y = g(inputSample)

outputObservationNoiseSigma = 0.05
meanNoise = ot.Point(outputDimension)
covarianceNoise = ot.Point(outputDimension, outputObservationNoiseSigma)
R = ot.IdentityMatrix(outputDimension)
observationOutputNoise = ot.Normal(meanNoise, covarianceNoise, R)

# Add noise
sampleNoise = observationOutputNoise.getSample(size)
y += sampleNoise

candidate = [1.0] * 3
bootstrapSizes = [0, 100]
for bootstrapSize in bootstrapSizes:
    algo = ot.NonLinearLeastSquaresCalibration(model, x, y, candidate)
    # To avoid discrepance between the plaforms with or without CMinpack
    # Check MAP
    calibrationResult = algo.getResult()
    parameterMAP = calibrationResult.getParameterMAP()
    print("(Auto) MAP=", repr(parameterMAP))
    rtol = 1.0e-2
    atol = 0.0
    ott.assert_almost_equal(parameterMAP, trueParameter, rtol, atol)
Exemple #2
# %%
# There are several methods to solve the problem.
# * Given that the problem is not identifiable, we can use some regularization method. Two methods are provided in the library: the Gaussian linear least squares `GaussianLinearCalibration` and the Gaussian non linear least squares `GaussianNonlinearCalibration`.
# * We can change the problem, replacing it with a problem which is identifiable. In the flooding model, we can view :math:`Z_v` and :math:`Z_m` as constants and calibrate :math:`K_s` only.

# %%
# Calibration with non linear least squares
# -----------------------------------------

# %%
# The `NonLinearLeastSquaresCalibration` class performs the non linear least squares calibration by minimizing the squared euclidian norm between the predictions and the observations.

# %%
algo = ot.NonLinearLeastSquaresCalibration(mycf, Qobs, Hobs, thetaPrior)

# %%
# The `run` method computes the solution of the problem.

# %%

# %%
calibrationResult = algo.getResult()

# %%
# Analysis of the results
# -----------------------

# %%
# Moreover, the distribution of the residuals is close to being gaussian.

# %%
graph = calibrationResult.drawParameterDistributions()
view = viewer.View(graph)

# %%
# Calibration with nonlinear least squares
# ----------------------------------------

# %%
# The `NonLinearLeastSquaresCalibration` class performs the non linear least squares calibration by minimizing the squared euclidian norm between the predictions and the observations.

# %%
algo = ot.NonLinearLeastSquaresCalibration(mycf, observedStrain,
                                           observedStress, thetaPrior)

# %%
# The `run` method computes the solution of the problem.

# %%

# %%
calibrationResult = algo.getResult()

# %%
# Analysis of the results
# -----------------------

# %%