Exemple #1
    def run(self, plot=True):
        Solves the optimization problem.
        # Initial try
        p0 = self.get_p0()

        #Lower bounds and Upper bounds (HARDCODED FOR QUADTANK)
        lbound = N.array([0.0001] * len(p0))
        if self.gridsize == 1:
            ubound = [10.0] * (self.gridsize * self.nbr_us)
            ubound = [10.0] * (self.gridsize * self.nbr_us
                               ) + [0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, N.inf] * (
                                   (self.gridsize - 1))

        #ubound = [0.75]*(self.gridsize*self.nbr_us)+[N.inf]*((self.gridsize-1)*self.nbr_ys)

        if self.verbosity >= Multiple_Shooting.NORMAL:
            print 'Initial parameter vector: '
            print p0
            print 'Lower bound:', len(lbound)
            print 'Upper bound:', len(ubound)

        # Get OpenOPT handler
        p_solve = NLP(self.f,

        #If multiple shooting is preformed or single shooting
        if self.gridsize > 1:
            p_solve.h = self.h

        if plot:
            p_solve.plot = 1

        self.opt = p_solve.solve(self.optMethod)

        return self.opt
    def run(self, plot=True):
        Solves the optimization problem.
        # Initial try
        p0 = self.get_p0()
        #Lower bounds and Upper bounds (HARDCODED FOR QUADTANK)
        lbound = N.array([0.0001]*len(p0))
        if self.gridsize == 1:
            ubound = [10.0]*(self.gridsize*self.nbr_us)
            ubound = [10.0]*(self.gridsize*self.nbr_us) + [0.20,0.20,0.20,0.20,N.inf]*((self.gridsize-1))

        #ubound = [0.75]*(self.gridsize*self.nbr_us)+[N.inf]*((self.gridsize-1)*self.nbr_ys)
        if self.verbosity >= Multiple_Shooting.NORMAL:
            print 'Initial parameter vector: '
            print p0
            print 'Lower bound:', len(lbound)
            print 'Upper bound:', len(ubound)

        # Get OpenOPT handler
        p_solve = NLP(self.f,p0,lb = lbound, ub=ubound,maxFunEvals = self.maxFeval, maxIter = self.maxIter, ftol=self.ftol, maxTime=self.maxTime)
        #If multiple shooting is preformed or single shooting
        if self.gridsize > 1:
            p_solve.h  = self.h
        if plot:
            p_solve.plot = 1

        self.opt = p_solve.solve(self.optMethod)        
        return self.opt
    r[0] += 15 #incorrect derivative
    r[8] += 80 #incorrect derivative
    return r
p.df =  df

p.c = lambda x: [2* x[0] **4-32, x[1]**2+x[2]**2 - 8]

def dc(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0,0] = 2 * 4 * x[0]**3
    r[1,1] = 2 * x[1]
    r[1,2] = 2 * x[2] + 15 #incorrect derivative
    return r
p.dc = dc

p.h = lambda x: (1e1*(x[-1]-1)**4, (x[-2]-1.5)**4)

def dh(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0,-1] = 1e1*4*(x[-1]-1)**3
    r[1,-2] = 4*(x[-2]-1.5)**3 + 15 #incorrect derivative
    return r
p.dh = dh

you can use p.checkdF(x) for other point than x0 (F is f, c or h)
Exemple #4
    # other valid c:
    # p.c = [lambda x: c1(x), lambda x : c2(x), lambda x : c3(x)]
    # p.c = (lambda x: c1(x), lambda x : c2(x), lambda x : c3(x))
    # p.c = lambda x: numpy.array(c1(x), c2(x), c3(x))
    # def c(x):
    #      return c1(x), c2(x), c3(x)
    # p.c = c

    # non-linear equality constraints h(x) = 0
    # 1e6*(x[last]-1)**4 = 0
    # (x[last-1]-1.5)**4 = 0
    #h1 = lambda x: 1e4*(x[-1]-1)**4
    #h2 = lambda x: (x[-2]-1.5)**4
    #p.h = [h1, h2]
    h_args = (h, k, l, fq, fqerr, x, z, cosmat_list)
    p.h = [pos_sum, neg_sum, chisq]
    #    p.h=[pos_sum,neg_sum]
    p.args.h = h_args
    p.args.f = (h, k, l, fq, fqerr, x, z, cosmat_list)
    # dh(x)/dx: non-lin eq constraints gradients (optional):
    #def DH(x):
    #    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    #    r[0, -1] = 1e4*4 * (x[-1]-1)**3
    #    r[1, -2] = 4 * (x[-2]-1.5)**3
    #    return r
    #p.dh = DH
    #    p.dh=[chisq_grad,pos_sum_grad,]
    p.contol = 1e-2  #3 # required constraints tolerance, default for NLP is 1e-6

    # for ALGENCAN solver gradtol is the only one stop criterium connected to openopt
Exemple #5
ff = lambda x: ((x-M)**2).sum()
p = NLP(ff, cos(arange(N)))
p.df =  lambda x: 2*(x-M)
p.c = lambda x: [2* x[0] **4-32, x[1]**2+x[2]**2 - 8]

def dc(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0,0] = 2 * 4 * x[0]**3
    r[1,1] = 2 * x[1]
    r[1,2] = 2 * x[2]
    return r
p.dc = dc

h1 = lambda x: 1e1*(x[-1]-1)**4
h2 = lambda x: (x[-2]-1.5)**4
p.h = lambda x: (h1(x), h2(x))

def dh(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0,-1] = 1e1*4*(x[-1]-1)**3
    r[1,-2] = 4*(x[-2]-1.5)**3
    return r
p.dh = dh

p.lb = -6*ones(N)
p.ub = 6*ones(N)
p.lb[3] = 5.5
p.ub[4] = 4.5

#r = p.solve('ipopt', showLS=0, xtol=1e-7, maxIter = 1504)
#solver = 'ipopt'
Exemple #6
p.c = lambda x: [2 * x[0]**4 - 32, x[1]**2 + x[2]**2 - 8]

def dc(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0, 0] = 2 * 4 * x[0]**3
    r[1, 1] = 2 * x[1]
    r[1, 2] = 2 * x[2]
    return r

p.dc = dc

h1 = lambda x: 1e1 * (x[-1] - 1)**4
h2 = lambda x: (x[-2] - 1.5)**4
p.h = lambda x: (h1(x), h2(x))

def dh(x):
    r = zeros((2, p.n))
    r[0, -1] = 1e1 * 4 * (x[-1] - 1)**3
    r[1, -2] = 4 * (x[-2] - 1.5)**3
    return r

p.dh = dh

p.lb = -6 * ones(N)
p.ub = 6 * ones(N)
p.lb[3] = 5.5
p.ub[4] = 4.5
    # (except maxfun, maxiter)
    # Note that in ALGENCAN gradtol means norm of projected gradient of  the Augmented Lagrangian
    # so it should be something like 1e-3...1e-5
        p.gradtol = 1e-5#5 # gradient stop criterium (default for NLP is 1e-6)
        #print 'maxiter', p.maxiter
        #print 'maxfun', p.maxfun
    #    p.maxfun=100

        #p.df_iter = 50
        p.maxTime = 4000

        if 0:
    #    p.h=[pos_sum,neg_sum]
        if 1:

Exemple #8
# p.c = (lambda x: c1(x), lambda x : c2(x), lambda x : c3(x))
# p.c = lambda x: numpy.array(c1(x), c2(x), c3(x))
# def c(x):
#      return c1(x), c2(x), c3(x)
# p.c = c

# non-linear equality constraints h(x) = 0
# 1e6*(x[last]-1)**4 = 0
# (x[last-1]-1.5)**4 = 0
#h1 = lambda x: 1e4*(x[-1]-1)**4
#h2 = lambda x: (x[-2]-1.5)**4
#p.h = [h1, h2]
#    p.h=[pos_sum,neg_sum]
# dh(x)/dx: non-lin eq constraints gradients (optional):
#def DH(x):
#    r = zeros((2, p.n))
#    r[0, -1] = 1e4*4 * (x[-1]-1)**3
#    r[1, -2] = 4 * (x[-2]-1.5)**3
#    return r
#p.dh = DH
#    p.dh=[chisq_grad,pos_sum_grad,]
    p.contol = 1e-2#3 # required constraints tolerance, default for NLP is 1e-6

# for ALGENCAN solver gradtol is the only one stop criterium connected to openopt
Exemple #9
OpenOpt GUI:
     function manage() usage example

from openopt import NLP, manage
from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, abs, zeros
N = 50
M = 5
p = NLP(lambda x: ((x - M)**2).sum(), cos(arange(N)))
p.lb, p.ub = -6 * ones(N), 6 * ones(N)
p.lb[3] = 5.5
p.ub[4] = 4.5
p.c = lambda x: [2 * x[0]**4 - 32, x[1]**2 + x[2]**2 - 8]
p.h = (lambda x: 1e1 * (x[-1] - 1)**4, lambda x: (x[-2] - 1.5)**4)
minTime is used here
for to provide enough time for user
to play with GUI

minTime = 1.5  # sec
p.name = 'GUI_example'
p.minTime = minTime
hence maxIter, maxFunEvals etc
will not trigger till minTime

only same iter point x_k-1=x_k
or some coords = nan
can stop calculations
Exemple #10
        # (except maxfun, maxiter)
        # Note that in ALGENCAN gradtol means norm of projected gradient of  the Augmented Lagrangian
        # so it should be something like 1e-3...1e-5
        p.gradtol = 1e-5  #5 # gradient stop criterium (default for NLP is 1e-6)
        #print 'maxiter', p.maxiter
        #print 'maxfun', p.maxfun
        p.maxIter = 50
        #    p.maxfun=100

        #p.df_iter = 50
        p.maxTime = 4000
        h_args = (h, k, l, fq, fqerr, x, z, cosmat_list, coslist, flist)

        if 0:
            p.h = [pos_sum, neg_sum]
            p.c = [chisq]
            #    p.h=[pos_sum,neg_sum]
            p.args.h = h_args
            p.args.c = h_args
            p.dh = [pos_sum_grad, neg_sum_grad]
            p.df = chisq_grad
        if 1:

            p.c = [chisq]
            p.h = [pos_sum, neg_sum]
            p.args.h = h_args
            p.args.c = h_args
            p.dh = [pos_sum_grad, neg_sum_grad]
            p.dc = chisq_grad
Exemple #11
they will be passed to derivative function as well (if you have supplied it)

from openopt import NLP
from numpy import asfarray

f = lambda x, a: (x**2).sum() + a * x[0]**4
x0 = [8, 15, 80]
p = NLP(f, x0)

#using c(x)<=0 constraints
p.c = lambda x, b, c: (x[0]-4)**2 - 1 + b*x[1]**4 + c*x[2]**4

#using h(x)=0 constraints
p.h = lambda x, d: (x[2]-4)**2 + d*x[2]**4 - 15
p.args.f = 4 # i.e. here we use a=4
# so it's the same to "a = 4; p.args.f = a" or just "p.args.f = a = 4" 

p.args.c = (1,2)

p.args.h = 15 

# Note 1: using tuple p.args.h = (15,) is valid as well

# Note 2: if all your funcs use same args, you can just use 
# p.args = (your args)

# Note 3: you could use f = lambda x, a: (...); c = lambda x, a, b: (...); h = lambda x, a: (...)
Exemple #12
    def run_optimization(self, plot=True, _only_check_gradients=False):
        """Start/run optimization procedure and the optimum unless.
        Set the keyword parameter 'plot' to False (default=True) if plotting
        should not be conducted.
        grid = self.get_grid()
        model = self.get_model()

        # Initial try
        p0 = self.get_p0()

        # Less than (-0.5 < u < 1)
        # TODO: These are currently hard coded. They shouldn't be.
        #NLT = len(grid) * len(model.u)
        #Alt = N.zeros( (NLT, len(p0)) )
        #Alt[:, (len(grid) - 1) * len(model.x):] = -N.eye(len(grid) *
        #                                              len(model.u))
        #blt = -0.5*N.ones(NLT)

        # TODO: These are currently hard coded. They shouldn't be.
        #N_xvars = (len(grid) - 1) * len(model.x)
        #N_uvars = len(grid) * len(model.u)
        #N_vars = N_xvars + N_uvars
        #Alt = -N.eye(N_vars)
        #blt = N.zeros(N_vars)
        #blt[0:N_xvars] = -N.ones(N_xvars)*0.001
        #blt[N_xvars:] = -N.ones(N_uvars)*1;

        # Get OpenOPT handler
        p = NLP(
            #A=Alt, # See TODO above
            #b=blt, # See TODO above
        if len(grid) > 1:
            p.h = self.h
            p.dh = self.dh

        if plot:
            p.plot = 1
        p.iprint = 1

        if _only_check_gradients:
            # Check gradients against finite difference quotients
            return None

        #opt = p.solve('ralg') # does not work - serious convergence issues
        opt = p.solve('scipy_slsqp')

        if plot:
            plot_control_solutions(model, grid, opt.xf)

        return opt
Exemple #13
my_oofun.args = (...)
they will be passed to derivative function as well (if you have supplied it)

from openopt import NLP
from numpy import asfarray

f = lambda x, a: (x**2).sum() + a * x[0]**4
x0 = [8, 15, 80]
p = NLP(f, x0)

#using c(x)<=0 constraints
p.c = lambda x, b, c: (x[0] - 4)**2 - 1 + b * x[1]**4 + c * x[2]**4

#using h(x)=0 constraints
p.h = lambda x, d: (x[2] - 4)**2 + d * x[2]**4 - 15

p.args.f = 4  # i.e. here we use a=4
# so it's the same to "a = 4; p.args.f = a" or just "p.args.f = a = 4"

p.args.c = (1, 2)

p.args.h = 15

# Note 1: using tuple p.args.h = (15,) is valid as well

# Note 2: if all your funcs use same args, you can just use
# p.args = (your args)

# Note 3: you could use f = lambda x, a: (...); c = lambda x, a, b: (...); h = lambda x, a: (...)
Exemple #14
OpenOpt GUI:
     function manage() usage example

from openopt import NLP, manage
from numpy import cos, arange, ones, asarray, abs, zeros
N = 50
M = 5
p = NLP(lambda x: ((x-M)**2).sum(), cos(arange(N)))
p.lb, p.ub = -6*ones(N), 6*ones(N)
p.lb[3] = 5.5
p.ub[4] = 4.5
p.c = lambda x: [2* x[0] **4-32, x[1]**2+x[2]**2 - 8]
p.h = (lambda x: 1e1*(x[-1]-1)**4, lambda x: (x[-2]-1.5)**4)

minTime is used here
for to provide enough time for user
to play with GUI

minTime = 1.5 # sec
p.name = 'GUI_example'
p.minTime = minTime

hence maxIter, maxFunEvals etc
will not trigger till minTime

only same iter point x_k-1=x_k