Exemple #1
def SfM_gcp2xyz(GPS, RTK):
    from opensfm.dataset import DataSet
    RRF = DataSet(RTK).load_reference()
    a = 3 if os.path.isdir(GPS + '/matches') else 2
    if not os.path.isfile(GPS + '/reconstruction.json'):
        SfM_cmd(GPS, range(a, 5))
    GTM = DataSet(GPS).load_tracks_manager()
    res = []
    GRC = GPS + '/reconstruction.topocentric.json'
    if not os.path.isfile(GRC): GRC = GRC[:-16] + 'json'
    with open(GRC) as f:
        GRC = json.load(f)[0]['points']
    GIM = GPS if os.path.isdir(GPS + '/images') else GPS + '/..'
    with open(GPS + '/gcp_list.txt') as f:
        gcp = f.readlines()
    #dtp = [(k,float) for k in ('lon','lat','alt','x','y')]
    for v in gcp[1:]:  # skip 1st-row
        *v, im = v.split()
        v = np.float64(v)
        x = []
        h, w, c = cv2.imread(f'{GIM}/images/{im}').shape
        denm = lambda x: (x * max(w, h) * 2 + (w, h) - 1) / 2
        for tid, ob in GTM.get_shot_observations(im).items():
            d = np.linalg.norm(denm(ob.point) - v[3:5])
            if d < 1: x.append([d, tid])  # pixel
        d, tid = min(x) if len(x) else [np.inf, '']
        if tid not in GRC: INFO(f'skip {tid}: {[*v,im]}')
        else: res += [(*GRC[tid]['coordinates'], *v[[1, 0, 2]])]
    v = np.array(res).T
    v[3:] = RRF.to_topocentric(*v[3:])
    return v.T
Exemple #2
def check_gcp(gcp, cam, org=0, n=0):
    res = {}
    K = Camera(cam).K()
    if os.path.isdir(org):
        from opensfm.dataset import DataSet
        ref = DataSet(org).load_reference()
    with open(gcp) as f:
        data = f.readlines()[n:]
    for v in data:  # skip first n-rows
        v = v.split()
        im = v[-1]
        v = v[:5] + [np.inf] * 2
        if os.path.isdir(org):  # lat,lon.alt->xyz
            lon, lat, alt = [float(i) for i in v[:3]]
            v[:3] = ref.to_topocentric(lat, lon, alt)
        if im not in res: res[im] = [v]
        else: res[im].append(v)

    for k, v in res.items():
        v = res[k] = np.float64(v)
        if len(v) < 5: continue  # skip
        pt, uv = v[:, :3].copy(), v[:, 3:5]  # copy()->new mem-block
        _, Rvec, Tvec, Ins = cv2.solvePnPRansac(pt, uv, K, None)
        xy, Jacob = cv2.projectPoints(pt, Rvec, Tvec, K, None)
        err = v[:, 5] = np.linalg.norm(xy.squeeze() - uv, axis=1)

        his = np.histogram(err, bins=[*range(11), np.inf])[0]
        for c in range(len(his) - 1, 0, -1):  # len(v)=sum(his)
            if sum(his[c:]) >= len(v) * 0.2: break
        idx = np.where(err <= c)[0]
        #print(c, his)
        if len(idx) < 7: continue  # skip
        _, Rvec, Tvec = cv2.solvePnP(pt[idx], uv[idx], K, None)
        xy, Jacob = cv2.projectPoints(pt, Rvec, Tvec, K, None)
        v[:, -1] = np.linalg.norm(xy.squeeze() - uv, axis=1)  # err2

    out = os.path.abspath(gcp + '.err')
    with open(out, 'w') as f:
        for k, v in zip(data, np.vstack([*res.values()])):
            f.write(k[:-1] + '%11.3f%11.3f\n' % (*v[-2:], ))
Exemple #3
def filter_gcp(GPS, RTK, thd=1):  # reproject
    from odm_filter import Camera
    from opensfm.dataset import DataSet
    K = Camera(GPS + '/camera_models.json').K()
    ref = DataSet(RTK).load_reference()
    res = {}
    PM = 8 if hasattr(cv2, 'SOLVEPNP_SQPNP') else 1
    # cv2.SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE=0: need n>=6 non-planar
    # cv2.SOLVEPNP_EPNP=1, cv2.SOLVEPNP_SQPNP=8: n>=4
    out, err = GPS + '/gcp_list.txt', GPS + '/gcp_err.txt'
    if os.path.isfile(out):
        with open(out) as f:
            gcp = f.readlines()
    elif os.path.isfile(err):
        with open(err) as f:
            gcp = f.readlines()
        for i, v in enumerate(gcp):
            v = v.split()
            x = np.float64(v[1:4])
            gcp[i] = GCF([*x, *v[4:6], v[0]])
        gcp.insert(0, LLA + '\n')
    for v in gcp[1:]:  # skip 1st-row
        *v, im = v.split()
        v = np.float64(v + 2 * [np.inf])
        res.setdefault(im, [])

    for im, v in res.items():
        P = 0 if len(v) > 5 else PM
        if len(v) < (4 if P > 0 else 6): continue
        v = res[im] = np.float64(v)
        uv = v[:, 3:5]  # lon,lat,alt
        pt = np.array(ref.to_topocentric(*v[:, :3].T[[1, 0, 2]])).T
        # for coplanar points; cv2.Rodrigues(Rv): RotVector->RotMatrix
            _, Rv, Tv, _ = cv2.solvePnPRansac(pt, uv, K, None, flags=P)
            _, Rv, Tv, _ = cv2.solvePnPRansac(pt, uv, K, None, flags=PM)
        # cv2.projectPoints: np.array/np.ascontiguousarray->mem-block
        xy, Jacob = cv2.projectPoints(pt, Rv, Tv, K, None)
        dis = v[:, 5] = np.linalg.norm(xy.squeeze() - uv, axis=1)

        his = np.histogram(dis, bins=[*range(11), np.inf])[0]
        for c in range(len(his) - 1, -1, -1):  # len(v)=sum(his)
            if sum(his[c:]) >= len(v) * 0.2: break
        idx = np.where(dis <= c)[0]
        P = 0 if len(idx) > 5 else PM
        if len(idx) < (4 if P > 0 else 6): continue  # for cv2.solvePnP
            _, Rv, Tv = cv2.solvePnP(pt[idx], uv[idx], K, None, flags=P)
            _, Rv, Tv = cv2.solvePnP(pt[idx], uv[idx], K, None, flags=PM)
        xy, Jacob = cv2.projectPoints(pt, Rv, Tv, K, None)
        v[:, 6] = np.linalg.norm(xy.squeeze() - uv, axis=1)  # dis2
    with open(GPS + '/gcp_err.txt', 'w') as f:  # save
        F = lambda x: ('%s' + 3 * ' %.15f' + 2 * ' %5d' + 2 * ' %9.3f' + '\n'
                       ) % x
        for k, v in res.items():
            f.writelines([F((k, *e)) for e in v])

    F = lambda x: np.where(
        x.max(axis=1) < np.inf, x.mean(axis=1), x.min(axis=1)
    )  # np.mean(v) if max(v)<np.inf else min(v)
    F = lambda x: np.where(x[:, 1] < np.inf, x[:, 1], x[:, 0])
    dis = F(np.vstack([*res.values()])[:, 5:]) < thd
    new = [gcp[0]] + [gcp[i] for i in np.where(dis)[0] + 1]
    with open(GPS + '/gcp_list.txt', 'w') as f:
    INFO(f'Filter_GCPs: {len(gcp)} -> {len(new)}')
    return new