of cells within each lattice position mimicking the mesh


        cv.check_length('bc', bc, length_min=4, length_max=6)
        for entry in bc:
                'bc', entry,
                ['transmission', 'vacuum', 'reflective', 'periodic'])

        # Build the cell which will contain the lattice
        xplanes = [
            openmc.XPlane(x0=self.lower_left[0], boundary_type=bc[0]),
            openmc.XPlane(x0=self.upper_right[0], boundary_type=bc[1])
        if len(self.dimension) == 1:
            yplanes = [
                openmc.YPlane(y0=-1e10, boundary_type='reflective'),
                openmc.YPlane(y0=1e10, boundary_type='reflective')
            yplanes = [
                openmc.YPlane(y0=self.lower_left[1], boundary_type=bc[2]),
                openmc.YPlane(y0=self.upper_right[1], boundary_type=bc[3])

        if len(self.dimension) <= 2:
            # Would prefer to have the z ranges be the max supported float, but
            # these values are apparently different between python and Fortran.
            # Choosing a safe and sane default.
            # Values of +/-1e10 are used here as there seems to be an
            # inconsistency between what numpy uses as the max float and what
            # Fortran expects for a real(8), so this avoids code complication
            # and achieves the same goal.
            zplanes = [
                openmc.ZPlane(z0=-1e10, boundary_type='reflective'),
                openmc.ZPlane(z0=1e10, boundary_type='reflective')
            zplanes = [
                openmc.ZPlane(z0=self.lower_left[2], boundary_type=bc[4]),
                openmc.ZPlane(z0=self.upper_right[2], boundary_type=bc[5])
        root_cell = openmc.Cell()
        root_cell.region = ((+xplanes[0] & -xplanes[1]) &
                            (+yplanes[0] & -yplanes[1]) &
                            (+zplanes[0] & -zplanes[1]))

        # Build the universes which will be used for each of the [i,j,k]
        # locations within the mesh.
        # We will concurrently build cells to assign to these universes
        cells = []
        universes = []
        for [i, j, k] in self.cell_generator():

        lattice = openmc.RectLattice()
        lattice.lower_left = self.lower_left

        # Assign the universe and rotate to match the indexing expected for
        # the lattice
        lattice.universes = np.rot90(np.reshape(universes, self.dimension))

        if self.width is not None:
            lattice.pitch = self.width
            dx = ((self.upper_right[0] - self.lower_left[0]) /

            if len(self.dimension) == 1:
                lattice.pitch = [dx]
            elif len(self.dimension) == 2:
                dy = ((self.upper_right[1] - self.lower_left[1]) /
                lattice.pitch = [dx, dy]
                dy = ((self.upper_right[1] - self.lower_left[1]) /
                dz = ((self.upper_right[2] - self.lower_left[2]) /
                lattice.pitch = [dx, dy, dz]

        # Fill Cell with the Lattice
        root_cell.fill = lattice

        return root_cell, cells
Exemple #50
 def width(self, width):
     cv.check_type('mesh width', width, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh width', width, 2, 3)
     self._width = width
Exemple #51
 def dimension(self, dimension):
     cv.check_type('mesh dimension', dimension, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('mesh dimension', dimension, 2, 3)
     self._dimension = dimension
Exemple #52
 def ufs_dimension(self, dimension):
     check_type("UFS mesh dimension", dimension, Iterable, Integral)
     check_length("UFS mesh dimension", dimension, 3)
     for dim in dimension:
         check_greater_than("UFS mesh dimension", dim, 1, True)
     self._ufs_dimension = dimension
Exemple #53
 def upper_right(self, upper_right):
     cv.check_type('mesh upper_right', upper_right, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh upper_right', upper_right, 2, 3)
     self._upper_right = upper_right
Exemple #54
 def ufs_upper_right(self, upper_right):
     check_type("UFS mesh upper right corner", upper_right, Iterable, Real)
     check_length("UFS mesh upper right corner", upper_right, 3)
     self._ufs_upper_right = upper_right
Exemple #55
 def operations(self, operations):
     cv.check_type('operations', operations, Iterable, np.ufunc)
     length = len(self.functions) - 1
     cv.check_length('operations', operations, length, length_max=length)
     self._operations = operations
Exemple #56
 def entropy_upper_right(self, upper_right):
     check_type("entropy mesh upper right corner", upper_right, Iterable, Real)
     check_length("entropy mesh upper right corner", upper_right, 3)
     self._entropy_upper_right = upper_right